streamofobservation · 3 months
A few days at Shoptalk and I'm tapped. Some great conversations. Non stop. I need to recharge..... I'm clearly an introvert.
Nice talking to a few other agency owners/leaders. We're all facing the same issues.
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streamofobservation · 4 months
Big company layoffs everywhere. There are no job guarantees, there is no certain salary unless you make it.
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streamofobservation · 4 months
Could I start another company and be successful? Buy one? Merge into one? I don't have the certainty that I used to. Maybe with experience you realize that luck comes into play along with skill.
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streamofobservation · 4 months
Can't decide if I fire F or not. He is just not delivering....but my loyalty to him is strong. L thinks that by not firing him, I am being disloyal to myself. Makes me think of that opening scene of House of Cards where Kevin Spacey says "most people won't do what they know needs to be done". I know what needs to be done. I need to do it.
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streamofobservation · 6 months
In the Blue Mountains with D. So difficult to talk to. At dinner I tried from every angle to drive the conversation. Not much happening. Is it me? Him? Just so awkward. Wish I knew how to get him to open up and talk and have a free flowing conversation.
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streamofobservation · 7 months
I can't remember being so heart sore ever before. From a loving relationship to nothing in a week. What am I doing, or not doing?
How do you truly build "love through thick and thin"? Deep trust. Full love.
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streamofobservation · 8 months
Lots of ideas..... but need to execute on them. Can't be "all talk".
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streamofobservation · 4 years
I was at J's house tonight. There's a lot more interaction when you live with the kids than just seeing them so periodically. I do feel like I miss out a lot not being around them more; especially when I am there and then leave to go to my place..... though I do see how much work it is for J to do the cooking, cleaning and managing two teenagers by herself. All Things Considered, I would take the trade-off and have them with me more.
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streamofobservation · 4 years
Havarti cheese and apricot jam on fresh French bread, with strong coffee, is the most delicious breakfast.
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streamofobservation · 4 years
Dropped kids off at their mom's house. It was a fun 5 days. Love having them around. They are great kids.
The apt is quieter without them and Cookie.
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streamofobservation · 5 years
1 month in and no Big D regrets
Went away with D and T for a week and was happier not having the ex. around.
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streamofobservation · 9 years
Entrepreneurship - not all it is cracked up to be.
It is tough. It is stressful. There are no guarantees.
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streamofobservation · 9 years
Not alone
Everybody is dealing with their own shit. You just have to deal with it.
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streamofobservation · 12 years
Running early
We got to J’s yoga class 30 minutes early, the place wasn’t even open, guess we will get a spot for our mats.
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streamofobservation · 12 years
Any wine is good going backwards in a limo.
MS (NY to RI in a stretch after a sales pitch)
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streamofobservation · 12 years
Tumblr media
Not even as safe as a post-it in your desk drawer...at least the post-it doesn't scream "password"
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streamofobservation · 12 years
Never too old
I did a cross country skiing lesson with a 65+ year old woman in the class. It’s never too late to try new things.
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