straykdays · 6 years
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[ Today is not only Friday the 13th, but also International Kissing Day! So here’s our favorite black cat (to reverse the bad luck) blowing a little kiss ♥️🐱 
#goodluckskz ]
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straykdays · 6 years
aight kids time to do something
You all know what happened with Hyunjin and it’s time to fucking do something about it. He needs to understand how much we care. He needs to understand that he didn’t do anything wrong. He needs our love and support more than anything right now. 
Set aside the discourse, set aside all of your little arguments, set aside anything negative surrounding the fandom. Leave that all behind. Right now we’re focusing on Hyunjin, he needs it. We need to focus on him, we need to support him, we need to appreciate him the way he deserves to be appreciated.
We need to do something, and what we’re going to do is on April 18 (because he’s 18) we’ll post stuff to twitter, tumblr, any social media platform where he could see it. Supportive messages, art, anything at all, anything to make him feel loved and supported. This is what our fandom is about. We’re about coming together and supporting our boys. So that’s exactly what we’re going to do. 
If you decide to post something to twitter or instagram, tag them, do your best to make sure they’ll be able to see it. If you don’t have time to write a long message or make art, one sentence would be enough. Don’t mention what happened at the fansign, don’t mention any of that, just focus on what you love about him, what he’s amazing at, what he’s doing that’s incredible. He’s just a teenager, and we need to help him through this. He needs to know that it’ll be okay. 
We’re going to tag these posts with #HyunjinAppreciationDay, and thats pretty self-explanatory.
April 18th, mark your calendars, because we’re doing this.
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straykdays · 6 years
Every Song I’ve Ever Loved
Woojin’s soulmate AU! I’ve been having so much trouble with this, but its done and I like the ending! 
Whoops, forgot to add, this is dedicated to @awoojinstan for being wonderful and appreciative and @hi-hello32 for welcoming me into the fandom
General notes: The soulmate connection here is through the songs stuck in your head. Your soulmate can hear them too. 
Okay again with the FOB lyric titles. This one is from “Favorite Record”
Word Count: 1749 or so
Read others on my masterlist.
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You gathered up the books on the table in front of you. Last discussion of the day, now I can go home and rest for the weekend. You pushed the door open with your hip, grateful for the lack of door knobs. Making your way out onto the lawn, you felt a smile make its way across your face. The sun was shining, you could hear birds chirping in the trees nearby. All in all, it was a very picturesque setting.
        Just then, music started to play inside your head. “The squirming umbrellas all over the place / it’s cloudy and the air is clear.” Your soulmate link now activated, music and the sound of rain rang within your brain. Sometimes this link is quite annoying. I was having a lovely day and now the weather is happy but this sad, sad song is playing in my head.
        “Hey! How was your discussion? Those little freshmen treating you alright?” Your friend fell into step with you, a backpack slung over one shoulder.
        “Pretty good. I was in a great mood actually, and then my soulmate had to get a really sad song stuck in their head. There are days when I wish I had a link as simple as yours, first words and all.”
        “Hey, at least yours is interesting! I’m just like most people!” The music kept playing in your head. You know what, let’s just enjoy the song. It’s soothing, even if it’s a touch depressing. You let the music wash over you, bobbing your head to the beat of the rap. My soulmate really does have pretty good taste in music.
        I just want to meet them though! How are we even supposed to figure our link out?
        Woojin was just finishing up vocal practice when a new song started playing in his head. “Ka-CHING / Yeah I got the money / You see the money? / Come and get it now.”
        “What on earth was that?” He asked aloud.
        “Woojin-ah, what are you talking about?” His vocal teacher asked, a confused look spreading across her face.
        “Oh, my link just activated. And my soulmate has a very strange song stuck in their head. It sounds so… mercenary? And strange?” Woojin scrunched up his nose, confused. “Wait, I think I recognize it now. I think it’s “Ka-Ching” from EXO-CBX?”
        “Well, you never know what’s going on with other people right? Maybe they just got some really good news. Or someone else got the song stuck in their head?”
        “Yeah, probably. Thank you, see you tomorrow!” He left the room. My soulmate must be pretty happy, this is a peppy song. I’m glad, it makes me happy too.
        I SWEAR IF I HEAR THIS SONG ONE MORE TIME I WILL BREAK SOMETHING. You clenched your palms over your ears, as if to block out the noise even more. “Apple-pen / Pineapple-pen / uh… pen pineapple apple pen.” Why do you have such a useless song stuck in your head soulmate!
        You frowned at the desk in front of you. “I thought that song was long gone. It’s soooooo old.” You noticed a few girls sniggering in the corner looking at you. One small comment and people start to think I’m crazy. Honestly!
Meanwhile, on Woojin’s side of the link, chaos was about to break out.
“Han Jisung, Lee Felix, Hwang Hyunjin, and Kim Seungmin. What. Were. You. Thinking? This was popular and memey but it’s time is over! Why bring it back?” Chan was lecturing the 2000 line again, pacing back and forth in front of the sofa. Woojin was about to join in and back Chan up, when he heard a small noise from one of the bedrooms. He opened the door.
There lay Jeongin, hands clamped over his mouth to stop the noise of his laughter escaping.
“Channie! It wasn’t the 00-idiots, it was Jeonginnie!” Woojin jumped on him hugging him close. “Maknae, you thought you could trick us?”
Woojin snuggled down in his blankets. He had a window of exactly forty-three minutes for a nap, and he was going to take full advantage of the time. What with all the promotions for their predebut album going on, all the boys had barely had time to sleep at night. Any sleep was good at this point.
He was just dropping off, when a song started playing in his head. “So easily, with harsh words / You put scars in my heart / Without even saying sorry / Again, I’m comforting myself / Always nervous.” His eyes opened wide immediately.
Is my soulmate alright? Did something happen? I wish we could communicate in someway, I want to comfort them.
That’s the worst part about this link. We can’t talk, we can’t hear each other, all we can do is listen on either end.
Suddenly, a smile began to spread over his face. I could get another song stuck in my head! That way I can comfort them even within the limitations of our link. Getting out his phone, he set up a loop and cuddled his extra pillow, falling fast asleep.
You curled in further on yourself, trying to stop the tears from flowing. That day had be completely and utterly exhausting. You’d met up with an old friend, trying to reconcile with her after years of wavering between friendship and enmity.
And, as usual, she’d blamed every single problem the two of you had had on you. Not staying in touch, never listening to problems, she’d even accused you of talking about her behind her back.
You knew it was probably for the best that you two had decided to go your separate ways once and for all, but that didn’t mean it hurt any less.
Hence, the sad music. BLACKPINK’s “Stay” to be precise. You cuddled into the window seat in your bedroom. I’m sorry soulmate for getting something so sad stuck in your head. I wish you were here.
Then maybe I’d have someone to rely on, that wouldn’t blame me.
Just then, a different song started playing in your head. Startled, you turned off your phone’s speaker and focused on your link instead.
“On my mind / On my mind / On my mind, Baby.”
You sat up with a start, blanket sliding off you and pooling on the floor. Is my soulmate trying to … talk to me?
“I’m gonna keep walking / So I can be with you / When I arrive, if you believe in me / I’m sure you’ll hold your hand out to me.”
Tears began rolling down your face, ones that had been stuck as a lump in your throat all afternoon. You curled into a tinier ball, letting the tears flow down your face but also feeling comforted.
Someone did care.
Your soulmate cared enough to try and send you a message. I don’t know who you are soulmate, what you’re like, or anything about you really. But I really do love you.
By now, you were quite used to the your soulmate’s songs playing in your head. He had really good taste in music, and it was quite varied most of the time. Sure he’d made some questionable choices, but you liked most of them.
Just then, a new tune began playing. One that started off with… sirens? And a rap?
Talk talk, people talk too much
What what, saying nonsense
All the nagging and cursing, please stop
Whether I do well or not, I’ll take care of myself
Hmm, this is really catchy. I love the lyrics of it.
Two days later, you had learned the song almost by heart, and were humming it under your breath when you went out to get chicken for your lunch. You walked the two blocks to your favorite shop and waited in line, humming the song stuck in your head for the fifteenth time.
Then, a hand came out of nowhere and tapped your shoulder.
You jumped, surprised by the sudden touch. A voice spoke up, “I’m so sorry, but what were you just humming?”
“Oh, it’s just a song that’s been stuck in my head for the past few weeks. I don’t know what it is though,” you laugh, wondering how on earth to explain that the song is one you’ve picked up from your soulmate link.
“I’m sorry, this is a little invasive, but, ummm, is your soulmate link by any chance… hearing the song stuck in your soulmate’s head?” Your head snapped up and you examined the stranger more closely. Purplish hair, a wide grin, and extremely broad shoulders clad in a denim jacket. He’s very handsome. And his voice! It sounds like honey even though he’s just making small talk.
“Next in line please!” The teenager at the counter beckons you forward, and you turn back around quickly.
“Can we talk after we both get our food?” you ask, hoping against hope that you might have just found your soulmate.
“Sure, I need to order too. But please, wait for me?” the stranger replied, and the two of you both turned to get your food. Picking up the bag of takeout, you move over to one of the small tables in the cramped shop.
“You seemed really surprised when you heard me humming, what was the matter?” you ask, once both you and the stranger are tucking into your lunches.
“Oh, yeah. I’m so sorry to ask this, but before I explain, can you please just tell me if your soulmate link is songs getting stuck in your head? I’m Woojin by the way.” The urgency in his voice convinced you to agree.
“I’m _____. And yeah, that is my soulmate link. Why do you sound so desperate though?”
“I think I’m your soulmate. The song is one I’m working on currently, I’m part of a boy group and that’s our new track.” You dropped your chicken onto your plate.
“You. WHAT? Prove you’re my soulmate.” You needed that reassurance now. After all the upheaval with your friend and everything, you couldn’t take another practical joke or something along those lines.
“Last week, you were listening to “Stay” on a loop. And so I tried to send you “On My Mind” to make you feel better.”
“You, you real are my soulmate then?” A small tear pricked the corner of your eye. “You have no idea how much that meant to me.”
“I’m just happy I’ve found you” Woojin said, reaching out to pat your hand on the table. “Would you like to hear the song properly?”
“I’d love to.”
Special Thanks to @kim-squishmin for all the song recs, which are:
“Rain” - BTS, “Ka-Ching” - EXO-CBX, “Pen Pineapple Apple Pen” - Daimaou Kosaka, “Stay” - BLACKPINK, “On My Mind” - JBJ, and of course, “District 9″ - Stray Kids
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straykdays · 6 years
in a rush | kim woojin
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genre: sUPER DUPER fluff pairing: woojin x reader word count: 1030
third year student woojin landed a job at this pet store near his apartment
he loves helping and taking care of others so this was a perfect place for him to work at !!
to say that the staff members and pets loved him was an understatement
everyone loved seeing woojin at work, especially with kids!
if he saw that a kid wanted a pet, but their parent was being indecisive, he would swoop in and save the day
pets were being sold at record speed ever since he stepped into the store
when kids asks him if he has a favourite animal, he would always say no and that he loves them all because they’re all cute and charming in their own unique way
most kids his age would dread finishing school just to head to work, but he’s quite the opposite because he really enjoys his time there
sure he gets his fair share of annoying customers and has to clean up after the pets’ incidents, but it’s all worth it
Keep reading
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straykdays · 6 years
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Happy Birthday to the sweetest bear, Kim Woojin
Thank you for being born, thank you for not giving up, thank you for being this amazing person you are
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straykdays · 6 years
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8 April 2018 ____________________________
Happy Birthday to the most beautiful soul and angel. Thank you for blessing our world with your sweet voice and amazing personality. Thank you for striving and reaching for your dreams, because now your talent has inspired many and your smiles have shed happiness even in the darkest places. Happy Birthday, Kim Woojin. ❤️ 
 (cr. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
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straykdays · 6 years
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Woojin Music Aesthetic and Woojin Flower Aesthetic Moodboards
Happy woojin day! I love this floof sm💕💕💕
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straykdays · 6 years
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Happy Woojin Day!!
I love this boy so much omg I hope he has the best birthday 💕💕💕
(Also if people want me to write a woojin scenario today feel free to send me ideas)
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straykdays · 6 years
happy woojin day!
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[ Happy Woojin Day ]
This moodboard is not as great as all the edits I’ve seen so far, but I just want to say that Woojin deserves a lot of love because he’s a ray of sunshine.
I’m sure Stray Kids endured many hardships. However, they eventually smiled, and Woojin’s smile is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen. Moreover, his voice is really sweet. No matter if he’s singing or talking, it’s so soothing that you feel immediately alright. He spreads positiveness just existing. He’s really precious, adorable, inspiring and talented, and those and his other qualities are the reason why I love him.
Happy birthday Woojin, I hope you have an amazing day surrounded by your loved ones💛
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straykdays · 6 years
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✧ Happy Birthday Woojin ✧ Aesthetic Lockscreens → like/reblog if you save ♡
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straykdays · 6 years
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💐 Happy Woojin day 💐
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straykdays · 6 years
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Happy birthday to our favorite vocalist!!! Woojin, I wish you to always wear a smile on your face, that oh-so-bright smile that everyone adores, I wish you all the happiness in the world because you deserve it. I wish you to always strive for improvement even when you’ve reached your best, to keep working with that immense determination you carry! Thank you for showing us how crazy talented you are, how big your voice and heart are! Thank you for showing us what it means to chase our dreams! I wish that you spend an unforgettable birthday and may life bring you only the best opportunities in the future! ♧
⇨ #happywoojinday
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straykdays · 6 years
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happy woojin day  *:・゚✧
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straykdays · 6 years
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Happy birthday to our eldest, Woojin! Thank you for being an angel inside and out. 
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straykdays · 6 years
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always smile, be happy and stay healthy our precious, we love you so much. ♡
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straykdays · 6 years
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You’re doing well, Woojin and you deserve all the happiness in the world. #happywoojinday
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straykdays · 6 years
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#happywoojinday ♡
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