stupidlambsstuff · 2 days
The Cruel Prince: the Duartes x Locke
When I allow myself to truly think on it, I cannot fault Locke for choosing her. I am violent. I’ve been poisoning myself for weeks. I am a killer and a liar and a spy. I get why he chose her. I just wish she had chosen me. (Holly Black)
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stupidlambsstuff · 2 days
omgggggg I'm dying
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ok I know this one is really common but it's still my fav fanart of them
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stupidlambsstuff · 2 days
The most important thing in life is to stop saying ‘I wish’ and start saying ‘I will’. Consider nothing impossible, then treat possibilities as probabilities.
-Charles Dickens
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stupidlambsstuff · 3 days
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ok I know this one is really common but it's still my fav fanart of them
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stupidlambsstuff · 3 days
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stupidlambsstuff · 6 days
Books where...
He falls first & harder:
Powerless (Lauren Roberts)
Shatter Me (Tahereh Mafi)
The Cruel Prince (Holly Black)
The Fourth Wing (Rebecca Yarros)
Throne of Glass (Sarah J Maas)
She falls first but he falls harder...
The Inheritance Games (Jennifer Lynn Barnes)
Twilight (Stephanie Meyer + only for a short time)
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stupidlambsstuff · 7 days
Hope is a strange thing,
it's a little flicker of light at the end of a dark tunnel. it's a breath of fresh air after being trapped underwater. it's a tiny ember that burns underneath a pile of ashes. a lighthouse guiding us through a storm.
but if that's what life is - a storm - then i'm caught in the tempest. i'm tired of pretending not to be.
my lighthouse has gone out and i'm going to go under.
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stupidlambsstuff · 7 days
Better to admit you walked through the wrong door than spend your life in the wrong room.
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stupidlambsstuff · 9 days
You fail only if you stop writing. - Ray Bradbury
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stupidlambsstuff · 11 days
ok so I like to watch horror movies
and I can deal with all the gore and demons possessing people and stuff
but if I'm starting a movie
and there's a DOG
I know that it will INEVITABLY DIE FIRST
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stupidlambsstuff · 11 days
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All I’m saying is that the fact that Violet’s mind gave her Liam when she felt completely alone and needed someone to protect her makes me want to haul myself off the closest cliff into the river I created with my own tears
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stupidlambsstuff · 13 days
ik that the song “can’t catch me now” (Olivia Rodrigo) was written for the ballad of songbirds & snakes but whenever I listen to it for some reason I imagine reckless (Lauren roberts).
like for me that makes so much sense omggggggg
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stupidlambsstuff · 18 days
The Fourth Wing...
“I would rather lose this entire war than live without you, and if that means I have to prove myself over and over, then I'll do it. You gave me your heart, and I'm keeping it.”
“Hope is a fickle, dangerous thing. It steals your focus and aims it toward the possibilities instead of keeping it where it belongs—on the probabilities.”
“Lies are comforting. Truth is painful.”
“I am the sky and the power of every storm that has ever been. I am infinite.”
“The right way isn’t the only way.”
“One generation to change the text. One generation chooses to teach that text. The next grows, and the lie becomes history.”
“But I will not run. I wouldn't be standing here if I'd quit every time something seemed impossible to overcome. I will not die today.”
“Don’t borrow tomorrow’s trouble.”
“There is no me without you."
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stupidlambsstuff · 23 days
Headcanon Timeeeeeeeee
Warner and Juliette are secretly the most competitive duo in the universe. Imagine Warner meticulously planning a surprise date for Juliette, only for her to turn it into a 'who can out-romance whom' competition. And Kenji is there just to annoy Warner. Bonus points if he’s recording their attempts for future blackmail material.
And, of course, when Juliette wins (because she always does), Warner grumbles but secretly loves every second of it. Because, deep down, he knows that losing to Juliette is winning in the best way possible.
Warner has a secret talent for baking, but he only ever bakes for Juliette. Kenji caught him once and swears Warner’s 'I have no time for this' face disappears when he’s making cookies.
Juliette pretends to be surprised every time Warner hands her a perfectly baked batch, but we all know she’s just playing along to see his genuine smile.
The real fun is watching Kenji try to get Warner to admit he’s a softie at heart.
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stupidlambsstuff · 24 days
APRIL 2025
(for those who don't know Fearless is the last book in the Powerless trilogy by Lauren Roberts and Watch Me is the first spin-off in Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi) ARE WE EXCITED
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stupidlambsstuff · 24 days
Some people turn sad awfully young. No special reason, it seems, but they seem almost to be born that way. They bruise easier, tire faster, cry quicker, remember longer and, as I say, get sadder younger than anyone else in the world. I know, for I’m one of them.
Ray Bradbury
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stupidlambsstuff · 24 days
kai x paedyn is everything
I'd never thought about what my favorite color was before. It never seemed important. Not until I looked into a pair of ocean blue eyes and realized that perhaps drowning was a beautiful thing. Not until I looked into a pair of fiery blue eyes and realized that perhaps burning was a painless thing. Not until I looked into a pair of sky blue eyes and realized that perhaps falling was a peaceful thing. I'd never thought about what my favorite color was before because I hadn't seen one that was worthy of the title. Until now, that is.
She is the embodiment of a bad decision. The twin of danger and desire. The fine line between deadly and divine. And I can feel myself drowning.
Everything beautiful, everything bold, everything breathtaking- that is what I feel in her gaze. That, and terrified. Terrified of what she is doing to me. She is a vision, a nightmare, a dream. A grim reaper clad in black, come to steal my soul and my heart. I've never seen something so beautiful, so bold, so blatantly wrong for me. She is a devil. She is a deity. She is a man's downfall in human form. She is my downfall.
It’s the way he’s looking at me that suddenly makes swallowing seem like a struggle, breathing seem like a chore. I’ve never been looked at like it’s a privilege to be in my presence, an honor to hold my gaze, a gift to get a glimpse of me. Not until I met him.
"I love it when you threaten to kill me, do you know that?"
"Oh? And why is that?"
The corner of his mouth twitches up. "Because every time you don't, it only proves that you don't want to."
“Remind me to make you smile like that again, when you aren’t dying, and I have all the time in the world to memorize it.”
- Lauren Roberts, Powerless
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