Horror and Thrillers all the time
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I love horror, here I review horror and thriller movies and TV shows, live-blog my thoughts whilst watching in a stream of consciousness, if you love horror, please share your thoughts and comments.
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I have Interstitial Cystitis, if the disabled toilet is the only one free I will use it! My IC is a disability in terms of using the bathroom - I have to know where they are before going out, and have access to them several times during one trip - so I qualify. If you see me walk out you will think I have no problems and probably hurl abuse at me. But you’d be wrong! The other points you make, I get. BUT you need to stop assuming someone is fine just by looking at them. That’s a disgusting thing to do!
Don’t Take Up Spaces that Aren’t Meant for You
I go to use the elevator in a high rise building only to find a sign that says “Please ask security for access to this elevator”. A week ago, that sign wasn’t there. When I ask the security guard why the sudden change in policy, they said that people from other floors in the building had been abusing their access to the elevator and that they needed to lock it down. 
Let me make this perfectly clear: I could no longer independently access the only elevator available to take me to this part of the building because other people decided to use / abuse a space that was not meant for them instead of taking the stairs right next to the fucking elevator.
Here’s another example: In order to have access to an accessible room on a cruise ship, I have to submit a form stating that I do in fact  have a physical disability that prevents me from using a normal state room on the ship. I have to do this because able-bodied people have, in the past, been dishonest about the level of accessibility they require in order to have access to a larger stateroom without having to pay a premium.
How about this one: I go into the restroom of a massive convention center. Every single stall  in this restroom is empty except for the one handicapped stall in the back, which is being occupied by someone who does not need to use a handicapped stall. I now have to wait for that one person to exit the stall before I can use the restroom. Remember: This bathroom has 7+ other stalls that are built specifically to work for them, but they chose  to use the one space that is available to people like me.
Dear able-bodied people: Handicapped bathroom stalls, seating areas, staterooms, and elevators are not meant for you and you should not use them.
I do not care how big of a hurry you were in and how that elevator got you to where you needed to go faster. Because of you, I have to go find someone every time I need to use this elevator and if I can’t find them I GET NOTHING. 
To you, that cruise ship can house 2000+ people and you have an opportunity to get a massive stateroom at no extra cost if you’re wiling to fib a little. To me, that cruise ship has a capacity of around 12 (the number of accessible rooms on the ship) and if they’re all full, I GET NOTHING.
To you, that movie theater has four really great seats right in the middle that just happen to have a handicapped accessible sign on them. To me, that theater has four seats and if they’re all full, I GET NOTHING.
And let me address the bathroom thing in particular. I don’t give a flying fuck if the handicapped stall was the only one available. You should pretend like it doesn’t fucking exist and wait in line like everyone else. *
Don’t take up spaces that were not meant for you. Because everything but those few precious spaces were not meant for us. 
* Unless it’s literally the only stall in the bathroom or you’re about to absolutely shit yourself. Then it’s fine. 
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So excited to see today that there’s finally an episode 11 of Salad Fingers. If you’re not aware of this series, you have to check it out. It’s the work of David Firth and you’ll find all episodes on his YouTube channel.
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Hot Take - Ramsay Bolton is Hot AF!
So is it just me, or does anyone else find the Game of Thrones Psychopath, Ramsay Snow/Bolton incredibly sexy? Let me list the ways;
1/ Those big blue eyes - he can make them look crazy
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or just beautiful
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2/ He’s seductive
whether he’s with Myranda
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Yes my Lord!!!
or torturing Theon
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I almost want to be Theon in that clip!
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And that one!
3/ He has the most expressive face
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4/ And for a demented psychopath like him to have a cheeky little grin like this is just wrong.
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5/ He’s hilarious - he gets such joy out of torturing and playing with people you almost get caught up in it and you can’t help but laugh at his one-liners.
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Honourable mentions:
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So thank you Iwan Rheon for bringing us all Ramsay Bolton. I know you said there’s something wrong with anyone who finds him attractive, but I blame you - you’re just too good looking and played him with too much charisma. It’s Iwan’s fault! 
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Bird Box - Steam of Consciousness
Bird Box
I am about to sit and watch this movie. I’ve heard a lot about it and it seems to be the thing to see at the moment. Not sure what I’m going to make of it…
Oh, Sandra Bullock
She seems nice… not!
“Boy and Girl”??
Aww, they’re cuties.
Oh no, not birds! I don’t want to see animals getting hurt.
So, what if they peek underneath the blindfold? That’s not taking them off…
They can see through them slightly it appears.
Have those kids really got all their belongings in those teeny tiny backpacks?
Oh, where do I know her from? The woman who just came in…
An “Arabian Stud”???
Okay, so Sandra’s character has… issues!
Getting over a break up?
And she’s preggers?
Oh I see, very preggers. lol
Sandra’s had work done, botox!
Euw, see that’s why I never wanted pregnancy — the throwing up!!
OMG, is she doing that to protest the orange velour tracksuit??
Okay, they’re all committing suicide. Here we go.
Damn, Sandra’s face is messed up!! She can’t move it anymore! She’s got no facial expressions!
DAMN, I doubt the unborn baby will survive that crash!
WOAH — actually saw her body getting splattered on that lorry!
This is disturbing.
They see loved ones before they kill themselves it seems.
Impressed so far, it’s really well done. I’m totally using my touch typing skills here, so I don’t have to look away!
You’ve got every stereotype here; murderous, gumpy old man, meathead white dude, hippy white chick, rich old white woman, token black guy, token hispanic looking girl, token Asian guy, got it all covered!
Oh there’s two black guys. lol
Supermarket Charlie. lol
Sandra not looking too good with that pregnancy.
Wondering where these two little kids come into it…
Ffs angry old man, it wasn’t her fault someone went out to try and help her.
Sandra in bed with full make-up on! As you do.
Oh great, is this one of those jumping backwards and forwards in time movies? Hate that.
Okay, her hair’s WAY longer here.
Oh those sweet little birds. Please don’t let them die!!
Oh of course, BIRD BOX!! Duh. I’m slow.
Okay I recognise the angry old man. I just can’t place him. IMDB time!
Nope, I know the name John Malcovic, but I can’t work out what I’ve seen him in.
Oh. Is this one pregnant or just fat?
Oh, pregnant. A friend for Sandra.
She was starving? Really?? K.
Why don’t I know anyone’s names yet?
What the hell are they doing now? Their plan went way over my head. lol
Asian guy is smiley, huh?
What’s Sandra got on her feet??
Just busting some stretches with my ass in the air, seems as good a time as any.
I thought pregnancy made your hair shiny and healthy! Not in this woman’s case.
Oh SHIT, it can be transmitted through a SCREEN!!
Oh dear, Asian guy’s a gonna!
But he didn’t see a relative beforehand, he just saw a black shadow.
“Thought it might be good for us to be close”… no luv, bugger off! lol
Shut UP! This big woman doesn’t stop talking.
WOW, that is some kitchen! #kitchenenvy
Ooookay then! Sex! lol
Sandra and this black guy are hitting it off!
I’m only calling him “black guy” because I literally don’t know any of their names!! Not sure if we’re supposed to or not, but…
Oh, back to the future again.
The length of her hair is making it look like this is YEARS in the future!
Who’s this tubby ginger git!?
Get him girl!!!
What was that about then? He wasn’t trying to kill himself, he was trying to get her blindfold off.
Back to the past — where are these two kids??
“why don’t i go on the first run, and you go on the second run”, she really doesn’t want that chatty pregnant woman around her. lol
Okay, but driving with blacked out windows just using a GPS is committing suicide anyway… may as well just walk out there as you are!
GPS picks up dead bodies apparently! lol
“Its just a speed bump”. Nah, it’s not mate!
All it needs is that thing to smash their windows!
GPS also picks up supernatural beings. Where did they get it from?
Okay, they’re there. So now what?
They DO look funny, gotta be honest!
“Jack-fucking-pot” lol
I would grab ALLLL the chocolate!
Hot black dude wants to bang Sandra.
Sandra is trying to smile at you, my dude, she just can’t move her botoxed face very much! Just FYI.
Aww, the birdies.
So get them some damn food and water then. Ugh!
Angry old man is gonna croak it first.
Someone’s knocking — is this the kids? But going by Sandra’s hair they can’t even have been born yet! Or barely.
Nope, it’s some guy.
He’s coming in no matter what.
Oh no, Supermarket Charlie just sacrificed himself!
Well they got back relatively easily.
Sandra’s REALLY got daddy issues!
“The hair is different… he had some” Ooh savage!
Okay, what are the two hippies doing? Ah we have names, Lucy and Felix. Shame they’re just about to die!
Oops, back to the future!
Here are these two cute kids who came from nowhere. They don’t look like twins, so they can’t be both hers or both the big woman’s!
Oh, one of the teeny tiny backpacks is gone!
Just keep worrying about the birds.
Oh it’s windchimes, I thought… never mind.
Did she REALLY think that string would last forever?
Oh shit, kids, get back down!!!
So this thing will try to get to them, even if they’re blindfolded.
Nooo, little girl. You’re too adorable to get killed.
Blimey, she’s really rough with those kids. She’s like a drill sergeant!
“Its the end of the world”, may as well stop all the small talk and get on each other then!
Just sayin…
Erm, does he want to feel your baby bump luv? I think he’s more interested in just above or evenjust below that.
Back to the future!
Sandra with the Long Hair.
And back to short hair Sandra again.
Why are they so scared of a new guy coming in, this thing makes people commit suicide, not attack others?
This guy’s British! He must be protected.
British accent with an American twang. lol
Oh okay, so there’s another stage to it, where they’re happy and want everyone to see.
Angry old man has lost it!
This big woman is SO fucking annoying
Her parents and her husband bought her all the FOOD.
“If something happens to me, I want you to take care of my baby”… perhaps one of the two kids is hers then. Must be both their kids.
Oh, the girl is hers then. The boy is Sandra’s I guess. But why call them Girl and Boy at the beginning?
She’s not very maternal is she? She talks to these kids like they’re annoying adults. lol
Hmm, so who looks? Your kid, or her kid?
What is this shite music?
Big Woman’s about to drop!
Sandra won’t be far behind by the looks of it.
Why does the British guy keep eyeing those sweet birds?
Yep, her waters have broken.
May have to look away if we’re seeing a birth.
WTF? Two screaming women giving birth at the same time?
Yeah, drown them out with music! lol
This British guy is fucking weird. And he can leave those birds alone.
Nice drawings… yeah he’s fucking crazy.
Boy is now born.
OMG!!! He’s pulling the papers off the windows. He’s put the birds in the freezer.
Aww, well done black dude! Sorry he knocked you out.
Girl is now born.
Don’t let him near the baby!
“Can I see?” No, fuck off.
Oh no, Big Woman looked. Ugh.
You BASTARD, you made the old lady look!
Well this is a lovely start to life for those newborns. Welcome to the world, little ones.
Angry old man is going to save the day. Come on man, he’s getting closer, shoot him!!!
“Oi!” lol
There ya go, Angry Old Man is dead.
So the “infected” do kill others. At first all they did was commit suicide.
Who just shot who??
Oh phew! British guy is dead.
And now I know where the two kids come from…
Back to the future. And we now know it’s five years ahead.
So both these kids are the same age, but the girl looks younger.
Sandra looks better with long hair.
Oh, did she get it on with the black guy? Why don’t I know his name yet?
More sex! Bet the kids wake up.
Oh no… but we didn’t see anything. Damnit. lol
Damn that guy has an impressive upper body!
So wait, she’s going on the river on the word of some random man on a walkie talkie who said he has a “community”??
And why isn’t he with her? Does he die?
That little girl is sooo sweet. And I don’t even like kids usually.
I still don’t get why Sandra calls these kids “boy” and “girl”! 
Oh chill out Sandra - allow your man to let the kids dream.
EXACTLY, give the poor kids NAMES!!
I don’t like Sandra.
Sandra looks blotchy. 
I might start calling her “Woman”!
Yeah, Boy, Girl and Woman.
Wait are we back in the future again? So they did all go together?
Mmmm, Pop Tarts.
UNCOOKED Pop Tarts??
Oh shit, someone’s turned up.
Ah okay, they split up. I think the black guy’s about to get killed.
SHIT, this guy is a good aim with a blindfold on!
Ah no... he took it off. That’s it.
Aww, the sacrificed himself. 
That’s it for him then... 
Boy, Girl and Woman are really alone now.
Nice over-acting there Woman.
Very well done considering you can’t move your face.
She’s really shitty to those kids. I don’t like kids and I’d be nicer than that to them, besides they’re cute af.
Right we’re all up to date now with them on the river.
Boy, Girl and the birds to survive. Don’t care about Woman.
That’s a nice fashion statement - cut a hole in your cuff and stick your thumb through it. 
Bitch should be the one to take her blindfold off - THEY ARE LITTLE CHILDREN!!
And they’re out of the boat...
“GIRL, GIRL, GIRL” Ffs, names for them! It’s not that hard.
Aww, just want to take that little dumpling home with me - Girl that is.
Ooh, the entity is trying to get her to take the blindfold off.
Natalie... Emily... Madeline? Still can’t get her name.
Oh well, she’s still Woman to me.
NO, don’t do it Boy!
“My children”?? Is Sandra having a change of heart?
Girl is scared of Sandra - I don’t blame you sweet thing.
Awww, there she is. I may be tearing up a little...
Someone’s cutting onions in here, that’s all.
Why the hell can’t I make out Woman’s name.
Okay, it’s definitely Valerie.
So what they see is probably dead loved ones, like that woman at the beginning saw her late mother.
You’d think a powerful entity would’ve worked out how to remove blindfolds off potential victims, wouldn’t you.
For God’s sake, stop tripping up, Valerie.
“Just take the children”... follows them straight in!
Why the weird shots, why aren’t we seeing Rick?
Is it Rick Grimes? That’d be weird, huh? lol
They’d be the only ones left I guess. And those who didn’t remove their blindfolds.
They’re letting the birds free. Bless.
They survived!!!
Someone’s cutting those onions again...
Boy has the most gorgeous eyes!
Oh bless, Olivia and Tom. 
This is all bit too perfect - when does it go wrong?
No horror movie can end like this...
Tell me there’s more after the credits!!!
Oh my God, what an anticlimax. That was the shittiest ending ever!
Overall I’d give this movie a 6/10. I wasn’t bored stiff, but I was waiting for more to happen and it never did. The end was ridiculously stupid and I now know what people meant when they complained about it. What do you think. Please weigh in with your comments.
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