sin, steph
115 posts
warning: i’m the pun masterwonder girl iv.
Last active 4 hours ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
stephsinaya · 6 hours ago
Anyone want a tour of the Batcave because I was specifically told not to do this?
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stephsinaya · 6 hours ago
??? who even are you umm 😭😭😭😭
fuck you @stephsinaya
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stephsinaya · 6 hours ago
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morgan hates sin and she doesn’t even get why
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stephsinaya · 11 hours ago
uh what’s there behind you
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took a little selfie!!! ignore the background ^^
i think im lost....
ref pic!!!!
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stephsinaya · 12 hours ago
She clicked her tongue, eyes going up and down on the menu before her. She pushed her glasses up back when it began to slid off her nose as she read carefully.
“They all look good,” she complained thought she meant it as a good thing for the place but not good thing for her.
It was starting again— the indecisiveness— and she’s about to feel another wave of stomachache due to this and well, hunger.
“Meatballs sub sounds nice. I haven’t had meatballs before,” Sin admitted, looking back at him, eyes wide and curious.
Taking this easy excuse to avoid his homework, Duke instantly got onto his bike and took off to the Gotham Public Library. He didn't take long to get there. He broke traffic laws. Duke also didn't care. He wanted to do something other then the homework that was taking up all of his time.
Once he arrived at the library, he slowed down and parked. Then turned off his bike and waited. Duke took out his phone, texting Sin where he was then putting it away again.
@irl-batsignal -- I want to get the notification (〃´ー`) My replies will probably take long and be short considering I am in fact doing homework haha..
She gave the bossy pegasus some treats, hurriedly before any Gothamites see it— she knew that despite how this city gets attacked by villains every week and the fact Wonder Woman exists, not everyone here still accepts the concept of mythological creatures— and when he flew away, Sin waited until he was out of her sight before checking her messages.
Sin was nervous and she wasn’t sure why. It was just Duke anyway. 
She perked up when she got the message that he was there already. She turned around the corner and fast walked towards him, waving her arms.
“Heya, D!” she exclaimed, almost excitedly. She was beginning to lose count on how many times she visited Gotham in a month. Probably a lot for someone constantly complaining how polluted it was.
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stephsinaya · 13 hours ago
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meet STEPHANIE SINAYA, my dc self insert 🌊🐚🔱
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stephsinaya · 13 hours ago
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meet STEPHANIE SINAYA, my dc self insert 🌊🐚🔱
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stephsinaya · 15 hours ago
if i keep coming back ill be immune to toxic stuff !!!
i really wanna go back to gotham hm
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stephsinaya · 15 hours ago
YES ????? WHY
i really wanna go back to gotham hm
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stephsinaya · 16 hours ago
how do you guys live in gotham...
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stephsinaya · 16 hours ago
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there's nothing to do here! sure, i stopped a robbery and probably saved some rando... but i'm still bored. can't a guy get some entertainment!
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stephsinaya · 1 day ago
Sin raised an eyebrow at an oddly specific amount of numbers. Curious, naturally, but she didn’t ask. Well, she could ask later if she remembers.
She nodded in agreement, staring at the menu by the counter for a moment— scanning what the got— before sitting across Duke. “Seems promising,” she said, “well, it smells promising.”
She had only been in Batburger and the coffee shop across the Gotham Library when she’s in Gotham. This place is new to her.
Taking this easy excuse to avoid his homework, Duke instantly got onto his bike and took off to the Gotham Public Library. He didn't take long to get there. He broke traffic laws. Duke also didn't care. He wanted to do something other then the homework that was taking up all of his time.
Once he arrived at the library, he slowed down and parked. Then turned off his bike and waited. Duke took out his phone, texting Sin where he was then putting it away again.
@irl-batsignal -- I want to get the notification (〃´ー`) My replies will probably take long and be short considering I am in fact doing homework haha..
She gave the bossy pegasus some treats, hurriedly before any Gothamites see it— she knew that despite how this city gets attacked by villains every week and the fact Wonder Woman exists, not everyone here still accepts the concept of mythological creatures— and when he flew away, Sin waited until he was out of her sight before checking her messages.
Sin was nervous and she wasn’t sure why. It was just Duke anyway. 
She perked up when she got the message that he was there already. She turned around the corner and fast walked towards him, waving her arms.
“Heya, D!” she exclaimed, almost excitedly. She was beginning to lose count on how many times she visited Gotham in a month. Probably a lot for someone constantly complaining how polluted it was.
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stephsinaya · 1 day ago
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steph sinaya first draft ?? im not sure if i like it
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stephsinaya · 1 day ago
“You can use Bruce’s card?” she asked, astonished, her eyes widened slightly as she glanced to her side to look up at Duke, “does he know?”
Sin didn’t mind his arm on her shoulder, she didn’t even notice at first since it was normal for them at this point until she looked at him. She frowned to herself when she got the same feeling when she drank too much coffee.
Heart palpitations or something. Weird.
She pushed the door open and she instantly got a whiff of the diner’s food smell and Sin no longer cares if Bruce knows about his card or not, she’s gonna eat a lot. Free food is free food.
Taking this easy excuse to avoid his homework, Duke instantly got onto his bike and took off to the Gotham Public Library. He didn't take long to get there. He broke traffic laws. Duke also didn't care. He wanted to do something other then the homework that was taking up all of his time.
Once he arrived at the library, he slowed down and parked. Then turned off his bike and waited. Duke took out his phone, texting Sin where he was then putting it away again.
@irl-batsignal -- I want to get the notification (〃´ー`) My replies will probably take long and be short considering I am in fact doing homework haha..
She gave the bossy pegasus some treats, hurriedly before any Gothamites see it— she knew that despite how this city gets attacked by villains every week and the fact Wonder Woman exists, not everyone here still accepts the concept of mythological creatures— and when he flew away, Sin waited until he was out of her sight before checking her messages.
Sin was nervous and she wasn’t sure why. It was just Duke anyway. 
She perked up when she got the message that he was there already. She turned around the corner and fast walked towards him, waving her arms.
“Heya, D!” she exclaimed, almost excitedly. She was beginning to lose count on how many times she visited Gotham in a month. Probably a lot for someone constantly complaining how polluted it was.
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stephsinaya · 1 day ago
When they arrived and stopped, Sin removed her helmet, tied hair a bit untidy as she handed back the helmet to Duke.
“That was—“ Terrifying. Her mind couldn’t help but overthink that she’d fall even if she wholeheartedly trusted Duke in driving. “—fun,” she said instead, but actually meaning it. She liked the way the hair hit her face— it was like riding a horse but faster.
She got off with his help, attempted to tidy her unruly hair, her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. She hoped she didn’t look too bad. Okay, since when did she care about that?
Before she could think about it, her stomach rumbled and she turned red even more. “Ugh yes. Okay I’m starving,” she repeated, “let’s go, let’s goo—“
Taking this easy excuse to avoid his homework, Duke instantly got onto his bike and took off to the Gotham Public Library. He didn't take long to get there. He broke traffic laws. Duke also didn't care. He wanted to do something other then the homework that was taking up all of his time.
Once he arrived at the library, he slowed down and parked. Then turned off his bike and waited. Duke took out his phone, texting Sin where he was then putting it away again.
@irl-batsignal -- I want to get the notification (〃´ー`) My replies will probably take long and be short considering I am in fact doing homework haha..
She gave the bossy pegasus some treats, hurriedly before any Gothamites see it— she knew that despite how this city gets attacked by villains every week and the fact Wonder Woman exists, not everyone here still accepts the concept of mythological creatures— and when he flew away, Sin waited until he was out of her sight before checking her messages.
Sin was nervous and she wasn’t sure why. It was just Duke anyway. 
She perked up when she got the message that he was there already. She turned around the corner and fast walked towards him, waving her arms.
“Heya, D!” she exclaimed, almost excitedly. She was beginning to lose count on how many times she visited Gotham in a month. Probably a lot for someone constantly complaining how polluted it was.
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stephsinaya · 1 day ago
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ooc scribbles :))))
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stephsinaya · 1 day ago
By'll T'his / Billy Tish 👽
"y'know, not that i've ever been there, but i bet this is what mars looks like. arizona, mars, they're both big and empty and barren. it's kinda nice isn't it?
not that i'd know. because i am a human... from earth."
A Martian who came to Earth to find somewhere he could fit in. Her escape pod landed in Arizona, in the desert, and the first person he saw was a stereotypical cowboy. They copied the man almost exactly and went about taking traits from every cowboy he saw.
Armed with dual revolvers, a lasso, and a new name, 17 year old Billy Tish was ready to take on the world.
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(picrew link)
* BILLY RECENTLY ARRIVED ON EARTH !! they're still working on the blending in thing, hence the commonly insisting they're human...
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connections ⬇
unnamed superhero team: @martiancowbilly ME!!!
@notreallyrobin 🐦
@speedlimitexceeded 💨
@yourfaveatlanteansfaveatlantean 🐟
@stephsinaya 🔱
this is a self insert (ISH.) character
mun AND billy are both minors!
mun and billy both use any pronouns!
billy is genderless. he's just. billy :)
im also not from AZ because im from the NORTHEAST RAHHHHHHHH
they have NO relation to martian manhunter!!!! they're just both green martians!!!
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