striving4goodenough · 5 years
Stop binging!!!
The food is not gonna disappear if you don’t eat it, you can always have it another time.
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striving4goodenough · 5 years
🌿 August 2019 🌿
Ok listen up, maybe until now you’ve fucked up several times, tried to recover and failed miserably, relapsed over and over again.
Stop. Take a deep breath. It’s August.
You might not have reached your UGW, but August is going to be YOUR MONTH.
Plan your meals, get out and go for a walk, throw away that food you know you’ll binge on, set a small goal and FUCKING GO FOR IT!
I know you can do it, for the love of god don’t give up now.
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striving4goodenough · 5 years
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striving4goodenough · 5 years
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im a mix between profastinator and caffeinate me cap’in (mostly profastinator tho)
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striving4goodenough · 5 years
Intermittent Fasting site: we do NOT recommend IF to ED sufferers or to anyone who’s recovering !!! for NO reason should these people try IF !!!
me: :)
IF site:
me: :))))
IF site: no what are you doi-
me: LoOk aT Me sO hEAltHY I fASteD fOR jUsT 22 hOUrS
IF site: that’s…… not…. it…….. it should be around 16 hours….
me: healthy. recovery. fuck you.
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striving4goodenough · 5 years
all it should take if you’re disciplined enough is three to four months. you’ll be at you goal weight in four months.
the food will still be there in four months. mcdonald’s will still exist in four months. that donut place will still be there after four months. food won’t leave, it’ll still be there when you’re skinny. why eat it now? why not eat it when you’ve reached your goal?
[ what i tell myself every time. ]
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striving4goodenough · 5 years
Too depressed to starve, too anxious to stop weighing.
It’s a miserable cycle of self-hatred.
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striving4goodenough · 5 years
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Motivation💪🏼Stay strong
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striving4goodenough · 6 years
I have the exact opposite of this.
Is it just me or does anyone else accept liquid calories better than calories from food? Like a 300cal drink from starbucks is acceptable but a 300cal meal made for diets is totally crazy and i tell myself i cant have it. Anyone else or just me? Do you feel like liquid calories are better than calories from food?
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striving4goodenough · 6 years
feel a binge or craving coming up?
don’t worry, okay? we got this. we can resist and stay strong together. now, let’s get started!
when did you eat for the last time, what and how much? okay, so if it was less than 4 hours ago, you’re not really hungry, but crave something. if you’re over 6 hours you might actually be hungry and should allow yourself to eat at least a salad, a light warming stew or some fruit.
okay, so if it’s a craving, try this:
🌸first we need to stop the physical feeling in your stomach and mouth:
1. drink two or three glasses of sparkling water. it actually fills your stomach up so much, you will feel like you just ate a ton of food.
2. wait a little and give your body some time to deal with the sparkling water. meanwhile sit down and scroll through tumblr or instagram, pinterest or whatever.
3. good. still craving? now have lots of plain non sparkling water. chew a chewing gum of your favorite flavour, after that chew a mint flavored one to curve the craving. if you want have a diet drink.
4. have warm black coffee or a strong hot cup of your favourite tea. warmth will make you feel cozy and filled up.
5. when on your period don’t be so strict. have a hot chocolate (water based) or some dark chocolate. or both. you need iron in your blood.
🌸no cravings anymore? see? you’re doing amazing! now we’ll make sure it stays that way until it’s really time for you to have a nourishing meal🌸
1. writing is always nice. a diary entry? meal planner? to do lists? a poem? a short story? poetry slam? a long story? week planners? list of books you want to read? list of movies/series you want to watch? how you are currently feeling? wish list? bucket list? and anything else that comes to your mind.
2. that book you wanted to finish/start…how about now?
3. that series you wanted to finish/start, now??
4. there are probably movies you’d like to watch, no?
5. put on a face mask and do your nails. you’re not able to eat that way at all plus you do something good to yourself.
6. how about your room? want to clean it? want to reorganise a cupboard/your closet? want to decorate it?
7. how about painting or drawing? crazy art skills are not required, just be creative and draw/paint whatever you like.
8. pack your schoolbag.
9. still got homework or studying to do? don’t leave school behind, do it now!
10. take a nap, never a bad idea.
11. scroll through your favourite online shops.?look at all these clothes. soon they will look fantastic on you!
12. laundry? it won’t do itself.
13. walk around the block, park, nearby forest, city or wherever. listen to music if you want.
14. do yoga or meditate. relax.
15. take a nice warm bath. drink water before for your circulation. cold baths aren’t worth the few calories burned.
16. call a friend or family member you haven’t talked to in a while. or call someone you talk to regularly.
17. play nintendo games, video games, computer games or games on your phone.
18. write an honest letter to someone you love or hate. let all your feelings out. you don’t have to send it.
19. learn a new skill. there are plenty of tutorials on youtube.
20. watch youtube videos. also vine compilations are always a good choice :D
21. watch a horror movie. they are proven to burn calories while watching.
22. have you tried origami? try it now.
23. sing your favourite songs or dance to them.
24. learn a poem by heart.
25. watch documentaries on youtube. they mostly are full length and free. you’ll find one that’s interesting to you.
26. answer faq’s on tumblr.
27. text people on tumblr or people you know in real life. btw you can text me anytime, I’ll try to answer. :)
28. got extra credits? do it. it will pay off.
29. change your bed sheets. might be about the right time.
30. do your skin care routine.
31. try diy face masks, hair masks, peelings etc.
32. watch music videos on youtube.
33. lock yourself in your room. each time you want to go out to grab candy, you’ll think about it twice.
see, beautiful, you’ve done so well! now it might be time to eat something. you deserve and need a little snack. go for a nice big salad, warm vegetables or whatever you enjoy. I’m so proud of you. I know it’s hard. please share more tips in the comments 💜
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striving4goodenough · 6 years
saying „no” to food is hard, restricting is hard, it only hurts through the day, im hungry, i want that peanut butter, but when the day ends and im sitting in my room, drinking my tea, im so happy i didn’t give up, im so happy im losing weight, im proud and grateful, its one of the best feelings
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striving4goodenough · 6 years
I lost 8lbs in 48 hours!!!
reblog for good luck ✨
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striving4goodenough · 6 years
How to avoid munchies
Clean your room
Drink tea/water
Chew gum
Lay down and watch YouTube/Netflix
Do your homework
Hide food
Do the dishes
Listen to music (and scroll through Tumblr)
Paint your nails
Do a face mask
Eat fruit (apples, kiwis, mango)
Eat vegetables (carrots, cucumber)
Remember yourself how you will feel after binging
Enjoy your flat stomach
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striving4goodenough · 6 years
Going to sleep hungry is hard, but in the morning you’ll realize it was worth it
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striving4goodenough · 6 years
You’ve heard of No binge November
Now get ready for,,,
Don’t binge December
Just restricting January
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striving4goodenough · 6 years
28 days
28 days until Christmas. 28 days to hit two goal weights. That’s plenty of time right? RIGHT! You just gotta put in the work and have a little bit of self control. STOP FUCKING UP. 28 days of no binging, staying within your calorie limits, and exercising. It’s not hard. You can do it, it’s less than a month. Do not fuck this up. 28 days to hit two goal weights. You got this.
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striving4goodenough · 6 years
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🐍🌙Neon Orchid
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