stokked-as-fuck · 3 years
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stokked-as-fuck · 3 years
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25K notes · View notes
stokked-as-fuck · 3 years
I hate hate HATE asking for help, but honestly I feel like I'm drowning. I know not many will see this, but I figured I would use my Tumblr as my last resort.
Back when Covid first closed down Vegas, I lost my job completely and didn't have another job until September. I worked my butt of putting in applications literally to anything. I found a good paying job and have spent the last 6 months playing catch up on all of my late bills and moving into a more affordable apartment,
So in the last week I've been told I'm being sued by my prior apartment complex unless I come up with $893 by April 14th. Also I was on Covid relief payment with my electricity company. But unknown to me, I was still getting charged the full amount every month..I just couldn't see the running total. I now have until April 16th to pay my bill of $827 or my power gets shut off. (I was able to do some smaller payment plans but even this is sitting at $227)
I'm working 40 hours a week (I work more than this but my company doesn't pay for overtime) so I'm doing the delivery apps on the side and killing myself doing these. I'm also a full-time student. I'm doing my best to juggle all of this. I'm so fucking stressed out and I have no help. I have no one to help me.
Then this afternoon, I was told my bloodwork came back abnormal and due to prior health issues, it can either just be something normal or it can be my body shutting down.
If anyone can help, please do! I feel like I'm drowning and there's not a light at the end of the tunnel anymore. I'm embarrassed asking for help, but I need help. Even if you don't/can't contribute...please reblog?
cash app $JessMacMain
Venmo @Jesafer94
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stokked-as-fuck · 3 years
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by o2.59am
13K notes · View notes
stokked-as-fuck · 3 years
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59K notes · View notes
stokked-as-fuck · 3 years
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33K notes · View notes
stokked-as-fuck · 3 years
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35K notes · View notes
stokked-as-fuck · 3 years
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58K notes · View notes
stokked-as-fuck · 4 years
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via weheartit
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stokked-as-fuck · 4 years
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my future consists of you
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stokked-as-fuck · 4 years
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10K notes · View notes
stokked-as-fuck · 4 years
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0 notes
stokked-as-fuck · 4 years
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1M notes · View notes
stokked-as-fuck · 4 years
I’m not happy anymore
0 notes
stokked-as-fuck · 4 years
“Home is where you feel at home. I’m still looking.”
— Truman Capote (via quotemadness)
2K notes · View notes
stokked-as-fuck · 4 years
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Future - Never Forget
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stokked-as-fuck · 4 years
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6K notes · View notes