Bovine Scatology
31 posts
Calling out BS wherever it tends to stink up the place.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
stubbymacpherson 3 months ago
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stubbymacpherson 8 months ago
Thorny Dangle
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stubbymacpherson 8 months ago
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stubbymacpherson 9 months ago
Leave it to Nova Scotians...
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stubbymacpherson 9 months ago
Morons on March
Three days now of "Protest" on the Trans Canada just outside of Calgary. All the usual suspects, with their "Fuck Trudeau" signs, their big rigs and their motor homes. MAGA fans. As Gene Wilder put it: "The salt of the earth. You know... morons".
Anyone who doesn't know better would think from listening to these people that Justin Trudeau is the devil incarnate. There's nothing that happens that they can't blame Trudeau for. If an asteroid wiped out Grande Prairie tomorrow, they'd find a way to blame Trudeau.
Now I'm no fan of Trudeau myself, but to blame him for everything is stupidity of the highest order, and listening to it being repeated over and over is getting increasingly tiresome. "Axe the Tax!" is the latest cry. Ok. So then what? What exactly is the Conservative's plan?
We need to do something about climate change. Unless you just don't give a shit about your kids and grandkids, who are going to have to pay for your inaction. I hear nothing from these protesters about what should be done about it. Trudeau, for all his failings, is quite right in pointing out that if the provinces don't like how the Feds are doing things, then the Provinces can make their own plan to fight climate change. The fact that none of the provinces speaking up against the federal government actually have a plan speaks volumes to me. Their plan is NO PLAN. Just let the big polluters throw all the pollution they want into the air. Bury your head in the sand. Just ignore it and hope that it goes away.
News flash. It's not going away. Climate change is just beginning. If you think things are expensive now, just wait until things get really bad. The world is going to shit, and if we don't start making some drastic changes soon, it's going to be the worst crisis that humanity has ever faced before.
So in the end, all this ballyhoo is over three cents a litre on gasoline. You don't hear the big corporations complaining about it, because they know that of they don't do something, their costs will continue to skyrocket, and their customers will turn away from them. Instead, It's Cameron in his gigantic 4x4 pickup truck. Martha and Fred in their huge motorhome. Chad in his expensive BMW. None of these people are hurting, and they can all easily afford the extra three cents per litre. Hell, some of them can afford to camp out for weeks on end at a bogus protest and not have to work just to survive.
And let's look at the hike in the gas prices, shall we? Three cents for the Feds. Four cents for the UCP. Seven cents total. So why exactly did gas prices in Calgary go up by fourteen cents? How come no one is protesting against big oil for gouging us and making the affordability crisis even worse? Oh, right. They can't blame that on Justin Trudeau. It's just corporate greed. That's acceptable, I guess. Let them screw us over while we distract you in the middle of the highway with our bullshit protests.
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stubbymacpherson 10 months ago
[U]tterly [C]orrupt [P]urloiners
The Alberta UCP are such hypocrites. Always screaming about the carbon tax, and what a horrible thing it is, so what do they do? They impose their own, made in Alberta carbon tax. They can polish that turd all they like, but it doesn't change the basic fact that a 13 cent per litre tax on gasoline is, in fact, a carbon tax. At least with the federal carbon tax, we get a rebate. Don't hold your breath waiting for the Alberta government to give you a rebate.
The federal carbon tax exists for the noble purpose of encouraging the use of renewable resources, in an attempt to reduce pollution and fight climate change, for the betterment of our future generations. The Alberta carbon tax only exists so that the Alberta government can squeeze more money from it's citizens. Instead of a rebate, we get a "fuck you, pay up!"
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stubbymacpherson 10 months ago
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stubbymacpherson 10 months ago
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stubbymacpherson 1 year ago
Classic Banners from the Bruins 2010-2011 Cup run:
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stubbymacpherson 1 year ago
Don't Give a Damn
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stubbymacpherson 1 year ago
The human race disgusts me.
I used to be quite the optimist. I fervently believed in the inherent goodness of man. Lately however, I am confronted more and more with the inherent ugliness of man. I have seen far too much evil, and far too many times have I watched the bad guys win. The malevolence that is Donald Trump was just an appetizer for the blood-soaked devil's breakfast that was soon to follow. Vladimir Putin's warped yearnings for an empire, and all the blood on his hands doesn't change the fact that there are those that prop him up and sell their souls in the process, as they ignore the slaughter of innocent civilians going on just next door. Give me ten minutes in his vicinity and a gun in my hand, and I would not hesitate to take him down in order to make this world a better place.
Enter Hamas, with their bloodlust and inhumanity, and lack of value they place on human life; a madness that has been handed down to them by the likes of Hezbollah and ISIS and many other groups through the years. Yet, as bad as their actions are, their enemies are quite eager to show that they are just as bloodthirsty and barbaric as Hamas is. They just needed an excuse to start the slaughter of innocents. Benjamin Fuckin'yahu has pushed and pushed the Palestinians, randomly taking lives and promoting the insidious creeping theft of their land via the disgusting practice of expanding Jewish settlements in Palestinian territory. This attack by Hamas is likely exactly what Fuckin'yahu wanted all along. He's been waiting for this to happen, so that he can justify his bloodlust and promote himself as a hero, while standing tall upon the mountains of dead bodies of the innocents that he has created.
Even Bernie Saunders, widely considered to be the most prominent Jew in America, has come out with a scathing rebuke of the Israeli government's actions, correctly singling it out for what it truly is: nothing less than brutal and sadistic war crimes.
Yet again, in what may even be worse than all these horrible wars, politicians repeatedly fail to act against what is probably our biggest existential threat right now; that being climate change. Through their inaction, coupled with their eagerness to provide assistance to corporate entities that are in large part causing this crisis, they condemn millions of innocents to death, be it by thirst, starvation, natural disasters, wars caused by scarcity of resources, or simply collapsing from the excessive heat. The number of people that are going to die from climate change is going to astronomically dwarf all of the casualties of all the conflicts that have gone on, and continue to go on, in this past decade or so.
All I can say is; I'm glad that I didn't bring any children into this fucked-up world. My heart grieves for my nieces and nephews. They are going to have to deal with the incredible mess that these monsters have made of this world.
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stubbymacpherson 1 year ago
Been to the Dentist recently...
Ever notice that when you first get a new crown put in your mouth, your tongue is like...
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But after a few months, it's pretty much like...
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stubbymacpherson 2 years ago
My niece, Rachel, showing off her musical talents.
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stubbymacpherson 2 years ago
St. Patrice
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stubbymacpherson 2 years ago
He scores! Bobby Orr!
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stubbymacpherson 2 years ago
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stubbymacpherson 2 years ago
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