steviedkidwat · 1 year
Outta the 12 years I spent begging on the streets 4 people invited me to thier home and customers would only hit me off with 3 dollars an hour.....this is not the boston I was once proud of
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steviedkidwat · 1 year
The 12 years I've been in dmh shelter system you end up getting robbed for everything....every month I had to replace my phone and wallet and all my ids......and when you pass out they go in ur pockets and fuck with you it's wickid fucked up......the streets are no better random people stealing shit in ur sleep.....I've had complete camp sites ransacked......now that I'm homeless I have no rights....I don't have the right to vote because I'm not considered a citizen. ...also I can't reinstate my now expired id because you need proof of residency.....alls I got to say I'm the struggle is real
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steviedkidwat · 1 year
One time I punched a tree and it ripped a layer of my skin off and I ripped layers of bark off and I stayed awake for 3 days....
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steviedkidwat · 1 year
I've been in the boston shelter system for 12 years....then I was street homeless for 3 years
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steviedkidwat · 1 year
I spent 12 years in boston....meeting people and selling my music ....I made $15 000
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steviedkidwat · 1 year
Something some people don't know about me.....I bingewatched netflix and every movie that came out up until 2010
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steviedkidwat · 1 year
Something I did before I got sober was reading the Bible while smoking weed...contradicting to sobriety and religion but really zens one out
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steviedkidwat · 1 year
Hospitals....I've been to just about every hospital in the state.....pembroke..mclane...Jamaica plaine..bournwood....whidden memorial.....mass general...brookline....to name a few....trying to evacuate them by saying fuck this taking meds shit I'm fukin out of here and when I say outta here I mean leaving the state hoping someone would agree and leave when they got out.... I've been to just about every hospital in the state....Worcester state put me in 4 point restraints and coughed at me and fed me a meal and made Mr fight people when I was untied.....out of every hospital I just tried to get the people to leave . Because whether or not they seen the alien its just best to evacuate....passing my music and drawings off to staff
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steviedkidwat · 1 year
I've been training for the military since I was 17
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steviedkidwat · 1 year
Since being in the hospital I have been on numerous drugs
Haloperidol for bipolar
Respiridol for bipolar
Trileptal for bipolar
Seroquil for phsychosis
Chlosaryl for skitzofrenia
Atarax it helps when quitting smoking
Campril helps with drinking
And street drugs
Crack, cocain, heroin, crystal meth
Weed and percassettes
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steviedkidwat · 1 year
I wasbegging for change outside of speedway gas station when an assailant started shooting at a car full of guys when they returned fire....I ran for my life
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steviedkidwat · 1 year
I spent 5 months in Manchester new Hampshire training all night and day jogging only stopping to eat...
That was after I heeled from winter training jogging in a blizzard with no shoes or jacket or shirt
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steviedkidwat · 1 year
In one of john cenas movies he was with the girl thatplayed in resident evil were space marines...they encounter an alien and she turns to him and says what do we do.....he turns to her and says your a marine you know what to do slit! And she cuts her wrist....so after I had my encounter broken beer bottle
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steviedkidwat · 1 year
I had 2 years sobriety....to 12 years on meds no smoking... 12 years...smoking drinking and druging....12 years no smoking..6 years..no smoking.....it's been a rough struggle the past 14 years
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steviedkidwat · 1 year
The people coughing at meand the 4 martial arts dojos I live neAR did 4 things to me...made me quick and efficient......made me decode regular words...like the alphabet forwards backwards and upside down and adding numeric values to each letter exaple......a1b2c3d4e5f6g7.....and so on......and gave me an animalistic like concise because I I sub concisely turned into a crab and viewed myself as a crab from a parallel view. Like astro projection AND TRANSITIONAL ME TO HOSPITAL LIFE
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steviedkidwat · 1 year
In 2010 I was 190 lbs of solid muscle....I was in the best shape of my life..the doctor through me on meds that made me hungry and I gained 100 lbs in 3 months weighing a total of 300 lbs...it took me 4 years of vigorous dieting and excersize to loose half of what I gained now weighing 240lbs...I got 40 more lbs to loose to be back in the shape I was in 2010
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steviedkidwat · 1 year
I've been living off of social security , food stamps, and cash benefits for 12years.just as long as I've been homeless....I mean,yes it's better than nothing but it really is nothing ....a mere 900 a month...it all goes to booze and smokes
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