stick figures challenge!
33 posts
If you have any questions about the challenge, feel free to send me an ask! Blog is administered by @burntblueberrywaffles
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stickfigureschallenge · 8 months ago
I drew Anidala for the @stickfigureschallenge
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stickfigureschallenge · 8 months ago
My contribution to the @stickfigureschallenge
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I did this Crowley art with zero prior art experience in a few minutes with some coloured pencils and it was actually really fun!
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stickfigureschallenge · 8 months ago
Stick art for Snowbaird
Messing around in the snowbaird discord server makes me discover the Stick Figures Challenge! So i present my entry for Snowbaird. Mind you I draw this by drawing on a white screenshot and I don't have all the colors (that's why Lucy Gray has black hair and green eyes 😂)
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The movie height difference is what I wanted to underline here 😂
Enjoy the almost stick art!
@stickfigureschallenge 💖
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stickfigureschallenge · 1 year ago
I have been extra pissed at AI art lately which is why I’m introducing
I already made a version of this for the Wyler fandom, but I wanted to officially open it up to any other fandoms ❤️
This challenge started when my friend @realmermaid333 talked about how AI art sucks, and she’d much rather see someone make a stick figure fanart than an AI one; something I wholeheartedly agree with ^^
The concept is simple: just make a fanart of something you like, and post it on tumblr with the tag #stickfigureschallenge (you can also tag the account @stickfigureschallenge if you want your fanart to be reblogged!)
The drawing can be a stick figure, but any other style is allowed! (as long as it is human made, original art - so no AI or picrews) - The point is not to make "bad art", but just to make art without being afraid of the possible flaws. This challenge is for everyone who has wanted to make a fanart for a fandom they love, but didn’t because they tought it wouldn’t be good enough; as long as there is love and passion behind it, your art is important and valuable, even if you can only draw stick figures ❤️❤️
If you intend to participate, please reblog this post to spread it around!
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stickfigureschallenge · 1 year ago
The stick figures Christmas/Holiday challenge!
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For the Holidays, I invite you guys to try drawing your blorbos partaking in Holiday or winter activities of your choice!
You can use any drawing style you want (including stick figures, of course 🤭) - the point of this challenge is to have fun, without stressing about skill level! 💕
You can post your drawing using the tag #stickfigureschallenge and #holidaystickfigures, and tag @stickfigureschallenge if you want your post to be reblogged here!
No AI generated images are allowed as this challenge is firmly anti AI
I will be tagging some of my favourite fandoms, as I’m curious what you guys will come up with, but the challenge is open to all fandoms! ❤️
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stickfigureschallenge · 2 years ago
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Drew this dorky drawing of the anidala wedding scene for @king-crimson-works b-day LOL! Happy late birthday!! 🖤
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stickfigureschallenge · 2 years ago
Additionally, if you want some guidance to make stick figure fanart, here’s a tutorial I made!
I have been extra pissed at AI art lately which is why I’m introducing
I already made a version of this for the Wyler fandom, but I wanted to officially open it up to any other fandoms ❤️
This challenge started when my friend @realmermaid333 talked about how AI art sucks, and she’d much rather see someone make a stick figure fanart than an AI one; something I wholeheartedly agree with ^^
The concept is simple: just make a fanart of something you like, and post it on tumblr with the tag #stickfigureschallenge (you can also tag the account @stickfigureschallenge if you want your fanart to be reblogged!)
The drawing can be a stick figure, but any other style is allowed! (as long as it is human made, original art - so no AI or picrews) - The point is not to make "bad art", but just to make art without being afraid of the possible flaws. This challenge is for everyone who has wanted to make a fanart for a fandom they love, but didn’t because they tought it wouldn’t be good enough; as long as there is love and passion behind it, your art is important and valuable, even if you can only draw stick figures ❤️❤️
If you intend to participate, please reblog this post to spread it around!
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stickfigureschallenge · 2 years ago
Blue’s stick figure tutorial!
I wanted to make a tutorial for @stickfigureschallenge , but keep in mind that you don’t have to follow this tutorial! You can draw your stick figures however you want ❤️ This is just how I personally like to do them, for people who might feel a little lost and don’t know where to start. (tutorial under the cut!)
To draw a stick figure I like to start with a nice circle for the head, I then add a small line for the neck
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Then I give them a rectangular body, and I add the arms and legs!
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Once you’re done with the base shape, you can add details to make it more recognizable as the character.
In this exemple I’ll be drawing Wednesday from the tv show, so I start by adding her braids! (braids are fun, bc you can just make little circles istead of drawing individual strands ^^)
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then you can add the face!
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the way i personally make eyes is by doing these little spirals things and filling them until i'm satisfied ^^
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Next up! Drawing clothing is optional, but I like to do it as I feel like it makes it more reconizable as the character - so in this case I drew the Nevermore uniform (I'm not gonna break down every step for this as it would take too long, but if anyone wants me to do a tutorial for clothing lmk!) I added a lot of details, but you can keep it as simple as you want ❤️
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And you’re done! (Of course this is just a basic tutorial, you can divert from it and experiment as much as you want! )
Additional tips:
If I want my stick figure to use their hands, I’ll draw them as little circles like this
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I personally don’t draw eyebrows, so I use the eyes to convey emotions - for exemple, most tutorials will tell you that turned up eyebrows portray sadness, and downturned ones anger; so you can shape the eyes with that in mind and it works really well!
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Happy drawing! ❤️❤️
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stickfigureschallenge · 2 years ago
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My really crummy sketch of Alice and Robin and the much needed extra kisses that we were robbed of. And look at the date. Only took me 5 years to finish. 🤣
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stickfigureschallenge · 2 years ago
I have been extra pissed at AI art lately which is why I’m introducing
I already made a version of this for the Wyler fandom, but I wanted to officially open it up to any other fandoms ❤️
This challenge started when my friend @realmermaid333 talked about how AI art sucks, and she’d much rather see someone make a stick figure fanart than an AI one; something I wholeheartedly agree with ^^
The concept is simple: just make a fanart of something you like, and post it on tumblr with the tag #stickfigureschallenge (you can also tag the account @stickfigureschallenge if you want your fanart to be reblogged!)
The drawing can be a stick figure, but any other style is allowed! (as long as it is human made, original art - so no AI or picrews) - The point is not to make "bad art", but just to make art without being afraid of the possible flaws. This challenge is for everyone who has wanted to make a fanart for a fandom they love, but didn’t because they tought it wouldn’t be good enough; as long as there is love and passion behind it, your art is important and valuable, even if you can only draw stick figures ❤️❤️
If you intend to participate, please reblog this post to spread it around!
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stickfigureschallenge · 2 years ago
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My contribution to the @stickfigureschallenge with my best comic art for THG.
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stickfigureschallenge · 2 years ago
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My contribution to @stickfigureschallenge with my best comic art for THG.
I am working on more. (1/?)
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stickfigureschallenge · 2 years ago
Promoting the @stickfigureschallenge by drawing my favourite fandoms!
Part 1/?
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You just KNOW I had to draw baby boy
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stickfigureschallenge · 2 years ago
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stickfigureschallenge · 2 years ago
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stickfigureschallenge · 2 years ago
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stickfigureschallenge · 2 years ago
I would rather live in a world filled with bad art than a world filled with no art at all.
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