stitchedmedley · 2 years
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“Happy birthday to me!”
She’s spent the day with Eri and her parents are taking the two of them out to dinner tonight, so it’s been a nice mix of quiet and fun.
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stitchedmedley · 2 years
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“... I’m immune to chicken nuggets.” <- Is not immune to chicken nuggets.
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stitchedmedley · 2 years
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Indie RP blog for Neku Sakuraba and Shiki Misaki from The World Ends With You and Neo: The World Ends With You, written by Dusty!
rules ~ muses ~ verses
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stitchedmedley · 2 years
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He’s crying even more now, but this time they’re tears of joy.
She tugs Mr. Mew back to hug him against her own chest, swaying back and forth slightly.
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“H-Hey, no need to cry. Mr. Mew believes in you, so everything’s going to be okay, remember?”
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stitchedmedley · 2 years
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“Perhaps~ But likely not. My work phone sticks with me at all times.”
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“Nope! It only counts if you leave the work phone behind!”
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stitchedmedley · 2 years
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“No, no, you’re right. I just thought my fashion sense had gotten better over the years-”
There’s a pig in his face now. He takes Mr. Mew and just hugs it tightly. 
“…If Mr. Mew believes in me, maybe everything will be okay.”
“Mm-hm!” She nods enthusiastically, then clears her throat.
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“A-And if you think it’s gotten better, maybe I should give it more of a chance, too.”
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stitchedmedley · 2 years
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“Oh, I still get rest, when I’m not on a job or doing paperwork. There’s other docs on-call as well, but the ol’ coat and scrubs mean I’m ready to hop into action whenever.”
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“Well, if there are other doctors on-call, then there’s no excuse for you to not take actual time off!”
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stitchedmedley · 2 years
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Panicking, she shoves Mr. Mew into his face. “Mr. Mew thinks your fashion sense is fine, see?”
“Yes, and thank god for that, seeing how you dress without it.”
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“…” Are those tears? Is he crying?
He’s crying.
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stitchedmedley · 2 years
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“When you’re the kinda doc I am, you can’t afford to be be off-call. Hence the one main outfit being more than practical.” 
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“That’s not fair... you need to rest, too.”
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stitchedmedley · 2 years
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“It is, when you’re on-call twenty-four-seven, three sixty-five~”
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“You don’t take any time off? That doesn’t sound healthy...”
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stitchedmedley · 2 years
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“Difference is I know it’s only for practicality. With Pops’ job, those aren’t even that. I’d bet actual money he’ll scald his feet someday.”
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“It’s not ‘practicality’ when you’re off work!”
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stitchedmedley · 2 years
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“Pretty bold for Dr. Scrubs-A-Lot to be critiquing someone else’s fashion choices like this.”
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stitchedmedley · 2 years
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“I thought about it for a sec, but that’d just be rude of me.” Clearly the doctor was joking around a little, after a stressful day on the job. Nothing more than a little jab though, since she didn’t want to give off the impression that she didn’t want to be here. “Seriously though, you piqued my curiosity. I couldn’t not show up, despite not entirely seeing the logic in this, heh.”
There’s a slight head tilt at the plushie in Shiki’s arms and a soft smile comes to her face. It almost reminded her of the deflated polar bear plush in her nest, back at her apartment. “Who’s this lil guy?”
“It’s going to be super fun, definitely worth it, I promise,” Shiki said, then held out Mr. Mew so Hope could get a better look.
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“This is Mr. Mew! I made him when I was a lot younger as my first big sewing project. He’s a little bit famous now, but it’s okay, we try not to let it get to his head.” She giggled again, gently waving the plushie back and forth like a metronome.
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stitchedmedley · 2 years
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@hopeful-hugz​ asked: 104 was a bit of a trek from where Hope had hopped in from, but she was a doctor of her word. Shiki had roped her into an afternoon out, in the chatroom and she wasn't about the back out- not that she had a choice. Still, this gal seemed nice, so the aether saw no harm in meeting in person. There's a glance at the crowd, then at the profile icon on her phone; thankfully it wasn't too hard to locate her new acquaintance. Cue a small wave! "Shiki! Over here!"
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Shiki looked up at the sound of her name, scanning the crowd for a moment before locating the source of the voice and breaking into a grin.
“Hope!” she called back. She slipped her phone into her pocket and held up Mr. Mew to wave back before trotting over to her new friend.
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“Hey! Thanks for showing up. I was starting to think you were going to try to get out of it.” She giggled, bringing Mr. Mew up to her cheek. “Saved me the trip.”
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stitchedmedley · 2 years
i may not have the focus to icon much today, BUT
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stitchedmedley · 2 years
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stitchedmedley · 2 years
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Late Night Posting this Silly Silly Comic I Drew the Other Night at 3AM Based on a YouTube Video's Audio I Saw
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