strmdrvn · 4 years
“Haha, thank you. But I mean it! You are just that guy that looks great in swimwear. And I’m here for it” Adrian said enthusiastically. He knew he looked great in what he had picked but something about Paxton and the whole combo of the pool, his body, and the swimsuit just… felt right. Not only he looked incredibly hot, which was making Adrian want to misbehave, but also he looked in his element. “Aw, you should get one! I’ll take all the photos you’d like. It will be fun!” he proposed. At the smile, Adrian got up and began stretching, giving a little show to the other guy as well. “Feeling confident, huh? Am I against an athlete perhaps?” he asked, wanting to get to know Paxton better. 
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     “   perhaps.  we’ll  see  how  long  i  last  if  i  do,  ”   he  chuckled.   of  course,  he  didn’t  have  any  intentions  of  getting  one  anytime  soon.    eyes  shifted  over  to  look  at  adrian  &&  he  grinned.     the  other  wasn’t  ready  for  what’s  to  come,  unless  he  was  a  swimmer  too.    he  chuckled.   “  i  guess  you  have  to  wait  &&  see,  ”   he  said.    he  positioned  himself,  waiting  for  the  other  to  get  ready  himself.    “   i  won’t  go  easy  on  you.  ”
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strmdrvn · 4 years
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strmdrvn · 4 years
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“It’s fine,” he murmured, sinking back down into the hot tub as he sat there, feeling the warmth surround him with Paxton’s head on his chest. “It’s only fair you answer your own questions. I don’t know anything about you, and it feels like you know more about me than I’d ever share with people normally,” Zachariah pointed out, one wet hand running through the other’s hair.
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     zachariah  was  right.   he  was  asking  too  many  questions  and  not  answering  any  of  them  at  all.   he  chuckled.  “  alright  then,  ”   he  whispered,  thinking  about  the  questions.   “  i’m  from  michigan,  originally,  moved  to  california.  i’ve  always  wanted  to  visit  places  like  naples,  barcelona,  acapulco.   heard  they  all  had  great  beaches.  ”   he  nodded.   
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strmdrvn · 4 years
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task  0 0 1  /  penthouse  suite
     he  couldn’t  believe  his  eyes  the  moment  paxton  arrived  at  his  floor.   he  saw  that  the  button  that  was  hit  was  the  very  first  floor.   he  thought  that  he’d  be  going  up,  but  instead  it  was  the  opposite  direction.    eyes  shifted  up  to  the  creature  that  was  in  the  elevator  with  him.
       but  his  attention  was  on  the  suite  the  moment  the  elevator  doors  opened.    eyes  widened,  realizing  that  this  place  was  too  luxurious.    he  always  imagined  what  it  be  like  to  have  something  grand  &&  this  was  all  his.    paxton  walked  in,  immediately  noticing  the  lounge  area.   walking  through  he  could  see  plenty  areas  with  water.   
       ❛  is  that  a  lazy  river ??  ❜   he  was  shocked,  keeping  his  eyes  wide  open,  following  the  path  towards  the  center  of  the  suite.    and  right  at  the  center  was  a room  with  a  pool.   he  got  his  own  pool  room.    ❛   well  shit,  ❜   he  bit  his  lower  lip,  keeping  his  eyes  on  how  amazing  this  place  was.  
        but  the  shock  didn’t  stop.    there  was  another  room  with  an  indoor  jacuzzi  &&  hangout  spot  where  he  definitely  wanted  to  invite  some  friends  over.   but  finally  he  reached  his  room.   he  was  amazed  at  what  he  saw.    it  was  like  he  was  in  an  indoor  aquarium.    instead  of  getting  a  window  with  the  view  of  the  city,  he  got  this  &&  paxton  was  very  ok  with  having  this  type  of  room.    
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strmdrvn · 4 years
“Well, if we ever get competitive, we could even get some sponsors here. I wonder if Best Fiends would like to sponsor me again” he said, tapping his chin as he made a mental note to send a couple of emails later. But his attention soon returned to the very gorgeous man with him. “Oh come on you do! You look fantastic! Not only they are really cool but… you fill them well. Every corner of them” he added with a flirty smile. He shrugged and nodded “I’m over 900 thousand… Hopefully, I’ll get to a million when September ends… no musical pun intended” he said with a smile. He then wrapped his arm around Paxton’s frame and scooted a bit closer. “Yeah. I’m going to like it here, definitely” he said, gazing into Paxton’s eyes, smiling. “Hey, since we were talking competitions… may I interest you in a little friendly race? The winner gets whatever he wants from the other?” he whispered mischievously, eyes going down to watch the other’s body. 
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       paxton  chuckled  softly.   hearing  the  other  being  flirtatious  was  nice.   being  an  athlete,  he  didn’t  have  time  to  do  much  dating.   and  with  people  out  there  that  cared  so  much  about  being  in  a  relationship,  paxton  was  not  one  of  those  that  truly  seeked  for  one.   eyes  shifted  over  at  the  other  again,  smiling  softly  at  him.    “   you’re  too  kind  adrian,  ”  he  smiled.    he  felt  honored  at  the  compliments,  especially  because  adrian  was  one  that  filled  out  well  in  all  the  right  places.   “   damn,  that’s  crazy.  i  don’t  have  an  instagram  or  anything  like  that.  ”   he  stated.    “   alright  sure,  but  i  will  tell  you,  i’m  a  bit  good  at  this,  ”   he  smiled.
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strmdrvn · 4 years
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             “  school  .  cool  .  ”  to  be  quite  fair  ,  darian  didn’t  finish  high  school  like  most  people  had  .  instead  he  dropped  out  at  sixteen  &  later  on  went  &  got  his  ged  .  perhaps  that’s  something  that  a  soon - to - be  god  should  be  telling  people  ;  so  darian  didn’t  mention  it  .  “  it’s  definitely  .  .  .  something  .   i’m  not  used  to  this  luxury  life  ,  ”  the  male  said  ,  tucking  a  few  strands  of  hair  behind  his  ear  ,  “  what  about  you  ?  ”
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    “  yea,  ”   he  responded,  keeping  his  body  at  a  good  distance  from  darian.   “   yea,  it  is  extravagant,  i  will  say  that.  ”   he  knew  how  extravagant  life  could  be,  especially  when  he  was in  the  olympics.    he  smiled  up  at  the  other  when  he  spoke  again.   “   am  i  use  to  it ??   yea,  definitely  not.   i  mean,  i’ve  been  to  a  fancy  place  before,  stayed  in  a  hotel  that  kinda  feels  like  this,  but  life,  never  really  lived  anything  remotely  close  to  this.  ”
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strmdrvn · 4 years
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Zachariah nodded as he thought back to the time his father and him lived out there. He could really see himself settling down there, if he really wanted to. But then again, his life was always moving and changing. Settling down wasn’t exactly something that came natural to him. “What is this, an interrogation session?” he said quietly, lifting his head up to look down at Paxton with a raised brow.
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       paxton  chuckled  when  the  other  spoke.   he  was  asking  a  lot  of  questions.  he  shook  his  head  before  letting  his  hands  float  on  top  of  the  water.   “  sorry,  i’m  too  curious  for  my  own  good,  ”   he  whispered.   “  you  don’t  need  to  answer  that.   we  can  just  chill  here  &&  just  be.  ”   he  responded.   pax  did  talk  a  lot,  especially  when  he  was  nervous.   he  didn’t  know  what  to  do  in  quiet  situations.
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strmdrvn · 4 years
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“just being honest, heck if there were guys like you comin round the farm, i would not have been able to work properly.” he grinned. “yeah, like out one of them fairy tale books or something, feels like i don’t belong here.” the upper east side comment went over his head, he blinked a few times before finally giving up trying to figure out what it meant. “upper what now? d’you think they’d let my ma move to a nicer place if i take a smaller room or something, or if i work around the place? she’s still living in our trailer home, and i don’t think it’s fair i get to be here and she’s still in that ol rust bucket.”
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       “  oh,  that’s  nice  of  you  to  say,  ”   he  laughed  as  he  got  in  the  water.  the  sensation  was  rather  nice.    he  grinned,  looking  up  at  the  guy  again  when  he  spoke.   “   for  real.   you  know,  upper  east  side,  like  in  that  one  show  gossip  girl ??  ”   he  stated.   not  like  he  watched  much,  but  he  knew  some  of  the  mainstream  stuff  playing  on  netflix.   “   oh,  i  don’t  know.  maybe.   perhaps  asking  the  one  in  charge  of  this  place.   maybe  they  can  help  her  out.  ”
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strmdrvn · 4 years
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“i mean you certainly look like a million bucks compared to little ol me, so you might just have that in your bank as well,” ashe said as he tried for a joke, not realizing that could be misconstrued as flirting. “that it is, i’ve never seen a place like this in my life, certainly ain’t nothing like the farm back home.” nodding, he began to set himself inside the water. “pretty much just got off the plane, first time on a plane as well, this is all new to me. but uh, enough about me tell me about you, have you been liking this place?”
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      “   you’re  sweet.   but  you’re  the  one  that  looks  like  he’s  some  kind  of  model.   tall,  nice  body,  nice  face,  ”   he  chuckled.   “   oh  i  feel  that.   this  place  is  all  luxurious.   i  didn’t  think  this  place  would  be  like  this.    i  feel  like  the  ones  living  in  the  upper  east  side  or  something,  ”   he  stated.    “   oh  really ??  it’s  my  second  time  flying  out  of  the  country.   and  yea,  i  do  like  the  place  so  far.   it’s  nice.   i  definitely  don’t  deserve  the  place  i’m  living  in.  bigger  than  the  apartment  i  was  at  before.   like  4  times  as  big.  ”
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strmdrvn · 4 years
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             “  that’s  sweet  of  you  .  why  didn’t  your  mom  just  —  go  with  you  ?  ”  he  asked  .  asking  question  after  question  made  it  so  that  darian  didn’t  have  to  answer  any  himself  .  “  i  could  come  down  once  in  a  while  &  keep  you  company  ,  sure  ,  ”  the  male  cooed  as  he  looked  over  at  the  male  with  a  cheesy - ish  grin  .  “  it’s  all  good  ,  i’ll  just  put  my  hair  up  whenever  i  come  down  to  see  you  .  ”
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      “   it  was  for  school.   i  was  the  baby  bird  flying  on  my  own,  ”   he  stated.   which  was  true.   he  went  off  for  school,  was  in  the  olympics.   it  was  all  an  experience.   he  smiled  at  darian  when  he  spoke  again.   “   that  would  be  nice.  ”   he  nodded.   “   it  looks  good.   i  love  the  curly  hair,  ”   he  said,  swimming  towards  the  other.   “   so,  what  do  you  think  about  this  place ??  ”
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strmdrvn · 4 years
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it was all too surreal, to be here when his mother was still in a trailer park, it wasn’t fair. ashe was gonna see if he could make sure the school would help out and let him work and provide for his mother so she could have her own home and not need to worry about a thing. for now he could just try and relax, and as he found himself in the pool he thought about taking a dip, problem was that it was already occupied by another guy. “hi,” he called out waving out to the guy, as he kept the towel draped around his waist, already half naked and ready to take a dip. “do you mind if i join you, if not it’s cool and i can come back later.”
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     it  was  a  hot  day.   so  of  course  paxton  wanted  to  be  at  the  pool  for  the  day.    he  wasn’t  alone  though.    he  glanced  up  &&  saw  that  another  male  had  entered  the  felicities.   paxton  smiled  softly.     he  nodded,  not  caring  if  the  other  joined.   “   i  don’t  own  the  place,  ”   he  chuckled.    “   i  don’t  mind.   it’s  big  enough  for  both  of  us,  ”   he  stated,  feet  still  in  the  water.   “  so  you’re  new  too ??  ”  paxton  asked,  curious.
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strmdrvn · 4 years
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“In the world? Well, I’ve spent most of my life in the states. Hawaii is nice. I think if I could stay there, I would,” Zachariah mused as he stared out over the hot tub, watching the water bubble up and surround their bodies. “It’s warm and the people are kind. What more could you want?”
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        “  hawaii,  that  sounds  mighty  nice,  ”   he  grinned.   “  i’ve  never  been  there.   but  i’ve  always  wanted  to  check  the  place  out.   it  sounds  so  beautiful.   the  beaches  there  look  like  they  are  beautiful  too,  ”   he  smiled,  thinking  about  the  place.   he  definitely  missed  the  ocean.   “   what  is  one  place  you  wish  you  could  visit ??  ”
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strmdrvn · 4 years
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Zachariah glanced over at Paxton, noting the way the other’s cheeks flushed up a bit. “Unless you think that isn’t comfortable?” he murmured. But once the other man agreed, Zachariah nodded and sank down in the hot tub a little bit to his chest was more horizontal for the other to rest his head upon. “I’m glad to hear that. Better than the shoulders?”
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     “  yes,  definitely  better  than  your  shoulders.  ”   he  whispers.   he  sat  there,  thinking  about  what  they  were  in  for.   what  this  place  had  to  offer  for  them.   eyes  shifted  over  to  the  bubbles  that  were  shooting  towards  them  &&  paxton  felt  most  comfortable  in  that  moment.   “   so,  what  are  some  of  your  favorite  places  that  you’ve  visited ??  anywhere  good ??  ”
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strmdrvn · 4 years
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strmdrvn · 4 years
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Snorting at the other possible nickname Paxton would have given him, Zachariah opted to just leave it. Names didn’t really matter too much to him anyways; he’d be called whatever, but it didn’t change who he was. The young man nodded respectfully in agreement with what Paxton said, only sitting a bit more upright in the hot tub. “You could rest your head on my chest, if you want. Might be less bony than my shoulders, I’d think.”
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     paxton  was  surprised  when  the  other  mentioned  his  chest.   a  soft  smile,  plus  some  flushed  cheeks.   was  paxton  nervous ??  it  seemed  like  it.   he  kept  his  smile  though  &&  he  nodded  at  the  other.   “  alright,  that  sounds  like  a  plan,  ”   he  states.    he  closed  the  gap  between  them,  resting  his  head  on  zac’s  chest.    “  you’re  right,  it’s  very  comfortable.  ”   he  states.
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strmdrvn · 4 years
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“Still not the best name you could give me,” Zachariah snorted, watching as Paxton made himself comfortable and moved to rest himself on his shoulders. “Honesty is good though. And directness. I try to be honest and direct myself,” he remarked, before pausing at the statement again. “Are my shoulders comfortable enough for you?”
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    “   it’s  either  that  or  muscles,  ”   he  grinned.   “  i  mean,  the  muscles  are  true,  ”   he  said,  patting  his  chest  before  looking  up  at  zac.    “    i  like  that.   being  direct  is  a  good  trait.   more  people  should,  better  than  keeping  someone  in  limbo.  ”   he  states.   “  what,  you  have  something  more  comfortable ??  ”   paxton  asked  him.
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strmdrvn · 4 years
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“An influencer and a globe trotter,” he mused, tapping his chin thoughtfully. “Sounds like you’ve been meeting really interesting people out here,” Zachariah remarked, before raising a brow as he felt Paxton’s shoulder brushing up against his. “Now look who’s saying nice things? You sure the hot tub isn’t too hot for you?” he mused as he nudged Paxton lightly.
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     “  an  army  brat,  ”   he  teased,  leaning  close  to  the  other,  feeling  the  nudge.   “   hey,  i’m  just  saying  what  i’m  feeling.   i  don’t  want  to  lie,  ”   he  smiled.   “  nope,  just  a  little  more  on  the  relaxed  side.   definitely  need  to  get  comfortable,  ”   he  said,  before  letting  his  head  rest  on  zac’s  shoulder.    “   and  you’re  definitely  looking  comfortable.  ”
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