steeeveburnside-blog · 12 years
ooc: hey guys
my new tumblr url is
follow it please
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steeeveburnside-blog · 12 years
in order to get my message out there
I've reached my post limit on my normal tumblr
so I might make a back up one sdkjflksdjf
spread the news
we will be back momentarily
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steeeveburnside-blog · 12 years
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Favorite Fictional Characters
⇒ Claire Redfield (RE)
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steeeveburnside-blog · 12 years
Um. Er...
Steve here.
Anyone alive?
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steeeveburnside-blog · 13 years
*derps around his apartment*
*wonders where Claire is*
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steeeveburnside-blog · 13 years
me and my gorgeous fiancee. :D
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steeeveburnside-blog · 13 years
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
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steeeveburnside-blog · 13 years
/is just lying around
/doesn't feel like doing something productive
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steeeveburnside-blog · 13 years
Thanks, Jill!
jillybeanvalentine submitted:
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steeeveburnside-blog · 13 years
this is for Tachi.
Claire: “Hey, Steve, you hear that?”
*low growls*
Steve: “Yeah, where is it coming from?”
Claire: “I don’t know, I can’t see anything in this lighting.”
Steve: “We need to get back to the house. The spotlight won’t stay on for much longer…”
Claire: “But I heard someone cry for help out here!”
Steve: “We’ll look a little bit longer.”
ooc: Yay! Thank you, Jackie. ♥ 
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steeeveburnside-blog · 13 years
Steve woke up again and Claire was gone.
"Hmm. Must have gone to work or something..."
He sat up and stretched. The Redfield residence living room was warm and toasty. Steve smiled as he recalled the previous night's events. He was excited to let his friends know the news, but he figured he would wait for Claire to make the big announcement. But there was one person he could tell. Removing his cell phone from his pocket he dialed a number and put the phone to his ear.
"Hey, Gramma."
"Stevie! Sweetheart, how are you doing?"
"I'm pretty great, Gramma. Yourself?"
"Oh, I'm much better now that I get to hear from you. My friend Nancy is over visiting today, you remember Nancy, don't you? We played bingo once."
Steve grinned, "Yeah, I do. Tell Nancy I said hi. That's good that you're doing well, Gramma. I'm glad. I've got some news for you."
"Well, don't beat around the bush, kiddo! Tell me!"
"You remember that I told you I had a girlfriend, right?"
"Yeah, Claire was her name, right? She sounds like a nice girl."
"She is. She's the best..."
His grandmother cut him off, "Well, what is the news?"
Steve laughed and then said cheerfully, "Claire and I are getting married!"
The phone was silent momentarily and then his grandmother spoke, "Just a moment, sweetie."
A few seconds later, Steve heard two old ladies squealing like teenaged girls and a "Ha! I told you that I would have great grandkids before you, Nan!" in the background.
His grandmother returned to the phone, "I am so very happy for both you and Claire, darling. I can't wait to meet her."
"Thanks, Gramma. I'm sure she would love to meet you."
"So, how did you do it?" His grandmother's voice was full of excitement.
"Well, last night, she was off from work and we were just cuddling in front of her fireplace and I asked her." Steve couldn't stop smiling.
"Oh, Stevie, you are such a hopeless romantic. What happened after?"
Slightly off-put by his eccentric grandmother's question, he replied, "Erm. I stayed the night..."
His grandmother gasped, "You didn't have sex, did you? If you did, please tell me you didn't use protection! I want great grandbabies as soon as possible!"
Steve laughed uncomfortably at his grandma's sudden and awkward outburst, "Gramma! No we didn't! Why are you so set on having great grandchildren?"
"I'm not getting any younger here, Stevie. I want to see some great grandkids before I die. Plus, Nancy and I here have a bet. I don't want to lose!"
"Oh, I'm just teasing you, kiddo. Really, though. I'm happy for you two. And just so you know, I insist on helping out with paying for your wedding."
"Gramma, no! You don't have to do that. I've been saving up quite a bit from all the work I've done."
"Steve, I've told you this before but, you are my only family. Even if I die, all my things go to you. I just want to give you these things before I leave this world. There are no if's, and's, or but's. Just hush and gladly accept it."
"Thank you, Grandma."
"You're welcome, deary. Now I have to go, because Nancy is getting impatient with me and will go to bingo without me. Talk to you later, Steve. Love you."
"Okay, Gramma. Love you too. Talk to you later."
Steve ended the call. Looking around, he got up and folded the blankets and set them on the couch. He took the mugs they used last night and left them in the sink. He slipped out of the house and headed back to his apartment to get a change of clothes.
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steeeveburnside-blog · 13 years
*wakes up curled next to Claire on her living room floor*
*nuzzles her and goes back to sleep*
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steeeveburnside-blog · 13 years
Steve smiled sadly and gently stroked her back. He hated how much she hurt from him being gone. And he hated how much he let himself get taken away from her. He wanted things to change. And he didn’t want her to be so alone and so hurt anymore. He took a deep breath.
Steve couldn’t help but grin as she kissed him.
She had said yes and he had never been happier.
Running his fingers through her hair, he kissed her back, returning the passion.
He smiled softly and pulled away. Removing the ring from the box, he held the ring in one hand while he took her left hand. He slipped the ring onto her ring finger and smiled at her hand and then looked into her eyes. She was everything he wanted and more. Without any hesitation, he leaned back in and kissed her again, cupping her face.
Claire swallowed hard, watching his every movement, having this overwhelming sensation roll over her as he slid that little rock over her finger. It was funny; for the longest time the idea of marriage and commitment terrified the hell out of her. She seen no reason in making such a decision after witnessing all that she had in her lifetime. More than anything it was due to that insecure doubt of being able to protect someone she  loved, of losing them in the process.
She’d failed to make sure Sherry had been given a stable life and felt guilty about that to this day. She’d failed to prevent Steve from being cursed with that awful Veronica virus and that had driven her mad for years. And even though everything worked out in the end for both parties, she’d always feel that painful twinge of guilt for not being able to do more.
Second chances were not always given, so she would just have to do her best this time around. Smiling at her now future husband, she rest her forehead against his and closed her eyes. There was a helluva lot of planning to be done now.
Smiling, he closed his eyes and just held her.
Everything seemed so right with the world at this moment 
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steeeveburnside-blog · 13 years
Thank you, Jessi. ;3;
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steeeveburnside-blog · 13 years
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steeeveburnside-blog · 13 years
Steve smiled sadly and gently stroked her back. He hated how much she hurt from him being gone. And he hated how much he let himself get taken away from her. He wanted things to change. And he didn’t want her to be so alone and so hurt anymore. He took a deep breath.
Steve couldn't help but grin as she kissed him.
She had said yes and he had never been happier.
Running his fingers through her hair, he kissed her back, returning the passion.
He smiled softly and pulled away. Removing the ring from the box, he held the ring in one hand while he took her left hand. He slipped the ring onto her ring finger and smiled at her hand and then looked into her eyes. She was everything he wanted and more. Without any hesitation, he leaned back in and kissed her again, cupping her face.
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steeeveburnside-blog · 13 years
*laughs and flops down next to her*
*wraps an arm around her and gently bumps his forehead into hers*
You know I love you, right?
-Sets her mug down beside his, sliding her arms around his waist and looking up into his eyes.-
Mn….I like hearing this…when the situation isn’t dire…….
-She winced slightly, recalling darker memories of Rockfort island-
Well, I like telling it to you when the situation isn’t dire.
*gives her a light, brief kiss*
I love you, Claire. I never want you to be alone again.
-Despite how much she willed them not to, her feelings got the better of her and tears were slowly causing her vision to blur. She blinked several times before looking back up at him, her breath shaking somewhat as she murmured.-
And I don’t want to lose you ever again, Steve…..I can’t tell you how many nights I would wake up from the nightmares we faced…how many times I’d thought I’d seen you wherever I went..how haunted I was. When you made your way back…I was in denial for the longest time. I thought it wasn’t possible and that my mind was playing tricks on me because of the grief I’d retained after all these years…
-She laughed quietly then, turning her head to the side and wiping the corners of her eyes with the back of her hand-
I thought…that I was going crazy…and yet…here you are……
Steve smiled sadly and gently stroked her back. He hated how much she hurt from him being gone. And he hated how much he let himself get taken away from her. He wanted things to change. And he didn't want her to be so alone and so hurt anymore. He took a deep breath.
"Claire, I always want to be here. Here with you and here for you."
He felt himself tremble a little as he moved to reach inside his pocket. It was now or never, and Steve was so scared and so nervous. 
After removing the little black box from his pocket, he put it down in front of her and opened the box, revealing the diamond ring that he had been planning on giving her for weeks.
"Claire, I love you more than anything and anyone I have ever known. I know that I have messed up before and I hate how much that hurts you. But I promise... no, I vow to you, I will never leave you alone and hurt again. Claire Redfield, will you marry me?" 
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