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stevebuckley · 4 years ago
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“Okay, uh, just so we’re all clear, you’re going into the cartel’s backyard and you’re gonna take out the most heavily guarded human being on the planet, you’re gonna walk out with your mother, who’s there voluntarily, by the way.”
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stevebuckley · 5 years ago
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4 times Buck felt like a guest in the places he stayed + 1 time he didn’t ❤
For @bloggingaboutbuddie​
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stevebuckley · 5 years ago
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I’m gonna smile like nothing’s wrong, pretend like everything’s all right, act like it’s all perfect, even though inside it really hurts.
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stevebuckley · 5 years ago
fuck romance except for whatever those two firemen on that fox show have
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stevebuckley · 5 years ago
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❝what’s a soulmate?❞
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stevebuckley · 5 years ago
me crying? it’s more likely than you think
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Hey Baby, I think I wanna marry you
Buck loves nothing more than a quiet day with his Diaz boys. But when his boyfriend called him to ask him to meet them in the park, Buck is a little worried. Eddie sounded nervous on the phone, and Buck doesn’t know a lot of things that can scare Eddie Diaz like that. 
When he finally sees his two favorite people in front of him, Buck knows that everything is going to be okay. In fact, the rest of his life just became a lot brighter.
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stevebuckley · 5 years ago
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Behind the scenes 9-1-1
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stevebuckley · 5 years ago
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Spot the difference
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stevebuckley · 5 years ago
Time to talk about Monday’s ep and buddie.
I noticed that after Monday night’s ep people were freaking out and thinking Buddie won’t happen just because of the content of the ep. And I honestly don’t get that at all. Is it because Abby is coming back? I’m assuming that’s it, but here’s why I think this ep was important and actually a stepping stone for buddie to happen.
We all want Buck and Eddie to confess feelings and kiss as soon as possible, but realistically speaking that isn’t possible yet. They both still have some growing to do before they can come to terms with possible feelings for each other and think about pursuing a relationship. This episode was very important in showing us Buck’s feelings and insecurities and that in a way he isn’t over Abby yet. How could he be? He never got closure. But he will now (I’m assuming, I really don’t think it would make sense for Abby to come back otherwise).
This episode showed us how lonely Buck feels, even when he’s surrounded by people he loves and that love him. Which is completely valid. It’s something I feel sometimes, even if logically I know there are people who would never leave me behind. Sometimes (especially now!) it feels like you are so alone in the world, even if there’s people surrounding you. I know I have friends and family who love me, but right now I’m coming home from work every day to a quiet, empty apartment. And that sucks.
I’m glad Maddie was the one to comfort Buck after Red’s death and to reassure him again that she loves him and she’ll always come back to him. It was an important moment for them and it showed how strong their relationship has become.
Now, onto Eddie. I’m not saying everyone needs a romantic partner to be fulfilled in life, certainly not every wants or desires that, but it seems to be a factor in Buck’s feelings of loneliness. Everyone else in his life has someone to go home to at the end of the day. Eddie doesn’t have a romantic partner either, but he has Christopher. And we all know Buck has them, but does Buck know that? Doesn’t seem like he does. Doesn’t seem like he realizes how much people care about him, and after the lawsuit I can see why. I think everyone else needs to step up and again remind Buck that they love him and are there for him. Especially Eddie.
Why? Because Eddie hasn’t apologized for calling Buck selfish and exhausting, not that we’ve seen anyway. Do I think Eddie really meant that? No, I think he was upset and missing his best friend and dealing with Christopher and his nightmares and lashed out. But he still said it in the heat of the moment and I think this needs to be recognized. Eddie did some important growing this season too. He’s very closed off emotionally, but through the street fighting storyline, we saw his insecurities and how he sometimes feels like he’s failing Christopher, and how he wasn’t over Shannon’s death. But I feel like in 3x09 he looked at that picture of Chris and Shannon and realized he could finally move on. He and Christopher were okay. Eddie has grown a lot and it would make sense for him to open up a little and let Buck know he cares for him and that he’s sorry for being a dick basically.
So anyway, what I’m saying is that we needed to see their insecurities and fears in order for their relationship to progress. We needed this so it could lead to them both getting closure for their major past relationships so there’s nothing hanging over their heads next season.
What about Ana? you ask. I am zero percent concerned. If she’s even here next season, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, but really, if anything she’s just another stepping stone in this river of eventual buddie.
What about Abby? you ask. Again, I think she’s here to provide closure and nothing else. It would be really stupid for them to get back together and I know Tim knows that.
What about all of Ryan’s recent comments on buddie? you ask. First of all, up until recently he was calling buddie edits “memes” so give the man a break, he clearly is not up to date with all things fandom related. Also, he literally said in his last live that a buddie relationship is not up to him, but he’s excited to see what Tim writes and is open to anything. Right now, Ryan sees them as brothers because right now their relationship is platonic and nothing more. As the actor portraying Eddie, he is certainly allowed to interpret things how he sees them and because he doesn’t have an outsiders perspective, he may not see what we see. And that’s okay! He’s still down for anything regardless based on his comments.
Also, did some of y’all forget Eddie Begins already? Cause like I haven’t and if anything, Buck’s reaction to Eddie being trapped confirmed for me that this is going somewhere. It may be a slow journey, but the train has left the station. I fully believe Buck is aware he’s in love with Eddie, he just hasn’t said anything to anybody yet, not even Maddie. And with that montage that was basically a buddie video, I think Eddie knows on some level he’s in love with Buck, but he’s no where near as in touch with that as Buck and has probably barely acknowledged it himself yet.
This is going to take time. At the rate things are going, I feel like the earliest buddie could become canon is the 4a finale. And my opinion on that may change based on how this season ends. But I have never believed in a ship more than this and I’m thinking its gonna happen. We should continue to express our desire (respectfully) for canon buddie to Tim and the writers, as they make the decisions here. But I trust Tim and I think it’s already in the works.
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stevebuckley · 5 years ago
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Ryan Guzman as Eddie Diaz in 9-1-1 “Eddie Begins” (3x15)
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stevebuckley · 5 years ago
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stevebuckley · 5 years ago
as much as i love myself some pining and yearning and repression, if the end result isn’t a happy ending and if the whole point isn’t love then i’m not interested, thanks
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stevebuckley · 5 years ago
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Mr. & Mr. Diaz
Once Buck has legally changed his last name to Diaz he is forced to wear Eddie’s spare until he is give his own. 
He’s not complaining, it smells like his husband and smoke and it comforts him while he’s out working. 
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stevebuckley · 5 years ago
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☆ Evan Buckley Week: favourite traits
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stevebuckley · 5 years ago
that’s so cute🥺
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Eddie scrunching up his nose.
for anon.
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stevebuckley · 5 years ago
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Evan Buckley Week 2020 ♡ Day 4: Evan + favourite quote(s)
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stevebuckley · 5 years ago
Last week they mentioned how Eddie loves baseball and now Bucks reading a book about a baseball player while he was recovering like okay we see you bread crumbs. 
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