The setup
The Earth almost died.
More than half of the planet was under water for almost 300 years. As the waters receded, the wars began. Over land. Over resources. Ultimately for power and control. This time, however, it did not go as it had throughout history. This time brains defeated brawn.
When the Earth was dying, nobody wanted to listen to the scientists and researchers who predicted the tragedy. They did however have friends, students and followers who were listening. When the time came, they came together and survived the worst of the dying Earth.
When the wars started, the descendants were not going to sit idly by like their pacifist forebears. Instead they used subterfuge to cause these factions to either disband or destroy themselves. They would then step in and scavenge both materials and people in their effort to rebuild society.
It took another 1500 years for society to be a recognizable thing again. In this new world, land masses had changed. And the world had been divided into 4 new regions: The Australian Territories, The South American Collective, The United African Federation and The Sanctuaries.
The Australian Territories covered the area between Australia and what was once Japan and southwest from Japan to what was Bangladesh not counting China. They were mainly responsible for the cleaning of the oceans and maintaining the ecosystem to maintain a healthy balance.
The South American Collective makes up what is left of the North, Central & South American continents. They are mainly responsible for the agriculture of the planet. They grow & distribute their meats & grains with the aid of the Australians. They are also headquarters for The Sherlock Academy, The DNA Authority and The Detective Society. These are the worlds premier police agencies.
The African Federation is made up of the largely unchanged African continent and extends east to India and northwest to cover all of Europe. They are responsible for the energy distribution and maintenance for the world. Having made a deal with The Sanctuaries for the use of their lands, the largest air farm in the world provides a large portion of the worlds power. They are also where the World Government, The Time Travel Safety Bureau, Time Travel Tourism Agency and Spaceport are located.
The Sanctuaries are unique amongst the nations in a three main ways. Firstly, they are almost exclusively religious and a religion based people. Every religion has it’s own section and they generally get along. Secondly they are almost completely void of large buildings and city structures. Finally, they are the only nation that does not allow its citizens to use time travel. They are made up of what’s left of China, Mongolia and Russia.
The Sherlock Academy is the forensic arm of the new justice system. It is in charge of the collection of evidence and processing the data. There are 2 separate sub-sections. The first is known as The Watson Lab where new forensic technologies, techniques and tools are tested. The second is called The Hudson Circle where matters of the occult, unknown and mysterious are investigated to be proved or disproved. They accept all applicants and place them where they are best suited based on a battery of tests.
The Detective Society is the investigative arm of the new justice system. It is in charge of public interactions & interrogations as well as the incarceration of the guilty. The Society is divided into four departments. The Columbo Center where agents learn the art of questioning a suspect. The Law School that teaches the laws and how to apply them. The Order School which coordinates with The Sherlock Academy. The Mason Bureau which is in charge of all trials & tribunals. Their prison facility is called The Safe. A partially underground, multi-level building where people are held, educated and taught at least 2 skills they didn’t have when they arrived.
The DNA Authority is in charge of the collection and storage of the DNA of all people. As voted on by the people, from birth a sample of DNA is collected and stored. When organ cloning became legal, they became in charge of that. They are also the new custodians of The Seed Vault.
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Story 7
Agent 84 steps off the elevator and walks to an office at the end of a short hallway. He approaches one of the black doors therein and knocks. The door buzzes, he takes a deep breath and walks in.
“You asked to see me ma’am?”
“Yes, Agent 84. Please come in and have a seat." the short older woman says as she motions him to a red chair in her dimly lit office.
“May I ask what this is all about, Agent 98? Your message was vague.” Agent 84 asks apprehensively.
“Yes. I have looked at the results of this letter you have received. You and your team are convinced that it is real?” she asked.
“Yes, we have. We determined that it came from several decades or centuries in the future. We stopped the investigation--" he began
“Well we cannot have that." She says abruptly. “You will reassemble this unit and resume your investigation effective immediately. We will not have our work dictated to us by person or persons unknown.”
“Are you sure, ma’am? The letter was quite clear that any conclusions we reach would be wrong. We’ve all read the stories of those unjustly incarcerated. I would think that we wouldn’t want a repeat of that.” Agent 84 says assertively.
“Do you know for sure that the conclusions will be wrong? Do you have such little faith in our system?” Agent 98 asked while standing and walking to a datapad dock and bringing it back to her desk.
“No ma’am but we don’t want to take the chance.”
“That’s fine, but I’m ordering you to resume. We have a duty to protect these patients.”
“Very well. I shall contact Agents 53 & 33 and let them kniw we will be resuming tbe investigation.”
Their meeting is cut short by a hard knock on the door.
“Who is that? Come in.” she says agitated.
A young agent comes in and hastily hands the older agent a black datapad.
“Apparently there is an incoming anomaly.” Says Agent 98
“Do we know the inciting incident?” Agent 84 asks.
“Addison County, Vermont. 1930s. A woman and 2 young children were found dead in a wooded area. Apparently the crime is still unsolved. The victims remain unidentified.” Agent 98 responds
“Time frame?”
“12 minutes, most likely less considering the time it took for them to get me this message.” Agent 98 says annoyed.
As she finished her sentence there was a loud tone followed by a recorded voice: Time anomaly detected. Time anomaly detected. Erasure in progress. 5 minutes until Timeline corrections. 5 minutes until Timeline corrections. Please step away from all patients until corrections are complete.
“As the victims are unidentified, we don’t know what kind of anomaly to expect. We will have to check our records for what was changed.” Agent 98 says.
“Very well. I will begin working on--" Agent 84 is suddenly interrupted by the black datapad which beeps several times.
Ageny 98 presses a button, a message pops uo on her screen and she covers her mouth in disbelief.
“What is it ma’am?”
“Apparently Agent 33 has set up a program to flag anomalies. It cross references the inciting incident with DNA collections and a list of patients & employees. Looks like there is a familial match. And it looks like I am the anomaly.”
Outside the office door a shadowy figure comes up to the door.
“And there’s nothing to be done?” Agent 84 asks.
“No. But you understand your orders…”
Before she could finish her sentence, there was a bright flash and Agent 98 is suddenly replaced by another Agent 98 only slightly younger.
“…under no circumstances are you to restart this investigation. We cannot risk the integrity of this center. We will monitor the released patients as we usually do.” She squirms in her chair a little then asks, “Did we have an anomaly?”
“Yes, ma’am. It would appear so.” Agent 84 says looking at his watch which is flashing TA in the top left corner.
“Do we know what has been changed?”
“Not yet ma’am. I will get my team on it.”
Outside the office, the shadowy figure turns and begins to walk back down the hallway. They pull what looks like a small red marble out of their pocket and puts it in their ear.
“It’s done. The investigation is closed for good. Permission to return.” They ask
A voice on the other end says, “Excellent work. Return Approved.”
They tap the earpiece to end the call. They tap it 3 more times and it begins to glow. A gentle computerized voice asks, “Location & Time"
They respond with “Earth Time Travel & Defense Agency 3045”
A red circle appears the floor ahead of the figure and they begin to descend a flight of steps as they cross the line. As soon as the figure is all the way down, the circle closes.
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Story 6
“She’s not going to like this.” Agent 53 says slightly agitated. “She’s been working on this for almost a year and suddenly we’re going to just make her stop!”
“Unfortunately, yes Agent 53. This is not my decision. I’m not happy about this decision either. But we have our orders.” Says Agent 84. “I already have others investigating this letter to determine the authenticity. Despite the use of an interagency code that only a few of us know I have my doubts because the wording is too simplistic. I have haven’t heard back from my investigation team since yesterday. So far they have not been able to find anything to suggest it’s fake.”
“Either way, this just doesn’t sit right with me. I don’t care if they know emergency codes.” Agent 53 says in an impatient tone.
There’s a knock at the door and Agent 84 tells Agent 33 to enter.
“Good afternoon Agent 33. Agent 53 & I have asked you to join us today to discuss this letter we received a week ago.” Agent 84 begins while handing the letter to her. “As you can see, this raises some serious questions about the investigation you have been running.”
“I see that. Are you sure this is authentic? It’s dated--"
“We know when it’s dated and believe me, we ARE investigating this.” Agent 53 interrupts.
“But this date…. We’ll all be ling dead by then. This is almost exactly 428 years from tomorrow.” Agent 33 says, shocked. “So what you’re telling me is that all the work we’ve done over the past 40-something weeks is over like that. Nobody goes to the BACC?! And we’re supposed to just go on like nothing happened or is happening!?” She says growing more agitated.
“Unfortunately, yes 33. If this letter is accurate, then we have to stop. The information provided is just enough to prove that they know about the investigation and that somehow it will throw the future into chaos.” Agent 84 began apprehensively. “Under our rules, we cannot reveal too much about the future to the people of the past without causing damage of some kind. I can only assume that the rule is the same in the future. I’ve contacted my peers at the other centers and they each received a similar letter. The Sanctuaries are already withdrawing.”
“It’s unacceptable sir, people are dying!” Agent 53 yells.
“I know 53, I agree. But what can we do?” Agent 84 asks
Agent 53 walks over to a chair on the right of Agent 33 and slumps down into it, “Apparently, not a thing sir.” She says in a sarcastic tone.
“So, what’s next Agent 84?” Agent 33 asks.
“We’re going to assign you and your team to special investigations and apprehension. You’ve done great work so I want you to stay around until we find you something better. In the meantime, pack up all investigation materials and have them brought to my office by the end of the week.”
“Very well sir.” Agent 33 replies
“I would like to be kept in the loop about the letter, sir.” Agent 53 chimed in.
“You’ll get copies every step of the way. Now, if there is nothing else. If you’ll excuse me….” He said motioning towards the door.
After Agents 53 and 33 had left, 84 receives a phone call.
“Hello. Yes, ma’am, it’s done. The investigation is closed. I hope that this puts an end to the disruptions. No, they were not happy but we knew they wouldn’t be. The letter will be in the case files.” Agent 84 says while reviewing the letter.
The letter itself was not filled with a lot of information. It simply read:
“Dear Agents 33, 53 & 84 of The NYCTTSR,
This letter is to inform you that investigation #67, The patient deaths, must cease. Millions of lives are in the balance. You get it wrong.
Agent 84,
Acting Director
Earth Time Travel & Defense Agency
Bel'Kovich Crater, Moon 2935”
“I don’t understand one thing, ma’am. This could have potentially made the situation worse. Had we simply dismissed the letter and continued on with the investigation…” he stopped.
“Yes, I received the package.” He says reaching for & opening a brown datapad on his desk. “What could possibly be so important for you to--"
He stopped, stunned. The datapad contained a transcript of both the conversation that Agent 84 had with Agents 33 & 53 as well as the conversation he was currently on.
“I understand. Goodnight.” He says as he hangs up.
On the other end of the line, a young woman hangs up her own phone and walks from her office to an adjoining office. Inside there is a small table with a datapad and 2 large mirrors on the walls, one extending the height and the other the width of the walls. Each mirror has a set of wires, black, blue, yellow and purple, coiled in each corner. The young woman grabs the datapad, presses a button and the wires in the top corners of each mirror extend to touch each other. The mirrors shimmer and she walks through. After she walks through and the mirrors return to normal, a liquid starts to pour out of the datapad. The liquid looks like mercury and begins to dissolve everything in the office. Once everything is dissolved, the liquid freezes & turns to ash.
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‘Sub-level 5’ The elevator sounds.
Agents 84 & 33 step off the elevator and begin walking down a short, well-lit hallway until they reach a set of blue double doors.
They open the doors and walk into a medium sized conference room. Inside is a round table surrounded by 10 chairs in groups of 2. In the back of the room there are various men and women of varying ages standing around a poorly catered buffet table.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, I apologize for the delay. This is the agent I was telling you about who discovered the anomaly and is currently in charge of the investigation, Agent 33.” Agent 84 says is a clear but formidable voice.
“Hello, everyone. Good evening.” Agent 33 says in a timid voice.
“Agent 33, you don’t know what you triggered. After you contacted the four other centers about your findings, there were some startling results of their research.” Agent 84 began as he started introducing everyone else who had taken their seats at this point, nodding as he went around. “As a result I called this meeting with two representatives of The Sherlock Academy, The Detective Society, The Time Travel Safety Bureau, DNA Authority and The United World Government.”
“I know I only gave you this assignment 34 days ago,” Agent 84 says, changing his tone. “but would you please give us a rundown of the investigation and your findings so far?”
“Yes, sir. Ladies and Gentlemen, about 2 months ago I discovered the DNA of a released patient among the records of a serial killers unknown victims.” She began while pressing a few buttons on the datapad she had been carrying. On the table in front of everyone, a similar but more detailed display than the one she had shown Agent 84 pops up as she continues, “Upon a little further testing, I discovered more victims among his as well as several other serial killers around what was then called The United States. Upon further promoting by Agent 84 in the way of giving me my own unit to begin the investigation, I put in word to techs I knew I could trust ate the Centers for Time Travel Sickness and Research in the Australian Territories, South American Collective, United African Federation and The Sanctuaries. Each got back to me with similar results. Along a separate line of investigation Agent 84 was conducting, he discovered that Agent 19 had been stalking and killing patients. Through the surveillance system he set up to catch her committing her crimes he found that she had been stealing patient files and selling them to an as yet unidentified group or individual. Among those, were all of the names of the patients I found in my initial discovery. We believe that this group or individual is responsible for the murders, or rather putting the patients in the paths of these serial killers. Next…”
“That’s where each of your groups come in. We want each of you to send a representative to work on this situation with us.” Agent 84 chimed in before 33 could reveal more.
“So basically, you want us to help you solve the world’s unsolved murders?” the younger of the two from The Sherlock Academy says with a sly grin.
“Yes. Working under Agent 33 using our facilities as home base.” Answers Agent 84.
“She’s a little green for my taste, but we’ll send someone for the fun of it.” The older Detective Society member says.
“I have a set of twins that I’ve been training and I think they’ll make an excellent addition.” The younger Sherlock Academy member says.
“And the rest of us. Why are we here?” says the older of the DNA Authority representatives.
“We need you each to send a representative to be able to have access to all of your databases. As you can tell, this is a crisis that has global implications. I think you can understand the need for speed in this situation. All the red tape of having to ask for access would slow the investigation." Agent 84 says.
“Very well, DNA Authority will accept the invitation.”
“As will TUWG"
“I will be the representative from the TTSB. Since I used to be an agent here myself, I believe my skills are an asset.” Says the only other male in the room besides Agent 84.
“Good. I expect we’ll have this wrapped up in no time.” Says Agent 84. “If there’s nothing else, I’ll leave you all to get Agent 33s contacts and see the rest of you at the next briefing.”
End. The.
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Agent 33 takes a long deep breath before knocking on the unimposing office door.
“Come in.”, a polite voice replies.
“Good evening, Agent 53.” She says opening the door. “You said you wanted to see me?”
“Yes, come in and have a seat.” He says, standing and motioning her to a chair on the opposite side of his crescent shaped desk. “I was reading your memo and I would like to hear more about this problem you think we have.”
“Of course, sir. Would you allow me a moment to pulls up my results and research?” She asks pointing to a second computer screen to her left on the desk. “It seems more believable if you follow along.”
“Very well. I do hope you’re wrong about this. How long have you been an agent?” he asks disapprovingly
“I joined 3 years ago next week. This was my second posting after that incident in patient admitting.” She admits shyly.
“What incident?”
“I got three patients charts mixed up and they ended up having the wrong treatments and having to be delayed by 6, 10 & 18 months.” She admits apologetically. “I was given a formal reprimand and moved to ‘The Crypt’.”
“The Crypt? What is that?” Agent 53 asks puzzled.
“Cold storage. It’s where we keep the cryogenic short-term patients. The ones who have to serve prison terms for crimes committed before they went through time and were affected by TTS.” Agent 33 says quickly. “We call it The Crypt because one of the agents in charge of the area is a fan of an old television program takes place in a Crypt where they tell stories.”
Agent 53 chuckles. “Ok. That makes sense."
“Now, sir, a couple of weeks ago there was a blood drive here and as per standard protocol, the blood is tested for diseases and abnormalities. Their DNA is also sequenced.” She began confidently while transferring her data to a larger screen on the wall. “While the DNA was going through the standard databases, we got two hits.”
“What databases?” He asked already bored
“Unidentified remains, sir.”
“Yes, sir. In the mid-1930s a serial killer operated in what was then called Cleveland, Ohio called the Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run. He murdered between 12 and 20 people, many of whom were never identified.” She says in a very passionate tone making sure that Agent 53 understands she is serious. “The two hits were of two of his victims. On a hunch I have run a further scan on the DNA of patients who have been released and found a further 5 more DNA hits among his victims, three male and 2 female. The problem is that because they are susceptible to the influence of TTS they are no longer allowed to travel for any purpose except for another ecological or catastrophic emergency and yet I have uncovered unapproved travel records for each person dated 2 to 4 years in the future.”
Now, very interested in the situation Agent 53 asks, “And you would like to investigate this issue? To figure out how this happened?”
“No, sir. I don’t think I am qualified enough to investigate this. But I would like to be a part of the investigation team.” Agent 33 says sheepishly
“Well you are the only one to not only notice this pattern but to bring it to a superiors attention.” After a few seconds standing and looking at the results and research, Agent 53 walks back to his desk and sits down. “Have you told anyone else about this?” He asked typing on his computer.
“No, sir. I didn’t expect to be taken seriously. I know I violated the privacy of our patients, but if I’m right, there is a serious problem in this center.”
“Believe me, you are most definitely not in trouble. I thought this was going to be a waste of my time like the time tourists who keep getting caught in photos and paintings of the past.” He began, as there was a knock at the door. “Come in, agents.”
In walked 5 agents with worried looks on their faces.
“All each of you have been here less than 5 years. However, each of you have shown a willingness to not only learn but an ability to adapt to a situation as it presents itself.” He said in a polite, yet forceful tone. “Agent 33 here has brought a very disturbing situation to my attention. I’ll allow her to explain it to you as well as where you will go from here. You all will be reporting to her.”
Her jaw dropped. She tried to turn it down but couldn’t get the words out as he continued.
“All information goes through her. We will have monthly meetings if you have anything to report. I understand that she has been here less time than most of you, but I have faith in her ability to investigate this thoroughly.”
Now he lowered his tone, “If anybody comes to you to try to take you off this taskforce, questions your authority or questions what you are doing, show them these badges and have them report to me.” He said handing each of them a badge with the Centers logo, their agent number and a barcode on the front. On the back, in the top left corner was the number 53 and on the bottom in block letters was ‘S. Investigation’. “Finish out your work for today and tomorrow you will start on the 7th floor. All except 33, dismissed."
After the agents leave, Agent 53 returns to his seat he leans back and looks at Agent 33. “Are you up to date on your weapons and hand-to-hand proficiencies?”
“Yes, sir, top 5 in my class in both. Why did you put me in charge? Like I said, I don’t think I’m qualified enough. I would like to be involved, but I don’t know if I can run this investigation.” She says humbly.
“Listen, when I first started here, I was just like you. I doubted my skills and abilities but yet wanted a chance to prove myself to myself as well as everyone else. It didn’t help that my supervisor was an ass. He was by the book on everything. Nobody got a chance to express any kind of ideas or suggestions. He would have taken your suggestion and threw it in the trash. These victims would have been skipped over and nobody would have caught on. So I’d like to give you the same thing he wouldn’t give me, a chance. I saw how passionate you were about this. How determined you were to try and save these peoples lives. I believe this is the way to ensure that this will be resolved in the best way."
“Thank you, sir. I’ll do my best.
“I know you will, but if you need any kind of help in the investigation, contact me and we’ll see what we can do. Also, be careful. If this is connected to Agent 84s investigation, these people are dangerous.” He says as he holds up a picture of another agent. “Remember this face. She is going to be assigned to your personal security.”
“Thank you, sir. Just one final thing. Could we ask the other centers in The Australian Territories, African States and Independent Euro-Asian Colonies to give us access to their databases?”
End. The.
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Knock, knock
“Come in.”
“Agent 58, ma’am”
“Yes, Agent 19.” She said without taking her eyes off the computer screen
“I have those three cases for review and release.” She said handing her three datapads.
“Good. Have you read them?” She asked
“Yes. The details are disturbing. Are you sure these three should be released?” She asked anxiously
“They wouldn’t be getting released if they weren’t. Have a seat and we can discuss this while I review these files.” Agent 58 said motioning towards a chair on the other side of her oval opal desk. “Give me your rundown of this first case, Patient 329.”
“Ok, 36 year old man goes back to 1918 Louisiana to visit some of his ancestors. Two days into his trip his tracker goes dark on May 21st. Two days later an Italian grocer and his wife were murdered by the Axeman of New Orleans.” Agent 19 began trying to maintain her composure. “The patients clothes were left behind at the scene. We then lost him for a little over a month.”
“We lost him?” Agent 58 asked
“My team and I lost him. We almost located him in June around the 25th but he was able to evade us. About 2 days after that the patient killed 2 more Italian Americans.” She says disappointedly. “We then had to have agents step in to aid in keeping the innocent suspects out of jail. It took eight more victims over the course of a year to finally find and stop him. We have yet to identify the ancestors he went back in time to meet. But since he’s still here, I assume he never got in touch with them.”
“He didn’t. We have verified that. This was your first apprehension, correct?” Agent 58 asks scrolling through the file.
“Yes, ma’am.” Agent 19 responds dejected
“Which is why you were reassigned to monitor the patients rehabilitation and not fined, demoted or fired. How did you like that process?”
“It was strange to watch his transformation from a psychotic back to who he was before the trip. I had never seen that before.” She replied
“It is strange for everyone their first time.” Agent 58 smiles. “Now, the second case, Patient 509.”
“Yes, ma’am. This patient went back to February 1975 Michigan, specifically Detroit. He was supposed to be going back to visit the city before it became the new U.S. Capital.”
“Go on, I’m listening.” Agent 58 says getting up to grab a drink. “Would you like one?”
“Yes, ma’am, water please.” She answered. “The patient was attracted to sex workers. We had to bring in someone from the Brothel Bureau and Sex Workers Union to aid in laying the trap. Unfortunately he was able to attack 12 women, killing 7 before we could apprehend him.”
“And how long did it take this time?” Agent 58 asked skimming the file. “Nine months. That’s an improvement.”
“Thank you, ma’am. We again had to provide an alibi for the main suspect in the case. Is that standard on these missions?” Agent 19 asked
“It depends on the time period, location and crime but, yes. The prejudices & policies of those times made it hard for the innocent to stay out of the system.” Agent 58 explains. “Is that all with this case?”
“Yes, ma’am. We were able to apprehend him with minimal effort.”
“Good to hear. Now for patient 238.”
“This patient went back to the St. Louis, Missouri area in 1990. We know he killed 6 people. He claims to have killed twice that many. But we have no evidence of that. I don’t believe this patient should be allowed to be released.” Agent 19 says worried.
“Why is that?”
“He killed indiscriminately. He used different methods. He has shown no remorse.”
“That’s a normal effect of the treatments. As they forget, they tend to become less concerned about their crimes.” Agent 58 explains. “It’s been proven that if they maintain any of the memories of the crimes, then they will commit the same crimes again. We had three incidents in the early days of this Center.”
“Understood, ma’am. This patient went through great pains to try and get away with the crimes.” Agent 19 continued. “He hid the bodies in garbage bins, trash bags, boxes, thrown off a bridge and even stuffed between two mattresses. When the team tracked him down, he was sitting on the roof of a building staring at The Arch. We believe that he went to see it before it was separated and scattered around the country for the memorial. He gave them no issues and even offered to feed the team.”
“Well that’s a nice gesture. But you know the toxins in the food of those days. I’d have turned it down.” Agent 58 chuckled.
“As did the team.”
“Now that we have reviewed these cases, I will send in my recommendations. Anything else to add or ask?”
“No ma’am. I appreciate you taking the time.” Agent 19 said getting up to leave.
“Not so fast, Agent 19. Stay there.” Agent 58 says while hitting a button on her desk. The door opens and three other agents walk in. “Agents 40, 27 and 6, this is Agent 19. Please take her into custody.”
“What!? What do you mean about this!? Take me into custody!? Why!?” Agent 19 says shocked
“These aren’t the first patients that have been released that you felt shouldn’t have been, are they?”
“No, but….” She begins.
Agent 58 holds up her hand to stop her. “We’ve been monitoring you after the third patient went missing. You’ve made it a personal cause to stop these people from doing something that nobody has done in over 40 years. You’ve killed at least 5 patients that we know of. We have surveillance of the last two. There is no chance of you getting away with this.” She says beckoning one of the agents to step forward and hand her the datapad he’s been holding. Agent 58 taps a few buttons and shows Agent 19 the indictment and formal charges of murder. “Now, do you have anything to say before we send you to your cell?”
Her entire demeanor changed as she stood to allow the agents to place her in custody. “You think this system is working? You think I’m the only one? You people here are going to regret what you’re doing here. Tampering with time like it’s a vacation hotspot. This will not end well.”
After the agents take Agent 19 out, Agent 58 taps her phone. “Hello, Agent 84? She’s been arrested. Thank you for the heads up. No, she didn’t fight. She actually confirmed our suspicions and she is not alone. Keep up the investigation.”
End. The.
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“OUT OF THE WAY!!! MAKE A HOLE PEOPLE!!!” Agent 36 screamed as she rushes down the corridor of The New York Center for Time Travel Sickness and Research. She arrives at the Rapid Response Recovery Team entrance just in time to meet Agent 84. She starts scrolling and typing furiously on her NYCTTRS datapad.
“What’s the situation?”, Agent 84 asks.
“We got a hot one!! Found April 10th 1922 in Munich, Germany. This guy was hard to apprehend. He took out 4 members of the Trip-R Team before they could subdue him. This was after the 6 victims that alerted us to his actions.” she began to explain as the Rapid Response Recovery Team brought in the chrono-cell, a six-foot high clear temporary transport cell for the patients as they travel back to the current time period. “Apparently he was responsible for the murders at a farm about 70 miles from where he was caught. The six victims were Andreas Gruber aged 63, Cäzilia Gruber aged 72, their daughter Viktoria Gabriel aged 35; her children, aged 7 and 2 years; as well as the maid, Maria Baumgartner aged 44.”
“That sounds familiar. Why do I recognize those names?” Agent 84 asked turning to Agent 36.
“March 31st 1922. Hinterkaifeck murders. Still unsolved in German history.” Agent 36 reads from her datapad. “You were a part of the first investigation team sent back to determine if this was a Time Crime or just a terrible incident.”
“Ah. Ok, now I remember. I was just a novice agent back then. I told my supervisors at the time that I felt that this was committed by someone with military training.” Agent 84 said with a smirk. “Four members of the Trip-R Team you say? That is not an easy feat. I am going to assume CrimHis or MenHis in his background?” Agent 84 asks.
“Yes, both.”, Agent 36 responds. “He hasn’t been in any kind of trouble and has been maintaining his medication regimen for the past 12 years, however. That’s why he was approved for the trip in the first place.” The datapad beeps and she begins to look worried.
“What now?” Agent 84 asks.
“We have to upgrade his security status immediately. It turns out he has specialized military training and has been training to be a medic.” she responds as she types on the datapad and the cell holding the patient starts to get slightly more foggy.
Agent 84 pulls a small blue remote out of his pocket and pushes a yellow button. The cell begins to tilt back and hover. Agent 36 then types on the datapad and the patient wakes up.
“Wo bin ich? Was mache ich hier? Lassen Sie mich sofort frei!!” the patient says in German. Agent 36 presses a button and a translation begins: “Where am I? What am I doing here? Release me immediately!!”
“Nein Sir. I’m afraid I cannot do that. You have been detained and returned from your trip to the past.” Agent 84 responded. “Do you know why you have been brought here?”
“Yes. I went to the past and eliminated a problem for our future.” He says proudly.
“What kind of problem, sir?” Agent 36 says in a stern tone.
“The fact that you don’t know what I’m talking about means that it worked and I’ll probably fade out of existence while you forget all about me" the patient says in a relaxed tone.
Before any further questions could be asked, a loud tone goes off and an announcement begins: “Time anomaly detected. Time anomaly detected. Erasure in progress. 5 minutes until Timeline corrections. 5 minutes until Timeline corrections. Please back away from all patients until corrections are complete.”
Agent 84 presses another button on his remote which causes the announcement to stop and in its place a clock appears on the walls.
“Tell me what you stopped before you are erased!!” Agent 84 pleaded.
“It doesn’t matter at this point. I was successful.” The patient replied with a huge smile.
“So you risked yourself, your future and possibly the future of the planet to accomplish something that you are not going to tell us!?” Agent 84 asked angrily “You murdered an entire family to prevent some catastrophic event and you say it doesn’t matter?! Somehow I doubt that. Luckily for me, we have crack teams of researchers who will find the anomaly and help us fix it. Even if we have to go back and stop you before you commit the murders.”
“Good luck with that. If you don’t know what I’m talking about then I can also highly doubt that your researchers can find what doesn’t exist" the patient replied with a smug look on his face. “I beat your system and this time, Agent, you cannot do anything about it.”
Before Agent 84 could respond, the patient, the Trip-R Team, the cell and the wall clocks disappeared and everything went on as though he didn’t exist.
“Agent 36?”
“Yes, Agent 84?”
“Was there just a timeline correction?”
“Yes, sir there was. Approximately 2 minutes ago.”
“Very well, follow me. We have work to do and all of the time to do it.”
“Yes, sir.” She replied rolling her eyes.
On another side of town, a pair of twin in blue run around a playground full of children. A man calls out to them and the children run to their father, the patient who disappeared.
End. The.
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“OUT OF THE WAY!!! MAKE A HOLE PEOPLE!!!” Agent 36 screamed as she rushes down the corridor of The New York Center for Time Travel Sickness and Research. She arrives at the Rapid Response Recovery Team entrance just in time to meet Agent 84. She starts scrolling and typing furiously on her NYCTTRS datapad.
“What’s the situation?”, Agent 84 asks.
“We got a hot one!! Found April 10th 1922 in Munich, Germany. This guy was hard to apprehend. He took out 4 members of the Trip-R Team before they could subdue him. This was after the 6 victims that alerted us to his actions.” she began to explain as the Rapid Response Recovery Team brought in the chrono-cell, a six-foot high clear temporary transport cell for the patients as they travel back to the current time period. “Apparently he was responsible for the murders at a farm about 70 miles from where he was caught. The six victims were Andreas Gruber aged 63, Cäzilia Gruber aged 72, their daughter Viktoria Gabriel aged 35; her children, aged 7 and 2 years; as well as the maid, Maria Baumgartner aged 44.”
“That sounds familiar. Why do I recognize those names?” Agent 84 asked turning to Agent 36.
“March 31st 1922. Hinterkaifeck murders. Still unsolved in German history.” Agent 36 reads from her datapad. “You were a part of the first investigation team sent back to determine if this was a Time Crime or just a terrible incident.”
“Ah. Ok, now I remember. I was just a novice agent back then. I told my supervisors at the time that I felt that this was committed by someone with military training.” Agent 84 said with a smirk. “Four members of the Trip-R Team you say? That is not an easy feat. I am going to assume CrimHis or MenHis in his background?” Agent 84 asks.
“Yes, both.”, Agent 36 responds. “He hasn’t been in any kind of trouble and has been maintaining his medication regimen for the past 12 years, however. That’s why he was approved for the trip in the first place.” The datapad beeps and she begins to look worried.
“What now?” Agent 84 asks.
“We have to upgrade his security status immediately. It turns out he has specialized military training and has been training to be a medic.” she responds as she types on the datapad and the cell holding the patient starts to get slightly more foggy.
Agent 84 pulls a small blue remote out of his pocket and pushes a yellow button. The cell begins to tilt back and hover. Agent 36 then types on the datapad and the patient wakes up.
“Wo bin ich? Was mache ich hier? Lassen Sie mich sofort frei!!” the patient says in German. Agent 36 presses a button and a translation begins: “Where am I? What am I doing here? Release me immediately!!”
“Nein Sir. I’m afraid I cannot do that. You have been detained and returned from your trip to the past.” Agent 84 responded. “Do you know why you have been brought here?”
“Yes. I went to the past and eliminated a problem for our future.” He says proudly.
“What kind of problem, sir?” Agent 36 says in a stern tone.
“The fact that you don’t know what I’m talking about means that it worked and I’ll probably fade out of existence while you forget all about me" the patient says in a relaxed tone.
Before any further questions could be asked, a loud tone goes off and an announcement begins: “Time anomaly detected. Time anomaly detected. Erasure in progress. 5 minutes until Timeline corrections. 5 minutes until Timeline corrections. Please back away from all patients until corrections are complete.”
Agent 84 presses another button on his remote which causes the announcement to stop and in its place a clock appears on the walls.
“Tell me what you stopped before you are erased!!” Agent 84 pleaded.
“It doesn’t matter at this point. I was successful.” The patient replied with a huge smile.
“So you risked yourself, your future and possibly the future of the planet to accomplish something that you are not going to tell us!?” Agent 84 asked angrily “You murdered an entire family to prevent some catastrophic event and you say it doesn’t matter?! Somehow I doubt that. Luckily for me, we have crack teams of researchers who will find the anomaly and help us fix it. Even if we have to go back and stop you before you commit the murders.”
“Good luck with that. If you don’t know what I’m talking about then I can also highly doubt that your researchers can find what doesn’t exist" the patient replied with a smug look on his face. “I beat your system and this time, Agent, you cannot do anything about it.”
Before Agent 84 could respond, the patient, the Trip-R Team, the cell and the wall clocks disappeared and everything went on as though he didn’t exist.
“Agent 36?”
“Yes, Agent 84?”
“Was there just a timeline correction?”
“Yes, sir there was. Approximately 2 minutes ago.”
“Very well, follow me. We have work to do and all of the time to do it.”
“Yes, sir.” She replied rolling her eyes.
On another side of town, a pair of twin in blue run around a playground full of children. A man calls out to them and the children run to their father, the patient who disappeared.
End. The.
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“This way please.”, the security officer says as he leads my partner and I down the short white hallway..
“Now, be careful rookie. This guy might not have recovered from the effects of the trip.”
“Yes, sir.”, he replies and then inhales for the inevitable “May I ask a question, Agent 84?”
“Very well, Agent 22.”, I replied rolling my eyes.
“Have they figured out how or why this happens to some people and not others?”, he asks probably expecting me to have an answer as the senior agent.
“There’s lots of speculation but the best explanation so far is that being in a time before you were born has an effect on the brain and body which causes brief periods of psychotic or homicidal behaviors.”, I try not to sound to much like the book I read that from but that’s the basic idea I give him.
“Is that what happened to this guy?”, he asks as if I know the answer.
“That’s what we’re here to find out. Now, do you remember the procedures?”, I bark.
“Yes, sir.
Do not touch the suspect.
Do not cross the table.
Do not respond to questions except those of your superior or doctors.”, he answers like a holophone recording at a museum.
“You forgot one.”, I stare at him like an angry teacher.
“Did I? OH, RIGHT!!!! Never reveal my real name or the organization we work for.”
“Good. Now let’s get this started.”, I say as we get closer to the room.
We reach the door marked “10" and we can hear someone mumbling inside the room.
I nod to the guard, he unlocks the door and it slides open.
The room itself is not much to look at. About the size of a single hotel room. It’s been painted this awful blue-green which I absolutely hate. There is a small table separated by a nano-shield that goes from wall-to-wall with 2 chairs at either end in the center of the room.
On the other side of the shield is a man curled up on a small bed slowly mumbling to himself. He’s wearing an old-fashioned suit which is wrinkled and ruffled. He has what appears to be blood stains on his white shirt, face & hands. He looks up at us as we walk in.
“Who are you to be entering my chamber at this hour?”, he says in a heavy English accent.
“I’m Agent 84 and this is my associate Agent 22. We’re here to discuss the events that brought you here. Is that ok?”
“I suppose that is acceptable if it gets me out of here sooner.”, he says in an American accent.
I motion to 22 to grab a chair and the three of us sit down. I grab the recorder out of my pocket, sit it on the table and start recording.
“This is Agent 84 at The New York Center for Time Travel Sickness and Research. I am joined by Agent 22 for our 3rd interview with Patient #43. Good morning sir, how are we doing today?”
“Better now that I’m thinking straight. What is going on here? Why am I locked up?”, he says going in and out of the English accent.
“Well that’s better than our last meeting. I don’t know how else to explain it to you so I am just going to tell you. We’re here because you went on a time travel vacation and murdered at least 5 women in 1880s England. Do you remember that sir?”
“No, I have no idea what you’re talking --", his eyes widened as he gasped with the realization that he did do it. “Oh, My God!! Did I really kill those women?”, he says while tears fill his eyes.
“Yes, you did. We have trackers in the time-bands you wear when you travel. They monitor everything about your trip from location to everyone you come in contact with. You came in contact with Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes, and Mary Jane Kelly moments before they were murdered. When we found you, you were speaking in a heavy English accent and proclaimed that you were ‘Jack The Ripper’ and ‘these whores must be cleansed for this city to be pure'.”
He sat there in his chair, hand over his mouth as I explained to him what he had done. Even though Jack has 5 victims specifically attached to him, Patient 43 had strayed and killed another 6-8 in England and America.
“Now we’re here to find out if these behaviors were a part of who you were before you took the trip or a side effect of the trip itself.” I reluctantly explained. “We would like for you to be able to rejoin society so we will be working with your doctors to help with that.”
He seemed to relax after hearing that. “Ok, how do we do this? Do I have to do something? Is this a hospital?”, he says with no trace of the English accent.
“We’re already doing it.” I say with a wry smile on my face. “This is our 3rd interview with you. As we continue, we will discuss each crime with you. If you remember the details then the issue is your brain and we will keep you here. If you continue to forget the killings, like you have been, you should be able to return to your family in a year, maybe less.”
He starts to look a little more nervous. “How can you know if I’m lying or not?”
“Him.” I say as I point to Agent 22. “He’s a psychic psychoanalyst. He can sift through your memories as we talk and determine if you are really forgetting.”
“I suppose I can live with that.”, he says looking nervous but hopeful.
“Good to know. Now we’re going to start with Ms. Kelly….”
End. The.
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