Story Of My Tattoo
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storyofmytattoo-blog · 8 years ago
Mr Fix It
You are on the top of a 100 stores building with wings to fly, would you fly? Would you do it? Or you would not? The choice is yours. But remember there are outcomes (unknown) in both situations. Will you not trust your wings? Or would you trust the KARMA and fly? What? What? What would you do?
Let’s say you did not, then what? Let’s say you did fly, then what? What are you thinking? You are thinking about the possibilities and all the outcomes in both situations but why? Why? Why are you making all the outcomes when you have not even begun the first stage of your action? We are all confused and our confusion drags us to outcomes that we don’t even have a hind, is it not? Yet we all assume this and that before we even did something?
Life is funny and always like that. It makes us think and drag us to that corner of the world where we have to decide whether to stay or come out. Is it not? I think so. And so does artist Edward Swanson who has been in the industry since 2012 and have traveled across oceans and mountains to flourish the art (tattoo). Artist Swanson said, “Tattoo changed me into a whole different person, a better one; happier and stronger me.”
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My option - Deadbeat artist or Scumbag Tattooer?
Growing up, I was always surrounded by the arts and myth. My mother is a potter you see, and was a bit of a hippie. It still remains the family business in fact.  Our whole house was a huge studio where she made her crafts. We also had a lot of dusty old books. Some had tales of otherworldly things and bizarre illustrations. Others were catalogs of old ceramics and historic art.  There were of course a lot of National Geographics lying around. It was the synergy of these influences that may well have put me on this path, or at least dictate aesthetics that interest me. But what were particularly fascinating for me were those patterns and symbols found on old ceramics. How these black shapes and lines interacted on three dimensional forms.  And also what they signified. It is a visual language. It may not be obvious to an intellectual, but on a visceral level it makes sense. Though it may not be a literal picture (sometimes), it tells a story. It is these stories that ignites the imagination and defines our humanity.
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Before I even had the inclination to be a tattooer, I was living in a warehouse squat and doing odd jobs, mostly construction, and some book illustration on the side.  Sometimes I would get gigs hanging art at galleries.  Even more rare, a few of my paintings managed to get into shows at those galleries, but I never really had luck selling anything. It was a fairly squalid and chaotic existence.  But I was alive, and I got to make art.  Eventually however, I felt like I needed more.  I had fire but no direction.  I needed to cultivate a discipline.  That is how I met my first mentor. She suggested the idea of tattooing and offered to teach me a few things.  So there was the crossroads: to continue as some deadbeat artist, or do something slightly more respectable like a Scumbag tattooer.  The choice was obvious.
When I was first learning to tattoo I hated it. I was arrogant for sure. I had just completed my traditional training in fine art, and I was used to soft mediums like painting and drawings where you could be loose and erase your mistakes. The technique was more harsh, unforgiving and brutal than any medium I had encountered up until that point.  And it intrigued me.  When painting and sculpture came so easily, tattooing had my number and it pounded me into the earth like a tent peg.  It made me mad with frustration and anguish.  But it also cultivated an obsession to figure it out. So even when I struck out on my own and had no real guidance at all, it was my stubborn will and my desperation for survival that kept me on this path. And I continue to survive.
Tattooing to me:
Well, tattooing to me is a collaborative work between the artist and the customer. I believe communication plays a vital role.  As an artist, I want to advance my sense of aesthetics and design, but still remain respectful to the patron and their conceptual needs. After all at the end of the day, they have to wear the damn thing, and I want my people to be stoked on what they have for years to come. People are not paper.  They have feelings, and it is important to hear them in the design process. I should also note that I have never had the opportunity where somebody requested that I just "do my thing" on them and in some ways I do not know if I would do anyone any good with that request.  I feel like the work should be inspired by the nature of that person whether it be a intellectual, emotional or spiritual.  Enforcing too much of your own inner workings onto someone else just seems wrong.
It is not always a perfect arrangement though.  Everybody has their own ideas about what this sort of work entails. So ego tends to get in the way of this process a lot and that always leads to trouble. I will admit sometimes I get a little too carried away with an idea and the person I am working with is not as ambitious.  And sometimes the client has some instincts about a piece that aesthetically are not congruent with how I like to work. Hence the need for clear communication. And keeping your ego in check. Hahaha!
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So in short, tattooing for me is like building a house. You do have to build it how the owner would like it, but you have to use your skills, judgment and expertise to make it livable and functional.
My Tattoos:
We live in a strange world where we hold identity in such importance.  Most folk know who they are. They know where their people are from, who their ancestors are, and what culture they should participate in, whether it is something traditional, indigenous or capitalistic. Then there are those who are lost.  And we are lost because we are disenfranchised by those who feel like they know better.  And because our voices are perpetually judged and drowned out by the majority, we are forced to create new identities for ourselves in order to navigate the world around us.  But though we are a lost people, we are strong as individuals. These tattoos serve to reclaim and define identity.
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My tattoos are of a metaphorical and symbolic nature. They are the synergy of myth and stories, form and function.  They are representative of my bloodlines, and my affinity for the land that I hail from. I am of Chinese and Swedish ancestry and I was born in the city of Oakland, California, ICECITY.  I have had to fight my whole life in America to justify my existence to many who would not accept me for what I am. These tattoos are defiance to anyone who would wish to challenge me on this. Some are merely abstractions of my land: our rolling hills, our strong oaks, great red wood trees, the warm sun, the dusty earth and the rugged crash of the Pacific Ocean against our rocky coast. Some are reflections on the harsh nature of living in an urban environment and the ignored social ills that come with that life. They are songs of blood, struggle and memory. They are the embodiment of how I have lived, and my will to survive.
Tattooers are not Rock-stars:
I am pretty happy with what I am doing and all but I feel like I still have a lot to learn. I am very grateful for this trade, because in a lot of respects, tattooing saved my life. It changed me into a completely different person; I feel happier and stronger. I am way more confident.  I have a place to lay my head that is all mine. And I have more respect and stacks that I have ever seen in my whole life. But what is that worth if your work becomes stagnant? I still want to be challenged by the work. I want to make art that has substance and that is appreciated by my clients and not of a shallow depth just for making money or petting my ego.  I desire to constantly improve my technical skills and understanding of tattooing. I want to never stop learning, and keep the excess in check.  If you think you have mastered it, you get complacent. You get complacent with the trappings of this line of work, you get a big head. And when you get a big head, you loose sight of what is important and then you will eventually cease to produce work that challenges others.  And even though you surround yourself with people who worship the very ground you walk on, you know deep down that you're full of it.  Your life is a lie. And then you die.  And what is it all worth then?
Mr. Fix It:
Tattooers have all kinds of catchy stupid slogans that they fling at clients to help them earn a buck and look clever. I do not remember where I heard this but “When in doubt, Black it out." definitely applies to what I do.  Most of my work is heavy black tattooing and it has been my style since day one.  And incidentally, because of that most of my clients come for cover-ups. So I guess you can just call me Mr. Fix It: repairing broken lives and erasing bad decisions one big mag at a time...
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storyofmytattoo-blog · 8 years ago
Becoming A Woman (Aurora Oz)
I think it was third round around the stall that day. I walked round and round for stories. Till then I had not found one. First round, I had nothing with me. I mean a notebook to scrabble information or a camera to click pictures. I was empty and that was the first time. Every time, I had my notebook and laptop with me. But not today. I do not know why I had not carried them. Maybe, because I wanted to look professional or maybe feel free or maybe be lighter. Maybe is only what I can think of.
Emotions aside. On my third round, I lost control of the ground. A beautiful girl with an amazing full neck tattoo appeared at the stall before I passed by it. She wore her tattoo like a necklace. It truly was an ornament on her. Her eyes were mesmerizing one. And so was her smile. She did not had to smile big, just a small one did lighten up the whole room. I stepped back without anyone knowing it. I looked around the stall for an excuse. The artist at the stall was busy. A friend of the girl sat next to her on her left. There were about 4-5 participants who had been at the stall before. I could tell it from their conversation. They flipped the portfolios on and on till the last page flew by. They left and I stood there still. My body did not make even a slight move. But my eyes did and so my head. And among all, my heart.
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I spoke a word finally. ¨Excuse me, are these stickers for free distribution?¨, I asked in the most polite manner I could think of in a shaken voice.
¨Yes, please! You can choose your own design and have them. It is all for free.¨
¨Thank you! But I would be happy if you can give me the pieces that you wish to. I am so confused because every designs are so beautiful…….¨. As I stopped she picked a piece from every pile of different designs and handed them over to me. There were about 6 pieces. I spoke again. This time my voice cracked and had shaken more.
¨Lovely tattoo you have Miss. It is very beautiful honestly.¨, I said with the biggest smile I had worn.
¨Aww...thank you! That’s so nice of you.¨ She did not speak much. Only replies came from her side. I had no any expectation. I knew she would not be speaking to me right away as I am just an audience who passed by her stall like everybody else, is it not???? Everything takes time and energy, right? I had to pushed myself to speak to her and get a story. Maybe this time, I had pushed myself further. Maybe…
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¨By the way, I am Tse-ring. I write about tattoos that are published on the blogs. It has been about a month and half I have been doing it. Have written more than 30 stories so far...the main theme is tattoo in the story…..¨.
¨Cool. I am Aurora. Nice to meet you.¨ When she stopped we shook hands. It was the warmest greetings of the day. Our handshake was a very friendly one filled with appreciation. Sometimes, you can tell the feelings of the person through a handshake.
¨Aurora! It is a wonderland name, is it not?¨
¨Yes. It is. That´s my name.¨ We smiled at each other and laughed. I do not know why I smiled or laughed about. It is a beautiful name. I wish I could be named Alexander or after any great legends who had lived. Sadly, I got a different one. I will keep up with it.
¨What is your last name?¨, I asked. This time my face had brighten and I still had the smile.
¨You are not kidding with me, right?¨
¨Nope. It is Oz, Aurora Oz just like in the fairytale stories.¨
¨Ahuh. I must be honest that you are the first person I have met with a fairy tale story name. And it is beautiful no doubt on it…..¨
¨Thank you! That’s really nice of you.¨, she said and turned towards the artist. I felt little nervous because I had taken some of her valuable time. That could be the reason why she was called by the artist. The artist did not say a word but made some gestures. So I spoke for the last time, ¨Aurora, would you mind if I could write about you and your tattoo? I am certain that you have beautiful stories to tell…..¨
¨Sure. But right now I am little busy. Maybe an hour later or during tea break. Is that alright with you?¨, she said warmly. I could not say ´No´.
¨Yes. Thank you! I really appreciate your support. I will come back later.... Have a good day.¨ And I moved on to the next stall with my laptop. By this time, my hands had produced sweats. I do not know how and when.
I came back two hours later at Form 8 Tattoo, San Francisco stall. Aurora was not there. I did not ask any one. I just wondered around. I did not leave the stall immediately. I spent some more time in other stalls around it. But she did not turn up. And so I moved to the next part of the venue. The other side of the venue is on the outside of the building. I had a short meeting with the artist from India, France, Switzerland, Brazil, Nepal and as I turned my head towards the corner side she was there. I did not waste much time. I walked straight to her.
I did not speak to her immediately. I waited for her tattoo to finish. 20 minutes later, it was all done. I told her about my presence at the stall. She responded to it in her own way. It is adorable the way she did it.
She was in the middle of the session. She got her first moon. ¨I constantly want tattoos from so many artists which is not possible. It takes time to know the artist well so I mostly get inked from the artist that I connect with immediately especially at conventions. It’s a funny thing because sometimes you just click with people immediately. His work is awesome. It represents my sister, Venus.¨, she said when I asked about the latest tattoo. I also learnt that some artist can be highly skilled and a total dick.
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After the tattoo information, I came to know Aurora is the shop manager of Form 8 Tattoo Studio, San Francisco. Previously, she had worked for a jewelry company called Maya Jewelry doing social media. She had completed her fine arts degree in London.
Aurora first came to know about tattoos when she was 11 years old. It was in Thailand. Right away, she wanted to get one back then. She did not get one until fourteen. She had inked her first tattoo herself which she calls unprofessional. It is related to her friend (Ryan) who passed away on her birthday. ¨I wanted a tattoo that is simple, small and concise for myself. I wanted something that is straight to the point. And that´s what my first tattoo is.¨, Aurora shared.
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¨Where did you get the OM tattoo?¨
¨This tattoo will soon be covered up. I got it when I was 18. Later when I traveled around I came to know that it is religious/cultural appropriation. It is not a good idea to have it on the left hand because it is such a sacred symbol. As a woman you aren’t supposed to carry religious symbols on your body like that and it’s disrespectful to the culture and religion. It was inked by artist Ian Harper. But it is my first professional tattoo and sadly it will be covered soon.¨, she replied.
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¨How many tattoos do you have?¨
As I questioned marked she began to count her tattoos. She went one, two, three and so on. The tattoos on her arms were easy to count and so the ones on her leg. After several counts she stopped at 22. She has 22 tattoos in total. And the most important one is the one I saw. It is full neck, chest and back piece that not only changed her life but also the artist too. It was inked by artist Raph Cemo the same artist who had inked the abstract tattoo on artist Akshay Gurung from Pokhara.
¨What is the tattoo? I am sorry I have very little knowledge about tattoos. And the knowledge I have is from the stories I had written…..¨, I asked in curiosity.
¨It is a geometric and dot work. It symbolizes of me owning my womanhood. This tattoo changed me into a completely different person. It not only changed me, it gave me friends and good job. It also represents my relationship with my spiritual brother, Raph Cemo. I got it in London, England about 3 years ago….¨
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¨How young were you at the time because it is big piece and painful one?¨
¨Well,... I think I was 20 or 21. It was a very long session. The most painful tattoo I ever got and the most important tattoo of my life…..¨
¨You said it symbolizes you owning your womanhood, I did not get you completely?¨
¨I had a crazy English boyfriend who moved with me to San Francisco after living in London for a year. I met him in London during my studies. It took me too long to get over him. It was a one sided relationship. He took away my independence. At that age I know I wasn’t a great partner either. It was the most painful thing I had experienced. He was abusive and discouraged me in chasing my dream of being tattooed. It took me two years to come out of the tragedy. Tattooing was the healing process. It was physical pain that took away my mental pain…..So all in all this tattoo healed me and transformed me into a better person……...¨
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The masterpiece also states the growing relationship between a spiritual brother and a sister. A relationship between a man and a woman does not always have to be a sexual relationship, does it? ¨My tattoo defines a young girl becoming a woman. I couldn’t have done it without Raph. Not everything has to be sexual in a relationship.¨, Aurora shared.
¨How did you meet Raph Cemo?¨
¨I moved to London when I was 19 or 20. I saw his work on Instagram. I assumed I would not be able get a tattoo from him. I messaged him when I was in London. I came to know he wanted a large canvas for a big piece. And I wanted a tattoo from him. We clicked immediately from meeting. After this big piece, more people came to him for big pieces. So I guess this tattoo changed everything for both of us. And it connected us as brother and sister…..¨, she said.
¨Are you in relationship now?¨
¨No, I am not. It has been 3 years that I have been enjoying my independence. I am learning new things every day, do things in a balanced way, I feel secured and passionate more by myself. I travel on a simple budget. I have traveled more countries than I can think of. Traveling is the best way to learn what you want and what you are capable of. It is very educative and productive….¨ Aurora replied happily.
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¨Have you dated anyone from the tattoo industry?¨, I asked flatteringly.
¨This is a surprising thing. No, I haven't dated anyone from the industry. It is weird, right? My exs are non artists and none of them were involved in the tattoo industry in anyway. Maybe it is also because the industry is full of independent people who are very busy doing their thing…..¨
¨What is your opinion on being in a relationship?¨
¨I will tell you when I get in a relationship (laughing out loud)....Well being in a relationship is experiencing love and passion. I’m Colombian/Chilean and we are a passionate people. There must be an understanding and respect with each other. It must not only be physical but mental. I think it’s important to be patient for this. Both physical and mental aspect must be carried out in balance by the two people in love….and love must be passionate….what about you? Did you have any crazy or awesome relationship?¨
¨Aye, I totally agree with you. No comment on it… took me a month to settle after I broke up with my girlfriend of 3 years relationship. I did not break up with her. She did. We were very good together. We did almost everything together. But the long distance took us even far. And soon we could not handle it and we chose our own ways. And funnily, I think our relationship was just intimate and intimacy kept us together for 3 years. We were like Pitt and Jolie when it comes for intimate moments (laughing but in a weird way).....¨, I shared my side of the story.
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Before we parted our ways I asked Aurora a weird question. It sounded kinky more. I thought she would be upset or annoyed about it. So I asked politely and in a funny way.
¨Do you have a tattoo on the V-area?¨ The reason I asked is because Aurora has 22 tattoos that made me curious if she had one there.
¨Nope. Not yet. But I do want to get one on my V-area. I wish to get it from someone I am attached to, maybe my life partner could be husband or wife, maybe boyfriend or girlfriend. I think that is the place where I would get inked. I am sure it will be the most intense part……..¨
¨That is very affectionate. If I have been an annoying person in anyway I am really sorry Aurora…..¨
¨No, it is okay. Not a problem. Okay, it has been quite long I have been away I need to get to my shop. Have a good day. See you around...¨
¨Yes. Sure...good day Aurora. See you around. I will find you on Facebook and will send you the draft. If possible you can also work on the draft to make it better. And thank you for wonderful time, honesty and amazing story…..¨
Within few minutes Aurora disappeared. I checked my notes if I had missed anything. I double checked Aurora's full name on Facebook. And so I begin to type Aurora's full name on the Facebook search box. There were number of Aurora on Facebook. But I found the right Aurora because she had given me the hint to find her.
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storyofmytattoo-blog · 8 years ago
Nepal Tattoo Convention - Day Two
Story No. One
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Client Name: Sanmit Narvankar, India
Tattoo name: Indian Mythological Tattoo (Ravan) Meaning: Lord Ravan has been considered as a negative character or bad person by the world. But I see there are more positive things in Lord Ravan. So I wanted to bring the good side of Lord Ravan into this planet. Moreover, tattoo is a composure of body and not just tattoo. I like line works and design based art. So this is one master piece that I have from my teacher and buddy. And it means a lot to me.
Artist name: Yogesh Waghmare, India
Why Artist Yogesh?: He is my guru. I learnt tattooing from Yogesh. He works hard, has awesome concepts. And all his works are very pure and bold. That´s why I wanted to get inked from him. He had done an amazing work.
Story No. Two
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Client Name: David, England Tattoo name: Carl The Frog Meaning: It defines independence. And all the good things and worst things that I have seen wondering around the world. Artist name: Edward Swanson, Industrial Tattoo Studio, California, US Why Artist Edward?: I like his word. I have seen his portfolio. His works are very impressive and amazing. And I like drawing a-lot. That is why I chose artist Edward to ink me. I have given full right to Edward to create his own design and a master piece that reflects my travels. The tattoo is very rear and one of its own kind. I just love it and he has done an amazing work. I am more than happy with my tattoo.
Story No. Three
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Client Name: Brannon (Computer Operation), San Francisco, US. Tattoo name: Pollination Inspired Black-work Meaning: It is a two year project. And this convention is the final session for this art. It is geometric work with lots of inspiration from black art and pollination. It represents my relationship with the artist and love for the art. Artist name: Ben, Ben Volt Tattoo Studio, San Francisco, US. Why Artist Ben?: I have traveled for two years because of the tattoo. Ben has great skills and does awesome geometric designs and so his efficiency in tribal tattoo. And because I like his work so much I have given my body to him to create his own master piece. Besides his high skills on geometric work his works amazes and fascinates me. And that is why I have been following for since last two years.
Story No. Four
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Client Name: Norbu Lama, Nepal Tattoo name: Coni Sara (Japanese), a Samurai actor. Meaning: I do not have a meaning for it. All I know about this tattoo is that Coni Sara is more than a Samurai hero. And this I came to know from the artist. Simpy, I like this art. Artist name: Alvaro, Spain Why Artist Alvaro?: I watched him ink for more than 4 hours today. I studied his work very carefully. Moreover, his portfolio clearly states his great skills on tattooing. Plus, his price is a very affordable. I have visited more than 20 stalls, but his price was the best and most affordable for me.
Story No. Five
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Client Name: Timo (Apprenticeship @Ink´s Inc. Tattoo, Thamel), Finland Tattoo name: Traditional Indian Tattoo Meaning :I do not have a particular reason. I just line work and it represents my love for line tattoos. It is the artist's imagination of a goddess that has Hindu appearance. Artist name: Yogesh Waghmare, India Why Artist Yogesh?: Well, I really appreciate his work and I had decided to get a piece from him since the day I saw the art piece at Ink's Inc. Tattoo wall. I also studied the tattoo he had done on artist Sanmit Narvankar who is also his student (apprentice). And I heard he was looking for a canvas. This is how everything happened. Overall, I find his works amazing.
Story No. Six
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Client Name: Shannon, Canada Tattoo name: Mandala Meaning: I have been studying meditation for couple of years and mandala has become a part of journey. It symbolizes all the things I have learnt and as a whole it represents the whole process of meditation. Artist name: Johnny Breeze Why Artist Johnny?: I had seen his work. They are amazing and very beautiful. I have been into his website and even checked his Instagram portfolio. I liked his style and I felt his the perfect artist to ink me this Mandala that has huge impact on me. That´s why I have postponed my tour and came from Pokhara (lake city, Nepal) to get inked.
Story No. Seven: (Winner Of Day 2 - Best Of The Day)
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Client Name: Mazin, Palestine Tattoo name: Geometric Patterns with Dot Works (Half Sleeve) Meaning: It simply represents the artist's creation. It is the artist piece I must say, honestly. I do not have the perfect definition for this tattoo. Artist name: Maika Zayagata, Maika Zayagata Tattoos, Canada Why Artist Maika?: Her works are very clean, creative and amazing. That made me feel very confident that she is the best artist. And she is the best artist. Her creation had been declared ¨BEST TATTOO OF THE DAY TWO.¨ Because of her I got the opportunity to meet amazing judges from other country and I had fun being in-front-of the cameras with Maika.
Story No. Eight
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Client Name: Rajan, Nepal Tattoo name: Owl (Neo Tattoo) Meaning: It defines my search for wisdom, simply. This kind of tattoo is rarely known in Nepal. Artist name: Kamal Dulal, Ink´s Inc. Tattoo, Thamel. Why Artist Kamal?: He is very good in line works and his knowledge about neon art which very few people know about in our country. Neon Tattoo is all about lining and shading and Kamal does it perfectly. I personally feel that I can trust him and can make great arts.
Story No. Nine
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Client Name: John, England Tattoo name: Dot-work (Mandala and Geometric) Meaning: It is an added piece. It does not carry any personal meaning for me. It was designed by artist Deepak from Rayona Tattoo. Artist name: Aakash, Rayona Tattoo, India. Why Artist Aakash?: I like his design. I heard from others that he is the best artist in India. This had made me curious to get a piece from him. And now here I am in his stall. I have been to other artist but I found that his designs are very unique. So I had decided to get inked from him.
Story No. Ten
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Client Name: Mario, Portugal Tattoo name: Holiday Snake Meaning: Simply, it signifies a bonding. But I do not know bonding of what? Maybe the bonding between me and my journey, maybe the Lord and me, maybe between animals and me or's just a bonding. Artist name: Tim Rix, Australia Why Artist Tim?: If I was born one day later, we would be wearing the same t-shirt (laughing). Our taste for art is very similar. And that's why we skipped tinder and got into this art (all laughing).
Story No. Eleven
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Client Name: Aasish, Pokhara, Nepal (Participant of Best Of The Day 2 - Contestant No.4).
Tattoo name: Abstract - Anger and Wheel (Modern Art).
Meaning: It just carries my feelings that is in a box. Basically, it represents my anger towards the society that only takes in and gives nothing. The wheel represents the min tricks people play to control others and misuse them. For example, it represents how smugglers control young girls mind and sell them to brothels abroad or make them perform in bars completely in exploitation. Why Artist Akshay? I do not know any artist who is really interested in abstract tattoo than artist Akshay. His experience on abstract tattoo is mind-blowing. I have no idea how long he has been in the industry but his works are breathtaking. I just love his creation.
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storyofmytattoo-blog · 8 years ago
Mandala (Dedicated to my girlfriend)
¨An early bird gets the worm.¨
This is the phrase my dad often lectures me. He did not make it neither did I. But it´s a very powerful and practical phrase that I am certain. And it's the phrase that I have never been able to put into practice till date. I wish I could. Sometimes life isn't the way we think and hope for. In my life, nothing happened the way I wanted. Funnily, every plan that I made and designed never worked as planned. I wanted to go to the United States in 2012, it went half way but never happened. Then in 2016, I had the ghost to go to Australia this also never happened. Is it not funny and crazy somewhere??? I do.
Like I said, I never got my worm because I never woke up early. But today, I got something. Before I finished the last bite of my sandwich a group of young boys in their middle twenties came to the roof for breakfast. We greeted to each other, ¨Good morning¨. They had the loudest voice. I could hear nothing beside their voice. Maybe it is the early energy or maybe something else. Maybe they had a good night because they all spoke about the last night.
I took my last bite and turned my head. One guy was topless. When he turned his back, I saw a tattoo. The day I had started writing, I had became so into tattoo that whenever I see one I always asked questions like what it is, where it was inked, who inked it and why this particular tattoo? I am quite confident that I have annoyed a lot of people in the last 3 months. But it is okay, is it not???
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¨Hey bro, nice tattoo.¨
¨Thanks man. I really appreciate it. I will take it as a compliment..¨
¨I am Tse-ring. Nice to meet you.¨
Joe had a little hard time to pronounce my name. Who would not after all it's a name from South Asia and it comes from a tiny country that exist or not. Okay, Tibet has been taken away and now it´s called Autonomous Region of China or something like that. People around the world knows The 14th Dalai Lama but not Tibet. His Holiness was born in Tibet and grew up in India. His Holiness travels the world to spread peace and love. Joe pronounced my name something like this, ¨ Tear-ring, T-ring, Ta-ring, Chu-ring,.......¨
Joe tried his best to pronounce my name. Finally, he got it after 10-12 tries. I broke the words into two parts that made it easier to pronounce ¨Tse-ring¨. I am glad he tried his best to get the exact pronunciation.
¨Joe, would you mind if I ask you few things about your tattoo?¨
¨Yes, sure.¨
¨Is it a mandala?¨
¨Yes, it it. I got it in Myanmar. It was in a tiny little city…..I think it´s called Yangon City. The studio was something like Ghtree Studio. I do´nt know remember the artist´s name, sorry!…..¨
¨Not a problem bro. Did you design it?¨
¨Nope, I gave my idea to the artist and he made it.¨
¨What message does the tattoo carry?¨
¨Well… is a protection tattoo. Every monk in Cambodia must get it inked. It is their cultural but mine I got it for two reasons. Firstly, I like the design and it represent my admiration for tattoo. Secondly, it is dedicated to my girlfriend. Overall, I got it because during my travel I had come through many obstacles. Sometimes, I had been cheated and sometimes robbed. I feel that it will protect me during my travel from the bad things because I still have another 5 months to travel around South East Asia…..¨
¨Are the writings in Myanmar?¨
¨Not really. It is written in Khmer (Cambodian Language) that I am told. I don't know the exact meaning. But the artist said that it carries very powerful prayers and scripts….I trust him 50-50 (Laughing).¨
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¨Aye. Very nice. Can I look at it closely if you don't mind?¨
¨Yes sure. Wait a second I will come closer…...Here you go (turning his back towards me).....¨
¨´s lovely have an amazing taste for tattoo. Is this your first tattoo?¨
¨Thank you! Yes, it is. I wanted to get one a long time ago. But it kinda took me a little while to decide. But when my girlfriend who is half Cambodian visited me in Myanmar, I got it right away. It was the best moment of my life.¨
¨Ahuh...¨, I said in a low voice. We had been the center of attraction this whole time and I had no idea at all. Neither did Joe.
¨By the way, why do you ask about my tattoo man?¨
¨Ahm….I write about tattoos. Basically, I write why people have tattoos, the artist who inked the design and why specifically that particular tattoo. I believe that every person has a story behind their tattoos and feel that they need to share it so that other people have an idea why they want to get inked and what they want, exactly……….¨
¨That is very good. Keep up the good work brother.¨
¨Can I write about your tattoo too?¨
¨Yes. I would be glad to be a part of your story. Thank you!¨
¨Thank you to you too bro. I wish you a good day.¨
And, so I went off with the information I had collected on my notebook (mobile phone). Well, maybe the above mentioned phrase was not practiced but I was lucky that I got a story to write about. Am I not?
#tattoo #tattoos #tattooing #tattoomodels #tattoogirls #inkedgirls #nepal #tour #france #paris 
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storyofmytattoo-blog · 8 years ago
The Girl On Harley (First Love)
¨It was a fantasy but real for a 15 year boy.¨ - Dave, Canada
¨I inked my first tattoo. I used needle and Indian Ink. I do not know why it is called an Indian Ink. I bought it from a store. They thought it was for my pen. But it was not. It reads ¨L O V E¨. I was 12 at the time.¨, Dave shared. Dave bred horses as a profession until his accident.
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Dave bought Daytona (First Horse) for 400 pounds. The first time he saw it, he wanted it. It reminded him of the mustang back in Canada. And so he did. In time, he took part in competitions. He won and won. And this inspired him to go for more competitions and raise more horses. One businessman offered him 20000 pound but he rejected it. Before he had retired, he had raised eight horses. The three horses inked on his stomach are Daytona (mother, first horse), Shakira (daughter) and Kasha (show winner). These three played the most important part in this life both; competitions as well as in regular life.
¨Where was your horse farm?¨
¨It was in England. I moved there to see my grandparents. But I ended living there for long. And that´s where I had started horse breeding. It was really amazing. I enjoyed everyday; wake up, groom the horses, shine them, check their heels, take them for a ride around and feed them everyday. It was the most beautiful part of daily life. I would be doing even today if I had not met the accident.¨
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¨I am sorry to hear about your accident. Would you mind if you could share a little about the fall?¨
¨No, No it is not a problem. It is life. Many things happen in life. One day, I rode my horse as usual on the highway. Suddenly, two trucks came from behind. They came so close that my horse blind-bolted. I got up, pulled the range and the moment I sat down, the saddle hit me hard. It hit so hard that I could not sit and handle it. It broke my pelvis. There was nothing I could do. I was in a big pain. Awhile later, I jumped off the horse to the green grass and the horse ran straight to the stable where I landed badly. We were very close to the house. I got up but I could not move much. And that´s how it all went by......It was a big accident. I was in the hospital for month and took months to recover fully.. I have a metal in my hip bones. It joints the bones. It is doing very good. After the accident I felt really angry and pissed off. I sold all my horses and begin a new journey. That was the time, I realized life is too short. We got to live in the most adventurous way we can. I also got a tattoo that reminds me ´One life Live In´. We do not get a second round.¨
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After the accident, Dave had decided to travel the world. He works 4 months and travels 8 months. He loves to travel cheaply no matter which country it is and camp in the beautiful spots. He does not hire porters neither a guide. He carries his own bags and his map is his guide.
¨You are in your 40s. You have a good job, good income, family, good house but are you happy? No, not at all. You got to travel, see the world, see the other side of life, meet other people, learn their culture and language, and more. Having big bank balance does not give the happiness you seek. Knowing the world gives you the happiness you seek in life. Is it not?????¨
Dave travels to England to spent time with his family; 4 children, 11 grandchildren, meet his ex-wife (best friend) and visit the foster home in Canada. ¨The foster home took me when I was in the struggling stage. They helped me get on my feet and showed me the road to life. They are my second parents. I always wanted to thank them But I did not get the time. But after the retirement from the farm I visited them. Every time, I visited them they always welcome me with warm heart just like in the old days. They are really happy and appreciate my comeback to the place. I also work in their hardware store without any expectation.¨
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¨How did you meet your ex-wife? Was it love at first sight?¨
We laughed about it. He pulled down his glasses and said, ¨I cannot remember exactly every detail…I was walking down-town. And I saw in the coffee house. I did not go and talk to her. I just enjoyed the moment seeing her. In time, I told her friend about my feelings and that´s how everything started….we got married and have 4 children together…now we are very good friend….whenever I am in England I visit her and her family. She has 2 children with her hubby. We get along really well; she, children and her new husband.¨
¨Was she your first love?¨, I asked in curiosity.
¨Nah…you might have to stop writing and listen to this. Maybe you will remember it better and for long?….Look at this one (Showing me the portrait on his left arm)…She is my true love. She has never cheated on me. We are from the same town in Canada. My first love. I felt in love the moment I saw her. I was 15; young but shy. She was 25. She rode a Harley motorcycle. I always love Harley motorcycles. And she looked so beautiful on that bike. The angel of my life……..¨
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¨Did you date her?¨. We both laughed about it. But I was more curious this time. I wanted to hear every little thing I could. I wanted to hear him say,¨Yes I did.¨ But….
¨No. What would a 25 year young beautiful girl do with a 15 year young boy? I have never spoken to her. I loved her. I was madly in love. But I could not say my feelings because I was scared she would say ¨No¨. I did say ¨HI¨ a couple of times. But that´s it. Nothing more. I didn't want her to know anything. Every time, I heard a motorcycle sound I turned my head to see if it was her. In time, my friends knew about it, too. If she had organized a competition in which the winner could date her, I would always be on the first one in the line.¨
¨I had a similar incident back in school. I was in grade seven. My health teacher always treated me differently than anyone else. I do not know what her intentions was. Maybe I was the matured one (Laughing). She would teach 45 minutes and spent the rest 15 minutes with me. Everybody was curious about it. However, she was very clever to handle the situation. She always created a scene like I was in a confusion and she was helping me out. Maybe I was her favorite student and she wanted to show a motherly love (This time we laughed even louder). But honestly, if she did make a move today, I would not stop myself to date her. So how long did it last??¨
¨I think about six months. It was a fantasy but real for 15 year boy.¨, Dave said.
¨Aye, not long enough.¨
¨So one day, I visited a tattoo shop. And, on the whole I saw the love of my life. And without a second thought, I decided to get her inked. And that´s how I have on me. It will always be with me. I will carry her with me till the last breath because I like said she was my first love who never cheated on me.¨
Dave´s English ex-wife does not have a Canadian citizenship. Canadian law states ¨A person must have lived in Canada for three years in order to get a citizenship¨. And she did not make the three years. But they moved often back-forth. Their children has the Canadian citizenship because of their father´s citizenship and because they went to Canadian schools, too.
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Dave has inked the memorial dates of his mom, dad and grandson. His mom passed away on 13–02–2015. The Iris flower represents her name. Her name was Iris, too. The date 29–11–2012 was the day his dad passed away and 25–11–2011 was the day he lost his grandson.
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The prayer wheel was inked in memory about his time in Nepal the first time. He was in Namche, Solukhumbu, Nepal on 25 April 2015. He considers himself to be the lucky one to be alive. He had seen about four dead bodies on the runway. And broken houses in Namche. He walked around the community and saw the worst. But the interesting part was that, the people had got on their feet and back to normal on their own. He had been airlifted by a non-governmental organization to Kathmandu.
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Back home, he walked around the community to raise funds. Sadly, he could not meet his target. He even walked about 1000 km. The funny part was that he walked about 53 km in a day. He felt glad but an older guy walked 63 km a day. ¨We had been advised not to send anyone to Nepal because at that point the government took away the money for some reason. Maybe the money launderers had taken the advantage of the situation. I do not know why, may be this and may be that?¨, he shared.
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The other important tattoo are ¨God I trust You, Comino De Santiago¨. He is not a religious person but he likes the art. The ¨God I Trust You¨ began with a hand then Virgin Mary, Jesus, Roses and Cross. This in time became a masterpiece. He liked the concept and so his artist at Ron´s Tattoo Inn., London.
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Comino De Santiago reminds about the walk he did in Spain. He walked 1000 km there. He wishes to settle down in Spain later in life. ¨Spain has the perfect weather and place I want; the air, people, nature, oceans, and so on.¨ , Dave said. The yellow arrow states the right direction a pilgrimage is going to.
¨We got the idea about your profession, tattoos, love, marriage, children, travel….What else is missing?….Oh yes, you have got your new masterpiece from artist Kovit? Why did you chose him for this masterpiece?
¨I went to a studio to get a small tattoo in Nepali. They asked me to come the next day. I went like they asked me. But they said they were busy and kept me waiting for such a tiny tattoo. I never got it. Then 4 days ago, I came to Ink´s Inc. Tattoo. I met Kovit first. I told him about my idea. He liked it. And the moment he got my idea he began his work. He asked me to come later in the evening. I came back and he has my design ready already. This was very impressive. I got the first design on my chest. It was very impressive. I shared the news with my family back in England. They all loved the work. I got more impressed with Kovit. At 12:00 in night I messaged him ¨Thank you Kovit. You have done an amazing work. I am really happy.¨ He messaged me back. He was still working on the remaining part of the design. He did not had to do it, but he was doing it. And this was really an impressive. Now you see the difference between the previous studio who made me wait and wait while Kovit worked late night for me.¨
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¨I enjoy meeting people. The last time I met a Dutch lady who was totally against getting inked in Nepal. She managed to make the other client not get a tattoo in Nepal. But you love it. The world is full of mixture (Laughing at myself). So how long has the sessions been?¨
¨Today, is the third day. And 2 more left. Kovit will do the last session before the convention. I have changed my dates for my trek to Everest Base Camp for him. It is a masterpiece. I am really happy with the work. He had done an amazing work. I cannot thank him enough. I will come back for the last session from Chitwan in weeks time and in 2018/2019 for another tattoo from Kovit. He is booked in that year for sure. His work and his customer service is really impressive.¨
We had planned for an hour. However, we spent more than 2 hours. We really enjoyed the moment. Dave shared not only about his life experiences but also what I can do in life and should enjoy doing. He is really an inspirational person that I have met. And probably the third person from Canada that I have written about. We greeted each other goodbye after the coffee. And I disappeared to write about ¨Every Tattoo an Experiment - Artist Andrew¨. Artist Andrew is a guest artist at Ink´s Inc. Tattoo, Thamel from Russia.
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storyofmytattoo-blog · 8 years ago
Every Tattoo an Experiment
¨You get paid today for your yesterday´s action, is it not?¨ - Tsering
¨One day a young Russian boy came to an old-man tattoo shop. The young boy wanted to get a tattoo in Japanese words; Brave, Strong, Power and Money. The artist accepted the idea and asked the young man to show up the next day. The young man did as told. The teenager got his first tattoo on his shoulders. Year later, he participated in the Kendo competition in Japan. There were dozens of other participants in the changing room. When he got his suit off everyone laughed and some had tears because it was very funny. The confused athlete asked one Japanese why everyone laughed. The Japanese said you have the weirdest tattoo we have ever seen. The tattoo read ¨Look Guys The Big Nose Barbarian Decided To Play Samurai¨. Japanese are very polite but they could not handle the tattoo. The young man was a stupid person. He should have studied the artist more carefully. The artist is highly respected in Russia. He has spent many years in Japan to study the language, culture, tattoos and people. Tattoo is a very serious thing. It stays with a person forever. And stupid tattoos are an insult to an artist.¨, shared Russian artist Andrew.
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Currently, Andrew is in Nepal as a guest artist in Ink´s Inc. Tattoo, Thamel. He had began tattooing since the age of 13. His first client was a 12 year young. It was cross design. He used homemade machine for the project. It was made from guitar string, engine from a toy car and inks of gel pen.
Soon he became famous in his town. Older boys came to him for tattoos. He inked each one of them. They all paid him well. He was happy. He did it for fun like everyone else who got tattooed for fun. Everything was for experiment for him. He had no access to any internet and had zero knowledge about tattoos. He just did what he saw and what he could think off in those days. Soon he inked the Russian armies for two years. He had no idea what he was doing. He just did it because people asked for it. He had no plans neither any idea what he was doing.
After the university, he joined a diploma course to be a surgeon. He completed the course. He did his internship and got certified. But he never went on as a surgeon. He recalled, ¨I do not like to tear humans into various parts. I hate violence. One time, a man asked me to takeoff the knife stuck on his head. He had gotten into a fight. The man said, ¨Take the knife out of my brain. It is not comfortable.¨ I freaked out and ran as far as I could. It was too much for; too much cruelty, not best work and people always try to hurt other people.¨
¨Why did you choose tattooing as your profession?¨
¨No, I did not choose it. I hated being an artist. But the profession chose me (We both laughed out loud). There is good money and it is much more interesting than a surgeon work. Before I joined the surgeon course I worked for few studios where I got really good. I liked it. Now also I like it.¨
¨How did you get involved in Ink´s Inc. Tattoo?¨
¨I have traveled many countries. I was in Europe and also America. Then an Australian student who had a tattoo shop in Bali, Indonesia called me to work there. I went. I worked for six months. It was too much for me. There was good money ($1000 a week) but bad work. It is a very touristy place. And all tourist from rich countries wanted small tattoos; boyfriend´s name, their own name, cross, butterflies, little mountains, tattoos in inappropriate parts, husband´s name, and so on. Nobody wanted good tattoos with details. They all wanted shitty tattoos. So I decided to go far away from Bali. Then I landed in India. It was the same in India. People wanted small tattoos and no meaning. I only inked their designs. The studio I worked in India advised me to go to Nepal. The studio connected me to Ink´s Inc. Tattoo. I am very thankful to both the tattoo studios.¨
¨How many clients have you inked in Nepal till date?¨
¨It has been more than a month now. But I had only inked three clients. Here there are very less clients. And less money. But very good people; artist Binay, artist Kovit, artist Kamal, artist Timo and everyone I have met so far. Nepal has very good people with warm heart always ready to help. I love it. The money I make as a guest artist hardly covers my daily expenses. That is why I keep myself busy in the studio to cut down my daily expenditures. Sometime I wonder ¨what wrong have I done that I am in this condition¨. I am machine; I don´t like to sit idle. I want to tattoo people for free because I need to function daily.¨
¨What was your first tattoo?¨
¨I got a tribal tattoo. I was 13 I think. I got it after the school lesson. There was no tattoo studio in my town at the time. It is a sin to get inked. But I got it and I like it. I did not have any idea why I got the tribal design. The ink used was that of a gel pen and the needle was made from the guitar string.¨
¨Have you inked any tattoo yourself?¨
¨Yes (Showing his leg). It is a Dali painting. I did it myself. It is a simple shades. It was an experiment. I was 15 years young. I did not know anything so I just tried it out and I wanted to see how the shadows look like. It is a traditional tattoo; no dots. It is just simple handmade tattoo with simple needles.¨
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¨Do you have a tattoo that you feel is very important to you?¨
¨I got a Maori Tattoo in Berlin, Germany. It was a six hour session. It was very painful and funny to me. They used very tradition methods; dates about 6000 years. Even today, they only use the ancient methods and instruments; wooden hammer, fish bones, needle sticks; no any change in the method and instruments. It is just like it was. The art comes from New Zealand and the artists were from Belgium. A lot of people held me on the ground and the artist went ¨bam bam bam bam¨. The tattoo is referred as a protective and healing sign.¨
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¨Any best moment in Russia?¨
¨Russia is very good. I worked in many famous studios. Tattoo in Russia has become very famous. Everybody likes tattoos. My famous client was Dmitriy Nagiev. He is more famous than President Putin. He has very simple tattoos but very meaningful. I inked him about five tattoos; black work, stripes, and some Latin language phrases. Russia has good platform for artist and good money; quality work and cash money.¨
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¨Which country do you like the best for work and money?¨
¨Germany is the best. They respect artist and pay very good money. I can make huge amount easily. Bali gives only good money and Russia only good work. But Germany, they give you both; work and money. I want to go to Germany and work there for long as long as I can (Laughing). The funny thing is that rich countries citizen want stupid tattoos while poorer countries citizens want more meaningful and quality tattoos.¨
¨Any crazy client you had?¨
¨Many crazy clients. I had a 16–17 years young girl. It is illegal to tattoo someone who is below 18 years in Russia. She wanted to get a tattoo real bad. I got her design. I did not sleep couple of nights to do quality work. But after I made one straight line, she cried. She cried as if she was going to die. I consulted her. I went out to smoke a cigarette so that she can think whether to continue or not. When I returned back she hid under the sofa. I tried my best best to calm her; medicines, water, juices and so on. But she hid under the sofa the whole day crying. At the end of the day, I moved the sofa and threw her out of the studio because she was crazy; really crazy. I was not angry with her. She could have said ¨No¨ and walked off but she did not. She spoiled my day as well as my business.¨
We both laughed our lungs out. Sometimes crazy clients show up. Another crazy and funny incident happened when a client touched an artist´s girlfriend on the wrong part of her body. Artist Andrew and the friends, inked him on the forehead ¨COCK SUCKER¨ to teach him a lesson. They made the words so big that it could hardly be removed. They had planned to make the tattoo forever; no technology to remove it. The funnier and stupid client was the ¨PINK LADY¨. She came to the studio on a pink scooter with a tiny dog in pink miniskirt. She looked gorgeously sexy and beautiful colored in pink.
She wanted a girly butterfly. Artist Andrew explained her about tattoos clearly. She got the idea. And she got the tattoo she had asked for. ¨Please do not keep it dry. Apply cream twice in a day at minimum.¨, said artist Andrew. She went off with a sign ¨Yes¨. The same night she rang him at 3:30 a.m.
¨Yes, who is it?¨, he replied to the call in sleepy voice.
¨It´s me. I had applied cream on the tattoo after every two hours. I want to sleep. Can I sleep.¨
She was in tears. She was nervous and didn't know what to do. Now you see! Is it not funny, isn't it? Some people never listen to instructions carefully. And their past actions always pay today.
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One amazing tattoo artist Andrew has is the black tattoo. He said, ¨People do not get black tattoos without any reason. Black tattoo are inked for cover ups. More than 20 artists had worked on my right arm yet it is not complete (We laughed louder but in surprise).
¨What is the neck tattoo about?¨
¨I was 16 when I got it. I was drunk. We had a house party in my friend´s house. The next day when I washed my face I was shocked. I said to myself, ¨No, no no no … not to me.¨ But it was on me. I could not do anything. I could not remember anything. I have one last laser session to go through. I had done six laser session till date. It will be completely erased after the last one. I do not like it. I did not want it. I was drunk, you know? I was happy because nobody cared about it even in school. But it is okay with artist; things like this happens.¨
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It was an amazing time with artist Andrew. He is very creative with lots of ideas and interesting stories. He said, ¨If I had better English I did share many interesting stories with you. But I do not. Someday I think.¨ We laughed about it. But not the last one. We laughed about many funny and crazy customers stories. And yes of course the above customers ,too.
Dmitry Vladimirovich Nagiev is a Russian actor, TV-host, musician, showman and radio host. In 1991, graduated from the Leningrad State Institute Of Theater, Music And Cinematography. (Wikipedia)
Kendo is a Japanese form of fencing with two-handed bamboo swords, originally developed as a safe form of sword training for samurai. (google)
The Maori are indigenous people that originated in New Zealand. They have a form of body art, known as moko but more commonly referred to as Maori tattooing. The art form was brought to the Maori from Polynesia and is considered highly sacred. (google)
The Spanish painter Salvador Dali remains one of the most controversial and paradoxical artists of the twentieth century. Dali was a great artist who was a great self-publicist and showman. The combination was an irresistible formula for success. Born in 1904, most of the works he did revolved around painting, sculpture work, and he worked as a graphic artist and designer as well. During the course of his career, he experienced many different art forms, and experimented with a few styles, allowing him to further his points of expression, and the design pieces which he created during the illustrious and extensive career that he had.
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storyofmytattoo-blog · 8 years ago
Psycho, somatic addict, insane. Come play my game. Inhale, inhale, you're the victim. Come play my game. Exhale, exhale, exhale.
Lyrics: Prodigy - Breathe
¨I was eight who could do nothing. Everyday my father and brother fought for a reason that I did not know of. Who was right, I had no idea? It was more like a war between two insecure men trying to prove one´s strength . It was equal...Like two egos battling....Like two bulls going head to head. All I could do was listen with mouth shut. There was no peace in the house. Like the lyrics say, all I could do was inhale and exhale everything with mouth shut. I was the victim of their ego-war. The neighbors all went insane because of the noise in my house. Sometimes, their ego-war went really physical. It was a bloody mess. The whole situation bothered the neighbors who contacted the police. I watched the mixture faces of the neighbors and the police officers who investigated what was going on in the house and so on….¨, shared Louis, youngest of the seven children.
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Currently, Louis is the director for a documentary being shot in Nepal. He has worked in the Hollywood for years. He was in the visual effects team of the movie ¨Paul¨. We all know the movie. We have watched, criticized and enjoyed it, have not we?? After Paul he worked in various other projects that hit the Hollywood notches.
His elder brother who started in the film industry as a tea-boy at 15 had introduced Louis into Hollywood. After the company hit big, Louis's brother became the supervisor of the company. This had made easier for Louis to get into Hollywood. Louis worked more than 17 hours a day for free for six months. All he did was ¨YES¨ to everything and got the work done in time.
¨Can you tell me more about your time in Hollywood?¨
¨I admire and respect the industry as well as everyone who invest their valuable time to bring best projects for our entertainment. However, It is crazy in Hollywood on the other side of the curtain. You work day and night to make someone rich and entertain millions. That´s it. The hierarchy is like the Royal family. We have to respect each and every one. We have to know the system, respect it, stick to it, and follow like the dog who follows their master without a question. When you are given a work, you got to say ¨YES¨ and get it done. If you have a problem you have to communicate or you are F*****. You got to like people, get along with them, and be the listener. That´s it.¨
Can I use the colors I choose? Do I have some say what you use? Can I get some greens and some blues?
Lyrics: Gregory Porter - Painted On Canvas
While I listened to him my other half was into the above lyrics. I had questions with no answers. Like I was told, ¨Do what you are told or get out¨ in the school. My school days was like the Hollywood. All I could do was listen and get my assignments done or I am out of the class. Sometime I got thrown out of the class while other time I ended up Murga Punishment (stress punishment practiced in South East Asia). Moreover, sometimes kicked and smacked on my hands and thighs. What could I do; complain to my parents? I could not I was in the boarding school. And trust me, nobody believed me and those who did said it's for my future.
Did you say 'no, this can't happen to me,'
And did you rush to the phone to call
Was there a voice unkind in the back of your mind
Saying maybe you didn't know him at all
You didn't know him at all, oh, you didn't know
Lyrics: Last Goodbye - Jeff Buckley
¨Everyone in Hollywood think they know nothing while they are highly intelligent and creative. They get stuck because of the system that one follows without a question. I got huge projects because of my capability, networking and skills in time. I also got the offer to work in Da Vinci because of my past performances but I chose to come to Nepal. You are watched by every single individual every day. You are never alone. You may think you are alone but there is always someone watching you. You make a mistake you are out and you make things happen you get better offers, that´s how it is in Hollywood. And, the promotion system is very slow; slow as the tortoise.¨
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¨So have you left Hollywood?¨
¨I have not left Hollywood. I did rather consider it as a break from Hollywood. I have huge respect for Hollywood Industry and every single individuals who are highly talented and who work from fingers to bones to entertain the whole world. Every people I have worked with I had a great time with them. I love them, their work and their support in getting works done in time. I just felt I was bit lost. And I wanted to do something that of my own. This is another reason why I am involved in this documentary physically and emotionally.¨
The visual effects plays a big part in any film. It makes everything look real and glorify the viewers. Even if the film is bad, viewers will love the film if the visual effect is good. Dynamic Louis did not stay long in the Hollywood because of the slow promotion and structure. ¨I was too small in Hollywood. I wanted to do something of my own. Something that may not be as big as the films I worked on but something can bring a change, something that I can be happy when I look back, something that touch an unknown person´s heart who is thousands of miles away from where I am. That is why I have come to Nepal to shoot the documentary with much passion, hope and expectation.¨
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It has been a month that he has invested emotionally in the project. First it was only a promotion but now the project has become really big. The projected is related to children. Every day, he is in the hospital to shoot; happy moments, sad moments, tears, someone crying, nurses (Real Angels) running here and there, people screaming, mothers in pain, young mother struggling to give birth, doctors pulling the babies out, husband motivating his wife holding her hand as if everything will be alright, families waiting outside the wart, a young child moved from wart to wart, and so on.
¨What was your relation with Henry like?¨
¨We were like twins; brains connected. We were both raised up by nanny because mom was busy in the acting field. But she left her job right away after I told her about the dream where my like-twin brother had killed himself (I was eight at the time). We could read each other mentally and emotionally. I could say things before he did. However, things turned different when he was diagnosed with bipolar (manic depression, is a mental illness that brings severe high and low moods and changes in sleep, energy, thinking, and behavior). He could not accept he was weak. He consumed about 2 liters of vodka daily. He was into different kinds of medication for 15 years. However, he got sober after the rehab. We were all happy with it and scared at the same time because he turned hyperactive and did things quickly and fast, real fast.¨
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Henry was the intelligent and smart one in the family. He got scholarship in the best private school in the city. He wrote awesome songs. But this scared everyone. He had just turned sober. And when one do things quick one go down quick, that's how it is. This is what happened with Henry. The family member had advised him to go slow, but he did not. And soon Henry did not talk to anyone. And in time he got back into medication again. He spent every single day in his room; mostly by himself. And nobody had a clue, not a single person.
¨One morning, dad rang me while I was in my girlfriend's house. He said, ¨Henry has taken his own life.¨ He was in a deep pain. I could hear the crack on his voice and deep feelings in him. He broke down and he was broken. I ran to Henry's apartment. Everyone was there; mom, dad, brothers and his friends. My elder brother was on his knees next to Henry. He was in a rage and pushed away anyone who tried to touch him. Mom asked me if I wanted to see Henry, I could not. I turned into a statue. I just sat there. I could not see the body and look into Henry´s eye. He was the closet and the other half of me….There were needles everywhere. He had researched all the drugs that could kill him for sure. It had taken him quite long to research. He had mixed the most powerful drugs and injected on him. His death was for sure and he knew it.¨
¨Do you think your Dad did his best to help Henry?¨
¨As a child I have no idea why they did could not get along. But one thing I am sure my Dad knew what he was doing. My dad knew what Henry was into and up-to. Every parents always want their children in the best position one can have. Every parents always think the good of their children and the best for them. My dad is the same person. He thinks the best for each one of us. When we make mistake, he tries his best to correct us. Things go off when children fire back to their parents. This is what happen between Daddy and Henry. Dad wanted the best for Henry and he could not understand Dad and they never got along together. Dad tried his full effort to help Henry from the very beginning. He always stood by Henry even at the difficult times. Dad always had high hope on Henry not only because he was the smart and intelligent among us but because he loved him just like he love every one of us. Even when Henry was sick, Dad did not leave him. He always stood by him. Both at good and bad times, Dad was always there for Henry. But Henry would not listen and take a man´s advise. I do not know, why??? Maybe Dad was hard sometime, but that´s what parents are for. They cannot sit calm when their children are out of the track in life. They got to be strong and tough and that´s what Daddy did. My Dad tried his best and did his best to help Henry to make him a better person.¨
¨You have a tattoo, don´t you?¨
¨Yes, I do. It reads ¨HENRY MARSH¨ (He took off his shirt to show it to me). It was the last thing Henry had left behind. It is inked exactly it was written. Every time, I miss Henry I look at the mirror. And, the moment I see his name I feel that Henry is with me everywhere. Having the last words inked on me reminds me of all the best days we had spent together as brother and as best buddies.¨
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Soon Louis will get the tattoo that Henry had always wanted. It is Tabasco (chili sauce) bottle with a cross in it. The cross states that Henry will not do the past things he did specifically the medication part. In short it carries the message ¨NOT TO DO IT AGAIN¨. Louis has modified the design. He has added the skull on the design that resemble Henry´s death. And so the chilly plant that defines one's life. It is a surprise that a tiny bottle has huge fires in it, isn´t it???? And Louis plans to dedicate his full sleeve and chest with portraits of all the young people who left this world at a young age. The portrait I mean all those he knew, had seen, played with and grew up with because they all deserved to live.
In the end Louis asked me why I wanted to write his story, have I been in tragedy or know the emotions involved in losing someone?????? I shared the nightmares I had faced when I lost my mom right before my high school final test and months I had struggled to get on my feet after my girlfriend left me with whom I had spent 3 years of my life. When I shared my side of the story he really appreciated and gave me the chance to write the story ¨HENRY´S LAST WORDS¨. I hope that it will touch your heart and feel it. Even if you feel a little, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have been broken, torn apart and I have woken (Tse-ring).
And lastly, he said to me;
It is okay to be different.
You are special and You should know it.
The world is messed up;
You got live to the fullest.
Do not compete with anyone for you do not have to outdo anyone.
And so we laughed about funny jokes and the funny world we are in. The song ¨Breathe by Prodigy¨ and ¨Painted on Canvas by Gregory Porter¨ was sung aloud on the roof of Irish Bar. We sung and sung repeatedly and laughed and laughed in brotherhood.
((Breathe with me!
Breathe the pressure, Come play my game I'll test ya. Psychosomatic addict, insane. Breathe the pressure, Come play my game I'll test ya. Psycho, somatic addict, insane. Come play my game. Inhale, inhale, you're the victim. Come play my game. Exhale, exhale, exhale……………….))
((We are like children Were painted on canvases Picking up shades as we go We start off with gesso brushed on by people we know Watch your technique as you go Step back and admire my view……))
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storyofmytattoo-blog · 8 years ago
Styles and flavors
Beauty is a cruel mistress, is it not?
(From the movie; RocknRolla, Uri)
After I had spent more than $250 unnecessarily in two nights I got broke. $250 is a huge amount in Nepal. Most people away from the cities, hardly makes $20 a month. Like Uri said, ¨Beauty is a cruel mistress, is it not?¨ We will talk about the crazy night in Lake City sometime soon in detail.
Unable to forgive to my own stupidity, I rang Artist Binay Gurung in Kathmandu. You will have to read my previous stories to know about Artist Binay Gurung. He arranged a meeting with young and dynamic artist Akshay Gurung (Artist at Himalayan Ink, Lakeside, Pokhara) for me. Without wasting another minute, I ran to his studio. We were both confused and nervous at first. I did not know what to say. So to make the confusion easier, I took Artist Binay's name. And everything became easier because Artist Binay had already informed artist Akshay about my arrivals and involvement in the Nepalese Tattoo industry as a writer of Story Of my Tattoo. We shared greetings and arranged our meeting later that day after we got to know each other a little better.
Later in the day;
¨Can you tell me a little more how you got into the tattoo industry?¨
¨I was interested in art. However, I had not given much deeper thoughts for it. In time, my brother Rakshay Gurung (currently in Germany) introduced me into it. He is the man behind my success in the tattooing. He took me, trained me and polished my skills. Without him personally, I would not be here. He is an inspirational artist to me. And, my guru.¨
Artist Rakshay will arrive Nepal for the Nepal Tattoo Convention, March 2017.
¨What were you doing before you got into tattoo?¨
¨Well, it is a very funny thing (Laughing). I roamed around and around with friends and sometimes all by myself like any other normal teenage boy. Nothing much in precise. Everyday, I went to college after the class was over, I got on my bike and I went zoom to explore the nature (hills, lakes, forests, hikes, treks and so on….). However, the moment I got into tattoo I did everything in balance; tattoo and tour around when I am free for refreshment because only work makes one dull. Every then and now, I get involved in one or the other thing; sketches, practice-skins or watch my brother inking. I just like this moment and enjoy it a lot. I am really happy what my brother have done for me.¨
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¨What were your feelings in the beginning?¨
¨…..In the beginning I took everything a little lighter. But in time, I became more and more serious. The more I got into it the more serious I have become. Today, when I start my work I get completely drawn into it. Now it is like my education; the more you get the more you feel you need to learn and achieve.¨
¨What was your first work?¨
¨It was a tribal design. Not a very big one. It was the same work I got my first payment. My brother gave me the whole amount. He said, ¨This is your achievement. You have it. Go and celebrate with your friends. They will really like it.¨ I did not know what to say to him. My eyes just sparkled. I gave the treat to my friends. They made me happier, too. And from that day onwards, I worked with higher passion and enthusiasm in tattooing that brought happiness not just in me but in my friends and family, too. It became a source of motivation for me...¨
¨What is your most memorable moment in tattooing so far?¨
¨Well… is very difficult to point out because everyday is memorable one and every client makes your day a better one. Ahm..(short silence).....There was a Chinese client. It was very different moment I guess. She gave me her ideas and designs. I added some new concepts (lines and dots) into the design. After she saw it, she just said ¨Yes¨. She look very nervous and curios at the same time. I must say, she did not enjoy the needle. Her eyes was never away from the needle. She stared at them like she was running an operation (laughing). She did scream to the needles. However, when the work was done she was really happy. She thanked me with much appreciation and excitement. I guess that was one memorable moment so far. Oh Yes, there was another client, too. He had a dark skin. Every time, I inked him the color spread away. I check the machines from time to time if there was any wrong with them. The machines were all perfect. Since, the color did not stay I stopped the work. Later, I came to know that he had some kind of skin disease or something like that.¨
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¨What tattoo do you have on you? Why from that artist particularly?¨
¨It is an Abstract. I got it inked during the International Tattoo Convention by artist Leon Lahm. Currently he is working in Hong Kong. I like his art. There is something special in his work. The abstract tattoo is very simple but complex at the same time. Not everyone can understand it. Some of my friends questions me about it, too. However, only the artist can understand the Abstract tattoos. There is a mind game (Illusion) in Abstract tattoo. It goes with the flow. There is no exact designs for this type of tattoo. It just gets added and added with the flow. Moreover, there is high creativity in this form of art.¨
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¨Lastly, what is the level of happiness now and then?¨
¨Ahm...previously I was the only one happy. I asked money from my parents and went to enjoy. But today, I´m happy, my families are happy and so my friends. There is happiness every where; my families and friends are happy because I´m working and I´m happy because I am working with much passion and enthusiasm.¨
Artist Akshay respects every artist and admires their work. He believes that every artists has their own styles and flavors that one can learn from them. Moreover, he credits his achievements to his senior tattoo artists (Nepal especially) who have influenced, inspired, motivated and guided him then and now. One can catch him in the upcoming Nepal Tattoo Convention in March, 2017.
#tattoo #tattoos #tattooing #leonlahm #france #hongkong #leon #abstractatttoo #tattoogirls #tattooboys #tattoomodels #tattooworld #inked #inkedguys #inkedworld #pokhara #lakecity #kathmandu #nepal #himalayan
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storyofmytattoo-blog · 8 years ago
Hero Of The North
¨We serve coffee to our guest. The stronger the coffee the warmer the welcome. We even produce thin coffee from the bark of the trees. These are not used for highly respected guests.¨, shared Timo, former electrician and a professional skydiving camera flyer/instructor.
Timo´s father is an electrical entrepreneurs. This made him get involved in the family business. He earned good and enjoyed the work. But, there was more physical work and less creativity. And so in 2013 he quit his job to pursue his license in skydiving.
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The same year (Summer), he got his license. He did not get the job immediate. When he got it did not last long. In June 2015, he got into a big accident. It nearly took his life. He had many broken body parts; head to toes. It took him three months to recover. He felt like a dead man living. Creative work lover spent 3 months on complete bed rest.
During this period, he thought a-lot about his career. He became stronger and bolder. He realized he had been given a second chance to live. After he got his health certificate that stated he is healthy he went on to tour Europe. He toured Europe on his caravan and lived a short nomad life. He enjoyed to the fullest; make friends, enjoy food, taste the culture, and partied hard. And did some tattooing in Portugal. However, he left because he felt his work was not quality enough; standard he wanted and thought.
Energetic and physically strong young Timo started BASE jumping after his Europe tour. It is more risky than skydiving and unlicensed. He traveled back to Finland from Portugal with higher expectation. On his way home, he met few good friends. He then continued as skydiving camera flyer/instructor where he met lovely friends and colleagues. He found most young learners very funny because anything he said they only said ¨OK¨ and nothing else. ¨They were nervous because they had little knowledge about skydiving. But there were few who questioned.¨, he said. BASE jumping was his hobby and skydiving camera flyer/instructor as a profession.
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He did more risky stunts and acts. He loved it. However, somewhere he felt he wanted to do something that has more creativity involved. And so he decided to take skydiving (camera flyer) profession and tattooing in balanced.
¨So what made you chose tattooing career?¨
¨I always did sketches since my childhood. At that time, I was very good. But when I reached my high school I had stopped because I was too into job and money. However, when I was in Portugal with Karma Dai (Brother) got into it again. I spent almost 24*7 with him. He taught me the basics. I only did three things; study, skydiving and tattoo. I drew various sketches, mostly skulls. Soon I returned home….¨
The coffee was already brewed. We took a coffee break. I had coffee without sugar like artist Timo. We sipped the hot coffee. It burned the bottom part of my lip. I hid it away. He did not noticed it. He leaned back against the wall. He like the taste of the coffee. I came to know that the artists in the studio drink a minimum of 5 cups a day. It surpassed my average. The Finnish coffee culture was discussed during our coffee break. It was so interesting and attractive that I could stop myself from putting in it on the opening part.
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¨Back home I stopped tattooing again. I was too involved in the BASE jumping and skydiving job. I had no time for the field I love. Because no practice means no quality and no studio means no mentor. And even during my Europe tour I had stopped tattooing completely except few in Portugal.¨
The two buddies were always in touch on messenger. He shared his passion in tattooing. And without a second thought artist Karma had invited young artist Timo to Portugal. He loves travelling and so he took the opportunity. There he learnt basic tattooing and studied for the university entrance test. This took place on his first visit to Portugal. However, young Timo did not apply for university entrance test like he had planned.
¨So how do you know artist Binay?¨
¨I met him in my first visit to Nepal. I met him in his studio. He had been waiting for my visit in the studio because Saugat brother (who he met in Tatopani during his first visit to Nepal) had told him about me and my interest in tattoos. Binay Dai inked the skull (mixture of Hinduism and Buddhism with OM). It is a Tibetan skull. The rest is modified. Since my childhood I was interested in skulls and always found peace in it. There is so much mystery in skulls. It is simple, cool and easy. I did rather have a skull design than butterfly tattoo because beauty is only in the eye. For example scientists finds humans existence or extinct animals know-how through skulls. The red color was added later…….When I was free in Finland, I messaged Binay Dai. I asked him if he will be able to teach me tattooing. He said that if I want to learn with true passion and determination I need to start quick.¨
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At first young artist Timo feared; what if artist Binay is not impressed with his sketches. Artist Binay had given homeworks to young Timo. Everyday he worked on his sketches; skulls, flowers, lady faces and so on. He had two choice; skydiving or tattooing. He had fears because he felt that only few people can become artist. However, artist Binay opened his mind. He got proper guidance that he had never expected. Artist Binay said, ¨If you are truly passionate and determined about tattooing you will master it at any cost. Are you ready????¨ to young Timo. This made young Timo think deep. He did not reply immediately that night. He thought about it the whole night. He hardly slept that night. The next morning he said to himself, ¨If I love it so much and enjoy it so much I should master it. I should do it professionally. I got to do this and right this time.¨
And so confused young Timo decided he will go to Nepal and learn the art under the guidance of artist Binay Gurung. One big reason he chose artist Binay is the full sleeve tattoo. The tattoo is magnificent. The color is same as the time it was inked. There is no change in the color nor shape. It was perfect yesterday and so it is today. Artist Karma says, ¨I know many great artist in the world. But I do not know anyone personally like I know Binay Gurung from heart. He is the greatest artist of my life.¨ This statement made young Timo even more curious to be trained by artist Binay. Moreover, he has seen other young artists who have turned professional in 3–4 years under the supervision and guidance of artist Gurung.
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¨When I landed Kathmandu, Binay Dai and friends picked me up at the airport. It was such a warm welcoming. Their love for me is immense. I do not have a word to describe it. The moment we reached Binay Dai´s home I was nervous and afraid to show my sketches. But Binay Dai was cool and very understanding. He asked me to be calm, patience and show him the sketches. I gave him my sketches. I sweated a-lot and when the sketches was in his hand I sweated even more.¨
This time my phone rang. My good friend had called. First ring, I did not receive it because it was disrespectful. But young Timor advised me to receive the call. ¨When are we going to the convocation?¨, my friend said on the phone. We have our convocation on 20 Feb. 2016 at Pokhara (City of Lakes). I will receive a medal in front of thousands of young graduates for my outstanding academic achievement major in Banking and Insurance. We will leave for the lake city on 18 Feb. And then I will get drunk on 20 Feb. the night of my convocation and return the next day in hangover.
¨Binay Dai loved my sketches. He said that I have done well and got good skills. It made me very happy. I cooled down and my sweats had dried away. And from that day on wards, I have been under the guidance and supervision of Binay Dai. Every day, I am learning something. I am starting from the root level; clean the machines, studios, arrange the chairs, setup the tables and so on.¨
Young Timo had made his mind up before he got his ticket to Nepal. He had decided if he do this time, he will begin from the ground level with much love and passion. He also stated that it is very difficult to get apprentice in a studio. In the past he failed in tattooing because he never got an apprentice in the studio, but today he has got the opportunity and he will not messed it up.
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Young Timo got his first tattoo (Tribal Design) as a 18th birthday gift from his mom. She gave him because she could not say no to him. He was so much into getting a tattoo. However, she had advised him not to get more tattoos. But he could not keep his promise. Every time, he traveled he went home with a new tattoo. The first tattoo took about 8 hours to complete. He felt much pain inside but he acted strong. Deep inside he was dying while outside he was the superman.
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The Compass was inked on his chest on his first international visit to Bangkok, Thailand at 18. ¨Follow your heart like you follow your compass that leads you to the right direction because if you do not then you mess everything up leading to nowhere.¨, he said. This travel changed him into to be a different person. He came to know that everything we see on the television and articles on newspapers are not true, completely. Today, young Timo travels almost every winter because he learns a lot from traveling (something new every time). And going far from home he sees things closer and clearer.
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The Ukulele guitar was inked in Gorkana, India by artist Appu. The studio was a very tiny one. And there was a Tom and Jerry printed blanket on the bed. And many flash designs on the walls. Every time he is stressed out, he plays the four string instrument that cheers him up and makes him very happy. It is a magic that enlightens his mood the moment he hear the first note. On the neck of the instrument the phrase ¨Everything is Possible¨ is written in Karnataka language. It is a very famous saying in Karnataka. A friend (Gefen, Israel) he met during his travel had shared with him. The neck has purple color symbol of mysteries and illusions that involves mind games.
He shared that his body is his temple that he wishes to fill it with lots of arts. And he cannot ignore beautiful designs that has creativity. One can find tattoos related to his past memories (profession, travel, interest, likes and incidents).
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In the end, we talked about funny moments, emotional shirt (Heroes of The North) and Finland education system. The emotional shirt was given to him by Ms Sirpa who provided skydiving as well as personal level guidance to young Timo. The shirt is only given to few people who deserves it and young Timo deserved it for his capability, believe and energy he put into his work.
In Finland, a student gets free meals for attending school while in Asia we have to sell everything to go to school. At the end of 2016, the Finnish government has come up with a new rule from January 2017. Every student who enter Finland from third world countries excluding Sweden and few EU countries do not have to pay tuition fee (minimum of 12000 euros annually excluding accommodation, lodging and insurance).
The funny moment young Timo experienced was the time he got the skull tattoo. It was quite cold. There was heater but no oil to run it. Every time, we said tomorrow and tomorrow. Months passed and tattoo was completed but the heater never got the oil. He froze every day even though he had two hooks on. We laughed a-loud. This was my second time in the studio I have not controlled my excitement. And, young Timo´s Nepali name is MUSA (Rat). Rat people are charming, assertive, protective and relentless and born with leadership qualities. He likes it and whenever anyone calls him by this name he cannot stop laughing. And in time, the whole room is filled with laughter he shared.
Young Timo will stay in Nepal as long as possible. And when he returns home he will continue with tattooing as a profession and skydiving as hobby in balance.
Photo Credits: Nicolas & Mauri & Timo
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storyofmytattoo-blog · 8 years ago
Positive Energy (Stephan, Poland)
¨I landed Kathmandu in the evening. It was really beautiful. I could see the beautiful city with lots of lights like thousands of burning candle in the valley. Thamel was superb. The nightlife was awesome; perfect lights, lots of music, peaceful environment, handsome young boys and girls, and lot going on. However, when I stepped out of my hotel the next day I was turned down. So much crowd and noise. The most stressful things are the horns from the cars, motorcycles and rickshaws. Every step I took forward, there was honking. It was very irritating and stressful.¨, shared Stephan (Polish name Szczepan) a professional carpenter.
Stephan currently works in Scotland where he shares an apartment with his good friend Michael. He moved to Scotland when he lost his job in Poland. The manager cut down jobs due to economic crisis. And sadly, Stephan was one of them who had to leave the job. But his friend helped him to get a satisfactory job in the recycle factory.
In the factory, he makes sure every little wastes are separated correctly before they are sent for further processing. It has been 5 years in the factory. However, he is on search for a new job where he can speak more Polish than English. He shared that his English is very poor and it is very difficult to work in the English speaking environment.
¨I love Nagarkot very much. It is very peaceful and beautiful. I love the view from my hotel. The morning I got on my balcony I could see the mountain ranges above the mighty hills. It was such an amazing view. It was like I was in paradise or the land of my dream. If I come back here, I want to travel to Nagarkot and enjoy the beauty all by myself. I love the mountains, the hills, the food, the air and most importantly the peacefulness that it has for me.¨, said Stephan with much happiness and smiles.
Stephan learnt English in Scotland. He did not know a single word when he landed in Scotland. He only studied Russian and Polish. He learnt Russian since grade one. He does not like to go to the army either. However, he had to. And when he returned from his 2 years of service, he had no taste for education. And that is how he got involved in the carpenter field. But three people had to go and he was one of them.
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Stephan loves travelling. He always get a tattoo when he travels. During his visit to Nepal, he got a Mandala tattoo from artist Kamal Dulal (Ink´s Inc. Tattoo). He said that mandala defines our life cycle; our system, our culture, our thoughts, our sight and in all our life. He also stated that it is an exercise to our eyes and mind if we try to study the patterns and lines in the mandala.
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However, the tattoo on his back is the most important one. It was designed by a friend (Peter). It has several faces and the brain being eaten by the demons. There is also a tree. The face on the bottom was inked using the needle made from the guitar string. It was the most painful tattoo he ever got. He stated that it was an amazing experience. The tattoo defines human negativity. The demon eats all the negatives that one have in their mind. The eyes are being eaten too that represents all the bad things we see too are also taken away by the demons, too. In this way, all our negativity are taken away completely leaving us in emptiness and we can fill the empty space with new positive thoughts and energy. He stated that we have lots of negativity in us and we must give all our negatives away to the demons and seed positive energy in us to live a better and happy life.
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The bicycle tattoo along with the tribal design represents his team work attitude. He believes that in team we can achieve miracle. The rose on his foot is a gift from Barcelona, Spain. And the compass defines his passion for travel.
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Though our conversation was halted often. But we were successful to share our ideas and thoughts. Like he said, his English is poor. It was. However, I made sure I got every little detail I could get. The meaning behind the skull tattoo (Negative eater) was cleared more when he showed me the photo and explained every single detail. I really enjoyed meeting him because even though he could speak little English he made sure that I get everything and understand every word he spoke. It was such a pleasant time. I really appreciate his energy and knowledge passed on to me.
¨Human have negatives in mind and eye. And Humans must throw away all the negatives. And fill the empty space with positive thoughts and energy.¨
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storyofmytattoo-blog · 8 years ago
¨I inked my sister (Goma Dulal a.k.a Samita Dulal) at home. She was my first client. She does not like tattoo. She didn´t want to get inked at all. But somehow, she got distracted and got inked. It was a cherry blossom.¨, shared artist Kamal Dulal (Ink´s Inc. Tattoo, Thamel).
Artist Dulal inks about 400–500 clients annually. The number of clients are rising for him every day. At the moment, one have to get an appointment to get inked from artist Dulal. He believes the more time an artist get to design, the better is the output.
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¨At first she disagreed with me. But I was positive. I followed her everywhere till she allowed me to ink her. The funny part is that I told her; if I become popular or my story gets written (we both laughed) I did take her name. I think the reason she gave the opportunity was because she saw the potential and my passion in this art.¨, continued artist Dulal.
Artist Dulal had interest in the tourism industry since his higher secondary school. ¨Nepal is a tourist destination. We have the mighty mountains and abundant amount of natural resources. We are rich in nature and beauty. Tourism has huge potential here and we can generate huge income. That was why I always wanted to join the tourism industry…There is good income…respect…friendship development…¨, said artist Dulal with much confidence. And so after his higher secondary he joined Travel and Tourism program (NATHM). He completed the degree with good grades. After his graduation, he worked for a travel agency in Thamel where he also worked as a city guide. But not long enough.
¨When did you meet artist Binay Gurung?¨, I asked with much curiosity. Now you may think why or how I know the name, right?? I am in artist Gurung´s Studio since the last 3 days. I got several stories from the studio including 2 travelers with awesome story. Moreover, yesterday we read ¨THE EYE¨, the story of artist Kovit Rai whose story have reached thousands of readers around the world and it´s still rising. Do not forget to read the story or you will miss a lot.
¨Well….Binay Dai´s (Brother) office was next to my office. It was about 4 years ago we met. In the beginning it was very causal meetings. Our relation was fast and quick; maybe because we Nepalese develop brotherhood real quick. I visited his office quite often. The more I visited his office the more I got into it. I hanged out in his office more. Sometimes I even cancelled my city tour just to be in the tattoo studio. I just like it and in time I asked Dai if he could teach me. Funny thing is that his reaction was completely different. I thought he would reject me instead he was really happy that I wanted to learn the art. He was more happy than I was…..¨, replied artist Dulal.
Every time he said the word ¨Brother¨ he was very respectful, polite and thankful. He truly appreciates all the good things done to him by artist Gurung. He believes that it is a gift from artist Gurung who helped him to polish his talent and skills.
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Artist Gurung has inked artist Dulal on his left arm and leg. The most catchy designs is the GREEK GODDESS MEDUSA. Artist Dulal dedicates this art specially to artist Gurung. He said that he finds artist Gurung´s work really inspirational and beautiful. ¨It is not the work I go for, it the trust, the friendship and soul of the artist I look for and all this I find in Binay Dai..¨, said artist Dulal.
¨Why did you ink Medusa?¨, I questioned him with a smile. I went blank with the word Medusa. I do not know what it is and where I have heard. I have heard it many times, But I cannot remember it now.
¨I like lady figures....Maybe because I am a boy (laughing out loud)…the broad concept is that females are in the higher power than men, isn´t it???? The earth is considered as mother earth…..the universe too…..and greatest of all ¨our mother¨….females can digest the greatest pain in life for example the pain in giving birth….this is my highest respect to our female friends….and also my attraction towards female party….¨, he said.
We both laughed out in the waiting room of the studio. We were so loud that the whole room went silenced. Everyone´s attention was towards us. We had become the center of attraction. When we turned our heads the manager was there. The manager was not happy, I must say. We apologized to the manager and continued our conversation.
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¨The reason I inked Medusa is because I find it very inspirational. To many she may be the devil. But before that, she was the most beautiful person anybody knew, even the lords. To me she is the goddess of beauty and independence. I also like her attitude. She has this attitude of not giving up on what you do…she reminds me that I should keep doing what I am good in it and be happy with what I have….one most important lesson I have learnt from her is that we can also learn from our negativity...we can put it this way, we always learn from our mistake, isn´t it????????¨, he concluded about Medusa. At this point I did not know what I could say. So I just stayed in silence and speechless. I tried to think of one best answer to his question but sadly I could not. This time we were softer. We were so soft that we could hear the others clearly. But we did not get distracted and kept our voice as it was.
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There are various other signs inked like love and affection, protection signs, Perseus, etc. on his arm. He said that each one has its own meaning but not personally related to him like Medusa.
¨What difference do you find now and back in the tourism industry?¨
¨Hmmm….now I feel more happy….I do not have any sort of regrets…I like the career as an artist…I meet daily interesting people…sometimes you met really good people who becomes your true friends….some of my clients are my close friends now…when I was a city guide I enjoyed meeting people (new culture, new faces and new language) but it was very seasonal…nothing was stable…sometime you get many tourist, difficult to handle while sometime you do not get even one…moreover, everything was schedule like get to the office at 9:00 a.m., daily book-keeping, tour the clients, and so on…the opening hour was fixed but the closing hours were never fixed…sometimes you reach home late night sometimes not at all…But now I do not have such schedules…I come to office in time, do my work and go home early…Binay´s Dai is very understanding and professional person…He never orders me like in my past offices…here I get my freedom in my work and my art…and I happy that Binay Dai is always behind me…He guides me every single day not just with work……¨, said artist Dulal.
I, myself found the calmness and patience of 74 years old Bob very interesting as well as fascinating at the same time. Bob was a hippie looking man. His concept was to get inked in every country he visits. ¨Hey, Bob if you get this message do not forget to message me back because I want to write about your story, your ideas and experiences…I am sure you have a lot with you….¨
I got all the information from him. We then chatted about the funny things we did in the past like me splashing colors on the class walls and drawing all the naughty signs on the doors and walls. I do not know whether it is funny or not but we laughed coz we found it was funny and hilarious. And, a group of young American girls entered the room. They all came for a tattoo. Everyone had different ideas and designs. But, there was one girl who had different concept. She is another Bob. She is called katherine. Her plan is also to get a tattoo from each country she visits.
Katherine and me, we became friends in Facebook. Soon I will write about her story, hopefully because her schedule is very tight. They have come in a huge group around 50 in numbers all of them are in their 20s.
Medusa was originally a golden-haired, fair maiden, who, as a priestess of Athena, was devoted to a life of celibacy; however, after being wooed by Poseidon and falling for him, she forgot her vows and married him. For this offence, she was punished by the goddess in a most terrible manner. Each wavy lock of the beautiful hair that had charmed her husband was changed into a venomous snake; her once gentle, love-inspiring eyes turned into blood-shot, furious orbs, which excited fear and disgust in the mind of the onlooker; whilst her former roseate hue and milk-white skin assumed a loathsome greenish tinge.
Seeing herself transformed into such a repulsive creature, Medusa fled her home, never to return. Wandering about, abhorred, dreaded, and shunned by the rest of the world, she turned into a character worthy of her outer appearance. In her despair, she fled to Africa, where, while wandering restlessly from place to place, young snakes dropped from her hair; that is how, according to the ancient Greeks, Africa became a hotbed of venomous reptiles.
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storyofmytattoo-blog · 8 years ago
The Eye
¨I was in that moment of life where you get totally confused. You do not know what to do next, what you want to do, where to start, how to start and so on…And that´s the time I met Binay Gurung brother. He is my guru……my adviser…. my source of motivation…..¨, shared Kovit Rai (Artist in Ink´s Inc. Tattoo, Thamel).
Kovit had completed his high school with flying colors. However, his life took a turn when he was in the engineering field. He shared that he never completed the degree. He got influence and roamed around bunking classes. But, he completed a diploma in Humanities, Indian Board.
¨Can you tell me more about your relationship with Brother Binay Gurung?¨
¨Brother Binay gave me the platform. He saw my great interest in tattoo. Without a question he got me in. He trained me and polished me. I am here with him even today. I am absolutely sure that I will be working with me really long. He is a big brother to me….a teacher…..and a legend to me, personally….¨, replied Kovit.
¨Why did not you join art field after high school?¨
There was a short silence. I did not speak. I did want to disturb the moment. He was thinking, that I can tell.
¨Hmmm….art was only a hobby at that point…I had filled my school desks and college desks with various drawings and sketches. It was just so fun thing to do. But I never gave a deep thought to it, like I said it was only a hobby at that point…the other thing is that my dad is a teacher and I got every necessary guidance I wanted in my studies…and since I was good in studies I joined in time was very popular (more respect and more money)…..¨
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He recalled that at the beginning stage, he felt like he knew everything. Even when he inked a small tattoo, he thought he had become a pro and became very proud. But the more he practiced and inked, the more he felt he knew nothing at all. He shared, ¨When you are a beginner, you feel you are superb good. You feel as if you have read and practiced ever little details. But the deeper you get into it, you become more curious and hungry. Every day you feel you need to learn when you are down into it. You must be hungry enough to get in and learn every small things you can..¨
Artist Rai´s parents has always been very supportive. He said that ¨My parent´s always supported me and they still do.¨ and never said ¨No¨ to learning new things. Even when he decided to learn tattooing, his father motivated him to do so. They had purchased his first tattoo machine which was very expensive in those days. Yes sometimes they questioned him about his earning, it is practical, isn´t it??? Anyone´s parents would do it, would not they???????
¨Sometime, my dad ask me how will I earn money? and he questions will the money I earn now be enough when I have my own family?¨
We did not know what to say so we just laughed. Before, he continued a client entered the room. He had inked the client a day before. He came back to get cream since he could not get it in the market. Artist Rai asked to me to excuse him in the most polite manner I can imagine. I tried to see what design the client had but I could not get a sight. It was inked in his chest. And he had worn a pull cover with a hat. They went to the other corner of the waiting room. In about 3 minutes, the client was gone with a warm goodbye. It took us about 2 minutes to get on the track again (laughing).
¨So what do/did you say to you parents when they say that (Laughing)?¨
Another silence took in. In 2012, an Englishman took my first speaking test (IELTS). In the test, he said that I only spoke the sentences with a second thought. He also mentioned that I knew exactly what to say next thing in my interview. I saw something similar with artist Rai today. However, he was more cautious to his words than myself. He knew exactly what he said and had to say. I did not have that skill in 2012. If I had, I would have been long gone from Nepal (Laughing at myself).
¨Every time they said that I told them to be patience……everything will be alright…..will earn enough money in time. And, I said that ¨Nothing happens with a click¨ but with happiness….and we all laugh about it…¨
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Artist Rai has an eye tattoo on his left arm. The eye reminds him of his past. However, it is dedicated to his present sight. He shared that about 4 years ago, his eye sight was very weak. His power was about minus six. After the laser surgery he did not had to wear glasses. This was a miracle to him.
Portrait of Amy Winehouse on the same arm represents his highest respect to her. He shared that he feels the pains and sorrows in her songs. He feels her feelings through her songs. ¨Legend Amy, left us really early. But she left behind a-lot. She is not physically around. But having her portrait means she is still alive, she breaths while I breath. To me she will be gone only when I am gone.¨, he said. His voice was very low and filled with emotions when he spoke about Legend Amy.
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While the rose and lady face was a cover up to his previous tattoo. They do not have a specific meaning. However, it is the art of his guru. So basically, it speaks the relationship between the student and teacher.
He dedicates his left arm to artist Gurung. He states that he is really happy with the awesome work of Artist Gurung. He also mentioned that it is a gift from his guru that will be with him throughout his life and that he can take with him when I leaves this world.
The Elements Back-Piece (Water, Fire, Air, Wind and Land) on his back was inked during the Nepal Tattoo Convention. It was inked by Artist Bimal Rai (Tattoo Legend in Nepal) and artist Raph Cemo who has more than 60 thousands followers around the world. The design was completed in 5.5 hours. He states that both the artist have high respect in the industry and considers them as legends. He felt a lot of pain but he digested them because legends inked him. This master piece is also a source inspiration for him to choose tattooing as his career. And the work gave them the award ¨Best Of The Day¨ in the convention competition.
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We spoke for about 30 minutes. When I had nothing to ask him he joined Artist Gurung in the renovation of the studio. I second check my notes if I had missed anything. And, I tried to remember every word he had said. But my mind was blasting with the story. All I had in my mind was ¨I will start this way, follow with this and end that way¨. Since, I did not want to disturb anyone and get diverted I left the studio in happiness. We farewell with big smiles.
Artist Raph Cemo worked at Kids Love Ink East in London until recently; he now resides in Canada and works as a permanent guest in San Diego, Oakland and Chicago.
Artist Bimal Rai is from Dharan, Nepal where he own a studio with the name Static Engravers Tattoo Workshop. He is also an artist in Jad´s Tattoo Studio.
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storyofmytattoo-blog · 8 years ago
Ganesha (Symbol of Our Marriage)
¨My wife is very fond of Lord Ganesha. I do not know the exact reason. But it has now become the symbol of our relation. It represents our marriage, too…We have hung a 1.5 meter tall Ganesha in our room…It looks magnificent and every time I look at it I only feel the happiness and joy..It reminds me of every single second of our life and the days we make it happier always…¨, shared Dusan (Croatia).
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Professionally, he is a biologist. He is currently involved in the project based in Chitwan, Nepal. He has been in the field since the last 12 years. And, this is his third visit to Nepal. He said that Nepal is an awesome country where you feel the real air and happiness in life. The project´s target is to carry a research on five to six ; Tiger, Rhino and more.
Back in Croatia, he is the director of Institute of Biodiversity. He also lectures in the university on his free will. He plans to arrange an exchange program for the biology students between Nepal and Croatia especially. However, he states that source of funding is the main obstacles for the exchange program to function with ease. But he is positive that fund will come in time; it´s only a matter of time.
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The scary part is that he enjoys working with snakes. He says, ¨People are very scare of snakes but I do not know why I just enjoy working with snakes. I do a lot of research on snakes. It is the best part of my profession…¨ His main goal to carry a research on python because it is the biggest snake in Nepal.
¨We were looking for a symbol. And that´s when we found Ganesha. Firstly, it's the symbol of our marriage. Secondly, my relation with Nepal….¨, he concluded about Ganesha.
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¨Does your wife know you got Ganesha inked?¨
¨No..not really..I have not told her..She will know when I go back home..She always wanted to get a tattoo of Ganesha but now I got it first..(laughing)…she will be very surprised (laughing louder)….¨, he replied.
¨Why did you decide to ink it in Nepal?¨
¨I could print a photo and get inked back home. But it will not be a good one because it is not in our culture. The tattoo will be bad for sure…trust me.....Ganesha comes from Hindu Religion. And, Hindus know how to ink it perfectly…I got it in Nepal because Nepal is a culturally diversified and the artists know exactly how to ink Ganesha…It's in a Nepali blood so it will be really good one....I am glad I got it in Nepal and from a Nepali artists (Anuz Shahi)…It reminds me of my relationship with Nepal…¨, Dusan said.
¨How did you met your wife?¨
¨Well….We met in a party…the first time I saw her I wanted to be with her…Before she left the party I walked to her and talked to her.....I managed to get her number…I called her immediately to check if it was the right number.....and it was the right number…I asked her if we can meet the next day?……¨
I turned very curious. I felt the goosebumps. I wanted to hear their story. And, I asked him, ¨And, what did she say?¨
¨To be honest…she said yes....But I think she said it so that I do not feel bad….and did not want to leave bad impression.....That´s how girls are.....They do not want to turn down anyone and make anyone feel bad…we spoken quite often in the phone.....and we met 2 days later after the party.¨, he shared.
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¨You said she came to Nepal, right?¨
¨Yes…one week before my flight I asked her if she would like to come with me to Nepal. She said yes. I felt really happy…and strange because we just met couple of weeks ago…I knew we were made for each other because we just met a couple of weeks ago and she traveled thousands of miles to be with me…she had never traveled before that…this is love, true love…¨, he replied with a big smile..
¨She came as a tourist.She is now a ranger in Croatia....Their role is above thing is that you can hardly see an army in Croatia regular professional role is very small…¨, he answered with pride.
¨What was your intention?¨
¨My intention was to be with her....that is it....I just wanted to be with her and see her and have her by my side…because I like and was in love with her…¨
They have two children now; 3 years young son and 1.5 years young daughter. He states that his wife´s happiness is his first priority. And, feels proud of his children because they make them happy always and brings surprises every day. Their children are very funny because they have so much to share…. To him there is nothing interesting than his children. And he enjoys listening his children´s daily activities …
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¨Sometimes, your wife come home tired and stress out…so what do you do to lighten her up?¨
¨Ahm…I cooked food for us and brought wine, too…when we had holidays we went for hike and walked....but now our children makes us happy and forget all the work stress with their funny but interesting what they did, who they met, about their teacher,, about their classmates and so on….and we also walk in around with our is very good......amazing feeling…¨
He referred the moment they met the wild elephant funny as well as dreadful one. They were both drunk he elephant appeared right-in-front of them They had never seen an elephant before. Seeing this big monster with ghost ears and crazy eyes, they froze. They felt the biggest fear of their life. Somehow they managed to escape behind the gate.
Funny thing is that they met the same monster again. This time, they were in the river and the elephant appeared from the tall grasses. It was about 200 meters away. We and ran. But the monster was quick even though he just walked. He got too close to us. From 200 meters, it came close to 40 or 50 meters to us. We ran into forest before the center. locals had ran away because they had seen quicker. Finally, the lost their track when they entered the small dense forest.
In the end, Dusan said to me, ¨Do things that make you happy because doing so we feel satisfied and inner joy in life….¨ I felt really glad and thank him for his wonderful words. I got a big brother´s advice.
Ganesha is also known as Ganapati and Vinayaka, is one of the best-known and most worshiped deities in the Hindu pantheon. His image is found throughout India, Sri Lanka and Nepal. Hindu worship him regardless of affiliations. Devotion to Ganesha is widely diffused and extends to Jains and Buddhists . Although he is known by many attributes, Ganesha's elephant head makes him easy to identify.
Ganesha is widely revered as the remover of obstacles, the patron of arts and sciences and the deva of intellect and wisdom. As the god of beginnings, he is honored at the start of rituals and ceremonies.
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storyofmytattoo-blog · 8 years ago
Wolf (Two Sides Of Life)
¨You are walking towards a forest, Do you think the tree leaves will be like; autumn ( no papers and you can see the sun) or spring (little bit of sun) or like summer( cannot see the sun)?¨
¨Why are you asking me this? I am little confused.¨, I said with a smile.
¨It is nothing at all. You can choose any option you wish.¨, he said (laughing).
¨Then you pass through the forest; you find the fence easy to pass through or little high you need to jump over or the fence is so high that you cannot pass through?¨
¨I will find an easy way to pass through..I mean I will just walk through it.¨
¨Then you find a house, do you think there will be stairs or no?¨
¨I think there will be stairs for sure.¨
¨Then you enter the house and you find an old box. Do you think you will find a silk shawl or antique collections?¨
¨Hmmmm…Silk shawls¨
¨This means you have hope, dream and you are fighting for it. Nothing can stop you from your dream. You miss the romantic part in your life and sometimes you need the help of others. Am I correct???¨
¨Well….(silence)….90% you are correct.¨, I replied (laughing). I wanted to tell him it was 100% correct but I could not. Maybe I was little bossy, I think. Or maybe, stubborn. He is so correct that I miss the romantic part a-lot. It has been 5 years that I have been single, why would not I miss it? Of course, I have all the right to it. It is not just the romantic part, I miss every single moment with my ex. Wish there was a single word to describe it and wish I could go back and make everything right again. But, it is too late.
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I went blank when Wega concluded. This was the first time my psychology was studied. I cannot describe the feeling I felt at that moment. I went numb, totally. I had no words. I only said, ¨Thank you!¨ and that was it. Curiosity flowed in my veins, I felt it, easily and was so amazement. I asked him, ¨How did you do that?¨
¨I studied psychology. However, I did not continue because many of my friends went too deep and I did not like it myself. Moreover, I did not have enough time because my 24 hours were divided into two parts; psychology and engineering study. Everyday, I only studied and studied. I studied so much that at one point I was completely done with it. Many psychology students also go crazy because they go too deep into it……¨, replied Wega (smiling).
Currently, Wega is in the cabin crew in Dubai. He enjoys it a-lot. He said that it is a wonderful place and really like his current career. Wega said, ¨We have a choice to choose; Yes or No. It is the two sides of our life. And this is my philosophy.¨ He simplified with an example; the only way not to be raped is by being happy because rapist only rape a person who fear them.
¨When you are in the professional world, we must always protect each other. We must create a brotherhood environment. And, always complete the assigned work in time. It is very simple; more hands more powerful, more good the better you are.¨, he shared.
He added, ¨We must always take risk and deal in group. And, you protect your employee, you will be their guy. This gives you better output in time.¨
He surprised me every single second that increased my curiosity continuously. I was like, ¨How come this guy knows so much. What did he eat? From where did he come? What is he in real? Am I dreaming? Is this real for sure? Was this guy sent to educate me? Or was he here to help me achieve my dream?¨. I questioned myself constantly because every single word he spoke just brought smile on my round smiley face. And all I wanted to do was just listen and listen. This is why I did not break-in when he spoke. Normally, I am a talkative boy and more irritating. But not today, I just wanted to keep my mouth shut and listen. That was it. And that was what I did.
We then moved to the tattoo topic like I did with every other friend. I felt awkward because he was in the middle of a very interesting and educative topic. I could not stop blaming myself. I wanted to keep him going but I felt I must not waste his valuable time. He only had few hours to spent before he fly to Dubai, for work.
¨What tattoo do you have?¨, I asked him politely.
¨I have a wolf tattoo. I had designed it and it took me more than 9 months.¨, he answered more politely than I could imagine. My politeness was nothing compared to his.
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¨Do you have a name for your tattoo?¨
¨Yes, I call it Two Sides of Life.¨
¨Why is that so?¨
¨Well, everything in life has two sides; good and bad. Especially, we humans are something else inside and something else outside. Even in life, I switched my full career to be a cabin crew from engineering. I am enjoying this life career better than the last one. Each time I see my tattoo, it reminds me of my old days (job) and advises me not to trust anyone (policy). However, the brighter side represent my current life. It reminds me that there is a bright light on the other side.¨
¨How was your old days? I mean why does the dark side represent your old job specifically?¨, I asked in apologetically.
¨I left my job to start my own company. I had given full authority to deal with my bank accounts to my ex company. One morning, along with the mail papers I had signed a document mistakenly. My ex company had planned it. They took every penny that I had saved to start a sister company. And, I went back to the starting point.¨, he said in a pale voice.
There was a short silence. We spoke not a word. He then filled his cup with his fourth coffee. And, offered me a cigarette. He flipped the lighter and the fire came on. I lit my cigarette and so did he. We enjoyed our cigarette in silence. By this time, the sun was already out. He put on his sunglasses. I just enjoyed the warm sun on my cheeky and oily face. It was after such a long time I had sun light on my face. Everyday, I stayed in and met friends in the sun´s absence.
¨Everyday I worked more than 8 hours a day for 7 years. And, in the end I lost all my money. I was deceived by the same people I had trusted the most. ¨, he concluded and swiped his coffee.
Another silence broke out. This time it was longer. I scrabbled on the paper he had filled in with the details. It became too untidy. I read and reread every little words he had written and I had written myself. I apologized to him for making it so dirty. He said, ¨It is your paper, not a problem.¨ And we laughed out loud. And, another silence again. This time, I spoke first.
¨Do you think you will remove your tattoo in future?¨, I asked in broken voice.
¨No, not at all. I designed it. Plus, it has already become a part of me. It reminds me of the philosophy I believe in that is the 2 sides of our life; THE GOOD AND THE BAD.¨, he answered with a big smile.
I check in again from top to bottom if there was anything I had missed. We had talked about his beliefs, jobs and his tattoo. There was nothing more I could asked him. He asked me if he had missed anything. I replied, ¨No, not all I believe. However, can I message in Facebook if I forget anything?¨
¨Yes, absolutely.¨
We ended our morning meeting there. Brother Wega disappeared for about 5 minutes. The waiter came by. I asked him for the bill. His answered surprise d me. Brother had paid the bills. I felt little unhappy because I had invited brother and he paid the bill. This is completely wrong, isn´t it? Before we said our last goodbye brother said;
¨Remember you work for yourself not for others.¨
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storyofmytattoo-blog · 8 years ago
¨I had visited many tattoo studios in Thamel. I must say…I was not impressed....I would rather say I was unhappy.....It is not that they are not good.....They are very good....They have very good portfolios. But I had something different in demand….I was looking for something different….an artist good in details and creativity….plus an artist who could give me their creative work in respect to my ideas and wish…¨, said Robin a recent graduate in Master of Business Administration from Homes College, Australia. Currently, he is on a family visit to Nepal. He will fly back on 15th February 2017.
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This is the first time I met someone who actually had done a lot of research. He was so confused because there are so many artists and studios in Kathmandu with different charges. Why would not one???? Of course we will be. I was confused at first; where should I go, whom should I talk, how should I talk, how do I approach and so on. There is always a confusion in life. And that´s why we need friends who guide us to the right direction.
Robin consulted his friend (Germany). The friend recommended him to Eros Ink Studio. He did his homework. He looked at the portfolio and Facebook for details including the recent video (TATTOO TIME-LAPSE Eros ink Nepal - music by virtual riot: energy drink). Then he visited the studio. He said, ¨The impressive thing is they (Eros Ink Studio) asked me for my ideas and designs firstly. I felt glad. I also liked their video, too. Besides, their warm professionalism, I really like their price. It is very affordable and their have very good portfolio.¨
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Robin is a chef in Australia. He was involved in the restaurant business from the very beginning. He is certified as a chef in Level 4 (Commercial Level). In the near future, he wishes to own his own Fine Dining business. It is not yet decided where he will have it but he will have it, guaranteed. We joked about cooking (Your future wife will be really happy because you will cook delicious food).
¨Is the Lion your first tattoo?¨, I asked him.
¨Yes, it is. I got it last October 2016.…I am glad I got it.¨, he replied gracefully.
¨Why the Lion and not any other?¨. This time I was more curious. I questioned him with a smile.
¨ first I was not sure about it......then I thought about the year 2014 and 2015..It was really hard years.....I changed my stream from Tourism to Management........However, I only paid my bills and never attended any classes......Soon all my friends had passed out and so the juniors....I was lacking behind....At one time I even thought of quitting it....I must say those two years was not a happy one at all…It was like a nightmare…I could not passed my tests especially accounting....I was always weak in it…I did not focus in it because I did not like it all.. ¨, he said and stopped. He logged in his Facebook. He checked his notification and messages. And then he continued.
¨The lion defines my struggles that I faced in 2014 and 2015. I had two options; quit and return or face it like the Lion does. Firstly, I thought of quitting and returning. But my friends stopped me and so my parents did. They motivated and showed me the positive side. And, that´s when I realized why I was born in the Lion year. I felt I was sent there to face the other side of my life. In Nepal, I had nothing to worry about. I had everything. But here, I had nothing. I had to start everything all over again. And so, I decided to stay back and continue my studies…now I have completed with satisfying grades and I am very happy. I have a good job that pays good money, too.¨, he continued joyously.
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¨In one sentence, it defines the courage and fight back I had taken to overcome my struggles.¨, he concluded.
His story made me think for a while. Recently, I had planned to go either to Australia or USA for my masters (Finance and Accounting). However, I had stopped going to my consultancy. I do not know why. I was so one-sided. I was completely blank. There was only one thing - Australia or USA, nothing. Then my brother (Germany to Dubai) clarified my doubts. He said, ¨If you think your Daddy is wrong, do you have a guarantee that you will get good job and at the same time complete your studies? Do you think things will be like you think and say?? You must always look into both sides of life. You cannot directly jump into conclusion. I see your desires to study in that countries but we must consider all the factors. I would say, ¨Think about it one more time.¨ Maybe you got other options. Why not try for Europe? They got good education and systems, too. Most importantly, it is cheaper.¨ I must be honest, I was not happy with him at first. Then the next morning, I felt really glad i had spoken to my brother. He just enlightened me.
There was short a silence. It was peaceful for a moment. And then I questioned him again. This time, my voice was much softer than I can imagine but the curiosity level was way high.
¨Where did you ink your lion?¨
¨It was in Australia. I paid way too much. It is very expensive in there. A beginner will charge around $150 per hour while an expert will charge $250 minimum. It cost me around $400 for it. But I am happy. At that time, I did not do any research. I just wanted it, so money did not matter much. But now, I am more rational and specified.¨, he replied with a smile.
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¨And what does your Mandala represent?¨
¨To be honest, I do not have the core meaning for it. My friend has one. It is very simple, yet beautiful. I…think....I like it because it is simple, easy to ink and has very beautiful appearance….¨
¨What is your advice to those who wish to study in Australia?¨
¨One must know that it is not easy country to be in. It is very difficult to do two things in balance. You either have to work or study. That´s how it is in Australia…so one must be ready to face any kind of obstacles with confidence and courageously if they wish to study in Australia....and be committed to their decision…¨, shared Robin.
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Before our farewell, Robin showed me his hidden tattoo. Its the chef´s hat and knife. It represents his profession and his passion for it. He shared that he wanted it as his first tattoo but was not ready. But today he is because he has been in the profession for long and serves more than 500 customers daily. He is well known as Chef Robin among his colleagues and regular customers who admire his hard-work, warm attitude, passion and curiosity to learn everyday.
From Robin´s story I learned that we must always be ready for the worst situation. And be committed to our decision wisely and courageously. I am happy that he educated me and opened my mind once again for different possibilities.
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storyofmytattoo-blog · 8 years ago
Travelling is Working
¨I travel every year for 2 months. You need to travel. It makes you very healthy and powerful, too..This time I am in Nepal…Before I travel to Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Cambodia and many more...I love travelling, meeting people and making friends every is very good….¨, says Duchen a Chinese Traditional Painting whose original plan was to travel for 1 year.
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After Nepal, she will travel to India, Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt and Morocco (probably). It is a six months journey around. She said that her budget is very tight but we must not back-off. She says, ¨You must always have a sunshine in heart even at bad times.¨
This was her first time that she had requested her close friends to contribute some yuan to complete her travel. She says that it is not a big amount but collectively it is a big amount. More than 30 of her closest friends had sent money to her.
Our conversation was quite difficult. It is because I do not know a single Chinese word (laughing). However, we managed to understand each other. We spoke about travel, language and culture. She used simple, understanding and key words that I could understand her easily.
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¨Are your parents also artist?¨, I asked slowly.
¨No, My parents are no artist. My mother work in newspaper and my father in government. I do painting from my childhood. My father and mother always support me. They says, ¨You want to be an artist, okay you be an artist. You want to travel, okay you go travel.¨ You know they love me and care me very much.¨
Sometime, not everyone can be as lucky as Duchen, isn´t it? Most of our parents want us to continue the legacy but not Duchen´s parents. We laughed a lot because Duchen is a very cheerful and optimist person. After every word, she stopped because she chose to speak the perfect sentences. She spoke very slowly but perfectly.
¨So can you tell me about your tattoo?¨
¨ is my first tattoo. I am very happy. And I am the first person in my family to have it.¨
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¨Where did you get this idea?¨
¨Today morning my boyfriend messaged me. He wrote me a letter in Chinese…It is a very big one. It is in a traditional Chinese paper…The last two sentence means - no matter…. the edge of the sea or horizon of the sky..if your heart is in peace..everywhere…is your home town..¨, Duchen said smiling.
¨I feel like we are made for each other. We have a different connection. We communicate a lot..understand each other and know each other. His letter is very wonderful and touching. I am happy that I met him. His words and feelings made me have a tattoo. However, the main reason to get a tattoo is to gift myself a new year gift. ¨, she added.
¨Why this tattoo specifically?¨
¨You see…it is very simple and easy to draw…less money, too (Laughing). Also, I design it. The person holding the heart is me and my heart. It means no matter where you go or where you are, you must be strong and be positive even at bad times, also. I am very positive person. Being positive brings you good things and happiness, you know?¨, she replied in much happiness.
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¨How did you meet your boyfriend?¨
¨…it is very interesting story…one day I go restaurant with friend. He invite me for dinner after work. There I met my boyfriend co-incidentally. My boyfriend is a musician. He was an editor in the television. Now he changed his job. He is now a businessman. He makes more money now. He also a loan officer (real estate) and makes Chinese Jewel….Chinese Jewel (traditional Stone) very expensive. We have factory in China. He also..(how to say)..from my home town..¨, she said. This time she giggled and laughed a lot. It was very happy moment.
Duchen is very interesting and friendly person. I am glad I met her in my journey as a writer. We talked a lot about travel experiences and cultures. It is always nice to meet people from different language and culture. I find it very educative, fascinating and productive then sitting home watching movies.
She also educated me that travelling means not on a holiday. ¨You travel 5 days a week. Then you take rest because you work for 5 days. I plan then I travel. So I am working, not travelling, you see, right??¨, she shared in the most fascinating and surprising way I could not imagine. Now, you see how good it is to meet a person like Duchen.
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storyofmytattoo-blog · 8 years ago
The Artist
Maybe today´s story is out of track, is it? No, absolutely not. How can you say that? We are on the right track as usual. Yes it is true that Story Of My Tattoo discloses the relationship between the tattoo and it´s owner including the owner background, beliefs, opinions, views, suggestions, profession both current and past, artists and studios, relationships, society, tradition, religious beliefs and many more.
Story Of My Tattoo talks about tattoo artist, too. Why? Is that what you have in mind? A client visits a studio. Their shares their ideas, emotions and feelings to an artists. The artist then does his/her homework. They youtube it...understand their clients. In all, they directly or indirectly get involved in the story even if it´s a tiny dot. The client´s story becomes an artist´s story. Is it not?
Right now, I am with artist Anuz Shahi, Eros Ink Studio. He has been in the industry since the last 1 and half year. Surprisingly, he is the only artist without a tattoo I have met till date. Here is our conversation in the studio. Now, lets listen to what he has to say.
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¨Why do not you have a tattoo?¨
¨Well, I am an artist. It is not a compulsion for an artist to have a tattoo. Its enough to ink others. Moreover, It is a completely different thing; Having a collection of arts does not make a person an artist. They are just art lover. Not having a tattoo on me does not mean I am not an artist. To hang an art of other´s and to draw an art are two different thing, completely.¨
¨Has anyone tried to influence you to have one?¨
¨Yes, my friends have tried many times but I have stood strong on my choice. Their belief is that, as an artist one must have a tattoo. It makes you feel the pain that help an artist to perform better and one will know the client´s pain that I disagree completely. There is no relation between the pain an artist experience to that of the client.¨, he answered boldly.
¨Every individual have different sensation. We all feel different level of pain. Some clients want to have more tattoo even though their body is completely covered while some clients feel unconscious after few minutes. ¨, he added.
¨So what is the best way to know the client´s pain in your opinion?¨
¨Well…I study my client´s body language and movements as well as their expression to know their level of pain because we all experience different level of pain, isn´t it? That is why, different artist takes different amount of time to complete the same design, don´t they? Moreover, I take breaks from time to time even if I am not tired so that my client can relax and feel more comfortable. I also interact with my clients during the process that help them to forget the pain. We speak about popular news and topics including celebrities, music, sports, etc.¨
¨Who do you think feels more pain, male or female?¨
¨According to the research females feel less pain biologically (females can control the biggest pain that is giving birth). However, females freak out mostly. I think it is the mental fear that females experience.¨
¨What made you choose this career?¨
¨I was always busy in work. Due to this I could not give a continuity to my art. In addition, I had no idea what I wanted to become. To get experience I joined multiple companies as an intern as well as employee including N-cell. However in time, I realized that my passion was in art. I did a-lot of research. And so on I saved a good amount of money to purchase my own instrument to begin my career as a tattoo artist. Once I had my instruments, I practiced on fake-skins in my house.¨
¨What was your family´s reaction?¨
¨My parents are very supportive. But they were unsecured because I was never stuck to one field. And , my interest and profession was different. For example I was interested in art but I was working in N-cell as an employee. But now, both my interest and profession are in one field i.e. Tattoo Artist.¨
¨What was your first tattoo?¨
¨There was a guy who had noticed my passion in art since the day I started in my home. One day, he had asked me to ink him. I refused with an excuse (I am sorry I do not have an ink) because I was not confident. However, he did not leave me alone. And so I did the cover up with a tribal design.¨
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¨What was his reaction?¨
¨Although It was good, I think he felt quite much pain. It was my first time. We have not met after that day (Laughing). Plus, it was the first time I had used a machine on someone…and from that day on-wards I inked my friends one after another. It increased my portfolio, confidence and understanding level, too. Today, all my clients are very happy and respect my work. Plus, I get more clients through my clients..¨
¨Has your clients asked whether you have a tattoo?¨
¨Yes, I have been asked frequently in the starting stage. Sometimes, it was very irritating while other times I felt happy they asked because I get to express my opinion…In the beginning phase, they did not trust me as I was young and my get-up was also simple. But now, my get-up has changed professionally. I have piercing as well as dreadlocks that makes them believe I am a tattoo artist. Now-a-days, hardly clients question me.¨
¨What type of clients do you get?¨
¨Well, mostly random clients stop by. Their preferences are pictures in catalogs or google (tattoo) pictures. Here it is still a fashion to get a tattoo. However, slowly the trend is changing. The number of clients who get meaningful tats are rising.¨
¨So what is your preference?¨
¨I want clients who wants to have a tattoo related to them. I want to ink such designs that carries messages; be portraits or creative designs either way it must be meaningful and artistic….¨
¨Will you get inked in future?¨
¨In time I will have one for sure. However, I will do a-lot of research on the artist who will ink me. And, the design will be my own. But not very soon because my interest keep changing (Laughing out loud) and busy learning new ideas and skills.¨
¨Lastly, who is your role model?¨
¨Ahm…I learnt my basic on you-tube and google because I have not been in an art school. And from a neighbor who was good in sketches. However, I consider Eros Maharjan (Artist from Eros Ink Studio) as my role model. In terms of relationship he is my son-in-law, in terms of age I call him my elder brother while professionally he is my guru. He taught me and always included me in his work. He trained me practically to reach this point which might have taken much longer without his generosity and guidance…¨
¨Thank you! For your time and co-operation. We wish you an awesome journey and hope you have lots of clients flowing daily. We will introduce you to those we meet in this process..¨
¨THANK YOU, too. It is my pleasure. I am glad that I got a chance to express my views and ideas. Please keep doing what you are doing and do not stop. It is a good platform for an artist like myself as well as to the tattoo lovers who can share their stories. I am confident that your effort will bring positive vibe in our industry and society as a whole. Finally, Please do not judge an artist from their get-up but through their portfolio.¨
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Here, we cannot judge the book by its cover, can we?. It is not necessary that an artist should have a tattoo. For an example, not every doctor carries a stethoscope. do they? We cannot say a doctor with a gown or stethoscope not a doctor, can we? Of course not, how can we? Likewise, it is not necessary a tattoo artist should have a tattoo to show that he/she is an artist? Moreover, there is no any rule that one must have a tattoo to proof that he/she is an artist. It is not written anywhere that an artist should have a tattoo inked.
Similarly, every artist have a different method to ink, to feel the pain, to know the client, to treat the client, to communicate with the client, to motivate the client, to understand the client and know the client to provide the best service an artist can offer. We can only judge the artist through his work not through his appearance.
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