Comm Design Studio V 2022 S1 - Thomas Reeve
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studiov2022s1thomasreeve · 3 years ago
300 word Strategy statement
To create an overview of my design process throughout my 60 page research led publication brief, I first started by taking a deep dive and researching into my family's Maori history by looking at our Whakapapa, and our lineage. I also researched different ancestral members and current members of my family. Through this I was able to create a manuscript where I collated all the information I had researched, and turned it into text that I would use throughout my publication. I created a flat plan of which I would follow when creating the layout for my spreads. Using Adobe Indesign I put these spreads together and finally printed the publication three times, and using my own stitch and glue method, binded the three books together.
Skills that I picked up during the creation of this publication were enhancing my researching skills, printing to booklet, and my own binding method. One reason why I think my researching skills improved was because it was something I was passionate about, therefore I searched every ‘corner’ possible to find the information I needed. Throughout the Potluck, and 60 page publication print process I learned how to print booklet, which took a lot of practice tries before eventually getting it right. I created my own binding method which I think is unique to say because most people stress over binding because they are using difficult methods, but I wanted to eliminate this potential stress and create my own method that I knew inside-out.
This being said, Something that I would do differently next time is get my publications professionally printed and bound. This is for a few reasons. These reasons being, I had trimming issues where the pages didn’t line up on the double side print, my guillotine sometimes make small rips in the page, and one of the printers running out of magenta ink color, meaning I had to change printers part way through, so the red color is slightly different, just from printer variation.
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studiov2022s1thomasreeve · 3 years ago
Group Pataka ( link)
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studiov2022s1thomasreeve · 3 years ago
200-300 Word editorial *In Publication*
*** as found lower down in Tumblr blog and on page 7 in publication ***
“Putake: My Maori Heritage” is a publication by Thomas Reeve, which takes a deep dive in his family’s Maori heritage, culture, and history by tracing his lineage back to the beginning. Throughout this publication four main topics are covered, that gives us insight to help us form a timeline of the different impacts and stories that has taken place through the course of Thomas’s family history. These main topics are Whakapapa, Pepeha, dissociation from culture, and reconnection to culture.
Whakapapa looks at the three main primary lines of lineage from the beginning of his ancestral history, tells the different stories of how ancestral figures came to be, and goes right to the present day. Pepeha looks at the way that Thomas would introduce himself to you using Te Reo Maori, and explains to the people who you are by sharing your connections with people and places that are connected to your family. Dissociation from culture looks at how an ancestral figure in the family’s history dissociated from his Maori culture due to Maori discrimination, and we also get some insight into the racism Maori faced during the 19th, and 20th century. Reconnection to culture looks at how Thomas and other family members celebrate and practice their Maori culture on a day to day basis.
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studiov2022s1thomasreeve · 3 years ago
Final 3 Publications
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studiov2022s1thomasreeve · 3 years ago
Sticking the covers
Firstly I trimmed the bleed and white page of the covers, as they had to be printed on a3, this is because they were too big to fit on an a4. I then used my roller to fold a sharp line halfway over the cover. I then used double sided tape to stick the cover over the entire publication, covering the binding and stitching, giving it a cleaner and invisible bind look. 
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studiov2022s1thomasreeve · 3 years ago
Binding part 2
For the second part of this binding process I threaded the needle in the hole from the outside of the spine at the 3cm hole, and out the 4cm on the inside of the middle page, then tied it off out the outside spine. I repeated this process for the top 2 holes.
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studiov2022s1thomasreeve · 3 years ago
Binding part 1
For the first part of the binding process I measured from the bottom of the page 3cm, 4cm and then 16cm and 17cm and used a sewing needle to poke holes through each page. These holes were made so I could later thread the needle through the hole to bind the pages together.
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studiov2022s1thomasreeve · 3 years ago
Folding the pages
To fold each page I carefully lined up each corner to corner and then I used a wooden roller to roll out each page and then trace back and fourth over the fold line with it to give the page a sharp fold.
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studiov2022s1thomasreeve · 3 years ago
Trimming the spreads
This process was time consuming but it was necessary because I wanted to make sure each spread was trimmed to perfection so that they were the same size in the booklet. One problem I ran into was the pages not lining up on the double side even though I clicked “centre” on print settings. This means I had to cut a little off the top or bottom of each page so that each page didn’t have a bar of white paper at the top or bottom. This means that for most pages the header line wont line up across both spreads, as for images or text that run over half way of the spread.
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studiov2022s1thomasreeve · 3 years ago
Printing mistake
With printing I decided I wanted not include my front and back cover so I could print theme separately. I doing this I selected pages 2-61 to print booklet. Once this printed it printed booklet and at initial glance everything was fine. But when I looked closer I realised that every page was a page forward and I had to re print.
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studiov2022s1thomasreeve · 3 years ago
single spread front & back cover
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studiov2022s1thomasreeve · 3 years ago
Font & Back cover sketch
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studiov2022s1thomasreeve · 3 years ago
Contents page sketch
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studiov2022s1thomasreeve · 3 years ago
Whakapapa initial spreads + feedback
- Align text overlapping photo consistency with each image
- Lowercase for a name? - Lowercase/ Typeface choice was withing this publications guidlines
- Take out pixelated photos
- Rotate some of the headers
- Change opacity of pattern
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studiov2022s1thomasreeve · 3 years ago
Photo Ideation
All photos made black and white to stay consistent with the publications guidelines and colour palette.
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studiov2022s1thomasreeve · 3 years ago
Other elements used all throughout
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- Used as bullet point dots.
- Used as location marker on NZ silhouette
Maori Pattern
- Black & White version used all throughout publication as background texture
NZ Vector:
- Used to locate Hokianga, and Russell  
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studiov2022s1thomasreeve · 3 years ago
Publication Colour Palette
These are the colours I will be using throughout my publication:
Black - 000000
Red - 800000
White - ffffff
Grey - 414141
Maroon - 641b15
- The red is colour swatched from a photo I found of a marae (not used in publication)
- Keeping the colours consistent with the Maori flag
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