Home of Spanking Fic and Wincest
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Originally this blog was intended to be devoted to fic, stories, and other content of a spanking-related persuasion. (Including BDSM or other heavy kink content.) And that is still the case, but I'm also going to be putting any and all Wincest (Sam X Dean from "Supernatural") here as well. And not all of that content will be spanking or even NSFW. Some will be outright fluff. But I do try to tag thoroughly so hopefully that will help some with navigating. 
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stridingathinline · 2 days ago
happy wincest wednesday! no nuance poll
factor in both capacity to be annoying and capacity to be aroused by being annoyed. or don’t. I did say no nuance
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stridingathinline · 4 days ago
Still thinking about that regency AU 🫠🫠🫠
(I swear it's gonna haunt me till the end, jk of course).
Just finish reading "the wrong way track from the good" and it's absolutely perfect as a one-off fic.
But have you ever thought of making more fics or maybe just sharing thoughts on the "Bobby finds out" or "John finds out" trope?
hi, lovely!
i actually completely forgot that i mentioned the regency AU on here once, and sat there for a second like “??? how the FUCK did they know about that ????” but lol i remembered that ask game a while back where i talked about it here.
i figured it was so niche that no one would really care for it? but anon…now you got me thinking…idk…maybe i’ll have to revisit it…👀 if one person wants it, maybe we can geek out about it together, anon, haha!
oh thank you so much!! i definitely walked a fine line with that one, because i was afraid any version of it would be a little too OOC. i definitely don’t think bobby would be okay with it, as i kind of got at in the fic. he’d let it slide because he loves those boys a LOT but i don’t think he’d ever “accept” them, as it were. i talked about a lot of feelings about bobby finding out in that fic (e.g., afraid to be the one to cut them out, because then they’ll rely ONLY on each other, not willing to turn them into john because it will literally wreck them beyond sanity to be separated).
as for john…it’s difficult to say. i’ve read a couple of headcanons on here that i quite enjoyed that said john would treat it very hellenistically and kind of throw his hands up and say ‘well at least they’ll lock the fuck in now/fight to protect each other in the life twice as hard, now.’ while i agree and think this is very fun, i don’t think it’s very true to the textual character we see. if john found out, he’d be pretty outright disgusted. he’d separate them immediately, no question. he’d be pretty angry about it, to disguise the fact that he’s drinking himself into a stupor every single night, because he feels so goddamn guilty.
he'd be muttering to mary about how he completely ruined their family--oh god mary i'm so sorry--because he made the boys believe this was something acceptable/appropriate/reasonable. even though john's journal is a non-canon work, we see a lot of this self-blame there, with a contradicting unwillingness to change. he thinks he pushed the boys to this by moving them around so much and only letting them rely on each other. while this had benefits on the road (e.g., dean being able to get sam in line easier, dean not minding moving around so much, sam being mollified if john left dean behind, too, etc.), there's clearly a TOO MUCH line that they crossed. he has a very strong attachment to the concept of (nuclear) family, and loves his sons, so this is a devastating, horrific blow.
he'd probably never let them see each other again, lmao. maybe a supervised phone call here or there if they're kicking up trouble because they're separated. they don't celebrate any annual event (no birthdays, holidays, spiritual events), so there's no real reason to get together with caleb or bobby or pastor jim or whoever he leaves the other brother with. which means that he'd pretty much cut ties with the brother that he leaves behind by accident.
maybe he'd leave behind one brother at a motel and drive to see the other without telling him, and i'm sure he'd call more than the other is allowed to. now which brother he leaves behind really depends, and i could honestly see it going either way.
on one hand, dean is probably close to an adult at this point, or at least late teens (unless this is young weecest), so maybe john leaves him behind because he needs his father less, and he can get a job, etc. plus, john definitely blames dean more than sam about their relationship, as dean is the older brother and more responsible. there'd definitely be (depending on how long their relationship was) some concerns from john about grooming/molestation, and honestly i could see john throwing a few punches/shoves if he finds out by finding them mid-intimacy. which means he's so pissed at dean he's willing to let him deal with the consequences of his actions (like we see him do with dean & sonny).
on the other hand, dean is a more capable hunting partner, and sammy HATES the life, so maybe john would leave sam behind and finally give him that "normal," needed now more so than ever since sam's been nursing on his big brother's dick like a tit. so john leaves sam behind.
regardless, dean is absolutely eaten alive by guilt, and sam is FURIOUS. i would not be surprised if--either way this goes--sam runs away weekly. then plays it really cool and obedient so he can gain trust and then do his most outrageous escape plan yet.
when sam leaves for college (whether he's with john or a third party), i imagine dean is the first to volunteer for a solo hunt as soon as he finds out and disappears for three weeks.
all of this is assuming he finds out when they're teenagers-ish. i'm honestly not sure how he would respond if they were adults. not to be rude, but uh...he doesn't see them often enough as adults to even notice. it would have to be blatant, like john popping up and breaking into their hotel room to find sam bending dean in half with his ankles next to his ears.
and then...honestly? no he didn't. see what? he'd probably chalk it up to sam's increasing demon influence, and assume sam used an andy-esque power to mind-control dean into it. it would increase his fire to find azazel, and hope that when he puts a bullet in between his eyes his sons will stop trying to swallow each other's come for a few minutes. anyway.
if bobby finds out when they're adults, i think he'd very much follow the same policy, of "i didn't see anything but if i DID i don't want you doing it near me."
however, if i wrote a FIC about john finding out, i would want to do a teenchesters fic, unless it was from john POV, because then i think john rationalizing it to himself as adults would be fun. i would probably focus on that initial confrontation, and him separating the boys, and sam and dean trying to find out how to communicate/see each other around the rules. with dean pulling away because he is sick, isn't he, for molesting his little brother, and sam being furious that dean is reducing him like that, a la how i wrote them in the bobby founds out fic in question.
woahhh i apparently had way more to say than i thought, lol! sorry for the rant, and thank you sm for the ask! <3
(here is the link to “the wrong way track from the good” for anyone interested!)
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stridingathinline · 9 days ago
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Cards Against Humanity, Wincest Edition [insp]
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stridingathinline · 14 days ago
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dean looks at sam's neck where the vamps had killed him and next time we see them the blood on sam has been cleaned up and he changed into new undershirt with a collar and comfy jacket like
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the subtlety of this scene with the obvious implication there was an even more private emotional moment between samdean we weren't exempt to
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stridingathinline · 15 days ago
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End of the Road Made for spn_reversebang 2013. The accompanying fic is We Must Surely Be Learning by abeautifullie3 (Sam/Dean, R).
Icons and more notes at the source.
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stridingathinline · 19 days ago
Happy Monday Y'all! I made a smaller, evenly balanced wheel. 50/50 chance of a woman, 50/50 chance of highest or lowest percentage. So, tell me.
Tell us in the tags!
note: asexuals, smash means hang with.
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stridingathinline · 19 days ago
anyone looking for more wincest fic recs?? nobody?? okay here you go anyway. i have a bunch of fics i couldn't fit into the other list, so i needed to make a brand new one with more variety this time around. i organized it by wordcount to make things easier, however i rarely read long fics, so these are mostly pretty short. once again this list got way out of hand...
(for mature or explicit rating, you can assume it's [sometimes implied] bottom sam, or it isn't discussed. for bottom dean or versatile samdean, i made a small separate section of my favorites.)
Remember the Mountain Bed by nigeltde (G, 1k): post canon. sam and dean jr. one of the only fics that have ever made me cry and with only a thousand words! this one is so very dear to my heart, heartbreaking in its details, yet warm and soothing at the same time. just gorgeous.
Are You by lovetincture (G, 1k): one of my favorite gen fics. i adore second person POV and this is a great example of how it can maximize impact.
I Was the Dirty Little Boy (E, 1k): a quick weecest sparring session turning into spanking... you know. the good stuff.
Stealth Run by LaughableLament (E, 1k): late seasons + established relationship + possessive dean + slutty sam. i love this author a lot.
State of Mind by lovetincture (M, 2k): the summary goes "It's legal in the state of Ohio." yes it is as good as suggested. the tension in this fic mwahh
The Euphoria Emporium by Laughable_Lament (E, 2k): sam and dean visit a sex shop and dean gets jealous. quick and nasty.
Be Mine by De_Nugis (T, 2k): first part of a short series. for people who love silly, goofy samdean. this is no plot, pure crack. the kind that actually makes you laugh out loud.
Dating for Dummies by sevenfists (M, 3k): there's not enough first time aftermath fics. this has ruined me because it is the exact level of lighthearted i love, where the brothers continue being brothers first and foremost, even after boning.
We Are Drinking Beer at Noon on Tuesday by whirlpoolsleep (M, 3k): neat outsider POV. always love seeing the brothers through normal people's eyes.
With Mercy for the Greedy by whiskyandoldspice (E, 3k): unmatched weecest pwp. the amount of hits/kudos doesn't always mean quality but for this one it absolutely does. this is pretty much flawless in my eyes.
August 5th, 2001 by coricomile (M, 4k): established weecest! this was cute and tender with the right amount of angst surrounding sam's imminent departure. bittersweet ending.
Run It All Over by runawaydr3amer (E, 4k): first part of a series. the classic "brotherly handjobs" scenario, but it immediately stood out to me. really on point voices and hot amosphere.
Dean's palm would be rougher by FrancesHouseman (M, 4k): hand kink! i think we can all relate to sam here. this has a scene that's hotter than many pwps i've read lol
Know when to walk away and know when to run by deirdre_c (E, 4k): brothers playing strip poker goes too far... set in s3. great sexual tension and a super satisfying first time.
At Least It's Only One Song by ADeedWithoutaName (E, 4k): dean-gifting-sam-a-lap-dance fic. another outsider POV with an instantly likable OC. she can tell there's something off about those guys...
sticks and stones and weed and bones by aeroport_art (M, 5k): sam seeing a therapist at stanford. really great character study and winchester family dynamics. the conclusion to this story is just... crazy. so well done.
Shadows on the Sun by Linden (M, 5k): soft weecest first kiss! the thing i liked most in this story is how protective they both are. nice brotherly feelings.
wretched creation (M, 5k): one of my favorite reads of last year! criminally underrated work with less than a thousand hits. angsty feels and an unsettling atmosphere. dean facing a demon who knows more about his feelings toward his little brother than he'd like.
Forty-One by themegalosaurus (E, 5k): angsty unnegotiated kinky sex with lots of hell trauma. the kind of porn that's so nuanced and well written it doesn't get me horny (that's a compliment!)
Monumentally Stupid by strive2bhappy (5k): dean helps sam shave and it was hotter than i could ever imagine. great banter, tension, and emotional weight.
Double Solitaire by objectlesson (M, 5k): post mystery spot. amazing character study through a very creative concept. this is one of the authors who really knew how to write dysfunctional wincest.
this bullet inside me by missroserose (E, 6k): who's up for angsty first time in a long time? if you enjoy hathfrozen (i'm sure you do), this will definitely hit a similar spot.
Belonging by strive2bhappy (6k): wifey sam. i repeat Wifey Sam!!!
Lucky Streak by merle_p (M, 6k): thirsty pining done so right. incest that gives you butterflies in the stomach, believe it or not.
You Can't Lose What You Never Had by nigeltde (E, 6k): nigeltde is an incredible writer. from beginning to end this fic is insane. angsty, desperate, emotional, shameful, this takes you on a rollercoaster of emotions. top notch characterization.
How it Works by Dyed_Red (M, 6k): this is probably in my top ten fics of all time, peak codependent, obsessive, dysfunctional samdean. this particular fic really nails their dynamic and the most delicious, fucked up aspects of it.
Taking to Give by Dyed_Red (M, 7k): lovely character study. this one is a bit softer than most Dyed_Red works, it offers an emotional view of sam and dean growing up. heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time.
Wire Inside Me by merle_p (E, 7k): the sam-is-carrying-lucifer's-baby fic. this story is great for how it deals with the pregnancy pushing dean over the edge. the first time tension here is excellent!
Dean is badass. Sam has always known it. by FrancesHouseman (E, 7k): very interesting dynamic with sam and dean playing mind games to see who gives in first. i like this cocky sam a lot.
Hush Little Baby by hellhoundsprey (E, 7k): CNC weecest. sam and dean go to a haunted house and get up to some nasty freaky shit. it's even better than you can imagine. fyi there's dean in a clown costume.
they said it was the fall of man by jukeboxhound (M, 7k): set in s6, the aftermath of sam getting his soul back through dean's POV. pure angst and overwhelming emotions, beautifully written, it hurt so good.
Man of Steel by glovered (T, 8k): THE lighthearted incest fic for me. along the lines of paxlux's 'Artery', at least to me. this borders on crack, a hilarious, feel-good story that always makes me smile when i think about it.
Disney Princess Hair by Dyed_Red (T, 8k): gencest/weirdcest in its best shape. sam as sleeping beauty! and obviously dean being very very very weird about handling the curse. i loved how this touched on the obsessive aspects of their relationship while keeping the tone light.
Architecture of Choice by Dyed_Red (E, 9k): yes another Dyed_Red work bc they're my favorite author. this one has one of my fave tropes (fuck or die) and it deals with sam's lack of bodily autonomy in a visceral way.
Pull over by jjtaylor (E, 9k): for my piss play enjoyers! this has lots of great tension and it goes way beyond kinky sex.
This Is All Very Meta by road_rhythm (E, 10k): loss of virginity roleplay fic. except it's sooo much more than that. i thought this would be fun and lighthearted, couldn't have been more wrong. the emotional depth delivered here caught me by surprise, but it shouldn't have, given the author. flawless characterization as usual.
God will forgive me but by sammyatstanford (E, 10k): weecest with lots of pining!sam and angsty yearning. brothers who need each other in sick, twisted ways. there was also a great amount of actual brotherly feelings, which is always a plus in my book.
Acid by Goshen (E, 12k): to this day one of the most insane things ever written. this fic is a classic, it's a surreal experience, a fever dream. dissecting the brotherfuckers, no stone left unturned.
Baby Blue by Edwardina (E, 13k): sam gets hit with a curse that makes him need to suck on a pacifier 24/7. it turned out to be way less sexual than i expected, this is for caretaker!dean lovers.
Learn to say the same thing by glovered (T, 14k): great case fic. sam and dean go to a single's retreat in the mountains for a case and eventually have to confront their incestuous feelings. every glovered fic just fills me with joy.
Supersize Me, Sammy by awabubbles (E, 16k): sadly one of the only size queen sam fics ever written, but it is absolutely perfect so i made my peace with that.
Only Natural (Be My Hands) (E, 17k): sam manages to break both his wrists so dean steps up to take care of his needs. and i mean all of his needs.
Relapse by ani_coolgirl (M, 21k): lebanon AU. i adore this fic, i'm in love with it, i think about it all the time and will think about it forever probably. everything here was done incredibly well, one of those fics that feel specifically made for me lol
Edges by glovered (M, 23k): amazing banter and lots of UST. set in stanford era but it's not really angsty. the tone was just perfect for me, this fic had me GIDDY.
Driving Down the Darkness by Nutkin (M, 39k): one of my faves in terms of Brotherly Feels. extremely well written and thoughtful, super slow burn. outstanding early seasons getting together fic that everyone should read.
Like a Ghost with Two Voices by Dyed_Red (E, 46k): my favorite demon!dean fic. some of the wildest scenes i've ever read. pretty disturbing and incredibly delicious. if you're into fucked up consent stuff, this is a must read. it has a happy ending!
bottom dean and versatile samdean recs:
Take Backs by saltandbyrne (E, 2k): swesson + switching. hands down one of the best PWPs i've ever read, which was to be expected from saltandbyrne. it really doesn't get filthier than this.
How to Wear Polka Dots by homo_pink (M, 6k): swesson. this one is so so weird. and so charming. interesting and refreshing writing style, i had so much fun reading this.
Here's Your Future by autoschediastic (E, 7k): weecest with teasing!dean for a change. loved the power dynamics here, and the intensity throughout the whole fic. desperate, guilty first time, badwrong at its finest.
Enduring Love by oschun (E, 7k): really enjoyed the relationship study here, insightful and well written.
there will be better days by deadlybride (E, 9k): my favorite heaven fic! so warm and peaceful and emotional, full of love and longing and happy reunited soulmates. just thinking about this story makes my heart ache in the best way. really really beautiful.
Yeah, I'm a Back Door Man (E, 22k): established relationship. dean's hell trauma. this was a rollercoaster, great character study, good mix of angst and schmoop as well. probably the best bottom dean i've read so far (along with a couple Goshen works)
Yesterday, minnesota by Goshen: (E, 29k): speaking of applecrumbledore... this fic truly rewired my brain. the queen of "fucking for years without talking about it until one of them snaps". brilliantly executed, one of my favorite deans ever.
yay it's finally over! still i wish i had more long fics to rec lmao do check tags carefully before reading! enjoy the wincest goodness!
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stridingathinline · 24 days ago
I think mine isn't so much a story arc as just how they were during that time, and it was S11. The MOC is gone from Dean, and yeah, the world's trying to end, again, but they're both good with each other. It very much feels like a married thing to me. And 90% of the issues going on are coming from the outside, not from them. But there was just enough interpersonal conflict between them to keep it real. But even then, like when Dean finally confessed about his connection with Amara, you could see the growth in both of them. Because he didn't have to say anything. He easily could have dodged it again. But he chose to let himself be vulnerable to Sam. And Sam was SO understanding and gave him the reassurances that he really needed. Just, the growth was amazing. (Before the writers decided to walk it back later like they always do because they run out of ideas.)
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the holiday is here again 🥹 for today's question, please reblog this post with your favourite wincesty season arc in the comments or tags! currently mine is season three sam so devoted to saving dean on the road to doom 😭
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stridingathinline · 24 days ago
Satanic ritual
Ooop! Here!? Have another drawing and vignette fic for the SPN Eldritch Bingo 2024 - this time for the square "Satanic ritual"…! 😈
Title: "Ritus" Word count: 7,821 Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester Pairing: Dean Winchester/Sam WInchestere0 Warnings: Noncon wincest, open ending, witches, fuck or die
Read it on my Ao3!
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stridingathinline · 25 days ago
ok time to self-flagellate
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stridingathinline · 27 days ago
Show me lonely, and show me openings to bring me closer to you, my dear—
Dean keeps thinking about time. Can’t help it.
Sam stirs, at his side. Dean keeps his eyes on the window, where the half-drawn curtains are barely keeping out the slowly darkening gold of the afternoon. A hand pets down over his naked back, smooths down his flank in a heavy stroke, and Dean stretches out under it, tries to focus on the warmth, the weight. He’s got his arms folded under the thin motel pillow, but they kicked away the covers in that first frantic fuck, hours ago, finally alone where no one could see or interrupt. The sheet’s wrecked, beneath them. What’s left is just this pillow, and Sam—the long, warm, familiar body, tucked in against his side. They’re pressed together at hip and shoulder, Sam’s leg snugged up against his, and now Sam’s hand on the small of his back, stroking slow circles with one restless thumb. Some family group from next door clatters out onto the sidewalk outside their room—a man’s voice calling for them to hurry up, or Mount Rushmore will have walked away! Little-girl voices shrieking dismay. Sam huffs, and Dean finds he’s clenching his fists tight, tries to relax them. They listen as car doors slam, as an old engine whines to life and drives away, and then it’s quiet, again.
“What time is it,” Sam says, soft.
His breath is warm against Dean’s shoulder. Dean shrugs. “Don’t care,” he says, and it’s too-low, gravelly, but so what. Not like Sam’s going to say anything.
Sam makes a noise, kind of like disapproval, but too quiet to really count. It’s what Dean expects to hear from his little brother, though, and he turns his face into the pillow, squeezes his eyes closed. He hasn’t cried, not yet. Maybe it’s because the horror of what’s coming is too great. Too big to even think about. “You think Bobby’s right about those signs in Des Moines?” he forces out, to distract himself.
There’s a pause. “Probably,” Sam says, after a few seconds. “He or Cas will call, when they know.”
Dean nods, his face moving against the too-warm pillowcase. He’s having a hard time breathing. Bobby came and found them, back this morning when Dean was just sitting on the Impala’s hood, with Sam silent next to him, and he took one look at their faces and he must’ve known the conversation they had, but bless him, he didn’t say a thing. Just let them know that there were maybe some demons they could bleed, down in Iowa, and that he’d go check them out. That he and Castiel might not be back for the rest of the day. Dean had nodded, too fucked-up inside to speak, and once Bobby was gone, once they were alone, he should’ve been able to—he should’ve said—
The hand on his back slips over to his hip and tugs, and he lets out a shaky breath into the pillow but turns over, as he’s urged, because he’s not going to deny Sam a thing. Not today.
He ends up flat on his back, the pillow shoved up against the cheap fake-oak headboard. Sam props himself up on his left arm, raised halfway to sitting, and just looks at him. Dean licks his lips, feels himself flushing, but he lays there, spread out and naked, and looks back. Sam’s tan, lately. Bare, there’s no way to distract from how he’s also just—big. Grown up, and up, when Dean can still remember him as a little smartmouthed fragile thing, looking up to Dean. Like Dean ever knew what he was doing. Dean reaches up and touches his arm, where the curve of bicep’s bulging out; traces that up to his shoulder rounded with muscle, then over his tattoo, then over his heart. Sam catches his fingers, there. Traps Dean’s hand flat against his warm, living skin.
Dean can’t believe this is happening. He can’t believe he’s not fighting this with everything that he has. He drags his eyes up, a little higher, even if he dreads it, and Sam’s just—watching his face. He’s got a tiny furrow of concentration there, between his eyebrows, his lower lip caught between his teeth. His hair’s completely screwed up, and in other circumstances Dean might grin, but instead the only thing that comes to mind is that this is the last time he’s going to see it, like this, all fucked up from sleep or from Dean’s hands in it, from Sammy scrubbing through it during research or after he works out, and Dean could just—“Sammy,” he says, thick, and Sam looks right into his eyes and Dean sees that he’s thinking the exact same thing, and his fingernails dig into Sam’s skin—but then Sam’s leaning in, he spreads his hand wide over the side of Dean’s face and kisses him, knocks his mouth open with his own and tongues into him, deep, slow, their teeth knocking together clumsily. Dean closes his eyes, winds his arms around Sam’s neck. He’s holding onto his resolve by the barest thread, like trying to haul a ton of lead in with a single strand of fishing line, but there’s no other choice. The universe has brought them to this—after everything, they’ve arrived at this horrible, gorgeous summer’s day, just a few handfuls of hours left until the world cracks in half. Sam lets out a little sob of a noise into his mouth, his fingers slipping back into the too-short hair at the back of Dean’s skull, and Dean slides his hands down, gets them around Sam’s waist and drags him, urging, spreads his legs to get Sam between them. Sam pulls away from his mouth, ducks his head down against Dean’s shoulder, his breath rasping loud and too-fast against Dean’s skin, but he’s hardening up, warm and stiff down against the inside of Dean’s thigh, and that’s it. Dean grips his ass tight in one hand, slides the other up into his hair and clenches, pulls a little, and Sam jerks between his legs, slams a hand down against his hip, and—yes, that’s it, Sammy, please, and then Dean pulls his knees up high, wrapping himself up and around all that dear familiar weight, lifts his hips and then the push in, slick where Sam’s already used him twice, a stinging deep ache, and he closes his eyes, keeps Sam close enough that there’s hardly room for him to thrust—but he does, grinding in close, his hands heavy and bruising on Dean’s skin, and they breathe together, hot and close and suffocating, the bones of Sam’s forehead crushed in tight against Dean’s, his nose on Dean’s cheek, their mouths slipping slack and open against each other.
After. Sam’s shifted them around so he’s laying on his back, Dean sprawled out over his front. He’s got to be crushing Sam, but he remembers, from his own looming death—that’s the point. He tucks his face in against Sam’s collarbone, curls his fingers where they’re crammed in under his shoulders. Sam settles both hands on the backs of Dean’s thighs where they’re spread around Sam’s hips, thumbs stroking in repetitive circles. Dean’s sticky-wet, leaking, sweat-sheen all over him, and it reeks of the two of them in here. He wishes they could never leave.
“What’s it like?” Sam says, soft into his hair. “After.”
Dean swallows. He knows what Sam’s asking. There’s no answer. His hell was nothing like Sam’s will be, and there’s nothing he could say that’ll help, and, anyway—“Just—not yet, Sam,” he says. He settles his weight more heavily onto Sam, their bellies slipping slick together, and presses his ear tight against Sam’s chest, listening for the thud of his heart. The squared light of the window is a little dimmer. Who knows how long ‘til Bobby’s call. He has to take what he can get. “Not yet.” Sam’s breath hitches, but he settles one hand tight over the back of Dean’s neck and doesn’t say anything more. Dean listens to Sam’s heart, trying to ignore the tick of the face-down bedside clock. They breathe, waiting.
(read on AO3)
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stridingathinline · 28 days ago
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Sign-ups are now OPEN!!!
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stridingathinline · 1 month ago
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richard siken // supernatural, 2x22 1x16 1x01
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stridingathinline · 1 month ago
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stridingathinline · 2 months ago
sometimes you need dialogue tags and don't want to use the same four
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stridingathinline · 2 months ago
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stridingathinline · 2 months ago
just out of curiosity...
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