studyvince-ebooks · 1 year
HOW TO HORSE: 🐎🐎🐎 - Vote for your FAVOURITE horse to make them go faster! (yknow, like those carnival horse derby games!) MAY THE BEST HORSE WIN
(also sample size reblog yadda yadda yadda HORSE)
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studyvince-ebooks · 1 year
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studyvince-ebooks · 1 year
hey so protip if you have abusive parents and need to get around the house as quietly as possible, stay close to furniture and other heavy stuff because the floor is settled there and it’s less likely to creak
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studyvince-ebooks · 1 year
what are your twenties if not an endless string of the ghosts of who you thought you would become
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studyvince-ebooks · 2 years
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goodnight :)
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studyvince-ebooks · 2 years
17 free and helpful things, that everyone can take advantage of
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library They send an age appropriate book once a month if you have a child younger than 5.
Project Gutenberg Lots of free classic books.
Library Genesis A great place to look for and download college/university textbooks for free, as well as other books.
Scihub Endless Free college books. (and peer-reviewed scientific publications that are otherwise hidden behind a paywall)
Khan Academy Free knowledge that you can use to clep out of university courses, or to simply invest your time in a worthwhile topic.
Openlearn UK’s Open University - free courses for all levels of study, samples of university materials, study skills and tie-ins to BBC documentaries. Everything under Creative Commons licence so you can use it as you see fit.
Duolingo The Green Owl of Languages. There are a few hundred that it teaches and the mobile app makes it easy to do anywhere while waiting (!warning! only good for Spanish, German, French, Dutch, Esperanto, and English. with anything else it gets very low-quality and short.).
Codecademy An awesome site to learn how to use some programming languages. Doesn’t get into the really advanced stuff, but it’s good for a start.
Photopea Completely free Photoshop clone that has all the basic features of Photoshop, using basically the same interface.
Gimp Another free version of Photoshop.
Unsplash Stock of free photos of just about anything, provided by the photographers themselves, to do with what you like.
Futureme You can write letters to yourself (or other people) in the future! You can also make notifications and reminders of a +doctors appointments or anything else important.
Heavens Above You can look up all the satellites flying over your house tonight, including the ISS, Hubble Space Telescope, those pesky Starlink satellites, and whatever else your heart desires, complete with star maps and precise timing. And there is an Android app, but unfortunately no iOS one last I checked. (For iOS you can use “Sputnik!” which is free and tells, when ISS and Hubble passes overhead.)
Night Sky Other astronomy app for iOS. If you hold your phone to the sky the app tells you what you’re looking at (or point it at the ground for a view from the other side of the planet). Zoom in with two fingers and tons of deep space stuff is revealed.
Freecycle its literally people giving away stuff they don’t need/want any more that they can’t/don’t care enough to sell.
Nexus Mods Has thousands of video game mods (for 1,509 PC games), made by independent content creators, available to download at no cost.
Archive The Archive aka Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and so much more… For example a lot of DOS games (classics like Prince of Persia, Oregon Trail, DOOM, Monkey island, Rayman, Turtles), directly playable through the browser.
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studyvince-ebooks · 2 years
growing up I was always afraid of being Found Out. not sure what I was hiding. just my whole self I guess
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studyvince-ebooks · 2 years
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☀️: Ok yeah listen I know I haven't journaled the past 3 days I Forgor also I took a day trip to the beach and it was fun. Today, and also tomorrow and Thursday, I'm going to be preparing for my clinical: today, I watched and took notes on some sample speech therapy sessions, and did my lectures for language disorders. Tomorrow, I'll be brushing up on evaluation procedures. Thursday? It's showtime.
🧠: The four components of information processing are attention (of stimuli), discrimination (between stimuli), organization of information, and nemory retrieval. These four components are essential to learning language; language deficits entail deficits in one or more of these areas. For example, people with dyslexia (a learning disability) have deficits in reading and/or writing due to difficulties discriminating between words or letters on a page.
🎧: Stbcks - Gatton (and all of his other songs be they all have such a similar sound fr) (affectionate)
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studyvince-ebooks · 2 years
I just finished reading The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern and wanted to ramble off some things i liked and stuff. spoilers ahead, yeah
I don't usually *intend* to read most books, merely stumble into them, and this book was no exception. Eerie, that I found a protagonist (Zachary) that mirrored me so exactingly: numbingly passive, a bookish hermit gamer, totally into silver-fox-likes. Double eerie, that Zachary stumbles into a book that mirrors him so well as well. Inception.
(In fact, that darkness portion in the book before Zachary meets Simon? Where Zachary almost sciccumbs to a retelling of his deepest insecurities? Hit just a bit too close to home. Get out of my head, Morgenstern)
Anyways, that's enough about me. As for the story itself, I adored its book-about-a-book themes. The interwoven stories that all came together like a patient thread pulled taut? The idea that everyone has a story they carry around near their heart? It's inspiring to see such an ode to the art of storytelling. And an ode to the natural world as well: animals in the story aren't just set pieces, but heralds of change (owls) and also just downright adorable (The Kitchen).
I feel that Dorian's and Zachary's romance had more potential for impact, in my opinion. Between Zachary doing fetch quests for most of the story's first third and Dorian either being drunk or poisoned for the story's second third, I feel like they could have more time to interact organically (although to be fair, I would also immediately fall in love with a smokey-voiced mystery man). I also think that the resurrection scene at the end could have more heartfelt moments in it. But I also get that it's best for the integrity of the story overall if they kept their romance to side-story engagement levels, because that's what it is: another story among many in the waters of the Starless Sea.
That being said, I'm also the kind of guy that enjoys the B-plots more in stories anyways. Kitchen, I love you and would read a whole nother novel about those silly little bees. Innkeeper. I would kill for an anthology of your chance tavern encounters. Simon and Eleanor's story being based around time-warp shenanigans was interestingly executed. et cetera et cetera
Overall, for this being my first Morgenstern book, it was a perfect first encounter. It renewed my appreciation for literature and I am always happy to be surprised by a gay romance, however contrived (affectionate). Maybe fantasy is a bit above my pay grade, or at least the way Morgenstern writes fiction, so I think I'll try to diversity my reading portfolio a bit more before diving back into her other work.
Anyways, here are some of my favorite quotes that I'll shore with you before you all wreck my face in the notes for my bad takes:
“All this has built up around it. One child's invented world has became another's , and another's, and so on until it is everyone's world.”
“’I think people came here for the same reason we came here,’ Dorian says. “In search of something. Even if we didn't know what it was. Something more. Something to wonder at. Someplace to belong. We're here to wander through other people’s stories, searching for our own.”
"You have no friends. And all of this is a fabrication. Your brain's feeble attempt to preserve itself. Telling itself a story with love and adventure and mystery. All of those things you wanted in your life that you were too busy playing your games and reading your books to go out and find. Your wasted life is ending, that is why you are here.”
“You are words on paper… be careful what stories you tell yourself.”
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studyvince-ebooks · 2 years
How to complete your tasks if you can't do routines_? Pt. 1
Disclaimer - the information below provides my experience to help people who actually can't follow routines/
Throughout my whole life, I've been struggling with building routines and my school teachers often told me that I lack consistency and could achieve better results if I take my studies seriously. Yet, in reality, I couldn't be as consistent as many others and still can not stand routines as I quickly get bored, struggle with mental health problems and generally feel better with more spontaneous workflow. So here are my a bit odd tips on how to study if you can't do routines.
0/ Understand your goals and keep them realistic
write down things you working on this week/month/year. Keep the list short and realistic. Limiting the list to the bare minimum will reduce anxiety and everything out of it will seem like overwork. Base it on your current interests/goals/study program etc. If you have too much in your head schedule some of your goals for the next month so you can have more noticeable progress.
1/ Avoid strict to-do lists
weekly to-do lists work better as you can reschedule some tasks if you don't feel like working on them today.
2/ Doing at least something is better than doing nothing at all
I suggest not to push yourself into 2+ hours of study/working sessions every day if it doesn't work for you. Instead, try to start without setting any time gaps and see how it goes. Even something related to your goal is better than nothing. Yet, if you feel motivated enough maybe you will do even more than you planned. But don't forget to take breaks!
3/ Make your work more enjoyable
better plan 1-2 side tasks to switch between so you don't get bored or fixated. This works even better if the tasks are connected to each other.
If you learn a language your side tasks can be listening to music and learning the lyrics, practising Duolingo/memrise, journaling, watching you-tube on your target lang etc.
4/ Motivate yourself
external motivation is usually short term but can be used to gain confidence and achieve quick goals. Usually, I scroll through my Pinterest feed to inspire myself with cool references which I can use in my project. Inspirational movies/shows/study blogs work as well. Find what works for you
I hope you find it helpful
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studyvince-ebooks · 2 years
One of my favorite things about learning about traditional textiles is the little ghosts they left in the language. Of course the ghosts are there, now that I know to look for them. Once upon a time, half the population spent a majority of their day making textiles. Spinning, at the very least, has been a part of humanity since the Neanderthals. That kind of knowledge doesn't just disappear.
A heckle was a device with sharp metal spikes, and people drag flax through the spikes to separate out the fibers from the chaff. When you say someone heckled a performer, you think you are being literal but you're speaking in an ancient metaphor.
When my grandpa says "spinning yarns" to mean telling stories, he knows that one's not quite literal, but its vividness is lost to him. There is no image in his mind of rhythm, muscle memory, and the subtle twist that aligns clouds of fibers into a single, strong cord.
When a fanfic writer describes someone carding their fingers through someone's hair, that's the most discordant in my mind. Carding is rough, and quick, and sometimes messy (my wool is full of debris, even after lots of washing). The teeth of my cards are densely packed and scratchy. But maybe that's my error, not the writer's. Before cards were invented, wool was combed with wide-toothed combs, and sometimes, in point of fact, with fingers. The verb "to card" (from Middle English) may actually be older than the tools I use, archaic as they are. And I say may, because I can't find a definitive history. People forget, even when the language remembers.
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studyvince-ebooks · 2 years
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☀️: Small baby journal today. Today is the last class of the week- intro to Audiology. I think I like it over speech therapy as a concept and based on the work environments, but both work hand-in-hand and my goal is still library science blah blah blah. Anyways I'm decorating the back of my iPad with this letter I dredged up from my memories box! Hashtag words of affirmation.
🧠: 1 in 3 children under or at 3 years of age here experienced some form of ear infection. Otitis media, or middle ear infection, is one of the most common examples. Otitis media is different from inner ear and outer ear infections.
🎧: Lazy - Surfaces
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studyvince-ebooks · 2 years
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Ignore the fact that I didn't post yesterday; I had no classes and fell into the trap of playing games all day instead. (Do people even read these?)
☀️: Anyways, I had my orientation for my clinical today and I am mildly overwhelmed read; pretty heckin' overwhelmed). My library's internet is pretty spotty, so I'm worried I missed some crucial information. Between having to email professors dumbo questions about logging into our clinician's portal, having to contact patient families about upcoming sessions, and having to prepare to build rapport with a new patient, I am in a prime position to overcatastrophize. If anyone has any tips for an introvert-maybe-has-social-anxiety-or-autism-or-adhd-idk-maybe-I-should-talk-to-someone-about-that skeleton's first (speech therapy) clinical experience, do let me know.
Anyways, I shouldn't be too negative today. I was able to complete an observation video and de-briefs, and I'm set up to easily complete a discussion board and this week's lecture notes. For the time being, I'll just do some light reading and prep for tomorrow's class-last of the week!
🧠: The Preschool Language Scale is an assessment used to probe for possible deficits in vocabulary, comprehension, and pragmatics. This is accomplished via a variety of picture identification, object placement, and episodic recall tasks.
🎧: A Place I Don't Know - Sayonara Wild Hearts Soundtrack
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studyvince-ebooks · 2 years
Near the place I currently live there is this small library run by this guy who will let you borrow book with no late fees or anything. He has been running it for ten years thanks to donations and also he sells tiny cactuses. He also teaches math and physics for free. Like people here love him. He graduated top of his class in college and now he’s just running a library and teaches people and takes care of plants and I’m reminded that some people are just good because they’re.
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studyvince-ebooks · 2 years
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Just in case some of you don't know about the websites where you can get your textbooks for free
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studyvince-ebooks · 2 years
i love you messenger bags i love you knapsacks i love you purses i love you briefcases i love you drawstrings i love you budget backpack at walmart i love you duffels i love you totes i love you laptop bags i love you everything that carres around our books study materials journals snacks etc
i love you enamel pins i love you charms from your travel i love you keychains i love you carabiners i love you acrylic paint i love you embroidery i love you everything that personalizes and expresses upon what we carry with us
i love you people that meticulously plan out what goes in your bag i love you people that cram everything in their bag and fly by the seat of their pants i love you people with the latest tech and trendiest accessories i love you people with week old receipts in the bottom of their bags i love you all for walking the earth in your own unique way
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studyvince-ebooks · 2 years
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honestly i feel like light academia fits me more but this is also p accurate! esp the milky tea an golden hour bits. and you will never get my notes app poetry.... unless 😳
thanks for the tag i love love love personality quizzes! tagging @rabbitstudy @patchworkstudies and @classy-ad-lib if you wanna do this (don't have to, etc etc)
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tagged by @murraymina​ <3
this was such a fun quiz omg 
tagging: @permanentreverie​, @daydreaming-optimist​, @thebeautifulfantastic​, @willowstea​, @stephensnoras​
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