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stumbld · 3 years ago
A country's GDP analogy is like the gross household income.
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stumbld · 3 years ago
Availability heuristic
We judge the probability of an event by how quickly and easily examples of that event come to mind, by how available they are to us, rather than by identifying all of the alternatives and working out the real probabilities.
But availability then can be caused by something other than probability, and that might lead us to make poor decisions.
But things readily come to mind not only because they are common but because they are striking, because we have just seen an example on the news, or because we have some particular reason to care about that thing. People think plane crashes and terrible sporting accidents are more likely following a high profile example, and parents overestimate the probability of side-effects from vaccinations because they have an understandable concern about them: they come to mind more readily than they should given their actual probability.
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stumbld · 4 years ago
Difference between و، ف، ثم
Immediately thereafter/short amount of time later (ف)
After some time (ثم)
qaama zaydun wa 'amrun (Zayd and 'Amr stood)
qaama zaydun fa 'amrun [Zayd stood, and 'Amr immediately thereafter]
qaama zaydun thumma 'amrun (Zayd stood and 'Amr a while thereafter).
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stumbld · 4 years ago
Intensity of doers
سامعٌ (one who hears)
سَمِيعٌ (more intense of the above which Allāh uses for Himself)
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stumbld · 4 years ago
سعى = usaha
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stumbld · 4 years ago
كان(فعل ناقِص)
He is / He will always be
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stumbld · 4 years ago
4. In abnormal sentence structures where the object is brought forward, look in the same ayat or the ayat before and after and learn why is it like that; are there lessons Allāh wants you to learn from it, or to pay more attention to?
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stumbld · 4 years ago
3. In 2:255 (ayat Kursi), there's a part "No slumber can seize Him nor sleep", the word for Allāh in the ayat (هُ) is placed in ahead of the words for slumber and sleep. Hence even in the words, they do not overtake Him.
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stumbld · 4 years ago
1. Quran 12:16 has many long madds. It sounds like crying if you read with tajweed (corresponding to its translation)
2. Any time you see إذ, precede it with (Remember the time when).
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stumbld · 4 years ago
"No pain, no gain"
"Suffering is one of life's greatest teachers"
"What doesn't kill you makes your stronger"
What does Islam tell us about why God makes us go through hardship, light or harsh?
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stumbld · 4 years ago
If a virus not visible with the naked eye can grinds the world to a halt and destroy livelihoods and lives, then surely it's easy for the Almighty Creator to destroyed an army with small birds carrying stones from hell.
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stumbld · 5 years ago
Qati' and Zanni
In search of certainty and authenticity of God's Revelation. The best understanding of it's meaning and maximum certainty of its authentication will help us appreciate the Wisdom and proper application behind each revelation.
Authenticity itself is insufficient for Truth, correct understanding and knowledge of the meaning (al-dilalah) of the revelation are equally important.
Qati' literally means Authenticated, Unambiguous, Definitive, Certain. While Zanni means Speculative, Ambiguous or Uncertain, Al Tsubut means the authenticity of it's narration (isnad) while al-dilalah means the texts has more than one meaning.
According to the Islamic Scholars, there are 4 categories of authentication in certainty (credibility) of the meaning and implication of revelation from the Quran and Hadith:
1) Qat'i al-tsubut and Qati al Dilalah - Authenticated and Certain in it's meaning.
- Issues related to Aqidah without which a person cannot be a believer must be proven through this type of text e.g. belief in Allah (tauhid), Angels, Holy Scriptures, Prophets, Afterlife, Pre-destiny and Pre Destination, etc.
Acts that are proven through the this type of text are classified as
fardh/wajib (obligatory), unless proven otherwise. Examples of this type: solat, zakah, hajj, fasting etc. Prohibitions that are proven through this type of text are classified as Haram (prohibited) and major sins, unless proven otherwise.
Examples: killing of innocents, robbery, lying, slandering, adultery, alcohol consumption etc.
2) Qati al-tsubut and Zanni al- Dilalah - Authenticated but not Certain in it's meaning.
- All verses of the Quran is Authentic because it's from a Mutawatir source but not all of the verses in the Quran are certain in meaning and they are ambiguous in its implication and explanation. For example:
"As for the thief, the male and the female, amputate their hands in recompense for what they committed as a deterrent from Allah..."(QS 5:38)
The instruction from this verse is to amputate the hands of the thief. But it did not specified who qualifies as a thief, i e: is the person who instruct another person to steal is consider a thief?
Is taking Rm1 from the pocket of our siblings consider a thief? And this verse did not say to amputate the left hand or right hand or both hands.
3) Zanni al tsubut and Qati al Dilalah - Not Authenticate but Certain in it's meaning.
Hadith that are not categorized as mutawatir like hadith ghorib, hadith aziz and hadith masyhur in the hadith ahad category are deem as Zanni al tsubut (not authenticated, speculative).
Some of hadith ahad which has unambiguous and certain in it's meaning are deem as Qati al Dilalah.
4) Zanni al tsubut and Zanni al Dilalah - Not Authenticate and not Certain in it's meaning.
- Hadith Ahad with shaky foundation (isnad) and speculative or more than one meaning or explanation are considered as Zanni al Dilalah and Zanni al- Dilalah - Not Authenticate and not Certain in it's meaning.
A hadith ahad does not create conviction about its contents even if the reporter is reliable; there is the chances of forgetting, misunderstanding or unintended misquotation on the part of the truthful, reliable reporter.
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stumbld · 5 years ago
When Allāh sends down a calamity, it is His Mercy to not differentiate the recipient. It can be a source of punishment or a source of purification. We, in kur feeble minds and wisdom, therefore, cannot judge because we don't know what's in the recipient's hearts, and what lay ahead of them.
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stumbld · 5 years ago
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Masks some citizens get during the COVID19 outbreak
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stumbld · 5 years ago
As Salam...
Ini lah jawapan Fatris Bakaram (bekas Mufti Singapura) apabila ada orang ajukan pertanyaan;
*'Takut Allah atau takut virus?'*
Dia menjawab;
Manusia perlu takut kepada Allah, dan di antara bukti takut kepada Allah adalah mematuhi segala perintahNya.
Di antara perintahNya adalah;
1. Mensyukuri nikmat nyawa, tubuh badan dan kesihatan;
2. Memelihara kesihatan, nyawa dan hal mudarat;
3. Taat kepada perintahNya dan ajaran Rasul, yakni menyuruh kita untuk mengelak dari wabak;
Maka, jika benar takut Allah semua langkah untuk mengelakkan diri dari terkena jangkitan perlu diambil.
Dia turut memberi nasihat;
Takut kepada Allah memerlukan kewarasan akal, bukan dengan membutakan mata hati atau membekukan otak yang dikurniakan tuhan.
*Ada yang berkata begini, “Kenapa nak takut, Virus itu juga makhluk Tuhan?”*
Beginilah :-
Pergilah berenang di sungai penuh buaya, redha kerana buaya juga makhluk Tuhan;
Pergi ke lautan penuh dengan jerung, redha kerana jerung juga makhluk Tuhan;
Pergi masuk hutan penuh dengan ular, redha kerana ular ialah makhluk Tuhan;
Pergi lah ke zoo, masuk kandang singa, jangan takut dan redha, singa juga makhluk Tuhan.
Firman Allah (bermaksud):
*”Jangan kamu campakkan diri kamu ke dalam kebinasaan.” (Surah Al-Baqarah, ayat 195).*
Firman-Nya juga (bermaksud):
*”Jangan kamu bunuh diri kamu, sesungguhnya Allah sangat kasih kepada kamu.” (Surah al-Nisa, ayat 29).*
Dalam erti kata lain, menyelamatkan diri dari kemusnahan adalah tuntutan Islam.
Dilarang menghampiri sebab-sebab yang membawa kemusnahan diri. Nabi SAW ketika berbicara tentang Taun menyebut (bermaksud):
*”Jika kamu mendengar Taun di sesuatu tempat, jangan kamu pergi kepadanya. Jika berlaku di sesuatu tempat sedangkan kamu berada di situ, jangan kamu keluar daripadanya.” (Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim).*
Hadis ini mengajar tentang tindakan kuarantin agar penyakit atau wabak tidak tersebar. Hadis ini pernah dibaca oleh ‘Abd al-Rahman bin ‘Auf kepada Khalifah ‘Umar bin al-Khattab ketika beliau bercadang pergi ke Syam semasa wabak Taun sedang merebak di sana pada zaman pemerintahnya. Mendengar hadis ini. .Amirul Mukminin ‘Umar al-Khattab membatalkan hasratnya. (lihat: Ibn Kathir, al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah, 3/5, Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah).
Jika terkena juga penyakit, Islam menyuruh pula penganutnya untuk berubat. Sabda Nabi SAW:
*”Bagi setiap penyakit ada ubatnya. Apabila betul ubatnya, maka sembuhlah dengan izin Allah.” (Riwayat Muslim).*
Kata Al-Imam Nawawi (meninggal 676H): “Hadis ini memberi isyarat disunatkan mengubat penyakit. Inilah mazhab ashab kita (aliran mazhab al-Syafie), kebanyakan Salaf dan keseluruhan Khalaf. Kata al-Qadi ‘Iyadh: Dalam hadis-hadis ini terkandung beberapa ilmu-ilmu agama dan dunia; benarnya ilmu perubatan, diharuskan berubat secara keseluruhannya. Hadis-hadis ini juga menolak golongan sufi yang melampau yang membantah berubat dan berkata: “Kesemuanya dengan qada dan qadar Allah, tidak memerlukan kita berubat”.
Semoga ada manfaat buat kita semua. Aamiinnn.
*Sila sebarkan kepada Muslimiin dan Muslimaat*
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stumbld · 5 years ago
The difference between life and death is time.
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stumbld · 5 years ago
Why is it not permissible...
▶ A Non Muslim came to an Aalim and asked: Why is it Not Permissible in Islam for a Women to shake hands with a Men❓
▶The Aalim said: Can you shake hands with the Queen❓
▶The Non Muslim said: Of course not, there are only certain people who can shake hands with the Queen.
▶The Aalim then replied: Our Women are Queens and Queens do not shake hands with strange men.
▶Then the Non Muslim asked another Question: Why do your women cover up their bodies❓
▶The Aalim smiled and got two sweets, he opened the first one and kept the other one closed. He threw them both on the dusty floor and asked the Non Muslim: If I asked you to take one of the sweets from the floor,which one will you take❓
▶The Non Muslim replied: The covered one of course
▶The Aalim said: That's how we treat and see our women,,,,.
▶The Non Muslim then asked: Show me God if he exists.
▶The Aalim Replied: Look straight into the Sun
▶Non muslim Replied: I Can't see, the Rays are hurting my eyes.
▶The Aalim Said: If you can't look at the Creation of God then how will you be able to Look at the Creator❓❓❓
▶Lastly the Non Muslim invited the Aalim to his house and gave him some Grapes, the Aalim eat them, then the Non Muslim offered him a cup of wine, the Aalim refused, the Non Muslim asked him how come you Muslims are forbidden drink wine and yet you eat grapes, although the wine comes from grapes❓
▶The Aalim Replied: Do you have a daughter❓
He said yes,
▶The Aalim asked him could you marry her❓
▶The Non Muslim said no, the Aalim said SubhanAllah, you marry her mother and can't marry her although she came from her tooy
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