Send me symbol for my muse’s opinion:
☯: Do they believe in karma?
Yes. What goes around, comes around. 
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Send me symbol for my muse’s opinion:
☠ : Opinion on death ➶ : Opinion on killing ☮: Opinion on peace ☯: Do they believe in karma? ✤ : Do they believe in luck? ✟ : Religious beliefs ♂ : Sexuality ☿: Opinion on gender ❤: Opinion on love ❥ :Opinion on love from the first sight ♞: Favorite animal(s) ☕: Favorite food(s) ♛ : Opinion on outer beauty ☀ : Favorite season(s) ☽ : Favorite time of day ☂ : Favorite weather ◎ : Opinion on lying
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🍷 (this can include anything based on magical abilities as well as more conventional techniques)
Send me a food emoji for my muse to answer questions!
🍷: Have you made any modifications to your body, such as plastic surgery, piercings, tattoos, etc.?
I have a tongue piercing and a sigil tattooed onto my back. Besides that, no. I haven’t made any more modifications to my body.
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Send me a food emoji for my muse to answer questions!
🍟: Do you train, whether it be just working out or learning to control any abilities you have? Do you enjoy it? Is there something you do or enjoy doing afterwards?
…I do. 
I don’t work out, but I do train to control my magical abilities. I enjoy it plenty, it keeps my mind occupied and my hands busy. Usually I spend time reading or blogging after I’m finished.
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(i love.... shipping....)
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Send me a food emoji for my muse to answer questions!
☕️: Do you prefer coffee or tea? Why?
🍵: Do you stick with your family's values and beliefs? Why or why not?
🍶: Can you hold you liquor? How much can you take before you act drunk? How much before you pass out?
🍺: What are some traditions that you have? What do they mean to you?
🍸: Do you like your body? Do you wish to have a different skin tone, hair color, eye color, etc.? How come?
🍹: Dream vacation? What makes it so appealing to you?
🍷: Have you made any modifications to your body, such as plastic surgery, piercings, tattoos, etc.?
🍕: Are you a sports fanatic? If so, what kind?
🍔: Would you rather eat out or cook for yourself? If you were forced to eat out, what types of places would you go to?
🍟: Do you train, whether it be just working out or learning to control any abilities you have? Do you enjoy it? Is there something you do or enjoy doing afterwards?
🍗: Are your sleeping and eating patterns well-established or irregular? Do you wish to change that?
🍖: How much time do you spend with family and friends? Do you feel as if it is enough?
🍝: Is there a random thing that just reminds you of home or a pleasant memory? Do you understand why or do you see absolutely no correlation between it and the memory?
🍛: Do you open up to strangers easily? How long does it take to earn your trust? What does it take?
🍤: Do you believe that broken relationships can be mended? What is something that, to you, immediately breaks a relationship?
🍱: What is your thought on keeping pets? If you had to have one pet, which would you have?
🍣: Do you live a simple or fancy lifestyle? What is the underlying reason? Do you wish to change that?
🍥: Do you pay more attention to intricate details or the bigger picture? Or do you believe that you keep a balance of the two?
🍙: Do you practice a religion? If so, which one? For what reason do you practice it?
🍘: What does honor mean to you? Do you have honor? To what extent do you have it?
🍚: Is there such thing as "too plain" to you? What is the embodiment of those words?
🍜: Do you like heat or cold more? What is something you find unappealing about the other one?
🍲: Are you patient? How far does your patience go? What is one thing that will tick you off no matter what?
🍢: Are you open to trying new things? Why or why not?
🍡: Have you ever met a person who changed you significantly? How did they change you? Did they open your eyes? Make you a better person?
🍳: Do you accept hospitality and help from others? Are you someone who will provide assistance? To whom?
🍞: How do you view your current life? Do you find it to be a fortunate or unfortunate situation? Is it plain, or does it have flavor?
🍩: Do you approve of your hometown's law enforcement? How about your current home's system? What makes you feel the way you do about it?
🍮: Traditional or Modern? What do you dislike about the other lifestyle?
🍦: How often do you treat yourself? What do you treat yourself to? A spa day, alcohol, etc.?
🍨: Do you stress eat? What (other) activities do you take part in to relieve stress?
🍧: Do you want children? If so, how many? Do you believe that to be complete, a woman must bear offspring?
🎂: Do you celebrate birthdays? Do you enjoy birthdays? How do you usually feel on your birthday?
🍰: Are some holidays overly mainstream? Which ones feel pointless and over-exaggerated?
🍪: Are there simple things that make you happy? What are some of them? Do they make you feel that way because of a connection to something? If so, what is that connection?
🍫: Do you have any guilty pleasures? Does the guilt in them come right away or slowly build up? Despite those feelings, are they worth it?
🍬: Do you have a sweet tooth? How often do you indulge in sweets?
🍭: Did you enjoy your childhood? Why or why not? What memory most influenced your current reflection?
🍯: Have you ever made a promise to someone or yourself that you couldn't keep? How do you feel about it?
🍎: What, in your opinion, is your best quality? What do others say is your best quality? Do you agree with them?
🍏: What, in your opinion, is your worst quality? What do others say is your worst quality? Do you agree with them?
🍊: What do you look for in a leader? Can you describe an ideal leader?
🍋: What are qualities in a leader that you feel are not acceptable in the very least? Why do you believe this?
🍒: What is your sexual orientation? What is your romantic preference? If you have any, what are your turn ons? What about turn offs?
🍇: Are you a virgin? If so, do want to stay that way? If not, how did you lose your virginity?
🍉: Could you stay with the same person all your life? Do you feel comfortable with a commitment like that? Why or why not?
🍓: Do you give second chances? Are you comfortable with cutting all ties and bonds with people?
🍑: Is there a meaning behind your name? Do you like your name? Have you ever changed it?
🍈: What do you identify as in terms of gender? Are you male, female, genderfluid, genderqueer, agender, or non-binary? Do you identify with the gender you were assigned at birth? If not, what was the point when you found out that you weren't cisgender?
🍌: Do you like playing pranks? Do you find them amusing? If someone were to play one on you, how would you feel?
🍐: Do you carry a lot of responsibility on your shoulders? Does it bother you?
🍍: Which do you find more appealing, beaches or mountains? What are your reasons behind your opinion?
🍠: Does everyone have the potential to be a great person? Why or why not? Is there prejudice in your society against a group of people for a reason they cannot control?
🍆: Does someone's past define them? Can their mistakes be washed away completely, or will there always be significant damage? Does someone who's committed a crime deserve a second chance?
🍅: What is something you absolutely hate? What caused you to hate it so much?
🌽: Do you love yourself fully as a person? Why or why not?
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“Nᴏᴛ really, but I don’t like the way you talk down to me, Mr. Fox!” She crossed her arms and let out a little huff, “You’ll end up all alone and forgotten if you keep being mean to everyone you meet!”
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Ah-- that was just enough to turn his giddy mood into a sour one. “I still have people who--” Like him? ...no. Are friends? Probably not. “--tolerate me. I doubt I’ll end up alone, little rabbit. I was getting excited to see you cry, but woe is me! You’re smarter than you look. Fine. I’ll stop being mean to you, if only to humor you. I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Miles. Now, who are you?”
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“Aw, what’s the matter little bunny? Did I hurt your feelings?” Miles asked, a condescending tone in his voice. Why should he care about the other’s well being? About her feelings? He didn’t know her and frankly he didn’t want to.
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“You aren’t welcome here.” His tone was scathing, his blue eyes narrowed as he glowered at the hedgehog. “I’d leave immediately if I were you.”
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(Does... anyone want a starter?)
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(If you’d be willing to interact with a (mostly in character blog) for Anti/Evil Tails Prower aka Miles from the Archie Sonic comics, would you mind liking/reblogging this post? Thanks!!!)
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My muse tries to bite yours. How do they react?
Tell me in my inbox.
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(If you’d be willing to interact with a (mostly in character blog) for Anti/Evil Tails Prower aka Miles from the Archie Sonic comics, would you mind liking/reblogging this post? Thanks!!!)
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“When You’re Evil” | Voltaire
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a bad person? who, me? that would be correct,
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Dark Magic sentence starters
I received an anonymous ask requesting starters for necromancy, so I decided to expand upon that idea and create starters for dark magic in general, including necromancy. Enjoy!
“I’ve never used this spell before.” “Magic like this is forbidden, and for good reason.” “With this book of spells, we have the power to destroy everything.” “If this wasn’t dangerous, it wouldn’t be interesting.” “Have you ever wanted to bring someone back from the dead?” “I don’t care what it takes. I’m bringing them back!” “Be warned: what you’re going to see might terrify you.” “This seems… dangerous.” “One way or another, I’ll make them love me.” “You can’t just use magic to manipulate people like this!” “This isn’t right. It’s unnatural!” “This is the only true way to speak to the dead.” “If we do this spell correctly, we’ll own the world.” “Do you believe in demons?” “I’ll let you light the candles.” “This isn’t the first curse I’ve cast.” “This book of black magic is my little secret. Would you like to see?” “Be quiet or I’ll curse you next.” “They’ll regret the day they even thought to cross me.” “Nothing will hurt us if we stay inside this circle.” “They’ll be alive again, but not the same as they were before.” “No one ever said dark magic was easy.” “This spell couldn’t actually kill anyone, could it?” “The ritual begins soon. I suggest you prepare yourself.” “I’ve seen far more disturbing things than this.” “Demons don’t scare me.” “Let’s say the incantation together.” “Do you want to see something truly horrifying?” “We need a sacrifice.” “All you need to do is offer a little bit of blood. Just a tiny bit, that’s all!” “Trust me, and step into the circle.” “I’ve never felt power like this before.” “Open your eyes. It’s time for you to come back to life.” “I’ve done it. I am the master over death!” “I’m not evil. Magic isn’t evil. It’s just shades of grey.”
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