stumenle means serenity
11 posts
BRAND NEW RPG OPENING SOON. Stumenle was once an unnamed land until a human named Francis Blake entered the land through his Hall's garden and named it Stumenle, meaning serenity in a language that only he could understand. Generations have passed since Francis Blake was gone from the world, and the humans who lived in Marvin Hall were slowly tearing apart the sacred land Francis called Stumenle.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
stumenlerpg-blog · 12 years ago
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AGE: Appears to be 22. Actual age unknown, though it is assumed she is over 100.
FC: Dianna Agron
Personality Traits:
Ambitious - Raina's got ambition belief. Once her mind was set on something, she does all that is in her power to get what she wanted. Once she wants something, it's hard to convince her otherwise, and telling her that she wouldn't get it would be asking for trouble. Some may see this as a negative trait, since she is willing to step on people to be where she wanted to be, but she sees it as the reason she was skilled with her ability.
Bitchy - It was no secret that Raina has an attitude. She is very rude towards most people, and is only nice to those she deemed worthy. It was obvious that she sees herself to be superior to most people, with her confident demeanor and means to get what she wants. She does and says as she pleases, and even the authorities can't control her.
Decisive - While some girls may have problems making decisions on what to eat, wear, and et cetera, Raina didn't have the same problem. She knows what she wants, and with her ambition, she is set to get it. She didn't have a problem with what to eat, wear, or buy because she knows that if she second guesses something, she doesn't want it hard enough. Her being decisive was admittedly admirable by many.
Overcritical, perfectionist - Raina is one of the people who overly criticizes something. Once she sees something in the wrong shade of color, with the position only a few centimeters off, she snaps. When she has an idea of something in mind, and it's going to happen, she tends to be harsh and critique in such a manner that people pegged her as bossy and a perfectionist. It wasn't her fault that she had to have something the way she wants it, though she's also overcritical with what people wear, their personality, and more.
More information about Raina under the cut.
An Animal Stumenlian is born when an animal in the human world dies. Raina was born when a cat named Bitsy, whom was the cat owned by Kale Marvin himself, died from a freak accident -- a falling book. A leather bound book was thrown out the window of the top floor of the estate by one of the workers, and Bitsy was killed by the heavy book. Needless to say, the employee who had thrown the book out the window was fired shortly after Bitsy was found dead. Kale's wife then visited the cat often, when she faced troubled times with Kale.
Raina was one of the first inhabitants of Stumenle. She was the one who took care of the sacred land before everyone else arrived. She used to be a loving girl, but was transformed into one of the coldest people when her only visitor, Kale's wife, left the estate due to her divorce with Kale. She lost her faith and trust in humans, and it wasn't restored when Francis Blake came. When Francis entered the sacred land, she gave him the cold shoulder and warned everyone that he wouldn't last long. Of course, she was right and they didn't see him after a while. Soon enough, everyone lost their love for the humans and they no longer trusted them.
Being an Animal Stumenlian, Raina lived on a tree before the dark forest. Her job was to keep animals from entering their village, because they feared animals would eat their plants, harm their trees, and can do other harmful things. Her job was done well, of course, for she was one of the most talented Stumenlians, with an attitude of it as well.
As the nights were getting longer, winters started to get colder, Raina had been putting the blame on the humans who were harming their world. The humans who lived in Marvin Hall. The children litter their candy wrappers, adults cut down their trees, and other things that make the beautiful land dark and cold. All Raina really wants is her sacred land back to the way it was. And she wants to be the one to get it there.
Reaction to Their Discovery:
Raina was angered when she found out that yet another human discovered their land. She was even more upset when she found out there were more than a few humans to have found the sacred land, and they all came from Marvin Hall, the place that was ruining Stumenle. As expected, Raina was harsh to all of them and was the first to tell them that they wanted them gone, since all humans bring is destruction.
Notable Relationships:
Gets along with Natasha Scott.
Constantly annoyed Alexander Millan.
Often butts heads with Helena Richards.
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stumenlerpg-blog · 12 years ago
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AGE: 23
FC: Liam Hemsworth
Personality Traits:
Arrogant - It was no secret that Alexander seems like one of the most self centered men in the Hall. Perhaps being handsome and charming had gotten to his head that he put himself up on a pedestal. He is self assured and knows that he could get what he wants, when he wants it from most people. However, he does prove to be something a bit more than a jerk.
Charming - If there was anything Alexander was good at, it would be charming his way to a girl's heart. With his appearance and smooth talk, he can easily win a girl over, except for one: Helena Richards, who was set on making him work for her affections.
Loyal, protective - Despite being a bit arrogant, Alexander isn't at all as bad as he may seem to some. Though they may think he was a jerk who only cared for himself, they'd be surprised to find that he's one of the most loyal, and caring people, which he proves to his friends constantly. Whether it would be helping out with money or other things, he's always there for his friends and wants nothing bad to happen to them.
Realistic - Alexander had no real sense of imagination. Sure, he'd see an action movie or an action packed super-hero movie and enjoy it, but other than that, he knows what's real and not real. He can be pegged boring for that reason. He just didn't understand what the point was in thinking up something that isn't even real.
More information about Alexander under the cut.
Alexander, like the groom's many friends and guests, grew up in a privileged household. He was the only son and child of a famous politician, so it wasn't hard to tell how he managed to get so arrogant. Even as a young boy, he was arrogant. He knew where he stood and he put himself up on a pedestal higher than anyone else. Due to his father's fame, it wasn't at all hard for the boy to make friends, although as he grew older, he learned the difference between his real friends and the ones who just wanted to be associated with him.
Having a politician for a father, Alexander was forced to attend a private school throughout his youth. Fortunately for him, Alexander never had a problem with the staff of the school, and he received good enough marks to get him into a law school in California. Needless to say, Alexander's father was more than impressed whenever he read his son's marks and his abnormally clean record. The only thing his father seemed to have a problem with was his attitude, as charming as it may have been.
Law school was not a dream of Alexander's. If anything, Alexander wanted to own a technology based company. But being a realist, he knew that there was a good chance that being a CEO of a new company wasn't going to work out, so he stuck to what his father wanted him to do. Was he happy? No. But when your parents constantly tell you how proud they are, you feel okay with the situation.
Alexander studied in the law school in California for quite a while. He didn't enjoy the school, but he enjoyed the atmosphere. He liked that barely anybody knew him there, whereas in Oregon, everybody knew him. He hadn't yet finished his college years, but when he heard about his best friend's wedding and that he was going to be the best man, he took some time off to help with the wedding and get to know his new family before the ceremony.
It had been days since his best friend's and future wife's big fight, though things between the two were still a bit rocky. Alexander had heard about Helena's and Annabella's adventures, though he didn't exactly believe them. Nobody else did, really. That was, until his best friend and future wife had another one of their big fights and he saw Helena and Annabella run out of the Hall and into the maze. He had been bothered by their fighting himself, so he followed them, and into Stumenle he went.
Notable Relationships:
Can be caught flirting with Helena Richards.
Occasionally shows off to Raina Eve.
Butts heads with Damon Reeves.
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stumenlerpg-blog · 12 years ago
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The faces you will see as characters in the next few days!
Feel free to request your favorite faceclaims through here now!
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stumenlerpg-blog · 12 years ago
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AGE: 11
FC: Elle Fanning
Personality Traits:
Amusing - Annabella tends to be an interesting young girl. While those her age wanted to play with dolls, bikes and soccer balls, Annabella liked to spend her time catching fireflies, butterflies and the likes. She also has a strong love for animals, and loves to play around with them. She was an animal lover, and the animals loved her, as well.
Gullible - Annabella is very gullible. Perhaps it was due to her age, but she is easy to fool, which was a reason why her male family members loved to bug her. It was the only trait of hers that her grandmother wanted to change about her.
Imaginative - It's no secret that Annabella was very imaginative. When she and Helena first discovered Stumenle, she told others, and they thought it was just her imagination. Her imagination seems to be most active when she's bothered or troubled.
Naive - Perhaps it was due to her age, but Annabella is very naive. Her mind is very clouded with her imaginative thoughts that she doesn't exactly see what's in front of her that is real. Her family often found it hard to get her to be serious due to her naivity.
More information about Annabella under the cut.
Despite her last name and her family's reputation, Annabella did not grow up in a privileged household. Actually, they were far from privileged since her father was disowned shortly after she was born. However, her grandparents did take pity on the young girl, and gave her a good amount of money during her birthdays and Christmas. Although it wasn't picture perfect, Annabella never really complained, as she was too naive to notice what was happening.
Growing up, Annabella did experience a bit of child neglect due to her parents always being at work. For six years, she had been taken care of by babysitters, while her parents waited until her aunt was old enough to take care of her for a few days rather than a few hours. Despite her father being disowned, her grandparents did like her, and would often let Helena take care of her when needed. Even her other aunt liked her, and she didn't like a lot of people.
Even though she experienced a bit of neglect, Annabella still grew up happy. On her birthday and around Christmas, the young girl was showered with many things. Money, butterfly nets, whatever her heart desired. Although they never really showed it, she was convinced that her parents loved her, and were just too busy to spend any time with her. She was a loving young girl, and no matter how rotten someone was to her, she would look at the bright side.
With her aunt's wedding coming up, Annabella was temporarily enrolled into a school near the Hall. Her parents weren't with her in the Hall, because they had to work and weren't exactly invited. Though her aunts and grandparents loved her, her father was still on their bad side, except for Helena, who still considered her father as a brother.
It was a stressful night for everyone in Marvin Hall, as people moved in and out of the estate. Her aunt and husband to-be were getting riled up, and their fighting could be heard from the other side of the estate. Annabella did get a bit scared of the loud fighting, and was relieved that her aunt and caretaker, Helena, took her out to venture in the gardens, where they went through the maze and found the entrance to a secret garden that turned into a magical land.
Notable Relationships:
Has a good relationship with her aunt, Helena Richards.
Friends with Ella Bloom.
Often teased by Liam Newton.
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stumenlerpg-blog · 12 years ago
I suggest Holland Roden. :)
She's added to the list!
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stumenlerpg-blog · 12 years ago
Hi everyone! We've just gotten a bio up! Unfortunately, it will be the one I will be playing, but have no fear, more characters to come!
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stumenlerpg-blog · 12 years ago
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AGE: 22
FC: Amanda Seyfried
Personality Traits:
Ambitious - Even as a child, Helena was a very ambitious girl. When her mind is set on a goal, she goes for it, no matter what it takes. However, her ambition can get her branded as annoying and bossy at times. She didn't care for those insults, however, and did what she did best.
Humorous - Helena tends to be a funny girl. Even during serious situations, she tends to laugh about something she found funny. She had received some glares from adults as a child, but she couldn't help herself. However, she was in better control of it now.
Kind - Helena is a very kind and friendly girl -- to those who deserve it. She has a heart of gold, but if someone were to come and straight up insult her, she would have her guard up faster than a jet plane. However, she knows when to walk away.
Nervous - Helena is very easily alarmed. She doesn't take certain situations, especially loud arguments and fighting, very well. When she hears people fight, she tends to run away.
More information about Helena under the cut.
Helena was born and raised in a mildly privileged household. She has two older siblings, being the youngest child of the Richards family. Her mother was a Southern Belle, who was raised with the beliefs that marriage isn't about love, it was about money. Following her mother's advice, she married into a rich family, and then came Helena and her siblings.
For Helena, growing up in a privileged household meant that she grew up in a big house. Fortunately for her, not everyone in her home was rotten. Her father, for one, was a kind man, whom she believed to be too good for her mother. Of course, she was right, and the only reason her father married her mother was because of her and her siblings. While her mother raised her brother and sister the way she was raised, Helena's father tried his best to shield Helena from the lifestyle that her mother wanted her to have. So, Helena was easily kind and grew up with good manners.
In her mother's eyes, Helena was a disappointment. Of course, she thinks that way because Helena wasn't getting married to someone rich, and she wasn't becoming famous as the days drew on. However, she wasn't as much of a disappointment to her mother than her brother was. Her brother had gotten a girl pregnant at the age of 17. Helena hasn't seen much of her brother since he was disowned, and had only began seeing him again when she was 18, and her brother needed someone to take care of his child. Helena never minded babysitting her niece, growing fond of the little girl herself after a while.
Much to her mother's surprise, Helena had been accepted at NYU. Taking the chance, Helena moved to New York and studied there for a while. However, she still had yet to graduate, and with her sister's upcoming marriage, Helena had to take some time off to help her family settle in Marvin Hall and work on the wedding.
It was a stressful night for everyone in Marvin Hall, as everyone had been moving in and out of the estate to run errands and do what they needed to do for the wedding. Her sister and new husband were getting riled up and their fighting could be heard from the other side of the estate. Helena was easily scared of the fighting, and decided she and her niece needed to be away from it all, so she and her niece ventured out into the gardens, where they went in the maze and discovered Stumenle.
Notable Relationships:
Has a good relationship with her niece, Annabella Richards.
Can be caught flirting with Alexander Millan.
Often butts heads with Raina Eve.
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stumenlerpg-blog · 12 years ago
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Generations have passed, and Stumenle was no longer what it once was. The inhabitants of Marvin Hall had worn down the place with their litter (that took weeks to clean up) and greed. The Stumenlians have lost their trust for humans, since the only one they knew never came back. Now that they have no voice in the human world, they must try to get Stumenle back to its original shape. But finally, after many generations, a woman named Helena Richards, along with her niece, found Stumenle while her sister and husband argued over trivial things. The Stumenlians first saw them as a stranger and did not welcome them warmly, until they realize that she had a good heart and was not one of the people that are destorying their home. They also realize that the two girls had voices they could use to stop their home from being torn apart.
New bio RPG opening soon! Request your favorite faceclaims now!
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stumenlerpg-blog · 12 years ago
Okay, now that I've everything set up, it's time to write some bios!
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stumenlerpg-blog · 12 years ago
Amanda Seyfried, Ana Mulvoy Ten, Chloe Moretz, Dianna Agron, Elle Fanning, Hailee Steinfeld, Isabelle Fuhrman, Imogen Poots, Isla Fisher, Karen Gillan
Alex Arnold, Alex Pettyfer, Anton Yelchin, Colin Ford, Daniel Sharman, Liam Hemsworth, Paul Wesley, Sam Jackson, Steven Yeun, Wenworth Miller
These are just some of the faces! Feel free to suggest more!
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stumenlerpg-blog · 12 years ago
Still getting everything set up, but roles are already being planned!
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