149 posts
honestly, this is my back up blog but I always wanted to start writing some fan fiction soo... I have 2 other blogs if anyone is interested! just ask !
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stonerchik420 · 3 years ago
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stonerchik420 · 3 years ago
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REBLOG to get the banana
IGNORE for potassium defeciency
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stonerchik420 · 5 years ago
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this is the money dog, repost in the next 24 hours and money will come your way!!
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stonerchik420 · 5 years ago
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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stonerchik420 · 5 years ago
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stonerchik420 · 5 years ago
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Blame this guy named tony for this ok😭
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stonerchik420 · 5 years ago
Newest Assistant.
Hi guys ! I had a dream and I thought I would share it with you ❤😁
Im sorry I've been MIA, tbings have been insane for me and I was in a bad place mentally but I think I've figured it out now.
Let me know if you think I should make this into a short series??
Warnings: flufffyyyy, light smut (the lightest of the light), mentions of drinking.
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"Hey, you up? Can I come hang out ? I'm bored."
David texted you.
"Sure, im bored too" you replied
You were David's newest assistant and you were living at the house temporarily until Taylor and yourself could find a nice apartment in LA to split. Almost impossible though. The real estate here is booming and everything was either too small or too much money at the moment. You had been David's new assistant for about 2 months now and things have been surprisingly fun for you. Granted with the quarentine you haven't seen a real filming day yet and all the crazy stress that comes with it but as of right now, things were chill and fun.
Natalie and Ilya were both visiting their families together back in Chicago so that meant that you and David had the house to yourselves when Taylor went home to her apartment at the end of the day.
There was no denying that the last couple of weeks there has been some kind of sexual tension between David and yourself. Well. Maybe not sexual tension exactly but there was something ... some kind of tension.
When everyone was in the house including Jason and Joe, David would always glance at you for longer than a few seconds. He probably wasn't aware that you noticed but when you did your cheeks became warm and he would smirk. If there was a chance, he would sit next to you on the couch or at the bar. Not touching you but close enough that you could feel the heat radiating off of his body. There were beginnings of shared inside jokes no one knew about. Your secret conversations and whispering on the couch while watching movies or just hanging out with the squad making fun of them. There were late night texts to each other, sharing memes and tiktoks from separate rooms. Occasionally you would end up hanging in David's room while he played xbox or just to hang out and talk.
David entered your room smiling looking all cozy in his black hoodie, messy hair poking out under the hood, black basketball shorts on and wearing his glasses. He brought in snacks for you to share.
"Hey Y/N." He said grinning
"Hey!" You smiled, "you brought my favorite snacks !!" You said sitting up in bed clapping.
"Of course! And a glass of wine"
David and you were similar in the fact to you both didn't drink much but he knew since you had moved in you occasionally enjoyed a good glass of wine or two after a long day, especially to calm your nerves of moving so far away from your family and friends.
"You're the best!"
David settled into bed under the covers next to you with the bowl of snacks in between you. You took a sip from your glass and set it on the table next to you.
"Let's watch a movie" you suggested, "what do you wanna watch ? Iron man ?"
You knew David was obsessed with Iron Man and the movies were great !
"Nah," he said "I've honestly watched them so much I wouldn't pay attention at all"
You giggled, "okay then"
You scrolled through some movies on Netflix until you and David both settled on some dumb looking comedy knowing you both weren't really going to watch it anyways. You were both probably about to share the funny videos or memes you had found on the internet during the day and share them with each other.
"Wanna watch TikToks with me ?" David asked not even 10 minutes after the movie started, already bored with it anyways.
You laughed, "duh!"
Over the last 2 months you really came out of your shell. You started your job here kind of nervous and more reserved but within a week or two you and everyone in the house became pretty close to each other, specifically David of course.
With the bowl of snacks still in between you two, you leaned up against the pillows more to get closer to David to see his screen. You found a few funny videos and the two of you started cracking jokes back and forth dying of laughter.
The wine was starting to get to you and you felt warm and more relaxed. By now the bowl of snack was moved out from between you two and you were lying directly next to David now, the movie still playing in the background. You were very close to him now, closer than you've ever been to him before. You could smell his strawberry shampoo mixed with his laundry detergent and a slight breeze of colonge. You felt your cheeks get warmer and you bit your lip.
You couldn't deny your feelings for David had grown a lot. But there was a part of you that felt like nothing was ever going to happen between you two. I mean you worked for him. It wouldn't be professional and if things went south then you would be out of a job and screwed.
"Penny for your thoughts?" David asked smirking leaning his head away from yours to get a better look at your face.
"Huh?" You asked.
"You haven't really been watching these tiktoks, so whatre you thinking about?" David asked still looking at you with a side eye.
"Oh nothing at all," you said waving your hand. "Just relaxing honestly."
"Yeah okay Y/N" David said in a mocking voice
"Shut up!" You said smacking his chest and smiling
"You're gonna regret that" David said biting his lip.
He threw his phone on the night stand next to him and turned back over to you and started tickling your stomach.
You began shrieking and laughing trying to push him off of you but also accepting his sudden touch. You rolled over on top of him in hopes that you could pin him down and tickle him back. However, when you flipped your body on top of his you found yourself face to face with David.
He stopped tickling you and you caught your breath in your throat as you had both realized how close your faces were to each other in that moment. David was holding onto your hips now and he closed the gap between the two of you kissing you on the lips lightly.
Your heart lept. This is all you've wanted to do in the last few weeks. You pulled away first and bit your lip while looking at him.
"What?" He asked smiling up at you.
You didn't answer, you bent your head down kissing him again. This time more aggressively than before. The kisses slowly became more sloppy and you adjusted yourself on top of him so you were kneeling with both legs on either side of his hips. His hands moved from the bottom of your thighs to your butt and the kiss turned into more of a sloppy make out. He squeezed your ass and your breath hitched as it was more aggressive than you were expecting.
"Sorry," he said pulling away and smirking "I've been looking at your ass for 2 months now and all I've wanted to do was this"
You giggled then leaned down again to kiss him. He wrapped his arm around the bottom of your back and flipped himself on top of you. You shrieked at the sudden movement now smiling like crazy below him.
"I've wanted this for so so long Y/N" David said leaning back into the kiss
You wrapped one arm around the back of his neck holding tugging at the bottom of his hair.
You pulled away from the kiss first letting go of your breath. You smiled up at him and he did the same back. "What?" He asked cocking his head to the side and licking his bottom lip, smiling.
You giggled and covered your mouth with one hand fully aware of how hot your cheeks were now.
"Nothing David, just happy you did that"
He rolled over next to you and pulled you into his arms kissing the top of your head and humming into your hair for a moment. You felt his hand trail down and hold onto your hip gripping it tightly for a moment which made your heart skip a beat. You wanted to continue making out, you wanted to take it further with David. More than anything. But you were too nervous and you had a feeling that this wine wasn't helping your decision making. So you settled with cuddling for now.
"Dave?" You asked looking at the TV.
"Yes Y/N?"
"Will you stay and cuddle with me tonight ?"
"Of course I will" he said moving his hand up to your chin and pulling you in for one more quick kiss before settling back into your original positions.
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stonerchik420 · 5 years ago
Dobrik Quarentine. PART 2.
Yall I am SO sorry this is late!! I got a nanny in job and had some writers block but here is Part 2! Sorry its kinda short.
Part 1 is right below this one on my page so check it out if you haven't read it yet :)
Warnings: drinking and swearing.
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You awoke at around 1105 in the morning to the wonderful sound of your friend Alex throwing up in the bathroom.
You looked over at the other bed and Nicole was still fast asleep.
You decided to get up and check on your friend Alex.
You gently knocked on the door, "You good?"
"Yeah, just drank too much again. I'll be out in a bit just gotta brush my teeth", Alex replied.
You made your way to the mini fridge and got some water then back to bed.
You picked up your phone to check it, worried if you sent your ex any drunk texts last night or if you posted any embarrassing videos on your snapchat. The thought made you shudder a bit.
Alex finally came out of the bathroom and laid next to you in bed with a wash cloth over her forehead.
Your phone buzzed in your hand.
*New Text Message*
Your heart jumped and you smacked Alex in excitement.
"Ouch dude ! What's your problem!" She exclaimed making Nicole jump up out of her sleep.
"Whaaa, what's going on?" Nicole said rubbing her eyes.
"I think David texted me !!!!" You exclaimed super excited!
"No FUCKING way !" Both girls said a few times.
"What does it say !!!" Nicole asked.
You opened the message and read it out loud,
* Hey Y/N! Its David ! It was nice meeting you last night. I think what you did for your friends was really cool and I was wondering if you would wanna meet up sometime today so we can film you and your friends and you can explain what you did for them on the vlog!*
The 3 of your screamed in excitement !
You quickly replied,
* Hey David ! Yeah !! Where and when ?*
You looked up at your friends, "What the hell am I even going to wear ?!"
"Borrow one of my cute tops that shows off your boobs a bit!" Alex said.
You rolled your eyes and laughed.
* let me come pick you up at your hotel, let's say in the next hour ? Send me the address.
David responded.
All 3 of you jumped up to start getting ready.
About an hour later the 3 of you were waiting in the lobby for David to pull up in his Tesla. You were pacing back and forth, butterflies in your stomach.
"Y/N, relax and come sit down next to me," Nicole said patting a spot on the bench in between her and Alex.
"I can't, I'm nervous, like the excited kind of nervous," you said still pacing. "I mean David fucking Dobrik asked us to hang out today!"
You saw David's tesla pull up outside the doors and your heart leapt in your chest.
"He's here !" You said.
The 3 of you made your way outside. Jason got out of the front seat and the back door opened.
"Hey Y/N! It's nice to meet you!" Jason said extending his hand for a hand shake. "David wants you in the front seat."
You swallowed the lump in your throat and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you too Jason!"
Your friends along with Jason claimed in the back seat. Jason was all the way in the back row and Alex and Nicole were in the 2 middle seats.
"Hey Y/N! ", David said with a big grin on his face.
"Hey David!" You smiled and waved while climbing into the front seat and closing the door behind you.
"Everybody in ?" David asked while looking at his rear view mirror. A couple of yesses echoed through the car.
David drive you and your friends around LA for a little while listening to music and talking here and there.
Before you knew it you pulled up in front of David's house and he parked his Tesla in the driveway. He grabbed his camera and turned it on and set it on the dash.
"Alright Y/N," David said turning to face you in the car, "last night, at a party, you won 10k with one he'll of a shot but you didn't keep the money to yourself, you gave it to your friends. Why?"
You went on explaining how you were just visiting your two best friends in LA for a week or so and that you didn't really need the money and felt that it would help the two of them the most with their student loans.
"Thats why we love you, Y/N" Alex said from the back seat grabbing onto your shoulder.
David looked at you with a huge smile on his face.
"I love what you did for your friends, you're an amazing person," he paused digging in his pockets. "So I wrote you a check for $5000."
You friends started screaming from the back seat in celebration.
You couldn't believe it! "David! Stop it no!" You said covering your mouth starting to cry a bit.
"Yes !" David responded starting to laugh and then saying "awhhh!" Now that you were crying.
You went in for a hug which David happily accepted.
"Okay, no more crying ! Let's go hang out in the house. I'll show you guys around." David said gesturing to you and your friends.
You wiped your tears and everyone made their way out of the car and into the house.
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stonerchik420 · 5 years ago
David Dobrik Fan Fic..
Okay bear with me!!! This is my first fan fic. I also am going to break this down into a lot of different parts, maybe like 11 or 12 different parts...I feel like writing a long story :)
Warnings ? Uhmm..mentions of covid-19, fluff...lots and lots of fluff, drinking, swearing, eventually some smut later on..
My idea for this story is that the reader (you) meet David at a college party and impress him. This happens before everything gets shut down due to the virus. You were visiting friends at UCLA while staying in a hotel room. Eventually your friends go home to be with family during the quarantine. For the sake of the story let's say all travel has been banned over the California boarder before you can leave and you get stuck in a hotel room in Studio City. David ends up being home alone as well since Taylor and Natalie both went to stay with their families and he feels alone. You two started hanging out before all the craziness started happening so he invites you to just come stay at his house so you aren't spending money on a hotel room and to keep each other company.
Enjoy !! I'll keep writing different parts and I'll take suggestions of course !
( a week or two before present day...)
You just landed in LA and your friends Nicole and Alex were eagerly awaiting to get you.
You decided to get a hotel room kind of close to the college so you and your friends could stay out of the dorms and can have more fun ! Plus it was nice to have your own space away from everything to relax if you needed to.
You were hanging at a random house party one night because you couldnt get into any frat parties with your friend Alex and Nicole. Music was vibing, you were feeling buzzed and watching a few boys playing Pong. The house was pretty big with a couple of rooms. More and more people started piling into the house and it soon became a super fun, banger of a party!
You were in the kitchen with your friend Nicole mixing up another drink when all of a sudden you heard a roar of screams and excitement in the other room. Some people were rushing to go check and see what just happened.
You grabbed your drink quickly and you made your way through the crowd to go see what just happened. You had to shove yourself between the raging bodies to even see what was happening. To your surprise, "David Dobrik..." you thought to yourself.
Although it shiyslnt a surprise I mean this is his territory... you thought to yourself again
You gave your friends a look like oh my god I cant believe hes here !!!!
David brought along Jason, Heath, Natalie, Ilya, Zane, and Todd. They were close by David but started making their way around the house getting drinks and mingling with everyone.
David had his camera, of course, and was filming.
Heath and Zane made their way to the pong table to play against 2 college boys. You and your friends made your way with everyone to group around the table to watch. After a few games David made everyone get quite to make an announcement.
"Who here thinks they are a good shot!" David announced as jason set up on single cup on a side of the pong table. A few people explained they were and David said, "I need 10 people!"
Everyone started raining their hands and saying they were. David picked a few people in the inside if the circle.
Your friends started yelling, "David! David!!! Y/N is!!" While raising your hands.
You kept trying to pull away from them and shove your hands down and told them to stop. You hated being the center of attention and even though you wanted David to notice you, you didn't at the same time.
David noticed your friends and made eye contact with you and selected you.
Your heart started jumping out of your chest !!
David had you lined up with the 9 other people on one side of the pong table. He turned his camera on and started recording, "if anyone can make that cup," he gestured to the end of the table, "in one shot, I'll give you $10,000." Everyone got excited! Your heart started beating faster. Although you were pretty good with your aim, sometimes it wasnt the best...
You watched 6 people miss, you were up next...
"You're up!", David said. "What's your name?"
"I'm Y/N" you said back nervously as he handed you the ping pong ball.
"Alright Y/N, take the shot whenever you're ready." David said.
The room was quiet, you were nervous but determined to take the shot.
You aimed yourself up, threw the shot.....
You made it...
You stood there for a split second in shock then went crazy with everyone around you as they cheered. Your friends came over and started jumping up and down with you, you couldnt believe it !!
David videoed giving you the 10k and then yelled, "let's partyyyy!" Everyone went crazy!!
You and your friends went off to the corner of the room for a little bit to talk. It was so loud with all the music and cheering.
You were happy that you won the $10,000 but in all reality, you didnt really need it.. you started to count it up and your friends asked what you were doing.
"I'm giving you each $5,000."
"Uhhh no you're not ! You won that fair and square!" Alex said.
"Yeah!!! That's YOUR money !" Exclaimed Nicole.
You refused and shoved the money in their faces, " I dont want to hear a peep! You both are in college and I have steady money right now and barely any debt at all. I DONT need it so take it !"
Nicole looked at you and you could just make out some tears in her eyes and she flung her arms around you, "this is why we love you" she said.
You didnt know but David had been looking at you doing this from across the room while also adjusting something on his camera.
He approached you to see what was going on.
You explained to him that you didnt go to college here and you were from out of town visiting your 2 friends from high school. "I dont need the money," you told David. " I barely have any debt at all and I know my two broke college friends need it more than I do." You shrugged your shoulders.
David looked taken aback by this statement and probably the fact that you just have your friends your money.
The music was pretty loud now and you could barely hear what anyone was saying.
David leaned over to talk in your ear.
"Hey, let me get your number real quick!"
You gave him a look like you were surprised.
He leaned over again, "I wanna meet up again before you go, maybe have you in another vlog!"
You smiled and agreed, he gave you his phone and you typed your number in.
"What's your name again ?" He asked
he typed that in, locked his phone, smiled and said, "cool I'll text you !"
"Sounds good!" You replied. He smiled and then made his way over to see what drunken Zane was doing with Heath to hopefully get more footage.
Your friend came up behind you and you all squealed with excitement. "He asked for my number !", you exclaimed !
"Did you get his in your phone?", Nicole asked.
You frowned a bit, "no, but it's okay I think hes going to reach out to me no doubt!" And the 3 of you went to get more drinks and have more fun.
Alright thats it for part 1, sorry if it kinda sucked, I promise the story will get better ! I'll post part 2 if anyone wants soon.
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stonerchik420 · 5 years ago
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stonerchik420 · 5 years ago
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stonerchik420 · 5 years ago
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stonerchik420 · 5 years ago
when i was younger, i used to draw the sun in the corner of the paper every time. 
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stonerchik420 · 5 years ago
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stonerchik420 · 5 years ago
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Beginner Witchery
Disclaimer: Witchcraft is NOT a religion! It is a practice, or skill. Anyone of ANY religion can be a witch!
There are a few steps to becoming a witch, and the first is taking an interest, which you obviously have and its led you to my post. Many things lead people to magic! Maybe you’ve always felt a strong connection with Mother Earth and her lovely inhabitants, or maybe your friend is a witch and recently has been open about it with you. The second step is exploring the craft, Reading witchy books and blogs, and gathering information. The final steps are to start calling yourself a witch and start practicing witchcraft. Those steps are interchangeable, it doesn’t matter what comes first.
When it comes to learning more about witchcraft, a lot of baby witches ask me the million dollar question… “What do I study first?”
Theres no exact order you need to follow. I’d advise you to be respectful to magick, to the elements and to mother earth. Start being more aware of all she gives us, if you aren’t already.
Here are some things you can do/look into to get yourself started:
Witchblr. DON’T UNDERESTIMATE WITCHBLR. There is so much information on witchblr, its really amazing. 
History of witchcraft. Studying the roots of the craft is so interesting to do! Its really cool to hear the origins of everything we do.
Crystals. Crystals are my FAVORITE, my collection is always growing and i pick specific ones to carry based on what i need the day of.
Divination Methods. There are several ways to divine, and its really nice to get some insight from your spirit guide/the universe. Studying the origins of these methods is also really interesting.
Herbs. Herbs are awesome and you can use them for everything, be it magick or mundane. They are great for using in spell jars, teas, baths and etc.
Dreams. Study what they mean, why they’re important and how you can benefit from listening in to the deeper messages they hold.
Keep a dream journal! Start recording everything you can remember as soon as you wake up.
Grounding. I think everyone should ground themselves at least once a day, it makes you feel so balanced.
Celestial Bodies. Each planet has a different energy, and you can use these energies potentially.
THE MOON. The moon has so much energy its so powerful and i love feeling it shine on my skin. Its phases have significant effects on us and on our spellwork.
The elements. Each element brings a different energy, and when you cast circles you typically call on each element. its nice to know about these energies and find which ones you click with the most.
Altar Tools. 
Deities. Study the different pantheons, see if one appeals to you. if not, its ok, not everyone works with them.
Meditate. Get in tune with yourself. Thats the best thing you can do while on this spiritual journey.
Different Alphabets
Types of spells
Types of magick
Famous witches.
A few more tips from me:
Keep journals. yes. plural. one for dreams, one for your general day to day feelings and to record your growth spiritually, one for the crystals and herbs you collect (or one for each), one for your studies. You CANNOT record too much! Take notes on everything.
never do anything you don’t feel comfortable with.
Never rush ahead of yourself. Take your time with learning about the craft, you will thank yourself in the future.
Use what you have! You don’t need supplies to be a witch or have a successful spell. Its all mental and about your flow of energy. you just need YOU.
your craft is your own, do not feel pressured to be more like witches you admire, do whatever feels right to you.
unless you follow a specific tradition, there are no rules in witchcraft. There is a lot more freedom in witchcraft than you may realize.
DOn’t ever shame other witches. Best example: Some witches curse, some don’t. 
i know i said this earlier, but be respectful. always remember to thank mother earth for everything she supplies us with.
Always say goodbye to any entities you call into your circle.
NEVER be scared of spirits. they are all around us, all the time, they only make themselves known sometimes. fear can feed them and help them grow in strength.
don’t worry about a title, you don’t need to scramble to find our what kind of witch you are. you will just know eventually based on what you do most in your practice, it will take some time.
Please add to this so any baby witches can see what you have to say and be informed!! You can also submit a post to my blog.
I will add to this post in the future, i hope it was helpful.
Blessed be!
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stonerchik420 · 5 years ago
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Beginner Witchery
Disclaimer: Witchcraft is NOT a religion! It is a practice, or skill. Anyone of ANY religion can be a witch!
There are a few steps to becoming a witch, and the first is taking an interest, which you obviously have and its led you to my post. Many things lead people to magic! Maybe you’ve always felt a strong connection with Mother Earth and her lovely inhabitants, or maybe your friend is a witch and recently has been open about it with you. The second step is exploring the craft, Reading witchy books and blogs, and gathering information. The final steps are to start calling yourself a witch and start practicing witchcraft. Those steps are interchangeable, it doesn’t matter what comes first.
When it comes to learning more about witchcraft, a lot of baby witches ask me the million dollar question… “What do I study first?”
Theres no exact order you need to follow. I’d advise you to be respectful to magick, to the elements and to mother earth. Start being more aware of all she gives us, if you aren’t already.
Here are some things you can do/look into to get yourself started:
Witchblr. DON’T UNDERESTIMATE WITCHBLR. There is so much information on witchblr, its really amazing. 
History of witchcraft. Studying the roots of the craft is so interesting to do! Its really cool to hear the origins of everything we do.
Crystals. Crystals are my FAVORITE, my collection is always growing and i pick specific ones to carry based on what i need the day of.
Divination Methods. There are several ways to divine, and its really nice to get some insight from your spirit guide/the universe. Studying the origins of these methods is also really interesting.
Herbs. Herbs are awesome and you can use them for everything, be it magick or mundane. They are great for using in spell jars, teas, baths and etc.
Dreams. Study what they mean, why they’re important and how you can benefit from listening in to the deeper messages they hold.
Keep a dream journal! Start recording everything you can remember as soon as you wake up.
Grounding. I think everyone should ground themselves at least once a day, it makes you feel so balanced.
Celestial Bodies. Each planet has a different energy, and you can use these energies potentially.
THE MOON. The moon has so much energy its so powerful and i love feeling it shine on my skin. Its phases have significant effects on us and on our spellwork.
The elements. Each element brings a different energy, and when you cast circles you typically call on each element. its nice to know about these energies and find which ones you click with the most.
Altar Tools. 
Deities. Study the different pantheons, see if one appeals to you. if not, its ok, not everyone works with them.
Meditate. Get in tune with yourself. Thats the best thing you can do while on this spiritual journey.
Different Alphabets
Types of spells
Types of magick
Famous witches.
A few more tips from me:
Keep journals. yes. plural. one for dreams, one for your general day to day feelings and to record your growth spiritually, one for the crystals and herbs you collect (or one for each), one for your studies. You CANNOT record too much! Take notes on everything.
never do anything you don’t feel comfortable with.
Never rush ahead of yourself. Take your time with learning about the craft, you will thank yourself in the future.
Use what you have! You don’t need supplies to be a witch or have a successful spell. Its all mental and about your flow of energy. you just need YOU.
your craft is your own, do not feel pressured to be more like witches you admire, do whatever feels right to you.
unless you follow a specific tradition, there are no rules in witchcraft. There is a lot more freedom in witchcraft than you may realize.
DOn’t ever shame other witches. Best example: Some witches curse, some don’t. 
i know i said this earlier, but be respectful. always remember to thank mother earth for everything she supplies us with.
Always say goodbye to any entities you call into your circle.
NEVER be scared of spirits. they are all around us, all the time, they only make themselves known sometimes. fear can feed them and help them grow in strength.
don’t worry about a title, you don’t need to scramble to find our what kind of witch you are. you will just know eventually based on what you do most in your practice, it will take some time.
Please add to this so any baby witches can see what you have to say and be informed!! You can also submit a post to my blog.
I will add to this post in the future, i hope it was helpful.
Blessed be!
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stonerchik420 · 5 years ago
Common Spell Items
Here’s a collection of items you can easily find outside and their correspondences/associations
Grass:  Psychic powers, protection, growth, nature, learning, healing, new beginnings, recovery from loss Pine needles:  Cleansing, healing and strengthening. It also acts as a natural insect repellent Pine cones: Masculinity, fertility Maple Leaves: Feminine, moon magic, travel, learning, dealing with change, decision making, spiritual healing Pennies: Luck, wealth Dandelions: Divination, wishes, calling spirits Dandelion leaves:  Summoning spirits, healing, purification, defeating negativity Red/purple wild clover:  Fidelity, love, money, protection, the blessing of domestic animals White wild clover: Breaking curses Two leaf clover: Love, luck Three leaf clover: protection, luck Four leaf clover: Protection, psychic powers, spirit work, luck, success Oak leaf:  Truth, steadfast knowledge, protection Acorn:  Good luck, protection, wisdom, and personal power Walnut: Healing and protection
Feel free to add any more! 
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