stfuolivia · 9 years
I don’t really understand why do people get so annoyed when someone says ‘suck my dick’ , like blowjobs are a pleasurable thing I dunno how that can be an insult. It could be just me though. Anyways, hello.
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Maybe there’s something wrong with their dick and want you to suffer by sucking their weird dick??
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stfuolivia · 9 years
please ignore my previous posts from different rps, i actually have no clue how to delete them all at once.
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stfuolivia · 9 years
SO i work very soon and don’t get off until around 9 - 10 pm EST so i am just going to state that i AM going to stick around for the plot changes and all that just so that i am not unfollowed. i will get around to sending in my new info for olivia around the time that i get off but i probably won’t be able to be active for too long because i have to work in the morning. this adulting stuff sucks, I know, but it has to be done for now lol. love you all and can’t wait to start plotting with you all!!! c: 
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stfuolivia · 9 years
Ever since the situation occurred with Grace, Brandon had been trying his hardest to keep himself busy. Despite him being in the wrong, and although he had put up a facade which showed how lightly and carefree he is about it, the twenty-three year old male was in fact going through hell. He was in great and desperate need of distractions, and with the guilt and the pain he had inflicted on his first proper girlfriend, his thoughts just wouldn’t leave him alone. He had thought though day and night; and at times was near to being honest with himself – but he was still itching for something to block everything out. In his mind, he didn’t need any of this; commitments were never thing – whether the reason behind it was out of fear, or priorities, Brandon once again reminded himself what it was that brought him to Los Angeles. He was meant to succeed here. He was meant to return home and hopefully work his way up to the top to not only earn for his family, but built their home with more stable roots.
Brandon sat on his couch with a glass of poison placed in front of him; the strong taste of liquor burning his throat as he sat there taking in the music he had decided to blast on full volume. It was either burying himself with work, or finding more to earn; but as of right now, he wanted time off. The silence however was haunting him slowly earlier; his relationship with it was a confusing one – one minute he loves it and the next, he hated it for inviting his toxic thoughts. The brunet’s brows cocked upwards as he heard a soft knock coming from the door; his lips on the other hand, couldn’t help but tug to the side, pulling a rather cheeky grin. It was predictable as to what was going to happen – it wasn’t as though this was the first time; and how convenient – it might not have been intentional in pissing his dear neighbour off, but he found pleasure doing so. Brandon minimized the volume just a a few bars down – it was still blasting around him but he didn’t really care.
“15C,” he addressed the girl with a smug look on his face, pulling the door just a few angle as he stood in between the gaps. “What brings you here?”
Olivia kept her hands on her hips, being sure to not break eye contact with her noisy neighbor. “14A..” She quickly scanned him up and down, and it’s as if he had gotten more good looking than the last time she saw him. But now was no time for flirting, his music was so loud she could feel the vibrations from her room. “How have you not gone completely deaf from your music? Because I’m pretty close to it.” She raised her eyebrows while looking up to him. The situation was kind of nice though, Olivia was in need of some company though she wouldn’t admit it to anyone. Ever since moving to LA, she’s been kind of lonely, turns out not everyone is as easy to boss around like back home. And the fact that this complex wasn’t as nice as her parents told her it was didn’t help either, she mostly found herself in a coffee shop in a nice part of town until she’s forced to leave and go home. It wasn’t the nicest place she had ever lived in but Olivia made it work.
 While waiting for his reply, she could smell the liquor on his lingering from his lips. Liv remembered what they tasted like when she had first met him, both drunk and at each other throats but the physical tension between them lead to more. That night was one of the most interesting nights Olivia had experienced ever since arriving to LA.
Battle Of The Sexes | Brandon & Olivia
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stfuolivia · 9 years
I will give myself to you.
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stfuolivia · 9 years
okay i promise i will reply to what little i have to reply to soon. i’m tired and am going to lay down and watch a movie i was recommended heehheheehhehe KISSES -H
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stfuolivia · 9 years
Battle Of The Sexes | Brandon & Olivia
Liv was laying in bed, skimming through her magazine or at least trying to. For the past ten minutes the only thing Olivia could hear, other than the groans she let out from pure annoyance, was Brandon’s music from below. Other than their one night stand, Liv didn’t know much about this man but he was interesting to say the least. ‘It’s as if he’s doing this on purpose!!!’ She screamed in her head, the only way she be able to hear herself from all the noise from below. Rolling her eyes, she slammed her magazine down on her coffee table and slipped on her shoes, running her hands through her hair and headed her way down to the source of the noise. ‘Of course it’s Brandon.’ She thought, banging her tiny little fist on his door after arriving to his floor. Olivia listened carefully for him inside, but didn’t hear anything but his music. This time she took both of her tiny fist and banged them harder on his door, hoping this time he’d hear. As she waited, Liv placed her hands on her hips and cocked her head waiting for him to finally open up.
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stfuolivia · 9 years
“Sure, at home but walking around the city like you’re homeless? I mean unless you are homeless then stop!” Olivia rolled her eyes and laughed. “You’re not homeless are you? If you are, don’t expect me to give you any cash or anything.”
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You’re in Los Angeles I’m not sure what you’re expecting. Half the city is either homeless or high as fuck. Either way people don’t just jog for fun. ‘bumming it’ is a lot more fun.
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stfuolivia · 9 years
“Oh, sorry. I was talking to myself out loud,” she apologized, her cheeks growing pink as she looked up from her cellphone. She had been skimming through her photo album when the voice brought her out of her thoughts. “I don’t have a bad memory,” Grace said, huffing at the insinuation. She had a great memory. Almost photographic, in fact. “I had no pets and then I moved in with my friend and bought three and she already had pets of her own so it’s a lot of animals all of a sudden. That’s all. I wasn’t being literal.”
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“I guess that explains the hairs dangling from your clothing, I hope your pets don’t reek.” Liv raised her eyebrows as she eyed the girls clothing, forcing a smile. “If you need it, I’m sure I have an extra lint roller floating around my place. You might need it more. Other than the hairs though, your outfit is kind of cute.” She tried not to come across too blunt, but Olivia couldn’t help herself.
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stfuolivia · 9 years
“By your tone of voice, I’m guessing there aren’t very many people out when you run? That doesn’t seem to be very LA-ish to me … “
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“Not really. I lived near the city but where I did my morning jog was quiet and I was alone. Who are you anyways.”
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stfuolivia · 9 years
“You’d think people would leave me alone when I give them dirty looks but alas, it doesn’t seem to be working today.”
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“Maybe your looks just aren’t dirty enough, or maybe you’ve lost your touch?”
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stfuolivia · 9 years
“Over dressed hipsters? I’d like to think of ‘over dressed hipsters’ as people who care about their appearance, which is never a bad thing. Bumming it at home is one thing but wearing your pajamas to go to lunch? Ridiculous.” She rolled her eyes a bit and smiled small. “I’m Olivia, I’m sure it’s a pleasure.” Liv held her hand out towards Vincent, batting her eyelashes a few times. 
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“I think you’re just jogging around the wrong parts of town. Granted, I think bumming it sounds very appealing and wouldn’t mind that. From what I can see, though, there are a lot of over dressed hipsters walking up and down my part of Los Angeles. My name is Vincent. What’s yours, love?”
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stfuolivia · 9 years
okay sooooo i will introduce myself here shortly but i have to go to a work meeting for like 2 seconds and i should be back. meanwhile... can someone PLEASE send me a tutorial or something on how to reply to my threads, i haven’t used tumblr in so long it’s changed and it won’t let me delete my old reply.... ya feel? thanks!!!
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stfuolivia · 9 years
“God, as if the people around here couldn’t get any more terrifying. Is bumming it twenty-four seven the new thing or am I just jogging around the wrong parts of town?” 
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stfuolivia · 9 years
Olivia gives the stranger before her a weird look, blinking a few times before responding. “Are you talking to me?” She scoffed while tilting her head ever so slightly. “And if you are talking to me, how does someone lose track of how many pets they have? Do you have a bad memory?”
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I went from having no pets to losing track of how many I have. How did this happen?? Am I going to just keep accumulating animals?
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stfuolivia · 9 years
“Oh my god, you do not want that problem. I mean, my boobs aren’t even that big and it’s a problem,” Rena replied, shaking her head dismissively. “Anyway, have you checked and made sure your bellybutton isn’t infected because that would be a really gross problem.”
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“Although my boobs are small, I’ve grown fond of them.” Olivia laughed and nodded. “Yeah, it’s all good just a little sore. As long as I keep cleaning it and not touching it constantly, it’ll be fine.” She smiled. “Do you have any piercings or tattoo’s?”
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stfuolivia · 9 years
“It’s fine. Not like I was going to use it for something.” She shook her head placing her hand on her hip. “No. If it was a accident, someone would have left a note or at least told me. Guess it’s too late to be angry about it…I should have took it home. It don’t matter anymore.” 
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“Maybe, but not all people are honest about mistakes.” She shrugged. “I’m sorry about your painting though, are you a really good artist?”
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