'It's been ninety-seven years since a nuclear apocalypse killed everyone on earth, leaving the planet simmering in radiation. Fortunately, there were survivors. Twelve nations had operational space stations at the time of the bombs. There is now only The Ark, one station forged from the many. We're told the earth needs another 100 years to become survivable again. Four more space-locked generations, and man can go home, back to the ground. The ground, that's the dream.'
'This is reality, reality sucks.'
- Princess
The word echoed through the 17-year-old's mind as Alex stared at the cold, metallic ceiling of her cell, trapped in the numbing routine that had defined her life for the past two years in the Skybox.
Wake up. Train. Eat. Nap. Read. Train. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.
Day in and day out, without change, without meaning. All thanks to Marcus Kane—the man who called himself her father.
Most people didn't know the real reason she was locked away. Kane made sure of that. He had to protect his precious reputation. Only a handful knew what had led to her arrest, and they all assumed she had snapped—gone mad overnight and murdered her fellow guards in cold blood.
Alex didn't blame them for thinking that.
Sometimes, she thought she had gone a little crazy too.
Only one person knew the truth about why she killed those guards, and Alex intended to keep it that way.
Let them think she was a monster. She didn't care.
She accepted her fate the moment she slit the first guard's throat, felt the twisted sense of justice when she drove her knife into the last one's chest. She knew what awaited her, and a part of her believed it was fitting. Deserved.
What she couldn't accept, what kept the fire of anger burning deep in her chest, was him. Her father.
Marcus Kane.
He hadn't even given her a chance to explain. He hadn't cared why she did what she did. To him, she was a stain, something to be hidden away.
Alexandra Kane hated her father, but not for locking her up, but for what he did years before—for the day he killed her mother.
Katherine Kane had been floated when Alex was eleven. And to this day, she had no idea why. Her father had offered her nothing but empty words. "She broke the rules," he had said. That was all.
Even at eleven, Alex knew the Ark's laws inside and out. She knew what it meant to break them. But her mother? Her mother was everything good in her world, the person she had tried so hard to make proud, just like her father.
Back then, Alex had been the perfect daughter, always following the rules, always seeking his approval.
That all changed the day Katherine was executed.
From that moment, Alexandra Kane knew one thing for certain: the laws of the Ark were complete and utter bullshit.
The sound of the door crashing open snapped Alex from her thoughts, and she instinctively tensed on her cot as three guards entered her cell, their faces hard but betraying a hint of nervousness.
"Prisoner 2-6-9," one of the younger guards barked, his voice slightly uneven, "face the wall and hold out your right arm."
Alex smirked, instantly picking up on the tension in his voice. They were scared of her. She sat up slowly, her gaze cold and calculating.
"Why would I do that?" she asked, her tone deceptively calm, though a knot of anxiety coiled in her gut.
The guard's grip on his shock baton tightened. "Prisoner 2-6-9, face the wall and hold out your arm or we will use force."
"I heard you the first time," she drawled, standing up lazily. "What's happening out there?"
An older guard, standing in the back, spoke up, his tone gruffer. "This is your last warning. Face the wall and comply."
"Well," she said, pretending to comply as she moved toward the wall, "we all know by now," she turned slightly, a dangerous glint in her eye, "I'm not one for doing things the easy way."
The two younger guards flicked their shock batons on, flanking the older man as Alex's smirk deepened.
When the first guard lunged toward her, his baton raised, Alex moved swiftly. She grabbed his wrist, twisting his arm behind his back with a sickening crack. His cry of pain filled the small cell.In one fluid motion, Alex took the baton from him and jabbed it into his neck, sending him crashing to the floor.
She lunged toward the older guard, dropping to her knees and driving the baton into the back of his knee. He fell hard, his face meeting her fist with a sickening crunch. He slumped to the ground, unconscious.
Rising to her feet, Alex turned toward the last guard, who stood frozen, his baton shaking in his grip. He looked younger than the others—too young to be here, and terrified. She let out a laugh, cold and cruel. "You okay there, cadet?" she teased, her eyes gleaming.
The young guard's face paled as he glanced at his fallen comrades. Without a word, he raised his baton to his own neck and knocked himself out.
Alex's smirk faded into a disappointed pout. "You're no fun," she muttered, kneeling down to take the knives from the guards. She slipped two into her boots and one into her waistband, standing tall again.
Stepping out of her cell, Alex saw the other delinquents being led from their cells, a sense of dread creeping through her. Something was wrong. Her mind raced as realization hit.
They're floating us all.
"Hey! Stop right there!" came the sharp voice of David Miller from her left.
Alex whipped around to see him approaching, flanked by two more guards. Instinct took over, and she bolted in the opposite direction, shoving past the other prisoners. The guards were quick to follow, their heavy boots pounding against the metal floor as they closed in.
Suddenly, Alex tripped and went sprawling to the ground. She gasped, looking down to see what she'd stumbled over—and her heart sank. "Clarke?!" she cried, her eyes locking on the unconscious form of Clarke Griffin lying on the ground.
"Alexandra." A familiar voice made her snap her head up.
"Abby?" Alex's voice was urgent, bordering on panic. "What's happening? They're killing us all, aren't they?"
"Alexandra—" Abby began, but Alex cut her off, her voice rising with panic.
"They can't do this! I still have almost a year left! There has to be something in your bullshit laws that says they can't do this!" Alex waved her hands wildly, her anxiety boiling over.
"Alexandra," Abby said more firmly, her voice calm but weighted. "They're not killing you. They're sending you to the ground."
Alex froze.
Sending you to the ground.
"How the hell is that not killing us?!" Alex's voice rose in panic again as the guards moved to grab her arms, yanking her to her feet. "No, you can't! We'll die down there!" She thrashed in their grip, turning pleading eyes to Abby. "Abby, please, you're sending us to die! You're sending Clarke to die!"
"No," Abby said softly, though her voice broke with emotion, "I'm sending you so we can finally live." Tears streamed down her face as she clutched Clarke's limp hand.
Alex thrashed wildly, managing to get one arm free. She swung at the guard holding her, her knuckles cracking against his jaw. She tried to break away, but the sharp crackle of a shock baton pierced the air, and Alex's body went rigid as pain seared through her side. Her vision blurred as she collapsed to the floor, unconscious before she hit the ground.
"Prisoners of the Ark, hear me now," Jaha addressed. "You've been given a second chance, and as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable."
Opening her eyes with a loud groan, Alex only managed to catch the last few sentences of the chancellors, inspirational speech.
"Your dad's a dick, Wells!" A boy to her right yelled.
His comment prompted a snicker from the young girl, not because of the words, but because where Clarke was, Wells was never too far behind. Looks like nothing had changed there.
Alex tuned out the rest of the chancellors speech, turning her head to glance around the ship.
"You know, I was starting to think you were dead." An all too familiar voice said. Indifference and amusement coloring his tone all at once.
Craning her neck, Alex looked past the brunette beside her , her eyes quickly finding the smirking boy. The one, and only, John Murphy.
"You know me better than that Johnny, I wouldn't die without saying goodbye" Alex quipped playfully, happy the only person she cared about was sitting a few seats away.
A quiet giggle erupted from the pretty brunette seated beside her. Alex snapped her gaze to look at the giggling teen.
The brunette smiled as she looked at Alex, "I'm Octavia." Her smile still in place.
"Alex." She said, allowing a small smile.
Octavia opened her mouth to say something just as the dropship lurched violently, causing the kids who were floating around to slam into the walls of the ship.
A hand clutching her own, made Alex whip her head from the 3 boys to Octavia-who was looking around frantically, muttering incoherent sentences- Alex gave the girls hand a reassuring squeeze, clutching her seatbelt with her freehand.
The ship shook one last time before coming to a standstill.
"Listen, no machine hum." A boy who Alex recognized as Monty Green said.
"Woah," another boy said, "That's a first."
The restraints holding the delinquents to their seats released. Alex went to stand, but the hand still clutching her own prevented her from moving.
"Octavia?" She said, trying to get the girl to release her hand.
Octavia opened her eyes, and released the girls' hand with a sheepish look that made Alex snicker.
"Sorry." Octavia said, an embarrassed laugh falling from her lips.
"It's all good Vi, that's what friends are for."Alex replied, grinning at the way Octavia's eyes lit up at the word 'friends'.
"Well, thanks." Octavia laughed, pulling Alex in for a hug.
The hug surprised Alex. Although it made her a bit uncomfortable, she hugged back after a few seconds.
Her gaze found Murphy's, standing a few feet away. Pulling back from the hug she sent her new friend a smile, before moving towards Murphy.
"Johnny." she greeted with a bored tone.
"Xanny." he greeted, his tone similar to hers.
Their eyes were running over each other as though the other would disappear if either looked away. When their eyes met, both had matching grins. They hadn't seen each other in years.
Alex jumped into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist, uncaring that her new friend was watching the two embrace.
"Missed you too, Xan." Murphy said, his grin never falling as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
Untangling her legs from his waist, she stood, her grin still in place.
"Vi," she addressed Octavia with a smile, "Murphy." Alex gestured to the boy, "Murphy, this is Octavia."
"Hey!" Octavia exclaimed, her hand shooting out to shake Murphy's.
"Hey." Murphy said with much less enthusiasm, as he shook the girls outstretched hand.
Alex hooked her arm with Octavia's. "Let's find a way out of this shithole." She said as the two girls turned to find the nearest exit, Murphy followed behind the two girls with a grin.
Climbing down the ladder, Alex heard the voice of Clarke Griffin arguing with someone below.
"Hey stop! You can't just open the doors! The air could be toxic." Clarke said.
"If the air's toxic we're all dead anyway." The voice pointed out.
Octavia stopped abruptly from below Alex, causing the teen to stop abruptly as well.
"Bellamy?" Octavia called out to the boy Clarke was speaking with, shoving past the delinquents with Alex and Murphy trailing behind. Quickly moving toward the boy Alex assumed was 'Bellamy.'
"My God, look how big you are."
"What the hell are you wearing? A guards uniform!" Octavia questioned.
Chuckling lightly, Bellamy responded, "I borrowed it to get on the dropship. Someone's got to keep an eye on you." He finished with a smirk, pulling her into a hug.
"Where's your wristband?" Clarke interrogated, stepping forward to ruin the moment.
Alex look down to her own wristband, having just noticed the piece of metal encased her wrist.
"Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in a year." Octavia said, annoyed.
Octavia's voice made Alex switch her gaze from her wrist, to her new friend. Her words making Alex's brows twitch in confusion. "Brother?" She muttered, dragging out the word.
"I'll tell you later." Murphy said, turning his head to look at the siblings with interest.
"No one has a brother!"
"That's Octavia Blake!"
"The girl they found hidden under the floor!"
Multiple voices called from behind them.
Octavia glared, lunging forward at the owner of the voice.
"Octavia. Octavia, no. Let's give them something else to remember you by." Bellamy said smirking.
"Yeah? Like what?" Octavia questioned, clearly annoyed at being held back.
"Like being the first person on the ground in a hundred years." A smile painted his face when he saw Octavia's annoyed expression fall, quickly being replaced with a grin.
Alex grips Murphy's hand as they watched Bellamy pull down on the lever. A blinding white light flooded into the dropship, causing her to squint.
Octavia steps forward, slowly walking down the ramp. Finally reaching the end she stops, before jumping onto the soft earth. Alex watches as she throws her hands above her head and screams.
"We're back bitches!"
Her words cause the delinquents to flood out of the ship. Screams, and cheers falling carelessly from their mouths, smiles painting each one of their faces.
After running around and climbing anything she could with Murphy, Vi, and a few other delinquents, Alex made her way up to the dropship roof, after seeing her old friend Wells climb down. She sat on the edge of the ship, her legs dangling off the side. Her gaze on the vibrant green leaves as she fiddled with the fried wires of the communication system. Her eyes snapped from the trees when a voice directly below her spoke.
"We got problems. The communication system is dead. Heat fried the wires." Wells informed the blonde.
Alex raised an eyebrow when she noticed the way Clarke tensed as he approached the ramp. Apparently she missed a lot during her stay in the skybox.
"He's right princess. More than a dozen panels are missing, even I can't fix it." Alex said from atop the dropship, Wells and Clarke looking up at her with shocked expressions. Alex guessed they were among the few that knew why she was locked up.
"Alexandra." Clarke stated shortly, her lips pressed into a thin line. "I can't believe they sent you down here with us." Clarke muttered to herself, shaking her head in disbelief.
Alex still heard her words. She jumped from her perch, landing on the ramp with a thud.
"Nice to see you too, Clarke" Alex said, her voice laced with sarcasm.
"Lex. It's uh, been...awhile." Wells greeted with a small smile and an awkward wave.
"Yeah, two years." Alex responded bitterly, leaning her shoulder against the opening to the dropship.
"I meant to-" Wells started.
"Now isn't the time for you two to catch up." Clarke snapped at Wells. "All that matters right now is getting to Mount Weather. See? Look-" Clarke turned the map around and pointed to a red circle. "-this is us." She drew a line to connect with the other red dot a few inches away before she continued "And this is where we need to be to survive." She stated-Rather dramatically in Alex's opinion-.
Alex rolled her eyes, though kept her face void of all emotion. Taking in what Clarke had just explained, she concluded the other girl was right about needing to get to Mountain Weather, food and water should be their first priority. Alex picked at her nails, wondering how they would convince the other 97 delinquents to stop enjoying their freedom, to go on a 20 mile walk though a radiation socked forest.
"Where'd you learn to do that?" Wells asks, impressed.
'What? Draw a straight line?' Alex wanted to cut in, but refrained when she saw Clarke's eyes flutter shut as she looked down.
"Your father." Wells states solemnly, dropping his gaze to the ground, Clarke shifted uncomfortably.
Alex furrowed her brows as her eyes switch between the two. Damn, what the hell happened. It obviously has something to do with her father. Maybe Wells slept with Abby? Alex shook her head at the intrusive thought, Wells would never do that, neither would Abby. Alex opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by a kid with...goggles?
"Oh! ah, cool, a map." Goggles paused, looking between Alex and Clarke, "They got a bar in this town? I'll buy you two a beer." He finished somewhat awkwardly.
Alex chuckled shaking her head at the boy, but Wells and Clarke didn't seem as amused as she was.
Wells stepped forward, shoving the raven haired boy lightly. "You mind?" He grunted.
"Woah-" -the boy, Alex realized was Jasper Jordan- since Monty Green was by his side "Hey." Jasper said raising his arms in defense.
"Hey, hey, hey! Hands off him. He's with us." Murphy interrupted, shoving Wells, his goons following behind.
Alex rolled her eyes at him. The look on Jaspers face told her that Murphy had never said two words to the boy.
Wells backed down, raising his arms in front of him, realizing he was outnumbered. "Relax. We're just trying to figure out where we are."
"We're on the ground, that not good enough for you?" The man from the earlier called as he walked towards them, his sister by his side.
Bellamy Blake.
Murphy had told Alex about the Blake siblings when they were exploring earlier. She learned that her new friend Vi, was the infamous girl under the floor. Alex remembered hearing a few guards gossiping about the girl under the floor, but she didn't really care to listen in on the details. Maybe I should've, she thought, as she looked towards Bellamy.
Wells walked forward, "We need to get to Mount Weather. You heard my father's message, that has to be our first priority." He explained.
Alex to let out a sigh. He just had to bring daddy into it.
"Screw your father!" Octavia hissed. "What? You think you're in charge here?" She paused to look between Wells and Clarke, "you, and your little princess." She sneers.
"Do you think we care who's in charge here? We need to get to Mount Weather, not because the Chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait, the hungrier we'll get and the harder this'll be. How long do you think we'll last without those supplies? We're looking at a 20 mile trek okay? So if we wanna get there before dark we need to leave, now." Clarke stated.
Alex found herself rolling her eyes for the second time that day at Clarke's apparent love for dramatic statements, but Alex agreed with her nonetheless. She knew what Clarke had said would keep them alive for the time being.
"I got a better idea, you three go. Find it for us, let the privileged do the hard work for a change." Bellamy spoke as he looked between the three, his eyes lingering on the girl he had seen with his sister.
"Don't lump me in with the Chancellor and his princess, Blake." She sneered at the older boy, only to receive a smirk in response. She was privileged, she recognized that, but it stung all the same.
"You're not listening!" Wells shouted "We all need to go." he finished.
"Look at this everybody," Murphy said, shoving Wells forward "Chancellor of earth." He continued with a smirk.
"You think that's funny?" Wells asked, stepping forward.
Alex rolled her eyes from where she was leaning her back against the dropship. She knew Murphy well, so she knew where this situation was going.
Murphy lunged toward Wells, kicking out his ankle. A crack sounded as Wells fell to the ground. "No, but that was." Murphy said smirking down at the injured boy.
Sighing, Alex walked toward Wells, roughly pulling him to his feet by the back of his jacket. "Really? We've been here 10 minutes, and you've already started kicking puppies." She said lowering her voice slightly.
"Thanks Lex." Wells said appreciatively.
Alex responded with a slight glare in his direction.
Rolling his eyes, Murphy responded with a feigned pout "Come on Sugar, we're on the ground, let me have my fun." He finished, looking towards Wells with a smirk.
She sent a look to Wells, to which the boy gave her a reassuring smile. Alex scoffed as she shoved Wells towards Murphy. "Fine, but don't come crying to me when you break your nose. Again." She glared at her friend.
Murphy raised his arms with a smirk, knowing the girl would be the first at his side if he did break his nose. "Alright." Murphy addressed Wells with a laugh.
Alex watched as Murphy faked a few swings in Wells direction.
"Come on." Murphy teased.
Wells stepped back slightly, he raised his shaking fists, squaring up.
Movement to her right caused Alex to snap her head in that direction. She watched as one of the boys that got out of his seat in the dropship jump from the roof, landing between Murphy and Wells.
"Kid's got one leg." he stated calmly. "How about you wait till it's a fair fight." He finished, narrowing his eyes at Murphy.
Octavia sauntered over flirtatiously, "Hey Spacewalker." she said with a smirk, "Rescue me next." The tension was official diffused, as the delinquents dispersed; going off to do god knows what.
Alex laughed softly as she walked up to the girl. "Smooth." She whispered teasingly to Octavia.
Octavia smirked at Alex, then giggled as she watched the boy leave. "Damn, that as-" her mouth snapped shut when she saw her brother approaching. Alex snickered, receiving a glare from Octavia.
Bellamy watched his sister, stare at Finns retreating form, alongside the Kane girl. He moved towards them with a disapproving look directed at his sister.
Octavia met her brothers eyes and pouted, "What?" She said innocently "He's cute." She shrugged.
Bellamy glanced at Alex before saying, "He's a criminal."
His words made Alex laugh, "Hate to break it to you Blake, but we're all criminals." She smirked. Octavia nodded in agreement.
Ignoring her words, Bellamy turned to Octavia grabbing her arm "Look O, I came down here to protect you." He said clearly frustrated.
Alex watched as Bellamy spoke to his sister, it was clear that he cared about her and didn't want anyone to hurt her. She could understand why he was frustrated, if what Murphy said was true, Octavia had been sheltered her whole life. She didn't know what people were capable of, but she wasn't going to learn if her big brother was hovering over her shoulder all the time.
Octavia ripped her arm out of his grip,"I don't need protecting. I have been locked up one way or another all my life, I am done following orders." Octavia stated strongly.
Alex smirked at her friend's attitude. For a girl who had been kept under the floor for 16 years, she had bite.
Octavia continued, "I need to have fun, Bell. I need to just do something crazy! Just because I can," She stressed, throwing her head back. "And no one, including you two," she said as she looked between Alex and Bellamy, "Is gonna stop me."
"Wasn't planning on it." Alex stated as she raised a brow "I do plan on joining you though." She replied.
Bellamy glared at her, clearly annoyed at her encouragement. "You mind? I'm having a private conversation with my sister." He said shortly
"Doesn't seem very private to me." She said crossing her arms over her chest, looking around at the delinquents that were well within hearing range.
Bellamy glanced around noticing the delinquents as well. "Well, it is. So why don't you go play with the other privileged kids." He hissed.
Alex scoffed, "Your brother's an asshole Vi." She said, not so quietly to Octavia, causing the girl to laugh.
"I can hear you, Sweetheart." Bellamy snapped at her, pulling Octavia toward him.
Alex's flinch went unnoticed by the siblings, the familiar pet name bringing back unpleasant memories.
"You were meant to, cadet." She snapped back, turning on her heel and leaving the siblings to their private conversation.
Alex made way over to where Clarke and Wells were sitting, still trying to push back the memories. She was angry that a single word-'Sweetheart'- had brought back feelings and images she worked so hard to bury. She snapped out of the daze she was in when she knocked into Clarke. Alex reached out to steady the girl, who lost her balance slightly.
"Sorry, Clarke. You good Wells?'' Alex asked, raising her brows.
"Uh yeah, just a sprain. Doesn't even hurt that bad." The boy tried to sound nonchalant as he responded, though he was clearly in pain.
Alex didn't even tried to hide her amusement at the look Clarke gave him. Unfortunately-for Alex- before Clarke could scold Wells, a voice spoke from behind the three.
"So, Mount Weather." Spacewalker walked towards them,"When do we leave?" He asked.
"Right now." Clarke answered. "We'll be back tomorrow with food." She stated looking at Wells.
"How are the tw-" Alex coughed loudly interrupting Wells, "Three of you going to carry enough food for 100." Wells amended, looking toward Alex with a slight laugh.
Spacewalker turned, and grabbed the two closest delinquents-Monty and Jasper- Alex realized. "Five of us, can we go now?" Spacewalker asked looking at Clarke, who nodded.
"Sounds like a party, make it six." Octavia called out as she walked towards them and linked arms with Alex.
"Hey, What the hell are you doing?" Bellamy asked, catching up to his sister.
"Going for a walk." Octavia responded instantly, while shrugging.
Alex snorted at the girls response, "Yeah, a walk through a radiation soaked forest." She stated nonchalantly. snickering when she saw Bellamy's eyes widen as he grabbed his sisters arm.
Octavia rolled her eyes. "Now you've done it." she muttered to her grinning friend.
Alex looked towards Bellamy, "Relax, cadet. She'll be fine."
Before Bellamy could respond, Clarke cut in, "Hey, were you trying to take this off?" She asked Spacewalker while grabbing his wrist.
"Yeah, so?" Spacewalker asked, raising an eyebrow at Clarke.
"So, this wristband transmits your vital signs to the ark." Clarke explained, "Take it off, and they'll think you're dead."
Alex tuned out Clarke's voice, having already had an idea of what the wristbands did. Her eyes absentmindedly running over the group. Octavia looked bored, Monty and Jasper were stealing glances at Octavia. Spacewalker looked like he was trying to look like he knew what Clarke was explaining, and Bellamy looked overly interested as he listened intently. Alex raised a brow at the older boy's interest on the topic, but didn't comment.
"Ok, let's go." Clarke finished, looking at the group expectantly.
As the group turned to leave Octavia looked at her brother pleading, her arm still linked with Alex.
Bellamy let out a sigh, "Go on." He nodded towards the group.
Grinning, Octavia released Alex's arm and kissed her brother on the cheek, "Mwah." Before turning to leave.
As Alex went to follow, an arm latched onto hers, holding her in place. "What is it
Blake?" She asked, rolling her eyes.
Bellamy squinted at her, shaking his head "If anything happens to my sister out there, i'm holding you accountable, Sweetheart." He hissed lowly, his voice hard and commanding.
This time Alex couldn't hold back her flinch at the pet name. Despite her effort to cover it up, Bellamy caught it. He smirked, assuming his attempt to intimidate her had worked.
Scoffing, Alex yanked her arm out of his grasp. "She isn't a little girl anymore, Blake." she sneered at him. "She doesn't need someone looking over her shoulder all the time."
Bellamy's eyes softened slightly, if the girl in front of him had blinked she would've missed it. "She's my little sister." He spoke, his voice a stark contrast to his gaze.
Alex scoffed a laugh, "Fine, whatever." She muttered, turning to leave. Gritting her teeth in annoyance, that stupid name had such an ill affect on her. It made her feel vulnerable, small, weak.
Letting out a sigh, Alex looked over her shoulder the boy. "You have to let her grow up sometime cadet." She said softly. Before running to catch up with Clarke and Octavia, who had just disappeared out of sight.
"Remember what I said Sweetheart!" Bellamy's voice boomed from behind the girl. The young girls words running through his head.
Alex just rolled her eyes, speeding up her pace as she caught site of the group.
Alex walked at the back of the group, between Monty and Jasper. Her watchful eyes darting between the tall, green trees. Alex had always dreamt of earth, like many kids on the Ark. She dreamed of walking through forests, swimming in the ocean, playing in the rain, and climbing trees. Never in a million years would she have believed that their dreams would become a reality.
"Now that my friend, is game." Jasper whispered as he watched Spacewalker put a flower behind Octavia's ear.
Monty looked at his friend with a smirk. "That my friend, is poison sumac." He said loudly.
"What! It is?" Octavia screeched, as she swatted at the flower.
Alex's eyes widened slightly as she moved forward, Bellamy's words ringing in her ears. "Hold still Vi!" She hissed, plucking the flower out of Octavia's hair.
"The flowers aren't poisonous, they're medicinal. Calming actually." Monty informed the girls, eating one of the flowers.
"You couldn't have said that before Lex pulled most of my hair out?" Octavia muttered bitterly, rubbing at the spot Alex pulled.
Monty shrugged sheepishly "Sorry." He half-heartedly apologized.
"How do you know all that stuff anyway?" Alex asked.
"His family grows all the pharmaceuticals on the ark." Jasper informed, throwing his arm over Monty's shoulder.
"Thank God for that, at least I know who to come to before I eat anything down here." Alex smiled widely at him.
"Sumac?" Monty asked, blushing slightly as he offered the purple flower to Alex.
"Sure." Alex said as she took the flower from his hand, dropping it in her mouth. "Hey, do you think there's anything I can use as shampoo down here?" She questioned, stopping to turn to Monty.
"Definitely-" He was immediately cut off by a voice calling out from ahead.
"Would you guys try to keep up?" Clarke scrowled from her spot.
Alex rolled her eyes when she saw Clarke's face. She had seen that face twice today, a dramatic speech was bound to follow.
"Come on, Clarke. How do you block all this out?" Spacewalker asked, raising his arms in front of him.
"Well, it's simple." Clarke began seriously, "I wonder, why haven't we seen any animals? Maybe it because there are none. Maybe we've already been exposed to enough radiation to kill us." She paused, looking towards the trees. "Sure is pretty though." Turning to move forward, she motioned at the group. "Come on." She beckoned.
"Someone should slip her some poison sumac." Octavia smirked, causing the group to laugh.
Alex snickered as she followed after Clarke, "Well, you heard the princess. Move your asses." She laughed, linking her arm with Octavia's.
The group had managed take a few steps before Finn broke the silence, directing his words at Monty and Jasper "I gotta know what you two did to get arrested."
Alex and Octavia looked back at the three, curiosity getting the best of them.
Monty smirked, laughing slightly, "Sumac isn't the only herb in the garden, if you know what I mean."
"Someone, forgot to replace what we took." Jasper responded, sending a pointed look in Monty's direction.
Monty rolled his eyes, "Someone, has apologized like, a thousand times."
"How about you Octavia? What'd they get you for?" Jasper asked, looking to Monty with an innocent smirk.
From the corner of her eye Alex saw the look that crossed her friends face, and squeezed her arm in an attempt to comfort her.
Octavia smiled softly at Alex, "Being Born." She responded bitterly, jogging to Clarke who was calling the group over, dragging Alex by her arm. Alex breathed a sigh of relief as the group's attention shifted from the topic of their arrests.
"That is so not game." Monty laughed, only receiving a smack from Jasper in response. He returned the gesture, as they walked towards the three girls.
"Shh." Clarke shushed the boys as they approached.
The group were in crouched positions as they watched the deer. Looks of awe painted their faces.
"No animals huh?" Finn said smugly to Clarke.
Graceful was the only word on Alex's mind as she stared at deer grazing in the open field. Movement to her right drew her eyes away from the deer. She watched as Finn stepped forward cautiously. The soft sound of grass crushing under his feet made Alex wince, but it it wasn't loud enough to scare the deer. Alex cringed when the boys foot came down on the twig causing it to snap, scaring the deer.
The deer's head snapped in their direction, giving the six teens a full view of its face.
A second head was protruding out of the deers neck, pink skin fusing it into place. The group gasped as the deer bolted, leaving the teens staring in horror.
"You know what I'd like to know." Finn broke the silence that had fallen upon the group, since the mutated deer. "Why send us down today, after 97 years. What changed?" He asked.
"Who cares? I'm just glad they did. I woke up rotting in a cell, now I'm spinning in a forest." Octavia answered, as she spun around a tree, aiming to impress Spacewalker. Octavia frowned when he simply walked passed, not giving her a second look.
Alex sent Octavia a smile, linking their arms once again. "Maybe they found something on a satellite." Alex said, as she and Octavia walked forward.
"Yeah, yeah, like an old weather satellite or-" Monty was cut off before he could finish.
"It wasn't a satellite." Clarke said from the back of the group. "The Ark is dying." Her words made the other delinquents stop in their treks as she continued, "At the current population level, there's roughly three months left of life support. Maybe four now that we're gone." Clarke finished.
The group continued forward as Finn spoke, "So that, was the secret they locked you up to keep? Why they kept you in solitary, floated your old man?" He questioned Clarke.
Finns words made Alex stop, as she grabbed Clarke's arm. "What? Clarke, Jake's dead?" She asked softly, failing to keep the sadness out of her tone. The Kane girl had been close to Jake when she was young, he had encouraged her love for engineering and taught her everything she knew. Ultimately, she had opted to join the Guard per her fathers insistence, which ironically, lead to her arrest. She had a lot of time in the skybox to imagine what her life would've been like had she chose to do what she wanted.
Clarke nodded solemnly, "I'm sorry, I know you two were close." She said.
Alex scoffed, "I should be telling you that." Alex paused to look at her former best friend, "You never change, do you Clarke?" She teased the older girl with a smirk.
Clarke rolled her eyes at the younger girl, "Shut up." She said, struggling to keep the smile off her face at the familiar words her former friend spoke -you never change, do you Clarke-, "My father was the engineer who discovered the flaw." Clarke said as they walked forward, "He thought the people had the right to know. The council disagreed, my mother disagreed, they were afraid it would cause a panic. We were gonna go public anyway when Wells.." Clarke trailed off.
"What? Turned in your dad?" Monty inquired from the back of the group.
Alex shook her head. Suddenly, Wells sleeping with Abby seemed more believable to the girl. "No way." She muttered.
"Anyway, the guards showed up before they could. So that's why today." Clarke said to Finn.
"It was worth the risk. Even if we all die at least they bought themselves more time." She finished.
"They're gonna kill more people, aren't they?" Monty asked Clarke, dread filling his voice.
"Good, after what they did to me, I say float them all." Octavia cut in, grabbing Alex's hand and running ahead of the group.
"You don't mean that!" Jasper called out after the girls, who were running towards the rocks that were a few feet away from the group.
"You still wanna join me?" Octavia asked as she and Alex looked down at the river hidden behind the rocks.
"I said I would, didn't I?" Alex eyed the water warily.
Bellamy's words briefly crossing her mind as Octavia began to strip. Shaking her head, Alex slipped off her boots carefully, mindful of the knives she had borrowed. She wrapped the one tucked into her waistband carefully in her jacket, making sure no one saw it. Shimming out of her jeans, leaving her in her tank top and underwear. Alex looked to Octavia, "Ready Vi?" She smirked.
"Damn, I love earth." Jasper said from behind the girls, causing Octavia to smirk at the boy.
"Alex! Octavia! What the hell are you doing?" Clarke called out to the girls.
Octavia looked at Alex, "Come on Lex." She said to to her friend.
Joining hands, the girls ran and jumped off the rock, plunging into the cold water below. They stood, the water coming to their waists, laughing as they splashed each other.
Octavia looked to Alex when they heard the group approach "Get down." She smirked.
Alex raised a brow, but knelt on the slimy floor of the river anyway. The group stumbled into view, grinning at the sight of the river.
"We can't swim!" Monty called out to the girls.
Alex tilted her head out of the water, "No," she trailed, linking her arm with Octavia's.
"But, we can stand." Octavia finished, laughing the girls stood.
"Wait, there's not supposed to be a river here." Clarke frowned.
"Well, there is, so take off your damn clothes." Finn laughed as he took off his shoes.
"Octavia, Alex, get out of the water." Jasper spoke softly, his eyes wide as he looked behind the girls.
Alex frowned, turning around, her eyes bugged as she saw the water rippling. Something was moving towards them. Fast. "Vi, move! Come on!" Alex exclaimed, not hesitating to grab her friends arm.
"Octavia, go with Alex!" Jasper screamed, when he saw the girl was frozen in place.
Alex looked at Octavia. "Vi, come on you have to move! Please!" Alex shouted at the girl, as she dragged her towards the shore. They were moving slow, way too slow. Alex felt Octavia's hand get ripped out of hers, as the snake pulled the brunette under.
"Octavia!" Jasper yelled from the rocks.
"Blake's gonna kill me." Alex muttered to herself as she looked around frantically for her friend. The water went still for a moment, the forest was eerily silent.
"Ahhhhh!" Octavia screamed as she emerged from the water.
"Octavia!" The group called out as the girl was being thrown around like a rag doll.
"Clarke, my boot!" Alex shouted as she moved towards Octavia.
"What!" Clarke exclaimed from her spot on the rock.
"My shoe, Clarke!" Alex shouted again.
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