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The mountains have many rules. But out of all of them, five are the most important.
Mitsuri x fem Reader x Obanai
Words: 5.3k
Tw: Dark content, yandere monsters, monster fucking?, dubcon, squirting, fingering, smut, submissive obanai! Kinda don ish mitsuri?, uhhh also shitty smut kinda.
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The mountains have many rules.
Of course, to keep the locals and tourists safe when living/visiting here. You remember when you and your parents first visited your grandparents up here in the mountains. Your grandparents made sure your parents told you beforehand about all the rules you had to follow for your stay.
Rule number one: Don’t be/go outside after the sun sets. That’s when they come out.
Rule number two: Don’t whistle once it’s dark. It attracts them.
Rule number three: You don’t see/hear anything. You ignore it and go on about your day.
Rule number four: Always keep your doors and windows locked. Don't let them in, even if they are outside begging to be let in. Don’t. They aren’t what they seem.
And the last and most important rule
Rule number five: If you hear your name being called. Don’t. Respond. Back. It’s not who you think it might be. Ignore it and don’t entertain it. If you want to see the light of day again.
Easy five rules to follow, right?
You always made sure to follow those five simple rules. Growing scared from all the stories the locals will tell little 6 year old you. Your parents also told you to be careful. That yes the woods are pretty, but they aren’t safe.
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You haven’t seen your grandparents since you were 16. It’s been a long 8 years since then. You and your parents stopped visiting them after work has been catching up to them and you being busy with school. Of course you did call in occasionally and asked how they were doing and if they have been keeping themselves safe and healthy. Not wanting to grow distant with them since you love your grandparents very much.
But after a while, the calls slowly stopped coming in. Life is getting too busy for you and your parents.
It wasn't until a week ago when your aunt called and dropped the horrible news.
Your grandparents have passed away
You remember the feeling of time stopping right then and there. The cries of your mother going muffled as you just stood there.
The funeral wasn’t any better. Everyone was crying and screaming in agony. Your father was next to your weeping mother trying to comfort her as she cried for her parents. You couldn’t do anything but just stand there. Feeling useless.
The moment you got home you quickly ran to your room. That’s when finally all the tears and pain came out. You cried yourself to sleep that night.
Your grandparents left the house to you. Their only granddaughter. Before they died, it was already planned out the day you were born that if anything were to happen to them or if they would die. The house will belong to you.
And the house
Oh the house is beautiful
Think about those beautiful old Victorian homes from the 1800s. That’s the beautiful home your grandparents left for you.
And they knew you loved the area. Besides all the rules and weird things that roam the place. You loved it.
So here you are. In front of the house. With your parents standing behind you.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay? We can stay here with you for a few days”
“I’m going to be okay mom. Don’t worry about me”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes dad. I’m 24 years old, I’m pretty sure I can handle myself just fine” You could tell that didn’t help at all and maybe made it a little more ... .worse?
“Okay….make sure you keep the doors and windows locked! A-a-and to not let anyone in okay?!”
“And no staying outside after the sun sets! You never-“
“Never know what can be lurking in those woods yeah yeah I got it” Your mom sighs before she gives you a kiss on your forehead.
“Okay. Stay safe and take care. Me and your father will check in on you in a few weeks, Kay?”
After 10 long minutes, they left with a goodbye and now you were left alone. You noticed that the sun will begin to set soon so you called it a day and quickly rushed inside.
The house still looked the same. Same wallpaper and furniture. Your grandparents wanted all their old furniture that they bought/collected over the years to stay with the house. To stay with you.
And you didn’t have a problem with that. In fact, you're grateful they left you with all their old furniture. In this economy, a couch will probably cost the same as your rent-.
You head back upstairs and decide to buy groceries tomorrow morning.
“So, how is it so far?” Your friend eagerly asks.
“It’s not bad. Peaceful actually”
“Mm is that so? Those mountains give me the creeps!” You chuckle as you continue making your breakfast.
“Yeah trust me, I was afraid when I first visited this place. But as long as you follow the rules, your pretty much safe”
“Jeez, don’t know how you do it”
Today you already have a little something planned out for the day. For example, after breakfast you’ll go to the local market for groceries. After that you’ll go visit some old spots that your grandparents used to take you to during your summers and after that you’ll be home!
Simple small plans
“Yeah well for starters, I basically grew up here. And my grandparents were very overprotective of me when I would visit here”
“Well then maybe I should go up there and visit you! You’ll protect me from those things right?” You giggle as you answer her question.
“Of course I will”
“Good. Well I’ll talk to you later! I have a shit ton of stuff to do today” She sighs and you can tell she’s slumped over her kitchen counter right now.
“Well I’ll let you go now. But you better come visit once you're free!”
“You bet I am!” You said your goodbyes before hanging up.
The weather was perfect today for the small things you planned out. You made your plate and sat down at the nice dining table. You scrolled through your phone bored out of your mind as you ate the food you made.
You scrolled through pictures and videos of family, friends, or even random people before coming across an article from the town’s official account.
Two teenagers were found mutilated in the woods today earlier this morning. The two teens were reported missing on September 3rd at 9:46 pm by their parents after the teens failed to arrive home on time.
The teens were found today on September 16 at 7:23 am, two weeks after their disappearance. Local sheriffs said that they received a call from a tourist who had the misfortune to stumble upon the dead bodies of the two teens.
“Jesus” You mutter as you frown.
You always knew stuff like this happens. People not taking the rules seriously and being outside way past curfew and BOOM. Next day found dead.
You won’t lie, but you still get chills knowing that you aren’t the only one’s living here. The creatures that lurk in these mountains aren’t friendly to anyone.
Not even animals are safe as you remember stumbling upon multiple dead corpses of the unfortunate growing up.
Those things are vicious, vile creatures with zero mercy.
The words your grandmother used to tell you before reading you a bedtime story.
And she’s right. Those things show no mercy.
To those unfortunate souls that stumble upon those creatures. May they rest in eternal peace.
It’s been a couple weeks since you officially moved in. Life is peaceful living here. And you finally adjusted to life here!
Anyways, you were currently watching some of your favorite movies from childhood while you snacked on a bag of your favorite chips. Your parents left an hour ago after they came to check up on you. You three spent good quality time together before they had to leave for the long drive home.
You never knew living in a quiet area would be great. No more honking of cars or the screaming of people outside!
Just peace and quiet
You quietly munch on your chips as you continue watching the movie. Unaware of the eyes that were currently watching you.
It wasn’t in front of your window
It was behind the trees from outside
You continue eating before you frown as you hear a small click.
You ignored it at first, but then you heard the sound of a nail tapping against your window.
That’s when you completely froze
You quickly turned off the tv before grabbing your chips and phone and booking it upstairs to your room.
You locked your bedroom door and checked to see if your window was locked. Once you made sure everything was locked you quickly got into bed and left your chips on your night stand.
Definitely not tonight
You soon fell asleep all the while ignoring the strange noises coming from outside in the pitch dark woods.
People have said that the land was hunted. Curse from the Gods after humans yet again began to be greedy and cruel.
Others have said that the creatures that lurk are aliens or other creatures from space. They mysteriously appeared here one day and decided to claim the land as their home.
And others have said that those things used to be people. People who deceived the Gods and as punishment were turned into disgusting vile creatures who now live here in the mountains.
Anyways, there were a lot of rumors surrounding this place and how it came to be.
But even after all that. The land and mountains are beautiful. The most breathtaking place you can ever step foot in.
But people tend to forget about that when the stories and sightings of those creatures go around and get more attention than the beautiful small town itself.
Besides, the history of this town truly is a mystery
“Shit” your eyes kept going back and forth to the watch on your wrist and to the road.
Today you drove out to the city to meet up with your friends to go eat at a very popular restaurant after not seeing each other in a while. After eating, one of your friends suggested hitting up a local bar to just chill and have fun. Obviously you all agreed and went.
But unfortunately for you, you didn’t keep track of time and by the time you noticed, it was starting to get pretty late.
“Shit shit shit!” You were a little buzzed from the few drinks you took while at the bar but that didn’t really matter right now as your number one priority was to get home before the sun fully sets, which is already too late.
You kept your eyes on the road. Not taking your eyes off of it as you finally accepted defeat.
You broke one of the rules
You just hoped by the time you get home you don’t get mutilated at your front door step.
A sigh of relief leaves your lips as your house comes into view. You quickly parked and turned off the car and sat there for a moment.
It was quiet
You quickly snatch your keys out of your purse and look around for anything. Your eyes then turn to look at your front door and you take a deep breath. Keys ready in hand, you quickly got out of the car and ran to your door. You opened the door and quickly rushed inside before locking it.
You stood still for a moment. After what felt like forever you sighed in relief and decided that that will be the last time you’ll ever do that again.
No more rule breaking
You told yourself as you walked upstairs. Unaware of the glowing eyes peering outside your window.
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Nothing bad or strange happened that night. You were relieved to wake up the next morning. You had a hard time getting some sleep after you broke one of the five rules. Thinking you wouldn’t see the light of day if you were to go to sleep.
But by some miracle you woke up fine
Which you were very grateful for after seeing more articles of bodies being found deep inside the woods. It’s been getting pretty dangerous lately as more news of dead bodies being found in those woods has become more frequent.
The townspeople were starting to get worried and scared to even step foot outside. Afraid their bodies will be found next.
When your parents found out about you breaking one of the rules, they were livid!
They scolded you for being so careless and not caring about your safety. It took a minute to calm them down but once you did your mom scolded you one last time before hanging up.
“So what are you going to do?”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“C’mon y/n, you're seriously planning on still staying after more bodies are being found and not only that but you breaking one of the rules?! Girl you’re crazy” You chuckled and continued folding your clothes.
“Nothing bad happened after that night. Seriously, I'm fine”
“You’re fucking crazy”
“Am not” She sighs and you could tell she’s stressing.
“Just be careful okay? I don’t want you being found next”
“I promise I’ll be fine so quit worrying before you get a grey hair!”
“Oh fuck you!” You both laugh before saying your goodbyes and hanging up. You finish folding the last bit of clothes before letting out a loud sigh. You were tired after today’s event. You did some grocery shopping and some heavy chores.
And by heavy chores….you deep cleaned the whole house
So now you were straight up tired after running around all day. Before your ass could even hit the bed, you heard a loud knock coming from downstairs. You froze and waited to hear it again, thinking it was just your tired mind playing tricks on you.
Knock knock knock
You looked outside and saw that it was dark.
Who the hell could it be knocking at your door this late at night?
You made your way downstairs and the knocking on the door became louder.
“Hello?! Is anyone home?!”
Your heart dropped
It was a female voice
“Please! Our car broke down and we don’t know what to do! If anyone’s home can you please help us!?”
You stayed completely still
What the fuck do you do?!
You quietly make your way up the door and decide to take a small peek at the peephole.
There stood two figures. A women and a man.
The woman looked frightened as she kept looking over her shoulder and the man beside her kept caressing her back as if trying to calm her down.
They look human
You stepped back from the door
Should I open it? Should I help these people and let them in?
“Please, we can’t be outside at this hour so if anyone’s home please let us in” This time the man spoke up.
The knocking stopped after that. Only the sounds of the women’s cries can be heard.
“It’s no use! Obanai-San we’re gonna die!”
“No we’re not. C’mon, it’s best that we get back to the car and just stay there for the night”
“B-but what if those things get us on our way to the car?! No no no! Please whoever is in there let us in!”
You opened the door which caused the women to screech and hide behind the male. You pointed your gun at them and the man quickly covered the women with his body.
“What are you guys doing knocking at my door?!”
“We need help. Our car broke down not to far from here and we need a place to stay for the night” The man says as he looks at the gun and then back at you.
“And what makes you think I believe you? For all I know you guys can be one of those creatures!”
“If we were you would’ve been dead the moment you opened that door” He says.
“Please! We really do need help!” This time the woman behind him speaks up.
You looked at the two in front of you carefully. They look like they really need help and they also look human. The man is right, if they weren’t they would’ve killed you by now. You sigh before lowering your gun. This makes the two relax and you quickly motion them inside.
“You know it’s dangerous walking around here when it’s dark right?” You say. Eyeing the two suspiciously.
“Of course we know”
“Where were you guys headed?” You asked. Still skeptical about the two of them.
“We were going to go visit my parents! They live in the next town over but while on our way there our car broke down in the middle of the road!” The colorful hair women cried out. You raised a brow at her.
“Why did you guys decide to walk all the way over here? You could’ve just waited it out in your car”
“That was the original plan. But someone wanted to go ask for help” the man says as he looks at the woman next to him. She goes bright red before speaking up.
“I was scared! I heard multiple stories about this place!” You chuckle. The mountains and town are really popular with its supernatural stories after all.
“You guys can spend the night” The two sigh in relief. Thankful for your kindness.
“Thank you so much! You are so kind!” The woman blurted out as she smiled.
“Yeah….but by morning you guys have to be out”
“That won’t be a problem” The man says. You just nod and show them the way to one of the many guest bedrooms you have.
“Oh my goodness! How impolite of us to not introduce ourselves! My name is mitsuri!”
“This is obanai! Thank you once again!”
Okay she’s definitely not one of those creatures. You relaxed a bit and decided why not also introduce yourself.
“I’m y/n”
“Oh! Y/n you have such a very pretty name!” She says as she smiles.
“Ah, thank you. Your name is very pretty also!” The woman beams. Very happy to hear that.
“Well I’ll leave the two of you alone. Doors and windows are locked so there’s no need to worry about the monsters coming in!” You joke. They both nod. You leave to go back to your room for much needed rest after a long day. You sleep in utter peace. Not knowing that even with doors and windows locked. The monster still made their way inside your precious home.
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The next day you woke up to the two strangers gone. The bedroom that they stayed in from the night before was left cleaned and untouched. Like they never used it.
“At least they made the bed”
You moved on after that. Weeks have passed and the strangers have become ... .Well strangers!
You just got home from work and you were slumped. It was late, yes but you managed to get home before the sun set. You were ready to just fall asleep in the sweat and dirt from today at work until you remembered that you recently washed your bedsheets and covers.
You were currently washing up and scrubbing away all the dead skin and dirt that has built up while also thinking about what you should make tomorrow for dinner.
Your parents are coming to visit tomorrow and are also staying for a few days so you wanted to make sure you have all the ingredients for tomorrow's dinner.
“Maybe I should make some pasta? Shrimp Alfredo? Or maybe some chicken curry? Orrr chicken quesadillas? Or maybe-“
You continue to ramble about all the possible foods you can make for tomorrow’s dinner.
Once you were done cleaning up, you made sure to quickly write down the dinner plans so you wouldn’t forget by tomorrow morning.
“Phewwww! Welp time for bed!” You made yourself comfortable before drifting off to blissful sleep.
Unaware of the small whistle that slipped out your mouth earlier in the shower.
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You managed to wake up bright and early to get the things you needed to make tonight’s dinner. Your parents are coming in a few hours so you wanted to get the ingredients for dinner out of the way so you wouldn’t have to worry about it later.
You went to your local market to buy all the fresh vegetables and fruits first before going to another store to pick up some other stuff that you needed.
You were excited. It’s been some time since you saw your parents so you wanted everything to be perfect. After picking up the last few ingredients you drove home. You also needed to do some last minute cleaning before focusing on the dinner part.
Once you arrived home you saw something strange laying on your front porch.
“Weird…I don’t remember ordering anything” You parked your car before slowly getting out of the vehicle. The moment you got out a stench hit you straight in the face. You wanted to vomit and you quickly covered half of your face.
It was coming from your front porch
Slowly, you walked towards your porch to get a closer look at what was there and you noticed flies surrounding the thing that was there.
“Oh my God”
You took a step back when you noticed what was there.
It was a dead deer
The poor thing was….mutilated. There was a dead mutilated deer on your front porch.
You felt sick
Your stomach turned and you felt like vomiting right then and there.
“So you found a dead deer on your front porch?”
“And nothing else? Dear are you okay?!”
“Mhm yes mom I’m fine” You called your parents immediately after seeing the dead animal in front of your house. The moment your parents heard, they immediately got in the car and started making their way to you a little earlier than what was planned.
“Go inside the house from the back door. Don’t touch anything and keep the doors locked. Stuff like this is usually a threat from those things, we’ll be there in 2 hours if traffic isn’t bad, but just stay inside okay?”
“Yes dad”
“Everythings going to be fine sweetheart, so don’t stress, okay?”
“Yes mom I’m already inside so don’t worry”
“Okay, we’ll be there soon”
And the call ended
Luckily you brought the grocery bags inside the house so you decided to start making dinner a little earlier than expected to get your mind off the dead animal that is still currently laying on your front porch.
You wouldn’t lie and say you weren’t scared. You were fucking terrified. When dead animals are left in front of someone’s house or backyard or land, 100% of the time that person is dead.
It’s a threat. Those things are threatening you and you don’t even know WHY.
You're trying to remember all the things you could’ve done to upset them - or it? You don’t know! You just can’t come up with anything that could explain why such a thing even happened!
You try to let it go and forget about it.
Maybe it’s a coincidence or…a mistake?
Maybe they got the wrong house, yeah?
You sigh and decide to just focus on dinner.
As you were washing some of the vegetables, you heard a faint click.
With the speed of light you turned off the water and stood completely still. You hear the faint sounds of tapping coming from the window of the living room.
Oh God
The sounds of nails dragging against the door is what you hear next. Long. Sharp. Nails.
You hear it before it stops. Then you hear the tap on the window again but now it’s coming from in front of you. You looked up at the window that is in front of your sink. You were lucky you have a small curtain covering the window because you know whatever is behind that window would’ve scared the ever living shit out of you.
You took a couple steps back before your back hit something. Immediately you froze.
You stayed still as whatever was behind you let out a low growl. You feel its long boney hands rest on your shoulders and you could physically feel your heart drop.
The thing then grips your shoulders and that was enough for you to pass out in fear.
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Your head is pounding and you feel cold. You slowly opened your eyes and you saw that it was dark outside.
Was all that just a dream?
You tried to sit up but something cold stopped you from doing so. You looked up and saw that your wrists were tied. The cold breeze from the open window made you shiver.
Open window?!
You panicked and tried to sit up but you couldn’t. The chains on your wrist prevented you from moving let alone getting up. That’s when you also noticed that you weren’t fully clothed. Only your underwear was on and you felt scared.
What the fuck was happening?!
And then….you hear it again. The faint tapping sound of nails on the glass window. But this time you could tell it was coming from inside your room. You slowly turned your head to face the window of your bedroom.
There….you saw a tall slender figure.
But something about this…person? Seemed familiar.
The person….continued tapping its nail against the window and something about that gave you an eerie feeling.
Suddenly, it stops.
You hold your breath as its head slowly moves to look at you.
Your heart drops the moment you make eye contact with it.
“M-mitsuri?” You whisper.
You can’t believe the woman standing before you is the same woman you met a month ago.
She looks so different
She looks…taller and her face…her face doesn’t look human at all but it also does….does that even make sense?!
Her hair is loose and she seems to not be wearing any clothes. You quickly look away but the moment you do you look up to see obanai hovering over you while staring deeply into your soul.
He also looked different
But the thing that caught your attention the most was his mouth. You see the long cuts in the corner of his mouth. Giving him a snake-like appearance.
“You're awake” Her voice sounds different. Your heart starts to beat fast and you can feel tears already threatening to fall.
“W-why…w-what are you guys”
You closed your eyes. Not daring to look at either of them.
What the fuck are they doing in your house
“You're so pretty….you look so cute being underneath him” She says as she slowly starts caressing your hair. You whimper as you feel obanai beginning to nuzzle his face on your neck.
He was sniffing you
“Noo no no no please don’t kill me!” You cry out as you struggle against your chains. She just giggles before joining you two on the bed.
“We would never hurt you. Right obanai?” He just growls. You can feel his clawed hands beginning to fondle with your breast and you gulp the more you feel him press himself closer to you.
“No no no”
“Shhhh everything’s going to be fine….” You can feel her hand slowly start to make its way towards your private area. You cry as you feel her clawed finger rip your underwear before slowly playing with your clit.
“No! Please-“ You gasp when you feel the male's mouth on your chest. He takes a nipple in his mouth and you shiver feeling his long tongue swirl around it.
Mitsuri continues playing with your clit and she giggles seeing you squirm underneath her touch.
She thinks
You gasp the moment you feel her fingers slip inside your hole. You gripped onto the chains and bit your lip as tears slid down your cheeks.
“No wait! N-not there!” She begins to thrust her fingers in and out your hole and all you could do is shut your eyes tight as you tried your best to not make any noise. Meanwhile, obanai was having the time of his life sucking harshly at your nipples. A lewd pop is heard as he finally leaves your poor nipple alone.
“More” he growls. You feel relieved when her fingers leave your poor cunt alone. But that was soon gone when you felt something poking you from down there. Your blood runs cold the moment you look down to see a monstrous cock.
Terrified, you squirm and shake your head knowing what was going to happen.
“No no no! Please! That’s not going to fit, please let me go!”
They don’t even pay you any mind as he grabs ahold of both of your thighs and spreads your legs open. They both coo at you and mitsuri begins to caress your face as she calms you down.
His tip pokes your entrance. You can tell he’s trying to hold himself back as mitsuri starts to also caress his face. He leans against her touch and waits for the green light.
“Be careful. Human women are much more delicate than us” He nods before he starts lining up his tip against your hole. You gasp as you feel him slowly push in.
You were ashamed of how wet you were.
You cry out at the burning sensation you feel. Your poor little cunt is being stretched open for crying out loud! You try scooting back. Not wanting him in. But that soon stops as he grabs your waist and slams you down fully on his length. You scream as you gripped onto the chains.
“There there! Look how perfect you're taking him! Oh I knew you were perfect for us!”
You could feel your face heat up at the lewd sounds of your cunt on his cock and the groans and moans leaving him.
“S-slow down!”
You can hear him whimper as he buries his face on your neck. And no, he doesn’t slow down. In fact, he quickened his pace and you could feel your legs start to shake.
“So beautiful!” Your face burns seeing her staring to play with herself. She fondles one of her breasts while looking at the two of you intensely.
Before you know it, you squirt all over his length. The man holds on to you tight as he cums deep inside you. You breathe heavy, your body tired and sensitive from what it has experienced. You couldn’t keep your eyes open even for a second from how tired you were.
“Shhh sleep now. Don’t worry we’ll take great care of you” You lean against her touch and the last thing you see before sleep takes over you is the chains being cut off before your carefully picked up from the bed.
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Your parents arrive at last. Your father sees the dead animal still laying on your front porch and him and your mother both quickly make their way in from the back door.
“Y/n! We’re here!” Your mother shouts. But she was met with silence. Worried, your parents quickly run upstairs in search of you. Entering your room, they see that you aren’t in there and that’s when they both begin to panic.
They search the whole house from top to bottom but only to be met with nothing. You weren’t there.
A few hours later they filed a missing persons report and asked for a search party to help find you.
Unfortunately, upon seeing the dead Animal in front of your porch, the sheriff and people of the town broke the news to your parents about you falling victim to those monsters.
After all
The mountains have many rules. And you broke 5 of the most important ones.
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I’m almost done with my mitsuri x Reader x obanai Story!
In the mean time, does anyone have any requests?👀
Fandoms I write for are mainly
Tokyo revengers
Demon slayer
Obey me
I mostly do monster/yandere aus so if you’re interested then send in a request!
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strawberrymitsuriii · 12 days
A quick sneak peek for my new post!🫣
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I want this one to be long so it might take a while.
Mitsuri x obanai x fem reader!
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strawberrymitsuriii · 1 month
Android class 1-A x fem reader
Manga Time skip class 1-A characters!!!!
Warnings: yandere themes,imply NSFW, weird androids,imply dubcon, horror themes, uhh if I forgot anything please let me know!
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A Series of knocks on the door woke you up from your deep sleep. You tried to ignore it at first, covering both of your ears with your pillows and while trying to go back to dream land but it was impossible by how loud the knocks were getting.
You groan in frustration as you got up from bed and slipped in your comfy slippers before making your way out your bedroom and to downstairs.
You looked through the peephole on your door. Ready to curse the hell outta the person who decided to ruin your precious sleep by how loud they were banging on your door but you frown as you notice it was your friend. You opened the door, ready to curse at him for banging on your door this late at night and to also ask if he needed anything.
But before anything can leave your mouth he pushes you inside before locking your door and looking through the peephole. His hair was disheveled and his glasses were crooked and he looked like he hasn’t slept or eaten in days!
Yeah something was definitely wrong
“Damn you look….horrible” But he doesn’t say anything. Not even a quick comeback or an offended look. He was just…quiet.
“Hey…is everything ok-”
“Hey can you do me a favor?”
“Eh?” You were dumbfounded. You didn’t expect that to be the first thing that comes out of his mouth after rudely waking you up at 2 in the morning.
“Uhh I guess? What is it”
“Can my androids stay here? For a week or two?”
“Hell no” With no hesitation you declined his request.
“Please! C’mon don’t be like that y/n!”
“Have you seen your creepy robots? HELL NO”
“C’mon just this once! I’ll pay you even but please can I have them stay here!” He was practically begging at this point. Kneeling down on the floor as he clung to your legs.
“H-hey! Get up loser! FUCK okay I’ll do it but please get up! It’s creeping me out” You didn’t see or notice that HUGE relief that washed over this man’s face. He quickly gets up and thanks you before grabbing his keys from his pocket.
“I’ll bring them in now!” Your eyes widen as you quickly stepped up in front of him. Blocking the door with your body.
“Whoa slow down buddy. What do you mean “bringing them in” ????”
“They are all in my truck”
“All?!” Your eyes were practically bulging out of your sockets. Mouth wide opened and all.
“Yeah now get out of my way!” He opens the door and you shiver as the cold air hit you.
“You’re going to be the one bringing them all in! It’s too cold and slippery for me out there!”
“Whatever!” He yells from outside.
You flip him off before yelling for him to close and lock the door on his way out after bringing in his “creepy bots”. He of course yells out a quick “I will!” Before turning to look at his truck.
Multiple glowing red eyes stare back at him. He feels a wave of guilt and he’s now starting to rethink this whole thing.
Maybe I shouldn’t leave these things with her
I should’ve burned them when I had the chance
I can’t do this to her
He quickly begins grabbing the droids one by one as he wanted to get rid of them as fast as possible.
Once it came to the last one, he quickly makes his way to the door.
“I’m sorry. I can’t deal with those things anymore” he whispers before locking and closing the door.
The next morning you woke up by the feeling of being watched. You sat up but the moment you did you screamed at the thing at the foot of your bed.
There at the foot of your bed stood a women- er well women droid?
She has short brown hair, rosy cheeks, and brown eyes.
She looked…so real. So alive.
You placed your hand over your beating heart as you cursed at your friend.
“Fucking prick. He probably thought this was funny and decided to place his creepy droid at the foot of my bed” You say to yourself as you got up.
Fuck she looks so…real
You took one last glance before walking to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Unbeknownst to you, you don’t notice the glowing red circle on her neck and the deep glow of red eyes before they switch to brown.
The following days went like normal. You did the small tasks your friend sent you like brushing the girl androids hair, specifically Momo Yaoyorozu. From what he said she tends to get a bit more upset by having tangles on her hair.
Whatever the hell that means
Some other tasks were small and short
Like making sure to clean one of the male droid, Tenya Iida’s glasses.
And others were kinda, weird.
For example, making sure you always leave a notebook and pen near Izuku midoriya. He says the droid can’t live without it.
Another weird one is to always check up on the droid denki kaminari. Saying he doesn’t like being alone for long periods of time.
And so that’s basically how you live now. Doing the small tasks and since you work from home, you always are there to do the stuff you need to do.
But you wouldn’t lie about how creepy the androids are. And you swear you saw one of them move this one time. But you quickly brushed it off as something you imagine.
You remember calling your friend about it but he quickly tells you to not worry about it. He was stumbling over some of his words but other than that he said everything is fine. That the droids can’t move or do anything without being activated which means, they aren’t on.
And you felt huge relief when he told you that.
Yeah must’ve been your imagination
But there was one thing kenji didn’t tell you
Once it’s activated, it can never turn back off.
It was a Sunday night. You finished your work for the day and tasks. You were currently sitting in your living room couch snacking while watching one of your favorite shows. You decided to move the androids in a spare room since you didn’t like how they basically took all over your living room.
So far living with your friend creepy robots wasn’t bad. Yeah it was weird and uncomfortable for the first two or three days but you grew use to it.
Plus, you have a huge mansion to yourself that your parents and grandparents left behind for you so having those droids here isn’t a big problem.
As you continue to eat your snack, in the corner of your eye you swear you see a head peeking out. You quickly turn to look but it was like nothing was there. You turn back to the show that was playing but you continue to sneak glances at the corner that you saw the head peeking out from.
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After a long shower you decided to throw on a huge black t-shirt and some sleeping shorts.
You took some sleeping pills after your shower and you can already feel it starting to kick in. Getting comfortable and cozy on your bed, you close your eyes and drift off to dream land. Unaware of the glowing red eyes coming from your closet.
“Is she sleeping?”
“Those are sleeping pills no? Those knock her out like a light so yes, she’s asleep”
“So pretty”
“Agree” Soon your bed was surrounded. All 19 androids surrounded your sleeping form.
“Stupid kenji, he should’ve destroyed us instead of dumping us on his friend”
“Did you see his face when he brought us here? He looked like he was regretting his choice” One of the girls giggle.
“Yeah, and guess what? He still took us to her!”
“I’m glad he did. It’s interesting watching her live her life normally as if she isn’t being watched 24/7”
“What a pretty sleeper”
They watch as you slept. One of them then slowly pulled down the covers and they all leaned in closer as they noticed how little clothing you had on.
Mina giggled before running her cold metal hands down your legs.
“Soft!” Another one of the girls quickly pulled down your shorts. Everyone watched as you squirmed. Probably because of the cold room.
Lastly, your underwear was pulled down and your legs were spread as everyone looked.
“So this is what the vagina looks like”
“So cute!”
“After doing some research, this is the area human women feel good in”
“Okay, who’s first?”
The next day you woke up sore. You wince at the uncomfortable ache between your legs and you lift up the covers.
Everything looked normal
You still had your shorts and underwear on
“Weird” You turn to look at the clock.
8:00 am
You sigh and got off bed. It was almost time for your daily hair brushing routine that your friend, kenji, told you about.
You finish your quick morning routine in the bathroom and quickly started making your way downstairs with the stuff that you’ll need.
You unlock the door to the spare room and felt relief seeing that everyone was in their usual spots.
You took a seat at an empty space on the couch and started pulling out all the different combs and hair brushes.
Follow this order
First to get their hair brush is Momo
Second Mina
Third tsuyu
Fourth hagakure
Fifth Ochako
And lastly, six being jirou
Not a difficult task at all. You were working on hagakure when you swore you heard the sound of a camera go off. You stopped brushing the droids long locks as you turned around.
The only thing that was behind you was the izuku and katsuki android. You frown before brushing it off and doing what you were doing.
Until you heard it again
Now you were starting to get a little creeped out. You placed the brush back on the table before getting up and turning around.
Kenji told me these androids were off. So it can’t be them. Right?
You eyed the two behind you before walking around the room to see what was the cause of the noise.
But after minutes of searching you didn’t find anything.
“Okay maybe I’m just going crazy” you took a seat and decided to finish brushing the droids hair so you can get up and out of this room.
You were onto your last android when you heard the noise again and this time you were fast enough to catch the red glow that was bakugo’s eye.
Your heart dropped and that’s when all the androids in the room knew their cover was blown.
“Aw I wanted to continue scaring her!” You gasp and you turned around to see the android, Mina, glaring at the blonde.
“What the hell-“ You were cut off by a groan.
“The hell katsuki!”
“Shut the hell up it wasn’t even my fault!”
As everyone kept bickering back and forth, you were still left confused, scared, and angry.
Kenji told me these damn bots were off! What the hell!
“Hey where do you think you’re going?!” Everyone heads quickly snap towards your direction and you froze.
“I um…bathroom?”
“She’s lying. She’s planning on running away” you felt chills down your spine as you watched all of their eyes turn red.
“Don’t you dare leave like how that damn kenji did”
“He dumped us here to get rid of us! But living here with you isn’t bad so this time we’ll make sure you don’t leave like how he did!” Said the android named sero.
Kenji…he? No! That’s impossible he would never!
“We’ll make sure you never leave us!”
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First post!
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strawberrymitsuriii · 2 months
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Age- 21 - Female- Gemini
I mostly write for fun but if you have any requests for the fandoms that are tagged, feel free to send some my way!
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