Thank you & the entire list of questions
The combination of my words placed next to one another do not come close to explaining how grateful I am to those of you who contributed your delicate, honest, and hidden truths that made this creation possible. Enjoy and read through as many answers as you would like!
1. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
2. Describe your perfect day.
3. What makes you cry?
4. If you were to abolish one piece of modern technology, what would it be and why?
5. What was the best phase of your life?
6. Draw your life in the representation of a line.
7. What would you sacrifice your life for?  
8. Describe the person who changed your life.
9. What makes you happiest?
10. What is “home” to you?
11. What single message would you send to an advanced alien species?
12. If you were on death row, what would your final meal be?
13. What was the worst phase of your life?
14. If you had to choose to live with out one of the five senses, what would you give up?
15. What is the first line of your story?
16. Extra or Bubbilicious?
17. What easy thing do you often screw up on?
18. What movie sequel do you wish you could remove from history?
19. What do you define as manliness?
20. How do you want to be remembered?
21. Where do you see yourself in five years?
22. What would you do if you had the time and the money?
23. What would you put on your tombstone?
24. If you could change one law, what would it be?
25. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?
26. What does the word love mean to you?
27. Ask a question.
Unfortunately because of the amount of responses, I was only able to publish 10 of the questions and 5 responses each. However, this project sparked a passion for me and I hope to continuing collecting hidden truths and create a much larger and detailed book.  
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1. The chicken because I can’t picture a chicken being born other than by a laid egg from another chicken itself. 2. My perfect day is driven by emotion from waking up early inn the morning to staying out late at night, a consistent emotion I’ll feel is this one where actions are the first idea in mind and there is no room for deep thought. Waking up early eating breakfast, getting inn the car and being productive in some way, getting home around 2-3pm and relaxing a little before taking a nap, maybe watching a movie, then having a good friend of mine hit me up to go out. Then staying out until about 4-5am because of how good the night is and being under the influence together with a bunch of different people we meet along the way and even the different places the night takes us. 3. I’m pretty emotional, but it only takes certain things to make me cry. One for example being so attached to someone in a short amount of time and then never knowing when the next time I’ll see them is. 4. Microchip identification, if it’s already been launched somewhere inn the world. 5. Probably senior year in high school, because I was so certain of what I wanted and comfortable with where I was physically, mentally spiritually, yet even though it was living a life where I was lying to myself, I was happy. I’m pretty excited for the next years to come as well though. 6. Just picture my line as a zigzag with high peaks and low valleys, where right now I’m slowly beginning to incline from a petty deep valley. 7. What I believe in 8. Ernesto Nieto, founder and president of the National Hispanic Institute 9. A genuine conversation with someone of an open mind, a deep and intricate story, and a diverse perspective. Preferably I  Spanish or English 10. Home is more than a location to me, it’s where my family and our comfort and safety as well as best memories and absolute potential lies. To be more specific, Garden City, KS or Commerce City, CO. 11. We are not all the same. Know who to trust. 12. My mom’s spicy mole with rice and flour tortillas 13. Freshman year of college, where I experienced a lot of emotional disruption from the people around me, my spiritual and sexual confusion as they both intersectionalized each other, and all around thinking about where I am going with my life. 14. The least painful one to give up I’d definitely have to say is smell. 15. I’ve definitely come a long way, I just wish I didn’t feel so alone thinking about my journey. 16. Bubbalicious because I love making the big bubbles with it. 17. Remembering something on the spot is something I often struggle with. 18. Haha that’s definitely a tough one I can’t give an answer to right now.. 19. The ability to enforce your own personal beliefs and values with the moral confidence and mental strength that cannot be broken. I think this can actually apply to women as well. Just being an overall strong person in beliefs, mentality, values, lifestyle, physical and mental endurance. 20. As a leader that could be looked to for all areas of life. The image of what a a peaceful life of success and meaning, and to have passed it on to futher genereations. 21. Graduated, travelling the world, making an impact on the youth from my community, and interacting with people that I know will only help me prosper in life. 22. Build my parents a home, start a campaign for presidency, pilot my own travelling program for high school youth empowerment, and graduate with a doctorates degree. 23. Your life is meaningless if does not touch another life in the way that almost combines the two. 24. The process of prosecution should require a stricter mental evaluation rather than relying on one or a group of people’s word. 25. Teleportation hands down
26. Love is an interesting concept. I feel like there’s two types of ideas of love both at a similar level of strength capacity, however different in their direction as well as contributing emotions. Love can be familiar, where two people can be so close and know so much about each other to where their thoughts crave more of each other, and/or they have a desire to look after you and watch you grow in life as they’re willing to go through the same trials as you. Love can also be intimate which is much more exclusive (yes even for the polyamorous population) because there is only one or a few people on this planet that make you desire each other the way this emotion does. It makes you both/all one, and desire to look out for each other, but to also know each other in a way that nobody else will know you except for them. This is sexual, spiritual, psychological as it could break down everything you possibly know and reconstruct it around those you love intinately. It is a beautiful thing to see that I hope to feel one day for the one right person.
19 | CO
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20. How do I want to be remembered?
As a teacher I hope to be remembered as a person that inspired the future, that gave strength to the young minds that travel through my classroom. As a sister I hope to be remembered as a generous and loving supporter and keeper of memories. As a wife I hope to be remembered as an coauthor of a beautiful story. As a friend I hope to be remembered as one that provides a laugh in times of good and bad.
30 | California
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To me love is a word that has a strong meaning but one that people throw around all the time without truly feeling or understanding the word. Love is something you feel towards anyone in your life. Love is when even someone’s biggest flaws doesn’t push you away. It’s when you can’t picture your life without them and just the thought of losing them makes you tear up. Love is caring for someone and always being there for them no matter the circumstance. There’s so many different ways to describe this 4 letter word and it is a word that if I say it to you then that means it is with my whole heart and I always hope that people love me back just the same.
19 | CO
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20. How do you want to be remembered? 
 I want to be remembered as someone who was happy. Who took charge of their life and lived to the fullest. I want to be remembered as someone who inspired others to live their own truths. 
25. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?
I would want to be able to fly. To soar over the mountains and fly to the most remote places. I would use it to inspire my art and deepen my connection with the wild. 
26. What does the word love mean to you?
Love means many things… Love means unconditionally loving and respecting someone for who they truly are. Caring for someone so much their faults become beautiful. True acceptance and ability to see another’s truth with compassion in your heart. Love means the immense pain and compassion and love in my heart for all living things and this earth. Love is the joy and delight in my heart when I am doing something I love. It is when my words tumble over one another in the excitement and attempt at expressing something that I deeply care about. First and foremost, love is acceptance and respect and utter compassion for oneself. 
27. What is a question you have always wanted to ask?
Why is it so hard for us to love what is different from ourselves? 
22 | Washington State
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Questions: 20, 25-27 Close off  questions 6/28/17  @ 10:00 AM
The questions also appear on the “submit a post” menu! There you can easily copy and paste them into the answer box.
20. How do you want to be remembered? 25. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and how would you use it? 26. What does the word love mean to you? 27. What is a question you have always wanted to ask?
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20. If the question is how do I want to be remembered after I die, then I want to be remembered for exactly who I was when I was alive. So often, people romanticized and receive endless praise for how special they were; who they really were gets lost in the process. Remember me for who I really was-my personality, my flaws, my quirks, how I made you feel, what you liked/disliked, and the times I made you angry and (hopefully) happy. I strive to live life positively and treat others with great respect, but I’m not perfect! If people remember me for the person I was and the life I lived, not someone they wanted me to be, I would be satisfied.
25. Teleportation! I would also use it to see my faraway family and friends everyday. I would also travel across the world to see the most remote places, eat crepes in France, climb a mountain in China, and visit the elephants in Africa. 
26. Love love love… what a clusterf**k! To me, love means so many feelings that are endlessly contradicting each other. Love means: happiness, laughter, goosebumps, tears of joy, tears of sadness, the most immense and twisting pain in your heart, forgiveness, sacrifice, loyalty, admiration, trust, comfort, and pure devotion to another being.
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20. I want to be remembered as loving, caring and sharing.  Someone that put her family and friends first because they mean the most to me.
25.  To fly.  Not sure how I’d use it, but think it would be amazing!!
26.  There are so many different types of love that this has many answers.  There is the love you feel for your life partner that is a feeling of unconditional trust and happiness.  A feeling inside that is hard to explain, but feels hollow when not there.  Then there is the love for children & grandchildren.  This is a feeling of joy and hope and pride in everything that they do.
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20. For being rich and famous, but also kind and generous.
25. Shape-shifting, because I could use a bunch of different powers when I turn into different things.
26. Nothing much.
27. How many people are allergic to air?
10 | Kansas
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20. For being the best engineer ever
25. My superpower would be the power to copy other people’s powers. I would use it to help people.
26. Family
27. Why?
 10 | CO
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20. For being a good person.
25. I would want my superpower to be the power to imitate any other superpower. I would use it to become a superhero and help people.
26. Having a good relationship with someone.
27. Why are people so mean to each other?
 13 | CO
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20. How do you want to be remembered? I want to be remembered as selfless, a person that makes people feel loved.  They say people don’t remember what you said, but how you made them feel. 25. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?  I would want the superpower to fly! I have always considered myself a wanderlust kind of girl so then I could finally fulfill my traveling dreams.
26. What does the word love mean to you? Love means you care about someone so much you would give your own life for that person if it meant they get to keep theirs.
27. What is a question you have always wanted to ask?  How does the meaning of life differ for each person?
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(twenty six) loss.
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26. Love to me means selflessness. Thinking more and doing more for others than yourself.
25. The power to heal. Help make sick babies healthy.
xx | Nebraska 
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20. I want to be remembered young, wild, happy, and kind. 25. I would want the ability to manipulate the probability of events to happen. I’d use it to make any event happen. In a “superhero sense,” I suppose I’d use it to stop car crashes or save lives. 26. Love is picking up right where you left off, no matter the time or space in between. 27. “What do you get when you cross a rhetorical question with a joke?”
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20. I guess I just don’t want to be easily forgotten 25. I would want to know others thoughts, I am always scared to ask what someone thinks. I don’t know why I’m so timid. Yet again, would I want to know everyone thinks? 26. Love is a feeling. Love is action. Love is important. Though, there is a difference between loving someone and being in love with someone.
19 | Brush
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27. What is a question you have always wanted to ask? What makes you come alive? 
21 | CO
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