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streamerika · 2 months ago
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Xmas-Gram: Christmas 2024 Posepack
Hello! Wow, crazy to think that this is my only posepack released for the public in 2024. I am really hoping to come back to it regularly soon, but for now, please enjoy this year's holiday posepack! I created this mostly while streaming on Twitch, so if you'd like to see the process, be sure to drop me a follow over there! Happy holidays from me and the fam!
You will need:
Candy cane
Gift box by Simlasya
Gift box by Simtographies
The empty tree from Seasons EP (you can also mess around with other trees but this one just ended up working the best) — you will have to use the teleporter near the bottom as the tree covers most of it
Mug (required mesh is HERE)
Armchair (note: to use with a couch just place teleporter at middle of end cushion)
Disclaimer: It is impossible to create poses that fit every Sim's body shape and type. While I do try to account for clothing and different body shapes, you may experience some clipping.
SimmErika TOU:
✨ Do not reupload on ANY website
✨ Do not claim as your own
✨ Do not change the package files
✨ Please give credit when using the poses (@simmerika AND #simmerikaposes on IG: so I can thank you and hype up your posts)
✨ Use of my poses is allowed for blender renders, but please do not alter the poses.
✨ Violation of these TOU will result in a permanent ban from my Patreon, Instagram, tumblr, etc.
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streamerika · 4 months ago
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It's my 3 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳 lol I barely use this anymore, hope yall are doing well over here!
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streamerika · 1 year ago
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Merry Crisis! I created this posepack because I was missing creating and I wanted to celebrate the holiday with you all! Please enjoy this free posepack that I created (and released) live on Twitch! This posepack contains 6 poses (5 really, 1 has an alternate sitting position) with some accessories and one without, all for you to take those aesthetically-pleasing photos of your Sims at Christmastime! NOTE: for pose #5, place the teleporter anywhere you want around the tree, it can go anywhere! You may need TOOL for those teeny adjustments or you can just play around with teleporters, but I didn't want you all to have to use a specific tree or anything. Enjoy your holiday season my loves, however you celebrate! ❤️
You will need:
Teleporter Mod
Pose Player
Mug (mesh can be found HERE)
Candy cane heart 
Disclaimer: I try to make my poses while taking into consideration Sims' different body shapes/types. However, it is nearly impossible to make poses fit every Sim ever made, so you may experience gapping or clipping based on their body type and/or clothing.
SimmErika TOU:
✨ Do not reupload on ANY website
✨ Do not claim as your own
✨ Do not change the package files
✨ Please give credit when using the poses (@simmerika AND #simmerikaposes on IG: so I can thank you and hype up your posts)
✨ Use of my poses is allowed for blender renders, but please do not alter the poses.
✨ Violation of these TOU will result in a permanent ban from my Patreon, Instagram, tumblr, etc.
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streamerika · 2 years ago
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 2000 reblogs! I hope to be putting out more content soon but I’m a tired corporate girly atm 🙃🫶🏻
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OMG, this one has been sitting in the vault for a while! My dear incredible friend @harmonioustrait commissioned these for her story, Harmony, earlier this year. She gave me the okay to publish them and, well, I kinda forgot for a while. See the original post this posepack was created for HERE! I got to make a posepack for my favorite ship and it was such an honor to be a major part of a story that I had become obsessed with just as a reader before I even got to know @harmonioustrait personally! I hope you all have fun with this heartfelt moment for your Sims!
Belly disclaimer: I recommend using small second trimester bellies or big first trimester bellies for this posepack. You'll experience more clipping if your Sim is a little thicker with a second trimester belly (MC Command Center is a lifesaver here as you can toggle the trimesters back and forth—the things we do for good screenshots, sheesh!)
You will need:
Teleporter Mod
Pose Player
Disclaimer: I try to make my poses while taking into consideration Sims' different body shapes/types. However, it is nearly impossible to make poses fit every Sim ever made, so you may experience gapping or clipping based on their body type and/or clothing.
SimmErika TOU:
✨ Do not reupload on ANY website
✨ Do not claim as your own
✨ Do not change the package files
✨ Please give credit when using the poses (@simmerika AND #simmerikaposes on IG: so I can thank you and hype up your posts)
✨ Use of my poses is allowed for blender renders, but please do not alter the poses.
✨ Violation of these TOU will result in a permanent ban from my Patreon, Instagram, tumblr, etc.
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streamerika · 2 years ago
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Hi friends! I've had some time to get my computer and tech all situated, and get settled in with my new job, and I'm SO HYPED to bring you a new posepack! This one is also from my WIP folder that has been ignored for the better part of a year and is finally getting to see daylight! I love me some good simple selfie poses, so here's a pack of eight for your Sims who are feelin' themselves! I hope you enjoy, and don't forget to tag me so I can hype up your posts!
Public Download: July 28th 2023 on Patreon **HERE**
You will need:
Teleporter Mod (honestly this is optional here, I just used "Go Here" to put my Sim where I wanted ���)
Pose Player
RedHeadSims iPhone 11 Pro Max (SimsFinds, but I have always trusted Thiago's uploads and used without issue)
Disclaimer: I try to make my poses while taking into consideration Sims' different body shapes/types. However, it is nearly impossible to make poses fit every Sim ever made, so you may experience gapping or clipping based on their body type and/or clothing.
SimmErika TOU:
✨ Do not reupload on ANY website
✨ Do not claim as your own
✨ Do not change the package files
✨ Please give credit when using the poses (@simmerika AND #simmerikaposes on IG: so I can thank you and hype up your posts)
✨ Use of my poses is allowed for blender renders, but please do not alter the poses.
✨ Violation of these TOU will result in a permanent ban from my Patreon, Instagram, tumblr, etc.
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streamerika · 2 years ago
hi! i downloaded your proposal pose pack along with the ring box, however i'm struggling to find it in CAS! do you know which category it's in please?
Hi! It took me a second to go back and refresh my memory, but it's the rings category! Specifically the left ring finger. Hope this helps!
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streamerika · 2 years ago
if you take requests: could you make a pose pack for a family of 4: two parents, a teen and a child? <3
If you're asking for a commission, please use the Google form found at for custom commissions. Especially when it comes to family poses, it's hard to get every family combination right, so while I may write the idea down for the future, a custom commission is the only way I can guarantee it will get made ❤️
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streamerika · 2 years ago
Comment faire pour que sims fassent la pose. Ou faut-il cliquer pour y accéder à la pose ?
Je ne sais pas exactement qu'est-ce que tu me demandes, mais toutes mes poses existent sur (je parle seulement un peu le francais, s'il te plait utiliser l'anglais si possible a l'avenir)
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streamerika · 2 years ago
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Hello friends! I bring to you a posepack that generally isn't my style but this past commission has been approved for public release, so I bring to you...Fumeur! A set of smoking poses for your nicotine-enjoying Sims. Make sure to check out @libra_trait on Instagram as these poses were originally a commission for her!
You will need:
Teleporter Mod
Pose Player
Car (included)
Disclaimer #1: There's some gapping in pose 11 with the stairs, you will probably need to utilize TOOL & creative angles, but until we can extract stair meshes, I did my best with the deco stairs I had available to use.
Disclaimer #2: I try to make my poses while taking into consideration Sims' different body shapes/types. However, it is nearly impossible to make poses fit every Sim ever made, so you may experience gapping or clipping based on their body type and/or clothing. **This is especially the case in the poses where the cigarette is in the Sim's mouth because of different mouth shapes!**
SimmErika TOU:
✨ Do not reupload on ANY website
✨ Do not claim as your own
✨ Do not change the package files
✨ Please give credit when using the poses (@simmerika AND #simmerikaposes on IG: so I can thank you and hype up your posts)
✨ Use of my poses is allowed for blender renders, but please do not alter the poses.
✨ Violation of these TOU will result in a permanent ban from my Patreon, Instagram, tumblr, etc.
@ts4-poses @ts4-poses-masterlist
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streamerika · 2 years ago
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Hey friends! I've actually been sitting on these for a while and I've had people asking me about single sim poses, so I polished these up and got them ready for you all! This is a set of 13 individual poses and an all-in-one animation not including the wall pose (one has 2 versions so I only included one of them in the preview above) for your Sims! Hope you enjoy!
You will need:
Pose Player
Teleporter Mod
Disclaimer: I try to make my poses while taking into consideration Sims' different body shapes/types. However, it is nearly impossible to make poses fit every Sim ever made, so you may experience gapping or clipping based on their body type and/or clothing.
SimmErika TOU:
✨ Do not reupload on ANY website
✨ Do not claim as your own
✨ Do not change the package files
✨ Please give credit when using the poses (@simmerika AND #simmerikaposes on IG: so I can thank you and hype up your posts)
✨ Use of my poses is allowed for blender renders, but please do not alter the poses.
✨ Violation of these TOU will result in a permanent ban from my Patreon, Instagram, tumblr, etc.
@ts4-poses-masterlist @ts4-poses
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streamerika · 2 years ago
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Ever have a double date gone wrong? @mercurialpixels' Sims sure have: this posepack was originally a commission for their story and I was able to release it for you all to enjoy! Make sure you check out the original post HERE and give my dear friend a follow! This is a series of four 4-Sim poses where two friends go on a double date and that's right, their dates leave with each other instead of, well, them. I hope you enjoy!
You will need:
Teleporter Mod
Pose Player
2-tile dining table
Chairs (I used the Harrie base game ones, any with a tall back should do especially with Pose 1, Sim 4)
Disclaimer: I try to make my poses while taking into consideration Sims' different body shapes/types. However, it is nearly impossible to make poses fit every Sim ever made, so you may experience gapping or clipping based on their body type and/or clothing.
SimmErika TOU:
✨ Do not reupload on ANY website
✨ Do not claim as your own
✨ Do not change the package files
✨ Please give credit when using the poses (@simmerika AND #simmerikaposes on IG: so I can thank you and hype up your posts)
✨ Use of my poses is allowed for blender renders, but please do not alter the poses.
✨ Violation of these TOU will result in a permanent ban from my Patreon, Instagram, tumblr, etc.
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streamerika · 2 years ago
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SimBucks Cafe: CC Build + DOWNLOAD
Hey friends! I built this coffee shop last week with mostly @littledica, @harrie-cc, and @peacemaker-ic content! It's a functional cafe and is a cute hangout spot for your Sims!
Lot size: 20x20
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streamerika · 2 years ago
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Heya friends! I realized I don't think I've ever done any individual maternity poses, so behold my latest project! This posepack contains 8 individual poses, with second AND third trimester options, AND all-in-one animations for each trimester! You know me, I want y'all to have ✨options✨ and get the full enjoyment out of using my poses!
You will need:
Teleporter Mod
Pose Player
Ultrasound accessory (original mesh, included)
Disclaimer: I try to make my poses while taking into consideration Sims' different body shapes/types. However, it is nearly impossible to make poses fit every Sim ever made, so you may experience gapping or clipping based on their body type and/or clothing. This is even more common with pregnancy poses as bellies come in all shapes and sizes, but I do my best!
SimmErika TOU:
✨ Do not reupload on ANY website
✨ Do not claim as your own
✨ Do not change the package files
✨ Please give credit when using the poses (@simmerika AND #simmerikaposes on IG: so I can thank you and hype up your posts)
✨ Use of my poses is allowed for blender renders, but please do not alter the poses.
✨ Violation of these TOU will result in a permanent ban from my Patreon, Instagram, tumblr, etc.
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streamerika · 2 years ago
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Hello again friends! I have always been fairly hard-pressed to find poses for group portraits, and if I do, they're SO specific. So I set out to create some poses for larger families/parents with their adult children/etc! This pack contains 6 pose sets: 4 for larger families, and 2 platonic/sibling poses! These should be fairly versatile for more than family, so go crazy and enjoy! ♥ (Also, my OGs will recognize the fam in this you remember them??)
You will need:
Teleporter Mod
Pose Player
Bench (the base game "Balanjar Teak Two-Seater Bench" is also suitable)
Disclaimer: I try to make my poses while taking into consideration Sims' different body shapes/types. However, it is nearly impossible to make poses fit every Sim ever made, so you may experience gapping or clipping based on their body type and/or clothing.
SimmErika TOU:
✨ Do not reupload on ANY website
✨ Do not claim as your own
✨ Do not change the package files
✨ Please give credit when using the poses (@simmerika AND #simmerikaposes on IG: so I can thank you and hype up your posts!)
✨ Use of my poses is allowed for blender renders, but please do not alter the poses.
✨ Violation of these TOU will result in a permanent ban from my Patreon, Instagram, tumblr, etc.
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streamerika · 2 years ago
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Hello beautiful people! Looking for a bright and airy boudoir studio? Download this room build! There's some open space on one side and you can move things around to customize it however you like! The CC used is included in the download!
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streamerika · 2 years ago
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Lemme tell y'all I have been SO excited to do poses with infants!! This update has made me even more obsessed with the game and I hope you all have been enjoying it! Here's my first ever posepack with infants, I hope you enjoy!!
You will need:
Teleporter Mod
Pose Player (**IMPORTANT:** This has been updated for infants and you must have this updated version for the poses to be compatible with infants!)
Rocker chair from Growing Together expansion pack (Pose 4 only)
RECOMMENDED: invisible baby rug default replacement (removes the blue-pink plaid rug that automatically goes under babies when they're set down)
Disclaimer: I try to make my poses while taking into consideration Sims' different body shapes/types. However, it is nearly impossible to make poses fit every Sim ever made, so you may experience gapping or clipping based on their body type and/or clothing.
SimmErika TOU:
✨ Do not reupload on ANY website
✨ Do not claim as your own
✨ Do not change the package files
✨ Please give credit when using the poses (@simmerika AND #simmerikaposes on IG: so I can thank you and hype up your posts)
✨ Use of my poses is allowed for blender renders, but please do not alter the poses.
✨ Violation of these TOU will result in a permanent ban from my Patreon, Instagram, tumblr, etc.
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streamerika · 2 years ago
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Over the Rainbow - A Child and Toddler Bedroom
This set has been a long time coming, even well before Growing Together was announced. The idea was to create a cute set that would work for multiple life-stages and a range of genders. Quite hard when my theme was rainbow, but I think I managed it. I know why kid’s sets take longer then others I create, they are much more themed, but I do feel the extra time spent on them usually pays off.  
download at Simsational Designs
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