I have said this AU was about their personalities but it’s actually mainly about how EVERY Diamond is “Stuck like this.” So expect chapters to be mainly focused on ALL the diamonds and their personal journeys! *cough* chapter 3! Thanks to those of you that followed and stuck with me! Page 1 will be out in a while, I’m going to try to force myself to finish it lol!
Upcoming Stuck Like This SUAU Plans I’m sorry for being so late on the comic, I haven’t had the motivation to finish the lineart and color it. I’m starting to hate the first page because the art is old and the autonomy is terrible, but I’m going to finish it because if I redo it, I might never finish it. Once the first page is done, I promise the second page and onward will be better! I have a very inconsistent art style... Sorry! Since it will still be some time before I’m done, I’ll share some of my plans/ideas to give you something in the mean time : Also feel free to ask me any au related question! I know I’m not like popular or anything, but to those of you that do care, feel free to make a ask! Chapter 1 Ideas /// “Far from Perfect,” is pretty much the prologue of my story. This chapter is from Pink’s viewpoint, taking place before pink pearl was broken, this means before her new pearl, before spinel, and before she got her colony. The next chapters will be after all that! This young Pink Diamond, is very childish and likes to get her way. She basically acts like an 9 year old human child, she likes to be around the other diamonds. She seeks attention and tends to break some of the set rules in the name of “fun.” The chapter is basically planned out as : -pink causes trouble -pink fights with a pearl -pink gets in-trouble -pink vents out her anger to one of the diamonds -Pink gets disciplined -Bittersweet ending That’s all I can give you, without making it a spoiler. Feel free to suggest your theories!! Give me an ask <333 Also, Events happening in the background of Chapter 1 : The other diamonds are currently teaching Pink how to be a diamond in the future. She must finish her training, and PASS, before she can get a colony. White plays the biggest role. Each diamond teaches Pink something different, for example, Yellow teaches her how to use her powers and be a good dictator, while White teaches her everything about how to make a gem (science/biology, etc.). I’ll add what each diamond does specifically in chapter two! Pink diamond idolizes White Diamond the most. She loves White and thinks of her as the best diamond, forget about the rules saying she has too, she atually loves her with her own free will. She admires her power and leadership. Pink likes Blue a lot more then White, she’s not her idol, but she basically loves her like the mother-figure she is. On the other hand, Pink seems to dislike Yellow. She loves Yellow and tends to show this by messing with her. Yellow always reacts wrong, only pushing her away, by yelling or punishing her. As time went on, (starting in Chapter 2) it became more and more obvious of how huge the rift between Pink and Yellow was. Thinking about her double personality, I’d say it’s Pink that has this grudge against Yellow, not Rose. Also I want to mention, when Pink Diamond is playful and happy it doesn’t necessarily mean that’s Rose. Remember to check their eyes and chat color! You might be able to tell this, but it’ll be obvious that the pearls are a bit scared of Pink. This shows that Pink has already started treating her first pearl, pink pearl, very terribly and PP would have told the other Pearls about this secretly. Usually they just give her looks, they don’t really mention it at all. When we get Pink’s new Pearl the other pearls will put this past them. It would be Pink Diamond’s personality treating PP badly, Rose would treat her new Pearl much better, but unfortunately never did anything to fix PP and her relationship. Chapter 2 - Pink gets some new friends <3 Chapter 3 - One of the other three diamonds has some flashbacks!!! I’ve actually scripted out chapter 1-3 frame by frame, but like I’ve said- I’ve had no motivation. Final note : I wanted to mention that there isn’t any Pink/Rose’s changing personality issues in the first several chapters. Of course the personality changing is obvious, but the topic won’t be mentioned for a while.
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Stuck Like This SUAU // By @gemstone-reflection​
Far From Perfect - Chapter 1 :
Once again Pink Diamond is told to grow up. Pink decides to follow in White Diamond’s footsteps and become the diamond everyone wants her to be, but she soon finds out that she should be careful whose footsteps she follows in.
| First page |  (COMING SOON)
What Is This AU About? (Click Here For More Info)
Thank you to all my friends, thanks so much for being patient. Here is the cover art for Chapter 1 of my SUAU. This chapter should have about 10 pages, and is shown from Pink Diamond’s perspective. Update 6/10/20 : Page 1 has been postponed to come out in 1-2 more weeks, sorry! Update 7/17/20 : I’m sorry I’ve been putting this off because I haven’t had the motivation. Hopefully I can get the first page colored soon...
This took me 5 hours straight, I hope you like it
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Some Early 2019 Notes For My Comic - I’ve had this idea for a long time! (Don’t bother reading it, too much has changed from the original concept. Maybe if you all want, in the future I can share how chapter 1 was supposed to originally go!)
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The Basis of My Steven Universe AU Comic "Stuck Like This”
Hello everyone! (My Main account  is @gemstone-reflection )
First off, I wanted to say the idea for this comic started back in January 2019 after CYM. It began as a comic about Pink Diamond’s daily life on Homeworld, as a diamond with a brand-new colony, but since then my idea for this comic has headed into an entirely different direction.
My new AU idea is about how Pink Diamond and Rose's early life might have been if they where separate personalities. Basically, Pink Diamond has a personality disorder.
Explanation of the AU :
Rose and Pink believe they are the same person. They aren’t fully aware of each other, so when one person does something, the other will think that she did it. Rose and Pink are physically connected, they share the same gem. They both look like Pink Diamond (being in Pink Diamond’s gem and all), but have different mental states.
They can’t hear each other’s thoughts, but if one person is dealing with extreme emotion the other will feel the same way. If Pink was extreme mad, Rose would feel the same way, and if Rose was extremely sad or happy, Pink would feel that way too. They do tend to think alike in most situations though, having been together for their entire life.
Both gems can not be in control at the same time. If Rose feels like she wants to hug someone, it will switch over from Pink to Rose, and Rose will controlling both their actions.
They do not notice these changes and say “Why did I just do this when I didn’t want to?” If one person does something, the other will just assume she did it on impulse.I believe that most times it’s just one of them controlling their actions. Like they don’t switch like every two seconds. Since they are in Pink Diamond’s form, it seems reasonable that Pink would control their actions most of the time, and Rose may come out whenever she want’s too. Same goes for when they turn into Rose Quartz, Rose will have more control.
Summery on What This Comic is About :
So basically In the AU Rose and Pink end up continually hindering each other, because they both have different ideas about how they want to run things.
Pink looks at the fun/daredevil side of life. She wants her colony now and she doesn’t care about throwing a fit to get it. She likes drama, and has lots of anger related issues and powers. She wishes to create Her version of a perfect colony, making it much more fun than your average Diamond colony.
Rose on the other hand, wants to look at the beautiful side of life. She likes to handle things in a peaceful matter. Like Pink, she want’s the Earth for herself to do what she wants to do; Enjoy nature, etc. But soon she realizes that having a colony would end up destroying the Earth not creating anything good like she thought it would.
I’m going to try to make it easy to differentiate each character, perhaps Rose and Pink will have different colored dialogue, or their eye’s will be different colors. I’m still figuring this part out.
(Notice : Hopefully, Chapter 1 of my comic will come out around the end of the April. I am also going to start voice acting this comic with my friends on YouTube as well. I WILL NOT ALLOW ANYONE TO VOICE ACT MY COMIC! Sorry it’s been so long, I’m taking a while because of all the new SU content that has come out. Originally, the idea was developed way BEFORE the movie AND epilogue series, I’m currently rewriting chapters and considering possibly adding Spinel?)
In the comic I also decided to give Blue Diamond several chapters for herself, explaining a lot about herself, Pink, and the other Diamonds from her view point as Pink's "mother," White's least favorite, and Yellow's "Spouse."
The main goal of this comic is to show how every Diamond, not just Pink, is "Stuck Like This." Stuck following the rules they made and feeling unfulfilled, none of them truly being happy and believing that they would stay the way they are forever (This is all shown through mostly Pink’s viewpoint).
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