stratahost-blog · 6 years
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stratahost-blog · 6 years
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stratahost-blog · 6 years
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stratahost-blog · 6 years
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stratahost-blog · 6 years
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stratahost-blog · 6 years
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stratahost-blog · 6 years
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stratahost-blog · 6 years
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stratahost-blog · 6 years
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stratahost-blog · 6 years
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stratahost-blog · 6 years
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stratahost-blog · 6 years
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stratahost-blog · 6 years
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stratahost-blog · 6 years
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stratahost-blog · 6 years
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Stratahost is providing best web hosting & website design in johannesburg & durban at affordable rates. customer service & customer satisfication is our first priority.
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stratahost-blog · 6 years
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Stratahost is one of the best web host & wordpress hosting company in south Afric. We are offring  reliable hosting services at very low rate with 24/7 customer support.
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stratahost-blog · 6 years
Why an online presence through a website is must for small businesses?
Let’s first discuss what a good investment is, a good investment would be something that brings you a good return on investment (ROI) with as minimal risk as possible. Risk does exist as the Web design and Development industry is expanding very rapidly across the globe and especially in South Africa. Many companies take advantage of the expert power involved and produce a relatively decent looking website that doesn't produce any results, their clients don't understand why and think websites and so called 'SEO' doesn't help them drive business to their company. With the right team behind your website, your website will be one of the main drivers of business to your company. If you are searching for a website developer in South Africa, then Stratahost can be your lifetime partner for the best website design and development.
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The best and most cost effective way of increasing your small company's visibility is through a website combined with a good online marketing campaign. Being a small company in Johannesburg, if you do not have a website and are not doing any traditional advertising than your visibility is probably close to zero compared to the market available. Stratahost.co.za is a company website in South Africa, which is always ready to serve their customers with highly attractive and interactive website. Analytical tools available with them can be used to keep track of visitors and new visitors and can show specifics such as visitors from regions and so forth which makes measuring the impact of your online marketing campaign extremely simple for a small company.
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A website is also the easiest way to give your potential customers all the information they need to use your company and a full description of your services and gives a feel of your company and what you represent, it also makes your company look very professional and larger than it is even though you may be running your company from home as single entrepreneur. And if you want to make your business popular in Johannesburg, then you must for a website designer who is famous for website design in Johannesburg, and as told above Stratahost can be a one stop solution for you.
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Most people nowadays will do most if not all their searching especially in the young adult generation and lower online and if your company does not appear in the search engines than your company will never get that business. Websites are not 100% guaranteed but having a website certainly does impact your business directly.
Often the best type of website for you to launch for your business depends on the on the nature of your business, your corporate goals, the stage of development of your business and the resources you have at your disposal. Here are some types of websites to give you an idea of what you might consider looking for.
·         Static Websites - Brochure ware
·         Dynamic, Database-Driven Websites
·         Corporate Style Websites
Many mainstream dynamic websites are a mixed hybrid of the following types of websites:
·         E-Tailers or E-Commerce Websites for E-Retailers or E-Tailers are websites that allow visitors to purchase products online.
·         Information Driven Websites for example Website directories, article directories, a Short-Story/Poetry submission website, etc.
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·         Community Websites for example Job Search Websites, Online Dating websites, Discussion Boards, Special-Interest Portals  Remember that the best type of website for you to launch for your business depends on the on the nature of your business, your corporate goals, the stage of development of your business and the resources you have at your disposal. So if you want to get a website in Capetown and that to with .co.za domain free of cost then visit our website at  email services in south africa
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