stingrayinalibrary · 1 year
The American dream, promises freedom and happiness, and above all else, equality. All people are equal and deserve to be free. But what happens when the very system that lifts people up, doesn't see some as people. What happens when groups are overlooked and cast out. Nothing. Because the American dream isn't your dream, it is the systems dream, full of carbon copies and middle class workers who don't question why their Muslim friend gets stopped at the airport but they don't, or why their sister wraps her jacket tighter around her when she passes a group of men, or why their black friend asking a question was resisting arrest but their white friend was just curious. The American dream. Why should I be afraid to walk in my neighborhood at night, or take a shortcut through a dimly lit path, when my brother can cut through dark alleyways without a second thought. Why do people value guns more than my life, more than my 6 year old cousins life. Why do people want my sister dead just because she was born in a male body. Every time she leaves the house I hug her and tell her I love her so much, because I fear that someone will take her life before the age of 16 because they hate her body. She has never hurt anyone, yet people threaten her with death and torture. And why do people in other countries act like we want to be here, I wish I could move to the uk, where trans people aren't the constant target of hate, or Iceland, where Churches paint their steps rainbow to show their acceptance of the LGBTQ+, instead churches here put up signs saying if you where a rainbow on your clothes you will burn in hell. We know our healthcare is fucked up, nobody likes it unless they are rich, we suffer because of it every day, my mother broke her neck in three places which could have killed her, and when the first responders tried to load her into an ambulance, she tried stopping them because an ambulance ride won't be covered by her insurance, and the cost of it could make her lose her home, even though she could have died, my uncle died on a waiting list for a lung transplant because he didn't have the money to cover the surgery. I listened to him choke on his own breath every day and night until it killed him. He was 32. My friend's mom needed emergency surgery because a tumor has spread around her carotid artery(the one in her neck) they needed to crack open her ribs and cut the whole thing out, she was almost unable to get the surgery because insurance didn't cover the anesthesia. Every day we die because of our fucked up system. And other countries act like we are choosing this. The American dream. Forget freedom if you are black, Muslim, Jewish, mixed, gay, trans, a woman, poor, or anything other than a straight white man in the upper middle class. The American dream, I wish I would wake up from it already. I wish I could live without fear. Without pain. I wish I could live.
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stingrayinalibrary · 1 year
On to the next mystery
I read a comic/webtoon(maybe on tapas) about a boy who had powers related to color, he could touch somethin and change its color and ended up at this academy place, his roommate is another boy who is telepathic but people are afraid of him bc of that. I remember it ends up with him and that roommate from a different dimension I think communicating with him through a mirror somehow and warning him about the future, I think it was called violet/blue/indigo??? The color purple is important, there is one specific scene I remember where the future/other dimension him and roommate got trapped in a cage and he used his power to almost eat away at the bars(the color purple specifically) and I think they blinded the roommate bc eye contact was important for his power. If anyone can find it I would be so happy.
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stingrayinalibrary · 1 year
Update on the mystery book
I found it finally!!!!!!
it is called Oblivion and it is by Sasha Dawn,
I highly recommend this book, it is amazing.
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stingrayinalibrary · 1 year
Ok so I'm trying to find a book.
Here is what I remember about the plot.
A girl is found in a bathroom with red writing(I think in blood) all over the walls.
From then on she obsessively writes with specifically a red felt tip pen, random phrases that make no sense, she doesn't know why she does it and she can't stop, if she tries to not do it she basically goes catatonic and passes out. I remember really liking the book and I can't remember the title.
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stingrayinalibrary · 1 year
I don't know what I'm doing
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Here is my cat
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