story-nori · 1 month
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I can’t believe I wasted two hours of my life drawing a joke I’m sure a million others have made and done better. 
Atleast its out of my system now.
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story-nori · 4 months
Same here. I tried to get my friends into olba and they didn’t want to. So now I just look through tumblr and am now trying to make myself post Fanfiction about it
I need to yap and swoon with someone over olnf and/or olba and actually knows the games. I love my best friend, but she is clueless 99% of the time since she hasn't played the games.
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story-nori · 5 months
Raine Whispers was the most underutilized character in the entirety of The Owl House IM STILL NOT OVER IT
Idk I love them, I adored every scene they were in I just wish there were more of them :((
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story-nori · 5 months
Update: I have most of the plot ready and am at least halfway done writing the first chapter. I’ll also do the art for it which is…not progressing as fast. This very late update is brought to y’all by my terrible mental health :)
The book from the Step 1 DLC memory (Sleepover) sounds really interesting so I am genuinely asking:
Has someone written out a story based on what is mentioned about the book?
If not, would anyone else be interested in reading it?
Edit: Ok, I have decided to try to write it. I will post here and on ao3.
I am thinking of making two versions: one of just the book and another of the Our Life moms reading it to the MC (I’d leave MC gender-neutral, no name to refer to the MC, and use “you” like Our Life does).
The second version is because I have heard people call fanfics their bedtime story. So why not write a bedtime fanfic? /hj. A younger me would have loved to have a parent read to me
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story-nori · 2 years
Can we get our life bgms on spotify 👉👈💜 Would be life saver
Yes, we can. It's now available!
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story-nori · 2 years
The book from the Step 1 DLC memory (Sleepover) sounds really interesting so I am genuinely asking:
Has someone written out a story based on what is mentioned about the book?
If not, would anyone else be interested in reading it?
Edit: Ok, I have decided to try to write it. I will post here and on ao3.
I am thinking of making two versions: one of just the book and another of the Our Life moms reading it to the MC (I’d leave MC gender-neutral, no name to refer to the MC, and use “you” like Our Life does).
The second version is because I have heard people call fanfics their bedtime story. So why not write a bedtime fanfic? /hj. A younger me would have loved to have a parent read to me
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story-nori · 2 years
Absolutely agree! I am glad I am not the only one who thought of this
Spoilers ahead! Please skip if you have not finished all of Ariel and Eric’s quests
It’s the cooperation/teamwork that Ariel asks for in a quest (the crafting station one [working together to fix her human collection]) and the “I came up to the surface to see you” and the asking questions about each other and being happy to have legs because that is where Eric AND MC live. It’s Eric saying “we wanted to give you something to show how much you mean to us (him and Ariel)” and both you and Ariel can talk to each other about how amazing Eric is. I feel like there is more so please add or correct me if I misremembered something
Prince Eric x MC x Ariel
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story-nori · 2 years
Thanks for reminding me about it. Now I wanna cry. This is amazing art by the way. You did amazing!
"Is it so unbelievable that I wanted to keep you safe? But, in typical Eda fashion, you're not gonna stop until you make things right"
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story-nori · 2 years
Wait, we can do that? I am very happy and surprised. It is now much more difficult for me to wait until it is free. My resolve is breaking and I might just get the early access after all…but seriously, this is lovely news! Thank you for posting this information!
One thing I love about dreamlight valley is that the clothing is available for everyone and not gender limited
Also you can change your gender anytime you want
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story-nori · 2 years
Random indie RPG design observation:
For the bulk of the hobby’s history – i.e., before the advent of open source publishing software and cheap digital distribution – fancy page layout on your character sheets was for the big publishers.
Everybody else just laid their character sheets out in a fixed-width typeface and hoped for the best, and one of the tricks that indie games would do to help that work was to adopt sets of attributes where all the attribute names have the same number of letters; that way the columns would naturally line up without having to do any stupid tricks with spacing.
You’ll see this in action in a lot of the “standard” attribute sets that keep popping up in various indie games.
Body, Mind, Soul? All four letters.
Prowess, Insight, Resolve? All seven letters.
Heck, my own Costume Fairy Adventures gets in on the act – Moxie, Focus, Craft, Grace, Shine, all five letters. (Not gonna lie, I was actually pretty proud of making it work with five attributes rather than the usual three!)
Though it’s no longer necessary, a lot of games continue to do it out of tradition; even if you have no plans of publishing yourself, it can be a fun exercise to see if you can figure out all-the-same-number-of-letters attribute sets for hypothetical games of unusual genres – e.g., what would an attribute set for, say, a competitive cooking game that adheres to this constraint look like?
Give it a shot!
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story-nori · 2 years
You are a supervillain who has just captured your rival’s child. Rather than being afraid, they’re begging you to let them stay.
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story-nori · 2 years
It's here!!
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Oh I can't wait to start going through this with my therapist and husband!
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story-nori · 2 years
Does anyone know if there is something like ASAN in other languages? Please let me know.
Specifically, I was looking for information in Spanish. My cousin might be autistic too and my aunt is panicking since she doesn’t know anything about raising an autistic child (I do not trust my parents to help her with that since they did not do well raising me). I could try to translate but I don’t know if I have the energy or am fluent enough to do that.
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story-nori · 2 years
Autism Acceptance Month Prompts
Really long post ahead; please feel free to scroll past this.
I put the prompts I know I missed into this post.
April 11th: Would you consider yourself to be a creative person? What kind of things do you create? Does being autistic influence how creative of a person you are?
I like drawing and creating stories. Mostly though I just keep those things in my imagination due to previous bad experiences. I have no clue how being autistic affects my creativity though.
April 10th: Do you collect anything? Do the things that you collect have anything to do with your special interests? How do you organize your collection? Show off your collection if you want.
I have a collection of color pencils (connected to a special interest in drawing things I saw). I organized the color pencils into empty containers based on colors. Color pencils that have more than one color in one pencil are in their own section. I also like to collect information about my special interests (like storytelling stuff, for example). I have Google Documents where I type the information I collect.
April 9th: How are you when it comes to clothes? Are there certain clothes that you avoid or seek out for sensory reasons? Do you prefer tight or loose clothing? Would you consider yourself a fashionable person?
I am picky about my clothes. I don’t know fabric or material names so I touch things or put them on to figure out if I will be ok with wearing it - both from a sensory and aesthetic perspective. I mainly prefer loose clothing but I wear tight clothes when I am seeking compression. I prioritize comfort over fashion but sometime I am able to look nice while being comfortable. It doesn’t usually happen though.
April 8th: Do you feel like your social skills have gotten better or worse with age?
It depends on what is considered better or worse honestly. I reduced socializing with people as I got older and, now when I do socialize, I most just copy the other person or stuff I’ve seen or read from various media. So yes, in the sense that I have a larger variety of scripts. Also no, because I still barely socialize with people outside of my friends and family. Even then, it isn’t often anything outside of responding to things they say or sharing a cool thing someone else in the family did (I rarely ever talk about myself anymore, such as my likes, interests, dreams, etc.).
April 7th: Is there anything in particular that you'd like to see more of in autistic representation? Anything you'd like to see less of?
I want to see autistic people of color, autistic lgbt+ folks, autistic immigrants, nonverbal autistics, people using aac. Basically anything other than a cis white straight boy. I want diversity. I want to see media showing the intersections of various identities.
April 6th: Do you tend to infodump about things that you're interested in?
I used to infodump when I was really young until I was, at most, 8 years old. I was told many times that I was too annoying so I stopped. I’m still working on sharing things in general (which is why I am pushing myself to participate in these prompts).
April 5th: Talk about instances of miscommunication. Are there any examples you can give for a time where you misinterpreted an interaction with someone else or them you? What do you think went wrong with that interaction?
According to my current friends, they were terrified of approaching me for a while since I looked scary and seemed mad when others talk to me. I think they read things into my body language and facial expressions and assumed things from it. I think I am seen that way because I don’t have a script for everything so I panic (plus walking around outside was overwhelming for me when there is other people around). I was busy concentrating on what to say while surprised that people actually wanted to talk to me so I wasn’t fixing my expressions since I was using the energy on other things.
April 4th: Talk about humor. Do you feel that your autism affects your sense of humor in any way? Are there any inside jokes in the autism community that you really like?
I think it does. I find puns really funny. I also repeat jokes or say things that I think are fun to say (Like “se fue volando” which translates to “He flew away” when my cat runs). Also people laugh at some of the things I say or do and I don’t understand why they do but I like being able to make others laugh. Reading other autistic folk’s experiences of people laughing when you are being serious makes me wonder if people are actually laughing at my autistic traits. My favorite joke that I’ve read in the actuallyautistic hashtag: “Is autism when you take things literally?” “No, that’s kleptomania.”
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story-nori · 2 years
I agree! I just watched the movie and I wondered if Fezzik and Inigo were a couple. For a while I thought I was wrong (I’m not that great at social cues and reading body language). But they had some romance trope moments! I like stories (even named myself Story) and have researched tropes and stuff. Inigo looked so lovingly at Fezzik during the scene where Fezzik found him drunk. Like, I’m pretty sure I’ve see that face in other romance scenes. And it’s that scene that made me wonder if they were a couple. Regardless of if it’s romantic or platonic tho, they do seem to love and support each other which is really cute
How do more people not ship Fezzik/Inigo from The Princess Bride? There are only 25 works on ao3, and I haven’t seen any discussion online.
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story-nori · 2 years
this autism acceptance month, I’d like to offer a shoutout to autistic people with high support needs.
it’s okay if you’re never going to be independent. it’s okay if you need help with tasks that other people think are easy. it’s okay if you need help with looking after yourself. it’s okay.
acknowledging that you need to rely on other people is a sign of strength, not a sign of weakness. you deserve to get the support you need. you deserve to be able to have autonomy over your life. you deserve to be able to lead the life you want to lead, even if that includes more support than the average person.
it’s okay.
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story-nori · 2 years
April 3rd: Talk about jobs. Do you currently work or have you worked before? Was it hard for you to find a job? Does your job work well regarding your autism? Alternatively, if you don't work, what was school like for you as an autistic person? What was good about school? What was bad?
This is going to be a very long post. I’m sorry in advance. Please feel free to scroll pass and let me know how to add the read more/cut off thing if it is possible to do so in mobile.
Jobs: I’ve done 4 different jobs in my life. The first one was cleaning a rich person’s house with my family. The second was working in my high school’s student store. The third was interning within a local school district. The fourth was as a tutor. I am currently unemployed since my mental health became really bad (I’m working on it tho!). Out of those four jobs, the first one was the one I had the least difficulty with. It was probably because I was a child at the time and my mom gave me the tasks I could do and I had a repetitive task with no interactions outside of family and I could stim all I wanted when I was cleaning a room by myself; the people who lived there would go on vacation when we cleaned) I still got meltdowns when I accidentally touched a ✨bad thing ✨ while cleaning but it was very rare and were almost always spiders. The other three jobs had a lot of social interaction. I did my best to make scripts and still panicked when new situations happened. The second job was the least sensory friendly tho because the store was loud, bright, and required me to yell in order for customers to hear me. I also would not eat out of worry of being late. The other two jobs were also less fast pace. Being a tutor also allowed me to plan ahead for questions (since I had the syllabus and had taken the class I was tutoring for) while being an intern required me to do any new task that I was asked to do.
School: I don’t remember all the details but I am aware that I had many school experiences that were not ok. It is a very long story and the short version is that people (students AND teachers) almost never believed me when I was crying or said I was in pain. For example, I also have asthma and the school didn’t let me use my inhaler until the school nurse (which we shared with the entire county) arrived and I waited a really long time. But it wasn’t all bad! I was allowed to use aac at school during non-speaking moments and my mom had let me stay at home when I was overwhelmed/overstimulated/recovering from stuff. When I went to college I was allowed to choose my schedule and had more freedom to make a routine that worked for me. I eventually was told could leave the classrooms if I had to (since the huge class sizes, fluorescent lights, loud mics, many voices, etc were overwhelming to me) without it being made an issue by teachers or students. I have neither the money nor the resources to get a professional diagnoses (I’m also a multiple minority) but the school counselors and school funded therapist I got in college was able to work around it and taught me how to accommodate myself (they focused on my specific experiences and issues). I ended up dropping out in my last quarter tho because it wasn’t enough to prevent my major burnout and the compounded effect it had on my already bad mental health
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