studyonclothingandbodies · 8 years ago
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In this workshop we intend to create a costume or wearable object that could be used as part of a personal ritual. We follow a guided meditation and do some breathing exercises to then experiment with our intuition, instinct and improvisation, designing while making. We then intend to materialize what we have visualised during our meditation considering ideas of protection and self care through spontaneous clothing making.
This first event was part of Common Room, a School of The Damned Rooster Residency
Guest Projects Gallery
London, 2017
Click here to see some photos!
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studyonclothingandbodies · 8 years ago
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An experimental approach to clothing design ideas and processes and the relationships between our bodies and garments.
The idea behind this workshop is to recognize our bodies and how clothing can relate to them. We will be doing some physical exercises aiming to connect with ourselves and with others. We will also be experimenting with design ideas through different sensorial exercises enjoying the process without caring about a final result but paying attention to the ideas that emerge from that process.
This workshop was part of the Antiuniversity Festival
Red Gallery
London 2017
Click here to see some photos!
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studyonclothingandbodies · 8 years ago
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Six week experimental clothing design making workshop along with @flaviamartina . We worked among ideas of improvisation, emotions and clothing design. We employed different exercises, including technical pattern cutting and tailoring, writing, painting, printing techniques, styling and photography.
Private Studio in Rosario, Argentina
For more info and photos please click here 
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