studyblrreads · 5 years
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spent the morning with coffee and a good book:>
pic on right was taken in 張家界國家公園 (Zhangjiajie national park). the hole you see at the top of the stairs is named 天門洞 and there are 999 steps leading up to it. it's cold, the air is quite thin and the steps are so fricking small. the final stretch is at a 45° angle i believe.
yeah and my dumb ass decided to climb :^)
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studyblrreads · 6 years
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june 2018 poll
hi again ! 
with summer, we have decided to reboot the studyblr book club. by that, we mean that our readings are now open for everyone to join! 
we start off by voting for the new read which will take place in june. you can weigh in by clicking the header image or this link 
feel free to give us any suggestions for our next reads!
can’t wait to get reading again!
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studyblrreads · 6 years
Hi you guys! Sorry I've been so inactive ; school had me wrapped up in work, but now i'm done with this year ☺ would you like to start up the book club again this summer ? I think I would change up the way of doing things so it is less depended on a few number of people and so that once school starts up again and I won't have time to either manage or read the books, it could go on without me. 
what i’d like to do is ;
work with polls for the decision of each month’s book ; starting with june 2018, i will set up a typeform where i compile all of last summer’s suggestions and you will be able to click on the ones you are interested in. There will also be an “other” section where you will be able to add your own suggestions 
 reviews will be put forth through submission form ; you will be able to produce your reviews through the submission page of our blog so it’ll be easier to keep track of who posted what and we will be able to open each read to new readers so it won’t be restricted to our members 
i’d like to be able to find new administrators before summer’s end ; if we’re a few admins working as a group, it’ll be easier to manage new reads when school starts again and i personally won’t be able to manage it all. 
I think those new ways of functionning will improve the administration of the book club and not put so much strain on the members to produce suggestions and reviews. Does this work for you ? Do you have any other suggestions ?
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studyblrreads · 6 years
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“It’s Magic, Charlie Brown”, 1981. 
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studyblrreads · 6 years
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By: Stefie | stefiereads
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studyblrreads · 7 years
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studyblrreads · 7 years
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Book Photo Challenge: December 19, Twinkling Lights
Featuring my parents’ Christmas tree.
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studyblrreads · 7 years
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studyblrreads · 7 years
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I love how soothing University libraries are. The silence, the presence of books and all the people there busy studying… I spent most of the afternoon there working on my linguistics paper.
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studyblrreads · 7 years
You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.
Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird (via xxlovendreamsxx)
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studyblrreads · 7 years
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studyblrreads · 7 years
TKAMB Review
by @dandelionbooks
I was hesitant to make this review because I acknowledge how historically important this book is and I didn't want to write a bad review about it but I.... am not a fan of this book.
I want to be. I really, really want to love this book. It was revolutionary in many ways for its time. That being said, I don't like most of the characters besides Atticus and Boo Radley (even when he was just a creepy man in the beginning). I think the book is dull for the first half and it just makes me angry the second half. The one part I enjoyed, like genuinely felt happy to be reading, was the part when Boo Radley turns out to be good and not so creepy. But that seems like such little consolation for Tom's unhappy ending, or annoying characters like Dill (I don't like him, something just... bothers me).
I hate being a Debbie downer though, so hopefully I can bring a better review for next month's book!
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studyblrreads · 7 years
To Kill a Mocking Bird!
Hey everyone:) Well this is my first time ever to read this classic :) I really liked it although I didn’t understand the plot point until the case started which was much later in the book.
For the first few chapters it was about the kids and their dad and how they interacted with their neighbours and school mates! I didn’t dislike it, it just took me a while to understand the point XD
I quite liked Atticus. He said “But before I can live with other folks I’ve got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience.”
He couldn’t bring himself to be racist like most people in their town because he knew innately it was wrong. And he imparted this teaching to his children.
Another favorite is Miss Maudie. The way she comforted Scout during the tea party Aunt Alexandra held at their home. And when she shut up the other women who were badmouthing Atticus and Aunt Alexandra was really gratefull for that.
Anyways, the way Jem and Scout come to terms with how the case progressed the more anger and sadness they feel at society.
Jem says,”That’s what I thought,too when I was your age. If there’s just one kind of folks, why can’t they get along with each other? If they’re all alike, why do they get out of their way to despise each other?”
I feel like if we saw them grow older,Jem and Scout, would mostly see that people are different but that’s no reason to discriminate them:)
The thing that bothered me the most was Bob Ewell’s death...it literally pissed me off XD Like how could he die before anyone could know his true colors. I feel like Tom didn’t get the justice he deserved...
Otherwise, other favorite things:
Jem,Scout and Dill playing
Boo Radley
and Eula May for all the communication stuffs she does XD
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studyblrreads · 7 years
I love everything about it!!!
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September spreads of my agenda. I can’t believe it’s already October and FAFSA is now open and I only have a month left to finish all my college apps. (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ ω °̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
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studyblrreads · 7 years
Ravenclaw-inspo TKAM review
I'll be honest, I think this book is overhyped. Don't get me wrong I really enjoyed it and I loved the moral of the story. It's a great way to teach younger kids(I first read this book in 7th grade so fairly young) about americas history of racial injustice and I really love that message but as a piece of literature on its own but I'm honestly just not a big fan.
In my opinion many characters in the story were a little stuck up(even the ones you are supposed to like like Scout, Jem, and Atticus Finch) I did love Boo Radly, he was probably my favorite considering and his story line with Scout was adorable. I liked how his story was intertwined with the main plot line giving you essentially two stories to read. The writing style I really enjoyed as well but overall it's just not my favorite. Maybe it's because I felt so pressured to read it or the mass amounts of deconstruction that I did in school ruined it for me. I think it's a good book I just think it's a little too overhyped.
(Sorry if anyone really liked this book I completely understand if you do I'm just not a fan also if there are any grammatical errors sorry about that too I'm on mobile and it's a pain to type)
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studyblrreads · 7 years
Lol yes I loved Miss Maudie too❤
To Kill a Mockingbird - Miko's Review
TKaMB makes it on basically every “Top X Books You Should Read” list, so it was the very first novel I started with when I decided I wanted to read more classics. Rereading it, I’ve found I missed its warm, easy-to-read tone.
The prose captures the feeling of being a little kid (even though a little kid couldn’t write that well) in the South. I love Scout. I love how there’s basically no fuss about her being a tomboy when older characters would’ve gotten flak for it. ALSO. MISS MAUDIE. You can be a lady and still be real af, yo.
I honestly think the novel is overhyped, though. It teaches its moral excellently, and it has great characters, but it doesn’t feel as groundbreaking and classic as others make it out to be? I don’t know. It might just be the simple prose that makes it feel simple to me, and maybe I just need to read the book more.
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studyblrreads · 7 years
To kill a mockingbird- algerian-med-student review.
Many classics are on my reading list and TKAM was no exception, and as all the classics that made it into that list, I never read the summary, so it was going into the unknown for me. When it started out, and I met the characters one by one, I thought it was going to be about young Scout, maybe she would change the ways of her county or something, the idea appealed to me, but as I got further in the story I knew she wouldn’t progress past childhood, but her character would evolve diffrently, by learning lessons about life instead. In the grand scheme of things, I learnt that some of those battles she witnessed still exist to this day. Some things did get better, travelling, communicating around the world, resolving crimes with simple tests, but one thing did not unfortunately, judging people by their colour or ethnicity. I loved the entire family’s stance on Tom Robinson’s case, Atticus’ bravery and I think he did really well as a single parent, Jem as an older sibiling was all we expect him to be. I adored miss “Jean Louise” and scout fit her personality better, she would not become agreat hostess but would definitely have been the first woman to achieve something grandose. Apart from all of this I expected something bigger from this book and I did not get it. It’s a good read, a great one even, with the mystery, the sitting on the edge of your chair moments but I think there is too much hype around it for not much in the end. But I can’t say I won’t recommend it.
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