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If you have already weakened the digestive powers, avoid eating raw foods (especially raw leafy vegetables) until the digestive heat is restored. If you want a raw salad, eat it, if possible, before the main meal. Do not eat easy salad as a dinner, because your organism can not completely digest it, which will lead to fermentation in the intestines. The process of fermentation leads to the strain of the whole system of modalert, especially the liver. It is not uncommon for people who eat only raw food, in the end, earn serious violations of the liver.
The personal physician of the Dalai Lama, Tenzin Chodrak, points out that the excessive consumption of raw foods leads to an increase in the body energy of Peken. This, in turn, can cause an increase in the content of fats in the blood (hyperlipemia), which can lead to heart disease, etc. Additional general tips about nutrition • In the case of a small imbalance in body energy, fasting is the simplest and very good way to start. However, this tool should not be misused, because it can lead to an excess of body energy Lung (wind). • People with a strong physique usually do not have problems with fasting for three days, but they should consume enough fluid during this period. • People with weaker or dominant energy Lung (wind) should start "starving" from consumption of rice broth or broth for one day. This usually restores the metabolism without weakening the body. • Always drink plenty of fluids. It is desirable that it is pure water or a suitable herbal tea (infusion). You can prepare the herbal remedy yourself in accordance with the physique or buy a herbal mixture for tea, collected according to Tibetan recipes. "A sufficient amount of fluid" is a relative term, since you must agree on fluid intake with your physique, age and lifestyle. • A middle-aged man with a basic physique of Tripa, who undergoes significant physical exertion in very hot conditions, is an example of an extreme case. For sure it will be difficult for him to refrain from excess consumption of soft drinks. • On the other hand, a very young man with a basic constitution, Peken, living in a cold climate and leading a generally sedentary lifestyle, represents the other extreme. Naturally, it will be quite enough much less liquid than the first man, and the drinks should be warm or hot. • Liquids are needed to identify flavors, as well as for the digestive process. In addition, they serve to the satisfaction of bodily components. An adequate amount of liquid facilitates detoxification of tissues and stimulates good bowel function. • Do not forget that the human body is almost 75% water! Only in the process of breathing and through the skin within 24 hours is released about three quarters of a quart of liquid. • Do not drink cold drinks before, during or after meals. This will lead to an unnecessary strain of digestive heat, unless it is overactive. Ice cream for dessert can be ¬ only in exceptional cases, especially people with the constitution of Peken or Lung. • Most of the liquid is desirable to drink (during and) after food. • Very thoroughly chew food - the best until As long as the food does not become almost liquid. Act chewing leads to an increase in "mixing mucus". As food is already divided in the mouth, it will release the digestive heat from the voltage. People with mild digestive warmth scrap must necessarily follow this advice. • The basic rule of Tibetan medicine is that half eaten food should be a solid food. One the quarter should be liquid, and the remaining quarter of the stomach must remain empty. • Do not eat anything more than before eaten food completely not digested. Otherwise, in addition to Otherwise, you will create additional pressure on the food- heat and organs, which will cause the energy of the Lung (wind). • Do not eat too hot foods - at best, to be a little warm. In winter, the body needs more heat in the form of warm food than in summer. • Try not to eat unripe vegetables and fruits. (Another "ze-¬ lent "fruits, vegetables and grains). • Regularity is an important component of a healthy diet. The main meal should be at noon (warm ¬ food). • There should be a sense of peace. Take food for food amount of time. For food, do not think, talk or read about nasty or troubling you predmetach. Do not eat while watching TV or listening radio. Emotional and mental impulses during food also have an effect on three bodily energies. Tips for digestive heat
As already mentioned in the chapter "Digestive heat," the digestive fire, or "fire of life," is an integral component of the health and well-being of every person.
In a person with very active or excessive digestive heat (such as Tripa and / or the Tripa constitution), the digestive fire burns the body parts. Over time, it "eats" the body and begins to pose a serious health problem. People in this state should consult a specialist in naturopathy;
As an additional (!) You can independently use all measures that oppose the excess of energy Tripa. It is recommended to drink cool water often and not to eat anything sharp. Do not also further stimulate the energy of the Lung (wind), because the wind blows the flames! Food and / or medicines with bitter and astringent, astringent active properties can bring relief, but should be consumed in moderation.
Most people have digestive heat too weak. Even if they are a kind of well-fed people, in Tibetan medicine this condition is called fictitious health. Due to insufficiently effective splitting of absorbed food, resulting in a deficiency of bodily constituents, the undigested portion of the food is accumulated directly in adipose tissue. Therefore, manifestations of disease are just a matter of time.
The following are tips on the activation of digestive heat. It should be remembered that only the observance of the right proportions, in harmony with the individual physique, and also the ability to be guided by common sense can lead to success.
For example, with excessive consumption of lamb, there may be problems with bodily energy Lung (wind). The abuse of ginger medicinal can cause an imbalance in the body energy of Tripa (bile). So it is the amount that determines whether this or that substance is for you a remedy or poison.
Tips for maintaining and activating digestive heat
Eat mainly foods with "light" and "warm" active forces (see the chapter "Active forces of different types of flavors"). The pomegranate (especially its seeds) is considered a plant, which activates the digestive heat. A proven simple way is to drink hot water; It is best to drink hot water before eating, during or after a meal. Decoction of a small amount of ginger medicinal, boiled for about 10 minutes, has a very beneficial effect on digestive heat. Drink broth recommended very hot. If your stool becomes too thin, then you have exceeded the dosage. Honey intensifies digestive heat and it can be mixed with order modalert of ginger medicinal. • Garlic. • Bow. • (Black radish. • Red radish. • Fish (also very good for the stomach). • Lamb or lamb meat. • Smoking strongly inhibits digestive heat. • Hot salt compress in the liver area (under the right ribs; by an arc). • If before eating, eat something sour, digestive heat rises. • Tea has a very beneficial effect, stimulating digestion. • Avoid consuming foods with the same active forces, as in the body energy Peken (slime). • Follow the tips given in the chapter "Behavior in Dependence from the time of year. "
Basic tips on nutrition for different body types This information can be used in the event of an excess of one of the three bodily energies. Lung (wind) • Try to spend enough time on food and maintain a relaxed atmosphere while eating. • Take food regularly. • Do not allow your stomach to be completely empty. • There are several times a day in small portions better than a one-time meal. • Warm soup (including meat) has a very beneficial effect. • A small sweet dessert brings a sense of joy to being. • Drinks should always be at least at room temperature. • Avoid cold foods (ice cream, etc.) and cold drinks. • It is advisable not to eat raw foods. • Avoid coffee consumption.
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