steelsakura · 11 years
A light chuckle reached her ears, and Sakura frowned, brow furrowing in confusion. Before she could so much as turn, an arm brushed past her head, and a hand yanked the book she'd been eyeing up for the better part of half an hour from the shelf. Whirling around, narrowed green eyes peered up at the taller blonde girl, mouth poised to rebuke her for her actions
-------------------------------------------- recognition. 
'This girl...isn't she my new roommate?' A sudden sinking sensation; gravity pulled her stomach downward, and she felt as if she were going to collapse in on herself. Sakura had been hoping that whoever her roommate would be, they would be able to get along and work together for the coming school year. If this were any indication of what was to come, that was highly unlikely ~
"Ano...A little, I guess," Sakura rallied admirably, flashing the blonde a bright, cheerful smile that somehow managed to cover up the irritation and disapproval, "Thanks for getting my book for me! I really need this..."
She trailed off as she held out her hand expectantly, hoping that the other girl would simply hand it to her and be done with it.
Temari was wondering around looking for a book that had some piano music in it before she saw the unusually color girl struggling to get a book, she chuckled to herself as she watch, being the crude person she can be. After seeing the girl give up, she walked over and reached for the book, grabbing it then holding it above the girl's head, smirking at her. "Vertically challenged there?"
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steelsakura · 11 years
Vertically Challenged || Open
Just a little bit more ~ 
A girl with unusually colored hair pressed against the shelf as she stretched up on her tip toes, attempting to reach one of the thick tomes perched at the very top of the stack. Her name was Haruno Sakura, and she was currently bemoaning the disadvantages of being below average height. Being of smaller stature made it next to impossible to complete certain tasks, one of which was being able to procure the proper material for one’s homework. Sakura was always very thorough when it came to her studies, so the fact that she was unable to grab the desired book irritated her quickly. 
“Dammit,”she hissed, finally giving up and dropping back to a regular standing position, “I need that book!”
If she pouted slightly as she placed her hands on her hips and glared up at said book, she didn’t care.
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steelsakura · 11 years
|| Sorry I haven't been on lately! I've been really busy and then on Thursday I had my wisdom teeth taken out and I've been sleeping on and off for the past two days ~ I'll get on later to post an open thread. ^.^
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steelsakura · 12 years
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"Are you sure...?" Sakura asked, even as she took the plate and held it in a secure grip, "I mean...If you're done...Thank you!"
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 steelsakura said: *drools slightly* “Say, Naruto…Are you going to eat the rest of those?”
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“You can have the rest if you want Sakura-chan. I think I’ve eaten enough.” He lightly said as he handed over the plate full of his specially made dango to the pink haired.
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steelsakura · 12 years
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konoha high school  
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steelsakura · 12 years
"Oh please give me some credit" Cutting her off with a wave of her hand. "I do pay even the /slightest/ of attention to you. So are you going to stand there baffled or are you going to come with me and celebrate?" the redhead asked with a grin spreading across her face waiting in anticipation for her to answer.
'...Huh.' That was certainly...unexpected. She was certain that she should be flattered by this information. A small, slightly shy smile appeared on her face as she made the decision to just go with it. The redhead seemed to be genuine in her words, and Sakura didn't feel like pushing her luck right now; it was her birthday, after all. 
"Ok~ay. What did you have in mind?"
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steelsakura · 12 years
"Happy Birthday, Sakura-chan!" The blonde beamed out. "Ano, here. I got you something," With that he pulled from his pocket a necklace with a pink cherry blossom flower on it.
"A present for me? You didn't have to, Naruto!" 
Despite her words, she couldn't stop a pleased smile from spreading across. It felt nice to be remembered on your birthday, after all. 
It also helped that the necklace was really adorable. 
"Thank you!"
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steelsakura · 12 years
"Hey today is March 28th... which means happy birthday Sakura-chan!" Tenten exclaimed. She walked towards the pink-haired girl to give her a short hug. "We should go celebrate ne? What do you wanna do, birthday girl? But before that, I believe some birthday punches are in order," she said, grinning evilly.
"Thank you, Tenten-senpai!" Sakura exclaimed happily as she squeezed the other girl around the middle in return. 
Laughing uncertainly, she backed away slightly, saying, "Ahaha, no punches are necessary! As for a celebration, there's really no need; I don't want to be a bother."
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steelsakura · 12 years
Ever wanted to give someone a wedgie
“Eh? A wedgie? No, that’s disgusting.”
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steelsakura · 12 years
|| Someone should thread with Sakura I'll write starters okay go.
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steelsakura · 12 years
"Oh come on, just take the bait I'm trying to be nice here! It is your birthday afterall isn't it? Celebration is in order!!" rolling her eyes and grinning at the pink haired girl standing a foot or two away from her.
Sakura blinked a little, slightly taken aback by the girl’s words. She was surprised that Karin knew it was her birthday; what’s more, she was surprised that she actually would take the time to say anything about it.
“Yes,” she drawled hesitantly, “Today’s my birthday. How did -“
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steelsakura · 12 years
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by 無塩バター
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steelsakura · 12 years
Oh right, sure Pinky I'll bite this time. I was only being friendly and wanted to greet you (;
‘She sure has a funny way of being friendly.’
 “No biting, thank you; I’d rather not get an infection,” she muttered, thoughts already returning to her agenda for the day as she added distractedly, “Nice of you to drop by and say hi, but I’ve got things to do and I’m sure you do too, so ~”
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steelsakura · 12 years
Excuse me Pinky? Did you say something out of that snout of yours I didn't really understand.
'Ugh, she's so annoying.'
"Name calling, really? You know, I assumed we'd have moved pass this by now. We are sophomores, after all ~"
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steelsakura · 12 years
"Sakura-chan! Ignore the crabby Ka-rin. I'm so glad to see you here!"
"Oh, Naruto! Pfft, she's only a minor pest; I could care less what she does. But it's good to see you, too."
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steelsakura · 12 years
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steelsakura · 12 years
Oh great, you're here too? Urgh.
“Huh? Oh, it’s just you. Funny... For a moment there, I thought I’d heard a dog barking.”
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