stopmeinmytracks · 2 years
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“I wonder why they didn’t do The Hop Jam this year“
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stopmeinmytracks · 2 years
cue midlife crisis
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“I feel like Taylor is trying to fit in with his teenage kids with the weird haircuts and crazy hair dye“
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stopmeinmytracks · 2 years
They've never really commented on the news though
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“Hanson’s silence the latest american tragedy involving guns is deafening. I blame Zac. Always. You know why? because if Taylor spoke about they’d all have too nad it would ridiculous coming from Zac“
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stopmeinmytracks · 2 years
Couldn’t agree more.
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**double confession
“I’m just here to piss off the zac girls. Whats it like stanning a narcissistic racist? sounds like a waste of time to me “
“shout out to all the zac girls who have zac in their profile pic! thanks for making it easy for me to block u :) “
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stopmeinmytracks · 2 years
Your faith in him is admirable and I hope he doesn’t disappoint you
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“I’m so fucking angry at taylor for enabling his brothers. I want to believe in him still but it’s getting hard to not believe he’s just like his brothers when he continues to not say anything about their behavior”
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stopmeinmytracks · 2 years
No absolutely not
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“I’m so fucking angry at taylor for enabling his brothers. I want to believe in him still but it’s getting hard to not believe he’s just like his brothers when he continues to not say anything about their behavior”
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stopmeinmytracks · 2 years
Performative activism. Thats all. If he really cared about being anti racist he wouldn’t continue to be in a band with his brother who is obviously racist.
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“I’m so fucking angry at taylor for enabling his brothers. I want to believe in him still but it’s getting hard to not believe he’s just like his brothers when he continues to not say anything about their behavior”
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stopmeinmytracks · 2 years
You have the right to your opinion but can I ask you think? What makes you think he’s different?
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“I’m so fucking angry at taylor for enabling his brothers. I want to believe in him still but it’s getting hard to not believe he’s just like his brothers when he continues to not say anything about their behavior”
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stopmeinmytracks · 2 years
Taylor is PART of Hanson. This whole “I’m only still here for TAY” this is DUMB. It’s an excuse to make you feel better for still supporting the band.
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“Tbh I wouldnt ask taylor to turn his back on his brothers but I’d rather listen to tinted windows than giving Hanson any streams or money ever again. If taylor puts out any solo work thats what im going to invest my time and money on. Hanson is dead to me.”
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stopmeinmytracks · 2 years
You’re fucking delusional if you think he’s not racist. Imagine being that in denial.
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“Zac is a racist moron and anyone who still supports him is just as bad as he is”
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stopmeinmytracks · 2 years
Yup. He thinks racism is funny. Let’s not forgot what he also said that if fans didn’t like the joke they could leave.
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“Zac is a racist moron and anyone who still supports him is just as bad as he is”
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stopmeinmytracks · 2 years
Of course he’s just like them. The only difference is he’s smarter and better at keeping his mouth shut about his “opinions” than the other two.
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“I’m so fucking angry at taylor for enabling his brothers. I want to believe in him still but it’s getting hard to not believe he’s just like his brothers when he continues to not say anything about their behavior”
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stopmeinmytracks · 2 years
Apparently a lot of ppl got Covid too
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“It was awesome to be able to enjoy Hanson day from home!!! Great setlists too!”
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stopmeinmytracks · 2 years
The fans who have chosen to continue supporting them are enablers. Period. How in the hell every single fan didn’t walk away after that black face joke and what he said after a beyond me. I just don’t get it. How that is not a turn off? The only conclusion I can come to is the remaining fans agree with him.
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“this fandom is a cesspool and im only here to air my grievances”
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stopmeinmytracks · 2 years
I don’t think they ever left.
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“I guess Dimitrius and Andrew are back with Hanson. I was hoping they’d have learnt not to work for those people by now.“
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stopmeinmytracks · 2 years
Couldn’t agree more.
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“Zac is a racist moron and anyone who still supports him is just as bad as he is”
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stopmeinmytracks · 2 years
I definitely feel the same way. But when all that went down in 2020 I chose to leave the fan club, and not listen to or support them anymore. I don’t regret that decision - it felt right and still does - but I do miss being a fan and the fun I had going to shows and events. It’s been very difficult to not have their music anymore, which was a crutch for me for so long. I’m still trying to cope honestly.
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“I miss my favorite band. I miss being inspired by them. I miss getting lost in their music and feel like it’s speaking to me. It’s sad, but it’s also a relief to hear other people feeling the same way.”
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