keepers of secrets in the ice
187 posts
mumu for @greenviewhq | penned by ryan
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stormymists · 8 days ago
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"Bad attitude, bad personality. Same difference," Kaleb said, shrugging and not liking how she'd read him so well. He narrowed his eyes at her, taking a step forward to crowd her against the wall, leaning his arm on it over her head, as he leaned in close. "Are you looking for sex? Is that it?"
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"Sure, but I knew that," Jovi was well aware she erred on the more annoying side, so it rarely bothered her at all when anyone pointed it out. She paused, chewing at the inside of her cheek. "You know, if you want people to stick around, it helps if you don't badger them away. Everyone needs friends. People are social creatures." It was the one thing she'd actually retained from school. "Oh yeah? I'd say bad attitude, but personality? I think you don't really let anyone see your actual personality."
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stormymists · 8 days ago
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"Uh, sure," Avery said, feeling bad for snapping and thinking it was pretty nice of the guy to help her pick up the groceries and carry them home with her. "I'm Avery, by the way. Thanks for this." She gestured to the stuff in his hands. "I'll owe you one."
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"Well, for someone dying, you don't look too bad," Corvi offered her a small smile. "I get it. I'd be swearing up a storm if I had been in your position; sarcasm is nicer, I think." As the pair finished rescuing the groceries, he gave her a half shrug. "Want me to help you get this back? I practically grew up on the ice; I'm pretty good at staying upright."
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stormymists · 8 days ago
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Dante paused. "I have thought about having sex with you," he admitted plainly, never one to censor himself. "It was more of an general observation, but I would not be opposed to being intimate with you. You are one of my only friends. I would like to know what it feels like."
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"Definitely the same as anyone else's; but there's no way I'd survive that, so definitely don't shrink that number down." Jerico went back to flipping through the book he had in his own lap, pausing just for a moment before glancing back up at Dante. "Is this your way of saying you want to be intimate with me, or is that just a general observation? Sometimes, I can't really tell with you."
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stormymists · 8 days ago
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"You're doing great," Jack said with a faint smile, reminded of when he taught Yag how to skate. "Just don't overthink it. Once you're in your head, it's hard to get out."
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"Well good, cuz if I do, I'm taking you down with me," Foster chuckled a little as he awkward shuffled along next to Jack, trying to copy what he was doing. After a few moments though, it seemed like he could nearly keep stride with Jack without toppling over. "Hey! Look at that. I didn't eat shit. Yet."
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stormymists · 8 days ago
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"Three hundred each. It was a couple," Kaleb explained. "They wanted a threesome, and I don't give deals. Full service costs three hundred if it's in an inconvenient place. So . . . six hundred." He tilted his head. "You probably could change professions, but you can't work in my territory."
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if xavier was drinking something they'd be doing a spit take. "six hundred bucks for having sex at a wake?" he asked almost dumbfounded then looked at his shovel. "i'm in the wrong profession what the fuck." he mumbled. "i probably have but this is the first time i've seen it happen while they're still here and not ya know, at home."
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stormymists · 8 days ago
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"Oh, you're gonna smoke me, are you?" Jack said with a faint grin, digging his fingers into Yag's sides to tickle him. "You should show more respect to your older brother, you know. I'm the one who feeds you." For a moment, his expression is relaxed, his lips holding back a laugh as he presses them together.
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"You will not! I'm way better than you at it," Yag argued, but seemed content at the offer put up on the table. "Okay; I guess that's fair... but you have to promise you'll have fun even when I completely smoke you."
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stormymists · 8 days ago
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Matías felt another pang of guilt. "How could I ever get sick of such a cute face?" he asked with a grin, kissing her cheek again and squeezing her hand. "We can do anything you want. What's something you've wanted to do for a while? We can go do that." He was compensating, he knew, but she didn't know that.
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lily smiled at her cheek being kissed, she didn't mind taking things slow because she'd rather him be comfortable. if that meant just cheek kisses and holding hands for now then she was content with that. nodding at the thanks she now asked, "what'd you want to do today? i already did everything i needed to for the day so i'm all yours until you have to go, or until you get sick of me." she teased.
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stormymists · 8 days ago
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Jack stared at Ephraim for a moment before laughing shortly. "You think I'd be buying drugs from you if I was good?" he asked, shaking his head. "I'm doing what I need to do."
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"Yeah same as last time." Ephraim nodded as he took the bag with the usual number of Adderall pills that he sold to Jack out of his pocket. "You fucking good, man?" he asked with a raised brow
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stormymists · 8 days ago
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"Shut up," Avery said, shaking her head. "You need groceries, so we're getting groceries. It's not a big deal." She headed for the front door to exit the shop and lock up behind her.
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"Oh we don't have to do all that" Collins shook their head. Really she'd be fine with just going and grabbing something to eat, and worry about getting groceries later.
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stormymists · 8 days ago
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Mara didn't know what to say to that, but she nodded when he asked if she was hungry. "I could eat," she admitted, knowing she should. She looked over at his hand, hesitantly reaching over to take it, hoping he wouldn't pull away.
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"Okay" was all he said in reply to her as he started out from the campus towards town. What was there to say other than that? It wasn't like saying anything beyond that or dwelling on it would change what had happened. "you hungry?"
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stormymists · 8 days ago
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Declan grinned, honestly willing to do anything for Gilly. It might not've been healthy, but her sticking with him through his accident and what happened afterwards had made her an angel in his eyes. He texted his boss, telling him he wasn't feeling well and was taking a sick day.
"Done! I'm yours for the rest of the day," he said with a grin, rubbing his nose against hers before kissing her deeply.
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"i love when you tell me i have a good idea," gilly teased, peppering kisses across declan's face. "makes me feel all smart or whatever. though i guess encouraging you to call in sick isn't the smartest thing in the world, but we can ignore that. right?" gilly grinned as she pulled back, reaching to lace her fingers through declan's as her other hand held the crook of his elbow. "i've heard spending time with your girlfriend is the perfect cure for a cold."
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stormymists · 8 days ago
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"You don't just go out by yourself to have fun?" Gia asked curiously. "Like take yourself to the club or something?"
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"really? you think? i don't know if it's a bit too ostentatious for me" she had adored the bag in the window, stared at it in awe when she had saw it "i don't know where i would use it. it's not like i could take it to work with me, the kids will end up drawing on it"
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stormymists · 9 days ago
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Jesse smirked faintly. "So does that mean you'll go out for a drink with me?" he asked, moving toward his locker to gather his things.
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axel jotted down the notes of what was completed and notes to order in new parts to replace ones that have been used. "take it from a guy who is the worst for that kind of thing, you still need some downtime to rest up." he had noticed sometimes that jesse had stayed the night in the garage which was less than ideal but he didn't know what jesse's situation was. if sleeping in the garage was for safety then axel wasn't going to question it.
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stormymists · 9 days ago
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Alex shrugged lightly. "Fine, I guess. My grades aren't great right now, but all the professors feel bad for me so they're giving me a pass and extensions. So that's a silver lining." He wasn't sure what else to say. He appreciated Benja's offer, but being around family right now was . . . difficult.
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Benja just let out a soft hum. "True enough. All the same, you are more than welcome to waste extra time at the library if you need to. I'm usually there late, and while I wouldn't let just anyone in after hours.... you're family. So it's different." He paused for a moment. It was stupid to ask Alex how he was feeling. "How's school been?"
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stormymists · 9 days ago
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"That shark was terrifying! I had nightmares for ages," Matías said with a laugh, rubbing his arm where Ehren shoved him, fighting a blush as best he could at the contact. He really needed to stop doing that. Ehren was his best friend, and he didn't want anything to happen to ruin that.
He snorted softly at Ehren's assertion that he was always right, shaking his head with a fond smile as he follow his friend deeper into the theater. "You wanna grab something to eat after this?" he asked after a moment.
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"Ugh.... that makes me feel ancient," Ehren groaned, reaching out to playfully shove Mattie's arm. "Yes! How could I forget? I kept telling you, sharks don't live in fresh water, but you doubted me, which I'm sure you've learned over the years to never do, because I'm always right."
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stormymists · 9 days ago
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Dante didn't understand the joke, but Emmet didn't seem angry, at least. He wasn't expecting the question either, but he supposed it was natural for Emmet to be curious.
"I liked you," he said plainly. "You were bright and friendly and seemed to get along with everyone. I wanted to know how you did that, so I could do it too. It didn't work the way I wanted, but I liked watching you."
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the entire situation was weird if emmet had to admit it, he'd never dealt with being 'stalked' before and while that's what adults told him was happening he didn't fully believe it. "relax dude i was just making a joke, i don't actually think that's what you're doing." he was a person that did like to believe the best in people and they were young, it's not like he was ever physically hurt just more so.. freaked out. "i've never asked but. . . why did you do all that in middle school?"
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stormymists · 9 days ago
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Alex swallowed hard, wondering if Corvi was inviting him as a friend or . . . something else. But no, he couldn't be asking as anything other than a friend. Alex reminded himself to not let his imagination run away with him like it often did. He had to remain realistic about Corvi.
"You're . . . pretty cool too," he said, fighting a blush. He shut his laptop. "I guess . . . I can check it out." He could always leave if he didn't like it. Jason used to encourage him to get out more and make more friends. Said it would be good for him.
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"I don't think it's that big of a party," was the best answer that Corvi could really give Alex. "Just, like... the hockey team and their friends and girlfriends and stuff. Less than fifty people, probably. It's cool if you don't want to, but I don't want you thinking you're not invited when I go to stuff. As far as roommates go, you're pretty cool."
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