stonald · 9 years
I still ship them
Bro. Same.
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stonald · 10 years
I love Stonald sooo much It makes me so pissed That Donald is not in pitch perfect 2 And only Stacie
UGH I KNOW! Why does Bumper get to be in the second one, but Donald doesn't??? What the heck?!
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stonald · 11 years
Okay, here it is! I know it's short, but I'll be adding a part two. I wanted to do it in two parts because I felt like there needed to be a change in the way I was writing when they're actually together and talking.
So keep an eye out for part two, and for future one-shots.
can you please write a one shot about the riff off, like their perspectives on what happened there please? thanks :)
I can try, but I haven’t been feeling very inspired lately.
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stonald · 11 years
this looks fun
1.) Give me a pairing. 2.) Give me an AU setting. 3.) I will write you a three-sentence fic.
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stonald · 11 years
I’m working on Blue Bloods, I promise! And on my Stonald one-shot. I’ve been busy with work. They keep turning my 4 hour shifts into 8 hour shifts. I’ll try to update soon!
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stonald · 11 years
Okay so I DID start this fic. It's been sitting in my documents folder forever. I WILL GET IT UP EVENTUALLY!
Can you make a stonald fanfic where stacie and Donald meet at a party before college then find each other again back at barden a month layers x thanks xx
Ooh, that’s a nice idea! I’m so sorry if this took me a long time to answer, I never got a notification about having a message. Darn Tumblr. I’ll try to write it and post it soon!
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stonald · 11 years
aw, sorry to hear that :( maybe you can watch some of your favorite movies or do fun or relaxing things that you enjoy to help? that always gets me out of a slump :) i'll be looking forward to it though!!
I will try! I'm going to watch the riff-off over and over until inspiration hits.
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stonald · 11 years
I have a couple of one-shots in progress but I've been lacking inspiration lately. I'm going to work on some stuff tomorrow, and hopefully I'll get something up.
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stonald · 11 years
can you please write a one shot about the riff off, like their perspectives on what happened there please? thanks :)
I can try, but I haven't been feeling very inspired lately.
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stonald · 11 years
Hi! So I read the pitch perfect wiki page of Stacie and Donald and they said that there was a deleted scene where Stacie and Donald was dancing together in the background before Donald went off to dance with Kori. So… is that true? Because if is true I neeeeeed to see it. Can somebody please send me a link of that or just show me a gif or even just a friggin picture of that deleted scene? Pleeaaaase? It fuels the ship's engine lol
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stonald · 11 years
So, i just watched pitch perfect and whenever i see donald and stacie i’m like
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they’re just so hot!! and they’ll be so good together!! cuz they’re like, bella’s and treble’s biggest flirt and i don’t care about greg or cynthia or lilly or kori YOU TWO ARE GOING TO BE BFGFs IN THE SEQUEL. please.
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stonald · 11 years
 the sexual tension between donald and stacie & jesse and beca dAMMM GIRL
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stonald · 11 years
rated M (for mature lol) but it’s good (:
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stonald · 11 years
i don’t usually post this much, (like once every 2 weeks or months or so :p) but Im super bored rn so im sorry
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stonald · 11 years
I need some fic title ideas! Anything that relates to Stonald will work. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know! ^^
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stonald · 11 years
Hey followers, please help her out and vote!
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Please vote for a cover for my Stonald fanfic, “Like you want me to".
Inbox me with a number 1, 2, 3, 4, going down the list depending on which one you like the most.
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stonald · 11 years
Okay so I’ve been questioned a lot on why I ship Donald and Stacie, and not Donald and Lilly. Okay, so here’s my short little explanation.
∙ During the riff-off:
- They’re clearly singing to each other - They point at each other countless times - The way they look at each other - Donald is checking her out - When Donald comes up, she looks like she’s ready for a challenge, then Jesse comes up and she walks away
∙ At auditions:
- When Stacie sings “I get what I want", Donald sits up and bites his pen with extreme interest
∙ During the finals:
- Stacie dances while Donald is rapping
The rest of my reasoning is kind of personal to me. Kinda.
The first time I watched the movie, I was at a sleepover. Me, being the “racist" (I’m not really racist, I just joke around) I am, I told my friend Kaitlyn that she was Lilly from the movie. Neither of us knew the names, so we just pointed. She then said I was Stacie (because I am kind of exactly like the character Stacie, and I look like her.). The riff-off scene soon came up. It’s easy to spot the sexual tension between Stacie and Donald, and Kaitlyn decided to point that out. She then said “Ooh, Kristin, you and Preet!" Then everyone else who was there laughed. I acted like I was totally disgusted. Preet is my friend, and he resembles Donald greatly. They didn’t know, and still have no idea, that I like Preet. So, Stonald actually has a lot of meaning to me.
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