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steviecarrington · 4 years ago
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               OLIVER LAUGHED , only softly , shaking his head as he felt as though stevie didn’t believe him ; he didn’t blame her . “ well i don’t know if this is the kind of thing that would happen often enough for me to make it a pattern . ” he shrugged . at the girl’s reaction to his leg , oliver laughed once again , louder this time . sitting down on the sand next to her , he waved his hand , as if he was brushing it off , as if it was no big deal . “ don’t worry , it was a mutual kind of thing . and it doesn’t hurt all that bad . ”
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“it wouldn’t be this exact same thing, but if you know something’s gonna happen to me and you don’t warn me and just let it happen and laugh at me... i’m putting you on my shit list,” she said, clutching the sand in her hand and letting it spill back onto the ground. “all that bad? looks like it kills. i hate pain. like, the bad kind of pain. i’m okay with slight masochistic type pain, but not something like that. sprained my ankle once and cried like a little bitch. my oldest was like ‘toughen up mom, it can’t be that bad’,” she said with a small laugh for just a second before it stopped and her smile completely disappeared. she missed those kids more than ever.
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steviecarrington · 4 years ago
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     “what else would?” robyn’s words aren’t meant to be mean or harsh this time - it’s simple curiosity. “you can’t believe that nothing otherworldly is afoot here, right? i mean, these killers - these MONSTERS can’t be human. when it comes to this shit, i don’t think fate is that out of the question.” she pauses, a playful smirk dancing on her lips. “who knows? maybe fate wants us to die here. there’s gotta be a reason no one can leave.” it’s not exactly something she should joke about, but if she can’t laugh at it, she’d never stop being afraid of the outside. 
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“i mean, fate just seems like it’s supposed to be a good thing, yanno? like destiny. they sound like nice, dreamy words. this place is no dream. it’s hell. we can’t leave, we can’t see our family, can’t contact them --- like can’t even go to town to call my kids and tell them i miss them and love them, and now i’m one of those sappy moms that would risk getting maimed just to call and hear them breathing,” stevie said. she didn’t talk about the kids often, but she really did miss them like crazy. “i mean, i don’t understand why the camp can’t just be smart and stick together, yanno? there are way more of us than there are of them, we can take them down if we do it together.”
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steviecarrington · 4 years ago
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     “WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT FATE?’ admittedly, it’s an odd question. robyn knows this - she knows that it makes her look a little weird. but it’s an important question. robyn has to believe in fate - she has to believe that there’s a reason for what she’s going through right now. it has to have a purpose - it has to be GOOD DAMAGE. it can’t just hurt her; it has to serve some higher purpose. “i feel like it has to exist. there has to be some reason we’re here… some reason we met each other.” the platinum blonde doesn’t feel any special connection with the person she’s talking to, at least not yet. “i don’t think the universe would put me with a bunch’a dumbasses without reason.”
robyn almost forgets that she has a persona to keep up. it’s not a conscious realization of course, her subconscious just needed a moment to catch up with everything going on. i mean, being thrown into some camp with a bunch of serial killers running about? it would throw anyone for a loop. she’s lucky; she hasn’t had a direct run in with any of the beasts yet. but she knows it’s coming, knows that it’s only a matter of time before she’s confronted by one. 
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stevie looked at the other for a few seconds. what did she think about fate? did she even believe in fate? like, she used the word before, but did she actually believe in it? or believe herself when she talked about it? “i feel like fate isn’t a real thing. like, you can’t tell me that it was fate thought brought us here, and that fate is allowing these disgusting creatures terrorize people and hurt them. that’s not fate, that’s sadism and scientology methods,” she said. 
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steviecarrington · 4 years ago
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               " I DIDN’T know what was going to happen , honest . i wasn’t paying attention at all , and i’m sorry to see it happen . ” he was generally good at lying when he needed to , but he was admittedly putting in less effort this time compared to usual . “ ink ? you mean tattoos ? not my thing . ” he shook his head , kicking a lump of sand away from them . “ they look great - don’t get me wrong - i’ve just been stabbed enough . ” he laughed , gently patting the leg that had bandages poking out from under his short basketball shorts . 
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“mhm. i’ll choose to believe you this time but if it becomes a pattern, i dunno man,” stevie said, digging her fingers into the sand. the feel of sand was... relaxing. especially lake sand. she wasn’t a fan of an ocean beach’s sand. “that’s generally what tattoo artists call them, yeah,” she said. stevie’s jaw dropped slightly and she looked at him for a few seconds before pursing her lips and going back to playing with the sand. “sorry. that sucks.”
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steviecarrington · 4 years ago
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               ADMITTEDLY , OLIVER knew exactly what was going to happen the minute he spotted both the girl by the shore and the boat . it wasn’t going to be good , and it probably wasn’t very kind of him , to not warn her , but he couldn’t help himself . he thought it was going to be hilarious . he kept his distance as he watched the water soak her , laughing softly to himself before he made his way over to her . “ well that was unfortunate . ” he smirked , watching her pick up her glasses .
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stevie sneered at him for a second as she rinsed her glasses off and put them back on. “yeah. i know. i’m the one that had to live through it,” she said as she sat in the sand --- the dry sand, this time. “coulda warned a girl, yanno. coulda gotten discount ink, but that’s thrown out the window now.”
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steviecarrington · 4 years ago
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               SIDNEY LOOKED up at the sky as the girl spoke , squinting due to the bright sun , rubbing his eyes as he laughed softly once he looked back down . “ thankfully the weather isn’t too bad then , i’m sure you’ll dry off in no time . ” he always tried to look on the bright side , having a history of living a life where he had no other choice . 
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“being wet doesn’t bother me, my book getting completely ruined is what pisses me off,” she said as she sat down in the sand and digging her fingers into it as if she were a child.
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steviecarrington · 4 years ago
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stevie’s knees were drawn up and her chin was resting on them as she read her book. she was sitting on the shore, just close enough that the water rushed over her feet, but not getting her entire body wet. she wasn’t in a bathing suit, just a pair of workout shorts and a t-shirt. she never actually swam, she just liked to get wet enough to cool off, and that was what she was doing — although, the water was colder now than the last time she’d been to the lake, but she’d been sitting there so long she didn’t notice it anymore. not until a wave from a boat rushed onto shore and splashed high enough to soak most of her body and book, which made her gasp. “son of a bitch,” she said, standing up, her book hitting the brim of her glasses, which made them fall into the sand and stevie let out an irritated sigh. “this is why i don’t wear you guys, y’all just make everything difficult,” she said, bending down to pick her glasses up. @finalgirlstarters​
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steviecarrington · 4 years ago
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To her surprise, a larger, firm hand grabbed her glasses instead, handing them to her. Nathaniel gave the younger woman a small smile. “Heard that one before. My father had been prescribed glasses at 40, but refused to ever wear them until he was pushing 70. Stubborn old man.” His hair was a bit disheveled, and he was still somewhat rough looking from the attack. He sat down a respectable distance away from her, grunting as his bad leg nearly gave out on him. “Hope I’m not disturbing anything. It is a rather tranquil spot, though.” Nathaniel turned to her. “Out here for some artistic inspiration? Or perhaps just a reprieve from all the monotony?”
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when someone else grabbed her glasses, she let out a sigh. she took them and rinsed them off in the water. "you didn't see me literally two centimeters from getting them? they're already taped together," she said, putting them on her face. "well, the difference between me and your father is that i'm twenty-three and have common sense. they cause more trouble than anything, but i wear them because i can't see without them." stevie shook her head, putting her book down away from the water as she sat back down. "just got overwhelmed. i had a nightmare during my nap."
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steviecarrington · 4 years ago
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          » romy was excited to be back at the camp, free of her bindings.  (  though  admittedly,  they  weren’t  as  bad  as  the  other  prisoners  had  said  they  were.  )  after  her  health  was  cleared,  she’d  made  her  way  down  to  the  lake,  losing  most  of  her  clothing  as  she  ran  down  the  shore.  at  first  she  was  under  the  impression  that  she  was  alone,  that  was  until  she’d  heard  stevie  speak,  and  she  was  knocked  out  of  her  trance.  ❝oh  shit.  i  was  all  in  my  head  there,  i  didn’t  see  you  there,  ❞  she  said  as  she  unhooked  her  bra  and  tossed  it  aside,  ❝  the  weather  is  kinda  gross  down  here,  don’t  you  think  ?  not  exactly  a  nice  day  to  read  a  book  on  the  lake  shore,  but  i  respect  it,  ❞  she  took  several  steps  into  the  water,  breathing  a  sigh  of  relief  as  she  felt  the  wet  sand  between  her  toes.  she’d  never  admit  to  being  scared  of  having  been  captured  -  but  she  did  worry  she’d  be  trapped  in  a  damp  basement  for  the  rest  of  her  life.  that  simply  wasn’t  the  life  that  the  luxurious  romy  had  envisioned  for  herself.  she  turned  back  to  face  her,  unashamed  of  her  half-naked  form.  ❝  have  you  ever  thought  of  contacts  ?  ❞
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she looked to the other, letting out a small sigh towards herself. "doesn't surprise me. i'm not the noticeable type," stevie said, tossing her book a few feet away and picking her glasses up. "not nice enough to read a book, but apparently nice enough weather to strip for the lake?" she asked, raising a brow. she rinsed her glasses off with the lake water and shook the excess off, putting them back on her face --- they were almost too big for her face, but she liked them. "contacts are a hassle and a half. i don't like the idea of putting something in my eyeball and back out every day. my glasses work perfectly fine."
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steviecarrington · 4 years ago
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              SIDNEY HAD been absentmindedly walking around the camp , making use of the daylight and exploring where he would be living for some time - not being at all brave enough to do any such thing once the sun went down . he only just noticed the girl sitting beside the water as the wave from the boat absolutely soaked her , that being enough to grasp his attention completely . “ oh man , what luck you have ! ” he walked over the stranger , managing to bend over and pick up the glasses before she could . “ i wish i had a towel or something to offer you , but i did not come prepared . ” he let out a soft laugh , handing over the glasses .
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“yeah, tell me about it,” she said, tossing the book on the sand away from the water. it was her luck. something always went wrong --- usually small, annoying inconveniences, but it happened at least once a day, it seemed like. after taking her glasses, she swished them in the water to get the sand off and shook them before putting them back on her face. “i wasn’t planning on getting drenched, but i was already sitting in the water so i should have expected something dumb to happen.”
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steviecarrington · 4 years ago
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stevie’s knees were drawn up and her chin was resting on them as she read her book. she was sitting on the shore, just close enough that the water rushed over her feet, but not getting her entire body wet. she wasn’t in a bathing suit, just a pair of workout shorts and a t-shirt. she never actually swam, she just liked to get wet enough to cool off, and that was what she was doing --- although, the water was colder now than the last time she’d been to the lake, but she’d been sitting there so long she didn’t notice it anymore. not until a wave from a boat rushed onto shore and splashed high enough to soak most of her body and book, which made her gasp. “son of a bitch,” she said, standing up, her book hitting the brim of her glasses, which made them fall into the sand and stevie let out an irritated sigh. “this is why i don’t wear you guys, y’all just make everything difficult,” she said, bending down to pick her glasses up. @finalgirlstarters​
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steviecarrington · 4 years ago
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               MILO SMILED , genuinely interested in the girl’s history with art due to his own love and passion for it . “ that’s really sick . i can’t even imagine someone having my art on their body permanently - it’s whack . ” he laughed , before continuing . “ but like in a really good way , you know ? ” he laughed fondly again , before shaking his head . “ i’m more into street art and dumb little cartoons . ”
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“it’s pretty trippy. sometimes i won’t remember a client, but i’ll see their tattoo and i’m like ‘i designed that’. it’s pretty cool to see,” she said. “art is art. it’s all pretty nifty. it tells a story.”
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steviecarrington · 4 years ago
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“I see.” He paused for half a minute, trying to get the conversation back on track. “Forgive me, it’s my natural tone. Years of trying to direct nurses and interns around to get the job done. It was not my intent to lecture.” A few minutes passed as he went back to his book, then he looked up again. “Just out of curiosity, what exactly makes red and orange so bad?” The subject of art, although rather foreign to him, was interesting, and provided a nice break from looking at charts and diagrams all day, so he was all in for it.
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“i’ve been talked at instead of talked to my entire life from my father. left home because of him. things that remind me of him send me back to an unhealthy state of mind,” she said. as she kept coloring, she shrugged at his question. “it’s just really basic. typical of tattoo artists to use reds and oranges. i prefer colors that aren’t showcased very often. i’ll use whatever colors my clients wanna use, but when i make my designs, unless the red, orange and yellow combination are the only thing that makes sense or works with the design, i go with things that are pleasing to my own eyes.”
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steviecarrington · 4 years ago
KATALINA LISTENED INTENTLY TO THE OTHER. ❝ that’s a pretty solid opinion. i’m more of a black, white, and red type of person. sometimes i’ll throw in green or blue, but i like the idea of keeping my standard black and white attire. ❞ the pair hadn’t been strictly talking about clothes, but she used used it to add to the conversation. ❝ i’m not sure i have one distinct favorite color. ❞ she didn’t need to think too much about it. ❝ i’ll get it tattooed. colored for sure. i think it’s really dope you do that with the price. there are for sure plenty that take advantage of willing customers. ❞ 
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“i’ve actually met artists that won’t tattoo something because they don’t like the color combination the client is wanting. like, i hate red and blue together, but if that’s what someone wants? it’s going on their body, not mine. if they regret it later, that’s not my problem. there are certain things i won’t do, but that’s like, less than one percent,” she said with a small shrug. “well, i just figure, if i’m good at what i do --- which i am, but not in a conceited way --- and my prices are good, then i’ll get a lot of business. and i do. you don’t have to crank your prices up just because you’re talented, yanno? but seriously, anytime you want new ink, i’ve got my entire setup.”
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steviecarrington · 4 years ago
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               MILO NODDED his head as she explained the popularity of using colours like red , orange and yellow , believing everything she said as he had very little knowledge on the topic of tattoos in particular . “ ahh , yeah , i’d just go with your gut then . you’d know what to do best , i’m just a street artist . ” he shook his head a little . “ oh that’s awesome inspiration . how long have you been designing tattoos in particular for ? ” he asked curiously .
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“designing, about ten years. i started drawing as a kid,” she said. she started because she wanted to design her own memorial tattoo. and that was the first tattoo she ever got. as soon as she turned eighteen, she did it. and then she kept getting more. she was fairly covered in tattoos, but still had room for more.
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steviecarrington · 4 years ago
EYES MERELY ROLLED AT THE SISTER’S COMMENT. ❝ blue and purple are iconic. and anything is better when you compare it to green and red. red and blue just gives me harlequin energy, and well let’s just say i wouldn’t have that on my body. ❞ water bottle hung at her side, starting to feel the weight of it’s fullness. ❝ how much for a tattoo like that ? ❞ voice showed genuine curiosity. katalina was always looking for opportunities to add to the small amount she currently had, especially now with the scars on her body.
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“i like the way blue and green blend together, and i also like how green and purple look together. purple is my favorite color, but if it’s blending with something gross, i’m like ‘eh, no’,” she said with a small shrug. “just depends. depends on size, depends on whether you want color or just the black outline. this size with just the black outline would be $20, if it’s colored in it would be $35. and it’s no cost to change something on it and make it a little different design. my shop also does a 50% discount on virgin tattoos. most artists charge for each color too, but i don’t do that. i use the same amount of color, the difference is the more colors you use, the less out of each of them i’m using. some artists are just greedy. like, you can be fantastic at your job and not charge out the ass just because of your talent.”
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steviecarrington · 4 years ago
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              MILO HADN’T been paying attention to anyone - or anything , admittedly - but he did manage to pick his head up to listen once the girl began to speak . he analysed her artwork with an impressed smile , thinking about her question properly - being somewhat of an artist himself . “ i personally would have gone with a red , orange and yellow colour scheme . but i don’t know , you clearly know what you’re doing so i trust your judgement . purple and blue are a classic combo , when don’t they work , you know ? ” he brushed his hair back out of his eyes . “ it’s really good , by the way . ”
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“yeah, i’m trying to stay away from red, orange and yellow. those are basic. every tattoo artist uses them in their basic designs because they still use heavy black lined clip art. i prefer to draw mine and give it some color, but not the basic tattoo colors. yanno, red, orange, yellow. i like to keep to the one that aren’t as common,” she said, getting back to coloring her design in. “thanks. saw something similar on a kid’s skateboard once and it’s stuck with me. just gave it my own twist.”
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