streetkid-jay · 3 days
good night. :)
hiya, tim..! jacyn says you’ve been actin’ weird.. is everythin’ alright?
– @streetkid-jay
I guesses yea. Jus super tired agter right nkw. Also I think that km saying stuff weird? Di don't rememer saying bu Jacynn I teust so mist be
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streetkid-jay · 3 days
go ta sleep.
well, yer brain’s all fucked up cause it’s tired, ain’t it? ya probably said that while delirious? either way, no one’s gonna stop ya from goin’ home unless ya say so, in a clear state of mind, yerself.
now sleep, dumbass. >:(
hiya, tim..! jacyn says you’ve been actin’ weird.. is everythin’ alright?
– @streetkid-jay
I guesses yea. Jus super tired agter right nkw. Also I think that km saying stuff weird? Di don't rememer saying bu Jacynn I teust so mist be
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streetkid-jay · 3 days
ah… right.
i think ya should go an’ sleep, big bro tim. this stayin’ up stuff clearly ain’t doin’ wonders for ya.
what counts as weird? people say weird stuff all the time. can ya be a little more specific? please?
hiya, tim..! jacyn says you’ve been actin’ weird.. is everythin’ alright?
– @streetkid-jay
I guesses yea. Jus super tired agter right nkw. Also I think that km saying stuff weird? Di don't rememer saying bu Jacynn I teust so mist be
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streetkid-jay · 3 days
we’re fine for now; thanks for askin’, but bring whateva ya feel is necessary.
gut feelin’ an’ all that.
you’re doomed to be a loner.
everybody will leave you soon enough.
no i’m not… i’ve got friends. ‘n miss halley…
they… they won’t leave me.
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streetkid-jay · 3 days
tha’s cool.
uh… yea? okay; now you’ve got me worried..
you’re doomed to be a loner.
everybody will leave you soon enough.
no i’m not… i’ve got friends. ‘n miss halley…
they… they won’t leave me.
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streetkid-jay · 3 days
oh, good… thank ya. again.
sorry if i made ya feel awkward, or somethin’.
everybody’s been real nice to me.. i jus’ don’t know how to show it but i really do care ‘bout y’all. promise.
you’re doomed to be a loner.
everybody will leave you soon enough.
no i’m not… i’ve got friends. ‘n miss halley…
they… they won’t leave me.
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streetkid-jay · 4 days
oh… thanks, jacyn.
yer important to me too, jus in case ya didn’t know! yer really nice. :)
i see ya as an older brother kinda guy too. is that weird??
you’re doomed to be a loner.
everybody will leave you soon enough.
no i’m not… i’ve got friends. ‘n miss halley…
they… they won’t leave me.
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streetkid-jay · 4 days
yea you are. haha, denial’s a river in egypt and yer swimmin’ in it!
but yer important to me too. i… odd as this probably sounds, ya seem like an older brother ta me? even though i’ve been an only child my whole life?? weird, right. sorry, heh.
oh. tha’s okay. my bad. :)
you’re doomed to be a loner.
everybody will leave you soon enough.
no i’m not… i’ve got friends. ‘n miss halley…
they… they won’t leave me.
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streetkid-jay · 4 days
Opinions on explosions
They look REALLY great up close
where’d this come from..??
i don’t agree ‘cause i don’t like ‘em but… you do you, i guess.
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streetkid-jay · 4 days
…shit, yer too sweet. ya’d really put that much effort inta talkin’ with me, huh?
thank ya so much..;;
what was that part before friend, though?? i didn’t get that. unless i’m jus hallucinatin’, haha.
you’re doomed to be a loner.
everybody will leave you soon enough.
no i’m not… i’ve got friends. ‘n miss halley…
they… they won’t leave me.
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streetkid-jay · 7 days
your oompa loompa ass can NOT be speakin’ right now.
crowbar victim
what’s up with everyone talkin’ ‘bout crowbars when around me??
yer givin’ me bad vibes. i have a tire iron and i ain’t afraid to use it, asshole.
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streetkid-jay · 7 days
you’re… so kind. so nice.
yer… yer like if someone put all the good parts of my ma into one person. i…
thank you. thank you so much.
i’ll try not ta be annoyin’ anyways. i promise i’ll tell ya if i feel homesick ‘n stuff. ‘n i’d… love ta bring the cat over. i dunno their gender, but… they’re a sweetie. a bit odd; bit off-puttin’, but… heh, same.
ah… fuck. i’m cryin’. just, uh, gimme a moment. haha. um.
Hey kid, i've been meaning to ask you this, especially since you need somewhere safer to stay;
But do you wanna come with me? Like, to Coast City and stay with me? I will understand if you don't want to since you may be attached to Gotham despite it all, but if you do want to.. Then tell me okay?
You could always ask me to bring you over back to Gotham if you ever want to visit little Timmy
– @greenflygirl
ah… miss…
i’m touched. really. but… are ya sure?
i wouldn’t be a big bother to ya, will i? i know i already asked that, but me bein’ in yer life 24/7 is a big difference ta givin’ me stuff ta live by. i’ll be real annoyin’. no doubt ‘bout it.
i… wouldn’t mind. not one bit. i’d miss gotham but… i think a change of view’d be nice. especially the place i sleep in.
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streetkid-jay · 7 days
you’re doomed to be a loner.
everybody will leave you soon enough.
no i’m not… i’ve got friends. ‘n miss halley…
they… they won’t leave me.
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streetkid-jay · 7 days
Hey kid, i've been meaning to ask you this, especially since you need somewhere safer to stay;
But do you wanna come with me? Like, to Coast City and stay with me? I will understand if you don't want to since you may be attached to Gotham despite it all, but if you do want to.. Then tell me okay?
You could always ask me to bring you over back to Gotham if you ever want to visit little Timmy
– @greenflygirl
ah… miss…
i’m touched. really. but… are ya sure?
i wouldn’t be a big bother to ya, will i? i know i already asked that, but me bein’ in yer life 24/7 is a big difference ta givin’ me stuff ta live by. i’ll be real annoyin’. no doubt ‘bout it.
i… wouldn’t mind. not one bit. i’d miss gotham but… i think a change of view’d be nice. especially the place i sleep in.
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streetkid-jay · 8 days
I'm P.L Gotham's AI!
If you ever need assistance just say "Hey P.L" (and tag me in the post.) and I'll assist you!
oh..! um, hiya P.L.
nice to meet ya. i’ll keep that in mind.
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streetkid-jay · 8 days
oh! nah, sorry! i just mistook it as somethin’ bad. don’t worry, yer all good!
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streetkid-jay · 8 days
i— woah! talk ‘bout a jump in tone!
i will worry ‘bout it if it involves us! i’m you, ain’t i?!
what’s goin’ on with him and us jasons?!
who the fuck are ya?
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