streetchxld ¡ 9 years
*Bites your lip*
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   Purrs and bites his lip back tugging at it before letting go.
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streetchxld ¡ 9 years
*Accidentally spills [[SPECIFY HERE]] on you*
*Slaps you*
*Kisses you on the lips*
*Bites your lip*
*Rubs your shoulders*
*Dumps ice water over your head*
*Winks at you*
*Flips hair at you*
*Throws a ball of paper towards you*
*Hands you a note, inside it says [[SPECIFY HERE]]*
*Slams the door shut behind you*
*Storms out of the room*
*Wraps my arms around you from behind*
*Kisses your neck*
*Nibbles on your earlobe*
*Tucks a strand of hair behind your ear*
*Strokes your hair*
*Caresses your cheek*
*Holds you in my arms*
“You’re cute and I’m horny. You thinking what I’m thinking?”
“I see you like cardio… wanna go back to my place and do it together?”
“I’m sorry, but I just received a call for you. From heaven? I think they’re missing an angel.”
“Hold my hand? I’m afraid I’m getting lost in your eyes.”
“Is that a mirror in your pocket? Because I can see myself in your pants.”
“Are you a pokemon? Because I’d like to peek-at-chu.”
“If I had a dollar for every beautiful girl/guy I saw tonight, I’d have one dollar. Because the only beautiful girl/guy in here is you.”
“Maybe I could show you my [[SPECIFY ITEM]] collection. It’s back at my house, so we’d have to go there but…”
*Spills a drink on your shirt* “I’m so sorry! But if it’s any reassurance, I think that top would look better on my bedroom floor anyways.”
“I’m sorry, have we met before?”
“I don’t know you, but thanks.”
“You’re a very nice guy/girl, you know that?”
“We only just met… but I’d really like to see you again.”
“Do you think you could move your ass out of my friend’s seat?”
“It’s none of your business. We just met.”
“Hey I’m [[NAME HERE]] and my crazy ex-girlfriend/boyfriend is here and I was wondering if you’d pretend to date me so I can get them off my back?”
“I’m so sorry about that! Let me buy you a new sandwich.”
“Oh shit. I didn’t mean to trip you I swear, I’m sorry.”
“Did you get that email I sent you last night?”
“No, I’m serious. She/he brought a flask to work.”
“I overheard the boss and I think you’re about to be put up for a promotion!”
“I know what you’ve got in that top drawer.”
“I can’t believe you’re drunk at work.”
“You know, most people watch porn at home.”
“Your Netflix binge is using up all the broadband.”
“Stop torrenting, asshole! I have a report to send off to Japan in an hour and I can’t even open Gmail!”
“If you spent half as much time on doing your job as you do on World on Warcraft, maybe you’d have a chance at a promotion too.”
“You’ve been working here for 6 years and you don’t know where the break room is?”
“Didn’t you hear? [[NAME HERE]] and [[NAME HERE]] hooked up last night!”
“We lost the playoffs.”
“The girls team beat the boys!”
“I heard he/she got called into the principal’s office.”
“Apparently the swim team had an orgy after hours.”
“I heard they were fucking in the bathroom.”
“She/he’s been paying people to do their homework!”
“She/he fell running in the hallway and knocked out a few teeth.”
“I can’t believe we’re graduating this year.”
“Being a freshman sucks.”
“I slept with a sophomore last weekend.”
“She/he told me they were a junior!”
“Why are those freshmen staring at you?”
“Is there a reason everyone suddenly knows your name overnight?”
“How come everyone suddenly knows who I am?”
“Did you tell them about my [[INSERT SECRET HERE]]?!”
“I can’t believe you hooked up with my boyfriend/girlfriend.”
“I definitely failed that test.”
“I got an A on my essay!”
“Wow, there’s a stick wedged so far up your ass I don’t think I can even pull it out.”
“I’m sorry, but my number of fucks to give has officially reached a negative number.”
“Uranus called and said I’m huge and in the way.”
“I’m searching… searching… oh. Well would you look at that. I couldn’t find any fucks to give.”
“What’s the difference between a dolphin and you? Dolphins have brains.”
“Just because that’s mistletoe hanging above us doesn’t mean I’m going to kiss you.”
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
“At this point you might as well ask for my autograph.”
“You know I’m right! I’m always right!”
“Shut up. Just shut up!”
“I don’t need to listen to this.”
“You’re lying.”
“I can’t believe you’d say that. Even in an argument, that was low of you.”
“I can’t look at you.”
“Don’t fucking touch me.”
“If you say one more word, I swear…”
“Pipe down, you’re making a scene.”
“What’s wrong with you?”
“Now I know why people think you’re neurotic.”
“You must be crazy.”
“I’m not backing down.”
“You can’t hide the truth forever, you know.”
“What’s your issue?”
“You make me so angry.”
“This has nothing to do with you.”
“And… and I love you! It’s what I’ve been trying to tell you all along.”
“I don’t know how to say it. But you know what I’m trying to say, right?”
“I’ve never been good at this. I don’t do relationships. But I… I want to try with you.”
“You’re the one that I want.”
“I don’t care. I don’t give a shit, don’t you get it? I don’t give a flying fuck unless it has to do with you. I love you.”
“Please don’t say that. You know you’re the only one for me. Fuck everyone else.”
“I can’t stop thinking about you. Every minute of every day. I could be standing in the shower or cooking breakfast, but you’re still the only thought on my mind.”
“I want to wake up next to you, everyday for the rest of my life.”
“I’ve always been afraid of commitment, okay? That’s why I sleep around.”
“I’ve never wanted to give love a try until now.”
“Please, don’t leave me.”
“I need you more than you will ever know.”
“I love you more than I could ever express in words.”
*Starts singing [[SPECIFY SONG NAME]] outside your door/window*
“I didn’t fuck him/her, I swear!”
“I brought vodka and ice cream.”
“You left your anal beads at my house. Wait… no, they’re just normal mardi gras beads.”
“I can’t believe you went without me!”
“I love you, I love you so much and you just don’t see it. What am I supposed to do?”
“I know you’re sad and upset. Let me be your distraction! I want to be your distraction!”
“I can’t find my apartment and I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
“Let me in! I think I’m gonna throw up.”
[TEXT] You dumped me for HIM/HER?
[TEXT] I can’t stop listening to our song.
[TEXT] My pillow still smells like you.
[TEXT] You left your cologne when you moved out. I used it up.
[TEXT] Do you even love me?
[TEXT] What happened to us?
[TEXT] I just want to eat bacon and see you naked. And then eat bacon off of you naked.
[TEXT] You never gave a shit about me.
[TEXT] I couldn’t care less.
[TEXT] Now you know how it feels.
[TEXT] I still love you.
[TEXT] I can’t stop thinking about all the times you told me you loved me… and wondering if they were lies.
[TEXT] I fell down the stairs and… well, I’m in the ER.
[TEXT] ______ got injured during their game and I’m waiting with them at the hospital but I can’t do this alone.
[TEXT] Did you know your mother/father is at the hospital right now??
[TEXT] I was cleaning out the garage and I’m stuck under some boxes!! Please help before the spiders get me.
[TEXT] I don’t know what happened I was just cooking and then all of a sudden the pasta was on fire!
a really long, but categorized, ask meme
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streetchxld ¡ 9 years
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♛ || 嵐間 ゆう ✓ Permission granted by the artist to repost. ✗ Please do not remove source or repost without the artist's permission.
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streetchxld ¡ 9 years
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streetchxld ¡ 9 years
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  "Don't get involved with something so trivial as that, you're only making trouble for yourself"
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streetchxld ¡ 9 years
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"Levi, let's move from this ward...Let's go somewhere that we can be safe. I'm tired of you having to fight to protect me, I get worried you won't come home some days, then what do I do with out you?"
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streetchxld ¡ 9 years
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♛ || 嵐間 ゆう ✓ Permission granted by the artist to repost. ✗ Please do not remove source or repost without the artist's permission.
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streetchxld ¡ 9 years
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Hello! Welcome to my deadly urchin's blog.
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streetchxld ¡ 9 years
[text] You left your shirt and I’ve been wearing it all day, so now it’s mine (Isabel)
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Sent: It probably looks like a crop top on youSent: I'm surprised you were able to wear it Sent: Sorry about the perfume I know it's strong
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streetchxld ¡ 9 years
Like this post for a short starter, I'll do these when I come back!
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streetchxld ¡ 9 years
[text] I need you so bad right now
[text] They know.
[text] I know everything.
[text] Make sure you’re alone- I don’t want anyone else seeing what I’m about to sent you.
[text] I accidentally sent it to the wrong person, help?!
[text] We need to talk
[text] I don’t want to talk about it
[text] The bed is definitely broken beyond repair…
[text] Delete my number
[text] Either way I’m going to make you scream my name by the end of the night
[text] Come over in the next 5 minutes, or not at all
[text] Stop ignoring me and pick up your phone
[text] I th  unk drink? Help me can home?!!!!! :xx)
[text] You free tomorrow?
[text] You left your shirt and I’ve been wearing it all day, so now it’s mine
[text] I don’t think you understand just how big his dick is!!!
[text] Thanks to you, the new neighbours now know my name xxx
[text] If I said that I was wearing nothing but an apron and was armed with strawberries and whipped cream, how quickly would you come into the kitchen?
[text] What’s the dress code?
[text] Black, red w/ lace or  sheer white????
[text] I know you said not to clean your room, but it was filthy- also for future reference, hide that in your sock draw and not under your pillow next him.
[text] I hear a celebration is in order?!
Send my muse one of the following texts to see how they react:
37K notes ¡ View notes
streetchxld ¡ 9 years
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????? girl levis
697 notes ¡ View notes
streetchxld ¡ 9 years
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streetchxld ¡ 9 years
    "You were late, what do you expect me to do? I'm not greeting you with happiness" dark eyes roam around the lighter features, blood is caked all over his face and hair giving him a dirtier appearance then he already has. He takes the cloth gingerly in to his fingers frowning at how pristine it is, so clean, so tidy and pure something he wasn't and condemned to this life that was that equivalent of a living day hell. Everything smelled like decay, rot, or piss lingering with the smell of cheap prostitutes and flesh for sell.  He wipes the blood off his face, there is nothing he can do for his clothes nor hair only to wait for a time he can take a bath and properly get rid of the iron smell on his body.  
  ❝ I don't know that, you're stuck in that spoiled thinking. No, how am I to know? the intentions of others aren't that easy to decipher even if they are to be called friends. Prostitutes are easier to buy here then food, you should know that by now❞ he starts to laugh, they truly do live such different worlds. He wonders what it's like to not sleep in fear or find a warm place to call his own? the blood on the cloth continues to drip in as he pats his lip, his mouth filling with the fluid worried that a tooth might be missing his tongue licks all over his teeth but everything is still there. 
   Distant eyes continue to gaze out in to the streets, bony knees soon press in to his chest as he holds them tight for comfort. Childishly, he rocks his body tired and in pain from the previous fight as worn out leather soles click and clack on the cobblestone road. His body stiffens when he knows that Erwin has taken a seat against him, he stops his movement and refuses to look at him. "You come now though, you should of came sooner" monotone his voice is but there is evident pain in it, sadness that he has seen far too much for his young life and endured plenty. 
   Hunger pangs continue to hit, he hasn't eaten in days so he knows what is happening-- he is simply starving. He could try and steal some bread, but he is running on the last bit of strength he has what a foolish idea it was to get in to a fight. Erwin doesn't know how take no for an answer when it comes to the raven, Rivaille knows for certain that in the end he will go with him but begrudgingly. He has to swallow his pride in order to continue to live, food that comes with a hot bath is so tempting it nearly can bring him to tears. 
   It's a dirty trick! He should get up and leave but his stomach hurts so badly it causes him to press his bony fingers upon the flesh huffing as he does so. "I haven't ate in days, I guess my body is really starting to feel it getting in to a fight wasn't the smartest move" he doesn't say it to Erwin nor to himself, merely the air as he occupies it with his words. His head hangs as inky tendrils fall in to his face, no, this would be the most pathetic way for him to die now! he nearly wishes to pitch a fit that he would need to take the hand out in order to get through the night. Inwardly, he grimaces as his features contort to a look of dissatisfaction but he gives a nod-- he will go for the night.
   Slim fingers take the blonde's in to his own as he lifts himself up holding his upper arm with his free hand so the clothing may not fall off his nimble shoulders. Leave? it's only for a night, he'll return in the morning but there is a voice that taunts him saying that is if Erwin allows it, the man is greedier then himself and when he desires something he will go to any lengths to obtain it. Well, at the moment it is the least of his concerns as he looks upwards the corners of his mouth turning upwards just slightly as he asks in the most of feeble of tones.
  "Can I have a bath too? I smell, I get scared dirty clothes will make me sick. It would be bad if that happened"
starving wolf
       How crass as ever this other is. Empty promises? He’d never give him those. Erwin has promised him to get him out of the slums but it was only a matter of when. Back as a kid, he use to relish in the other. Such a filth little thing but he had the will of fire burning bright within him. Erwin was curious as to how this other who had everything taken from him could still go on. A child infatuation that turned into this. How many years has it been since he uttered those words under the sky light that gave them the beauty of the moon? Was that why this other speaks in such a tone to him? Bitterness is all he got from him and it causes him to frown at the corners of his mouth. Rivaille meant a great deal to him, not once was the other not on his mind. Erwin just had to get to this point to prove he was worth something. While he could sweet talk his way to the top, it was whole different ball park when it came to convincing others that a child of the slums is useless and not just another waste that should be left on the streets. Even if he did just bring Rivaille up the surface, he would have to atone for those crimes he had committed.
                                          ❝ Do you truly still me such as that? Like a common other? Rivaille I thought you’d be more kind to me at least. Forgive me if possible for not fulfilling my promise to you sooner. I didn’t anticipate it to take this many years.  ❞
       Erwin leaned down and removed a cloth from his pocket. How troublesome Rivaille still was to this day. Just as they were as kids, the other had stared at him like he was a foreign object but Erwin was greedy ; that’d be his downfall. Greed is nothing he has learned to tame even if he ended up paying the price for it. He gently reached out, cleaning up the red stains that were on the other’s lips before handing the cloth to him. That laughter hurt his heart to hear, so different than when they were mere children who weren’t yet spoiled by the harsh realities. Erwin being pampered ; still protected and Rivaille? He recalled a vague motherly figure coming to fetch him. But then reality seemed to hit them both. His own flesh taken and he should be distraught but he isn’t. For Rivaille? He doesn’t know what yet happened to that woman but he doesn’t ask either. He watches the other and he makes it a point to make sure Rivaille knows he doesn’t plan on leaving him be. Brow furrows as slight anger fills him. He thought him to think of him as a whore? What happened in the years he was gone?
                                           ❝ i don’t see you as a common whore Rivaille and you know that well enough. If I did want a simple fuck as you so blatantly put it, I would have gone to the whore house instead of roaming the streets for you.  ❞
       Tone was tight as he stares hard at Rivaille before standing. How dare he assume he thought of him in such way! Erwin meant to only keep his word but he was tempted to leave him if he chose to act like this. Erwin knew it was wrong to do that ; it’d be manipulating him. Baiting him with sweet words of a home, fresh clothing, beds and the likes then leaving him. Erwin rubbed his temple as he sighed through his nose. Rivaille was sometimes a pain to him but there is something that lurks within himself that will not allow him to let the other go. It’s disgusting as he thinks about how jealous he felt in the moment he thought if others had been touching Rivaille in a more intimate manner. He sighed again but in a more pity way towards himself. Yes he yearned for Rivalle in every way possible even during his time away. Thoughts of him were on his mind constantly and the words he whispered to him that day. Azure optics met the other’s eyes as he watched him. Was he coming back to memory now? Surely Rivaille couldn’t have forgotten about him. He waits, watching him. From confusion to realization — he sees Rivialle recalls him.
       He is ready to grasp the other should he try to leave him. He did not come all the way down here to have Rivaille make him go back on his word. Relief fills him as Rivaille remains seated on the ground and his tone becomes less harsh. He stares down at him still and listens to him before a smile crosses his lips. Annoying? He preferred the term persistent. Seeing as Rivaille wasn’t going to move, he moved. Erwin sat next to him, leaning against the wall and showing to him he didn’t care for the filth that was there. He wants to give a laugh and his lips curl more. Has nothing to offer him? Rivaille had everything to offer him. As he sat next to him, he reached over, picking up the cloth and dappling it against the other’s lip again. What a mess Rivaille was. Lowering his arm, he rose a brow at him. Trophy… Was that why Erwin was so determined to have him? A fleeting look of shame crossed his face before he looked away and at something else. Rivaille was… Was his was he not?
                                           ❝ Rivaille you have more than plenty to offer me. Do you not remember my promise when we were younger? I swore you I would get you out of here and I’m keeping to it. ❞
       While he knows Rivaille can survive on his own on the upper levels, he doesn’t wish him too. the thought of Rivaille being without him… He is far to greedy for that. How he wants to somehow shout it to the word that this urchin is his and only his. But he can’t do so because how can he? There was no way Rivaille returned the feelings. It seemed he was placed out of mind when he left even if the other speaks him in a more friendlier tone. Erwin gave a small laugh as he gestured to the others stomach.
                                         ❝ I think your stomach says different from your words Rivaille. Come with me Rivaille. I’ll keep to my word and you know I will. ❞
           Don’t leave just yet…                      grace him with the touch &&                                               tone of another world.
                                         ❝ Riva please. ❞
      Words whispered quietly as he watches him thinking it over. What more can he possibly offer to show Rivaille how he needed him? It was a childish thing to need this much. Erwin set the rag down before standing and holding his hand out. Rivaille isn’t one to take lightly, the other could slit his throat in his sleep and he was aware of it but he wanted just one day… One day to show him how life could be with just the two of them against the world. He doesn’t yet leave and he won’t until Rivaille told him otherwise. Well… even if he did, he still wouldn’t leave at all. Upon hearing Rivaille say he was hunger, he grinned. Reaching down, he took the other’s hand in his own, curling his fingers around the other’s and helping him up.
                                          ❝ Then let us leave from here. ❞ 
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streetchxld ¡ 9 years
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streetchxld ¡ 9 years
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  "You know this ward is getting more dangerous, the ratio of humans and ghouls has shifted a lot over the past few months" such a headache, it was a nightmare and determining who to trust was even more difficult. A petite hand was held out in order for them to walk home together as the raven stood there not even wincing at the blood that seeped on the concrete. "We should move, a lot of people are starting to leave and I know of a place that Eros is calling much more calmer. You know if he goes it has to be better then this place, with all those kids he isn't going to waste his time on somewhere dangerous. Let's go home though before we attract anymore attention"
  A lazy grin spreads on his face as he rubs off the red stain from his cheek. Pointless? Yeah, it was — he hated wasting his time like that. However, he did come out a winner. He got to get a good few good pickings from the person they had both attacked.
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                                     ‘ Nah, I wouldn’t fight those I have no chance against. Too much of a pain in the ass for that. ’
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streetchxld ¡ 9 years
ERURI FOR THE SHIP THING! But do one of your's and Merch's Eruri ships!
our eruri is… buckl up kiddos.I’ll try and keep this as canon as possible.streetchxldwhere was their first date ?: DATE. What is date to them? I think the inital closest thing to a date Erwin has done is probably take Riva to a shop to get fitted for clothing. Considering one is starting to become a dead man, the other a criminal there’s not much anywhere they can go. Although he’d also try and take Riva to a roof top to stare gaze.
 what my muse would do to cheer your’s up: To cheer up Riva… I’m not sure he’s good at doing cheering up. Empty promises are never a good thing, both of them are pretty much realists and that’s a big problem. I guess to try and cheer Riva up, he’d tell him that he will try and not leave him too early and if he could, he’d spend his eternity with him.
who wakes the other up with kisses ( and where ) ?: Oh now this is interesting… I think I might go with this is a dual thing. Both of are affection, though Riva more so at times, and Erwin has his days where he wants to do nothig but lavish Riva in it. So I think if Riva were too, I can see him kissing Erwin on his chest many little kisses but they’d much more. As for Erwin, he’d kiss Riva’s pulse on his throat — Each kiss they give has a lot of meaning.
who would pour water on the other to wake them up ?: SNORTS. I know considering I’m trying to keep this to our eruri, I have to say Riva would do this.
how my muse would wake your’s up: He always wakes the other by gently stroking his hair, touching along his face and tracing his arm. A simple kiss to his forehead as well. It’s how Erwin will always wake him up.
who would start a food fight while baking or cooking ?: Food is scarce for them however… I feel like maybe it’d be a playful thing between them both. I’m leaning towards more Riva starting this food fight.
who would suggest putting marijuana in the brownies ?: I can’t say for sure which considering Riva’s background and Erwin’s —- If I’m honest, I don’t either would? Even in modern verse, I don’t know much about how Riva is but I still think neither would. Might just joke about it but that’s it.
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