stitching-away 3 months
Finally got Aurora framed! I took her to a professional, she鈥檚 deserves it but that was so expensive
Now I鈥檝e got her hung in the hall where she鈥檒l be safe from the sun and she stops me in my tracks every time I walk by
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There鈥檚 my giiiirl
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stitching-away 3 months
Two updates today, because I have also done a lot of stitching on this one.
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She's less bald. Still lacking arms, but I'm getting there, I swear! I just want to finish the hair and face (backstitch included) before working on the rest of the body.
I'm trying to be good and not start more projects (I have like 7 active ones), but Soda Stitch also has this cute mermaids and I know the perfect fabric to use for them, >.<
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stitching-away 3 months
There's finally enough progress in this project that I can share it. It was just a bunch of random green stitches until now.
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The pattern is by MIYA Stitch and it's called The Dream. It's a girl sitting on a hobbit hole while watching the sun set/rise and as a certified Legomancer I just HAD to stitch it, lol.
You can see the girls hat, it's the bright brown on the bottom right.
It's full coverage and also my first project on 32ct (lugana, ofc, I'm still afraid of linen).
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stitching-away 3 months
Me whenever I'm checking a new designer and they have gnome patterns
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stitching-away 3 months
Former UFO recently resurrected into a WIP.
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This is after one month of consistent new work.
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I really happy with the progress I've made.
I also intend my next several projects to be significantly less complicated than this one. I'm liking the result, but wow was I an overconfident pre-teen picking out this project and not listening at all about it maybe being too much to take on.
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stitching-away 3 months
Bad news: It looks like I made a mistake at some point in one of my WIPs and now is way to late to find it.
Good news? Except for like 200-250 stitches that I'll have to frog, the rest is background colour done on half stitch using one thread, which means that I can just stitch over it and it won't be noticiable.
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stitching-away 3 months
I have finally stopped procrastinating and pre-cut the Aida 16 fabric that I have been using in some of my projects.
Most of it has been cut to fit 100x100 circle patterns ("circle patterns", let's be real, it's for Stitch It Picasso patterns, lol)
I'm not sure if I'll keep using Aida once I finish the one I have, though. I have started to use Lugana (28ct and 32ct) and it's so nice, prettiest crosses I have ever stitched.
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stitching-away 3 months
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stitching-away 3 months
Reached 80%!!!
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Also, here's a close up of the first french knots:
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With those knots, the cottage is officially completed. I "only" have the garden left to do, lol
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stitching-away 3 months
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Cross-stitched a small mushroom with some fancy ombre thread for the cap.
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stitching-away 3 months
OP, this colour conversion is beautiful.
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Eowyn is finished, and my Lavender and LOTR series is officially a series!
Adapted from the patterns Celtic Spring and Celtic Winter by Marilyn Leavitt-Inblum
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stitching-away 3 months
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My first two patterns from my Nature Walk series! The first is Midafternoon and the second is Golden Hour
Nature Walk Series | Sprouting Lupine Shop
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stitching-away 3 months
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I've been stitching some cicadas lately. This year is going to be a big one for the screaming bugs!
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stitching-away 3 months
I finally bought Stitch It Picasso's shop bundle and now I don't know with which design to start. They're all so pretty.
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stitching-away 4 months
Kids, don't stitch 2000 stitches in 3 days.
Your hand won't like it.
Final numbers for this weekend:
16 hours.
2000 stitches across
3 WIPs.
I probably should work a bit on the Steady Thread SAL, but that one is on hold until I finish catching up with Hermitcraft. Unlike cross stitch, blackwork is not a youtube craft because I can't watch something while reading the chart, so OBVIOUSLY blackwork is a "listen to metal music while stitching craft".
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stitching-away 4 months
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photography is wild. in person i can't really see the difference between that dusty blue and green but it is so clear in the photo?? also i'm finally done frogging! Was actually done a couple of hours after my last update but i wanted to see how far i could get in a month. i'm almost done re-stitching all the sections i had to frog, but i'm most excited to be almost half way done.
pattern by Vivsters on etsy
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stitching-away 4 months
I still use hoops for smaller projects and projects that are not full coverage, but the big full coverage projects? Scroll frame > hoop, it's so easy to change the stitching area.
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gridding fabric is the worst, but it makes stitching so much easier. also, so mad it took me ages to get a scroll frame, it is the second best investment for my stitching, the first being my Lowery stand
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