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stedes-tarty-pink-robe · 3 months ago
The ending was the same, but a hypnosis scene in the middle was different in all versions.
The first starred Colin and The Guide and they reenacted the ending of Usual Suspects. The Guide is a detective questioning Colin. She realizes he made up the entirety of WWDITS using things he saw around her office and that he's a criminal mastermind
The second stars Nadja and Laszlo and parodies Rosemary's Baby. Nadja crashes a party of cultists played by most of the supporting cast to rescue her baby, but it's a goat demon because it takes after its father, Laszlo. Laszlo reveals that it has a twin that looks like Colin, and it's implied that Colin and Nadja were cheating together.
The last stars Nandor and Guillermo and parodies the end of Newhart. Nandor wakes in bed next to his husband Guillermo and tells him about the crazy dream he had, which is the plot of WWDITS.
The official ending is that the documentary has finished and Guillermo's spiraling at the change. He wants an emotionally satisfying ending, but the vamps have learned nothing, so Guillermo fakes leaving Nandor for good. Once the scene wraps, Guillermo returns and lets Nandor know that they're still besties. Nandor reveals he turned his coffin into a trapdoor for a secret subterranean lair where they can be superheros. The End.
Hope that helped!
So I dont have time to watch rn but can someone explain what the hell is going on
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stedes-tarty-pink-robe · 3 months ago
Now that I've seen all three versions of the finale, I can give my thoughts. It's not the worst final episode I've seen, but I am disappointed. I enjoyed the meta-ness but wish it was executed better.
Wwdits likes to play loose with continuity, especially dropping plotlines at the start of a new season, but they usually give us conclusions to arcs within a season like Season 5's throughline of Guillermo struggling with vampirism. Not this time. Season 6 just felt superfluous. Nandor/Guide, Jerry's return, the Monster's search for love - none of it went anywhere and could have been cut without much of a difference. Even one off episode things like Laszlo's growing awareness of Sean's mortality or Guillermo's cousin finding out about vampires came up and then were never followed up on. It makes me wonder why any of these plotlines were introduced in the first place? I'll give them credit for giving Guillermo's work plotline and Nadja's attempts to understand humans proper conclusions. Guillermo's experience teaches him that he doesn't belong in the human world and that humans can be just as predatory as vampires, and Nadja's job helps her become the most emotionally savvy member of the house, but that's it.
I get that "nothing ever changes with the vampires" and "nothing the vampire's do matters" are big themes in the finale, and they've popped up in previous seasons, but being thematically consistent doesn't make an ending satisfying if it doesn't have emotional catharsis for the audience. Why should we care if the characters don't? What's the point of the plotlines if everything keeps looping back around to where we started? Without a payoff, it can come across as time wasted.
That's a pity because wwdits had so much going for it - interesting characters and relationship dynamics and fun bits. It just seems like the writers didn't know how to go beyond the individual scenes to find a satisfying conclusion, so they didn't bother to try. They contructed the finale in an interesting way by having 3 versions of the same episode air, but the content still felt empty. The episode itself even seemed aware of this, reminding us that last year's conclusion would have made a better series finale and having Colin comment on how many series mess up their ends. I appreciate the writer's self-awareness, but it didn't make the episode any more enjoyable.
That said, I'm glad they did not stick with the "Guillermo leaves again" fake out ending because that would be the cherry on top of my "nothing ever changes or matters" problem with the show. I also liked some of the "perfect ending" hypnosis scenes. I'd rank them as 1 Rosemary's Baby, 2 Newhart and 3 Usual Suspects.
Overall, this is a flawed show that was still fun even if didn't quite stick it's landing.
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stedes-tarty-pink-robe · 3 months ago
Wwdits made a meta finale that completed almost none of the arcs but did have 3 versions of the hypnosis scene. Each one parodied a different piece of media, but you had to watch the rest of the episode 3 times in a row to get all of them. Most of the fandom feels dissatisfied by the writing choices.
So I dont have time to watch rn but can someone explain what the hell is going on
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stedes-tarty-pink-robe · 3 months ago
So there's no alternative ending, just an alternative middle scene. Not gonna front. I'm a little disappointed even though I liked the Rosemary's Baby segment better than the Usual Suspects one.
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stedes-tarty-pink-robe · 3 months ago
I'm so glad they didn't end with Guillermo leaving yet again, making his return last episode pointless. I will wait for the rest of the endings to form my feelings on this finale, but yeah, that would have killed my enjoyment.
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stedes-tarty-pink-robe · 3 months ago
Bundles Guillermo in a warm blanket so the big bad world can't hurt him anymore.
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stedes-tarty-pink-robe · 3 months ago
Holy shit. Nadja is so on point in her emotional savvy this episode, especially for Guillermo. Go Nadja.
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stedes-tarty-pink-robe · 3 months ago
I just have to say I'm very not normal about Guillermo's "Put him down. Now." and Nandor doing it like a loyal obedient guard dog even tho he absolutely wants to tear Tim Heidecker's throat out for daring to speak to Guillermo with such disrespect !!!!!! The fact that Nandor had to have been (somewhat) nearby during the whole exchange to intervene JUST IN CASE. I know, I know, we're all having discourse with valid opinions on each side about how this relationship is going in the final stretch but this sort of thing, to me, feels like the purest expression of TRUE adoration and devotion from a character like Nandor, a character whose authentic feelings seem to always be portrayed in actions and deeds rather than words. To me, it is v hot and romantic for Nandor to not only be so protective of Guillermo, but to OBEY his command without a second thought (likeeee that ALONE !!!!! JFC!!!!). And that says nothing of them now discovering this new arrangement for being and working together- because it's what they've wanted this whole time, a reason, an excuse to live their 'lives' together again, but not the way it has been before. They're on the same page now, for perhaps the first time. They are so complicated and stupid and, personally, given all that's happened to and between them and all the issues they both respectively have I've never been prouder of these idiots. They are true blue starcrossed messy af soul mates !!!!!!!!!!
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stedes-tarty-pink-robe · 3 months ago
My love for slayer!Guillermo is only matched by my love for mansplain manipulate malewife Guillermo, so it's safe to say I loved the new episode.
Guillermo has always been quick to see an opening and play it to his advantage on the fly (getting snacks and breaks out of the Celeste situation, for example), but I think this is the first time we've seen him play the long game, and it really does speak to how much he's grown as a character.
All that time he spent at Cannon, he thought he was finally getting rewarded for his hard work with praise, affection, and eventually promotion. He wanted to believe Jordan's words and actions were sincere and would lead to greater things. He operated as though that would be the case.
But all the while, he had a contingency plan. All the while, he was at least somewhat aware that he was repeating old patterns and had the good sense to use the resources at his disposal to ensure he had leverage if this turned out to be another case of getting strung along, or worse.
That's my baby and I'm proud.
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stedes-tarty-pink-robe · 3 months ago
Okay but Jordan really highlights all the things Nandor NEVER was. He was never intentionally cruel. He was never using affection as a manipulation. He was never calculating in the things he did or didn't do for Guillermo. If anything, he held himself back from being as affectionate as he wanted.
The glitter portrait wasn't some cheap shitty little gift to appease Guillermo. It was an entire portrait Nandor made of fucking glitter by hand, of the two of them together forever. Jordan put a shitty print in a cheap frame and Guillermo definitely felt the parallel, but it is NOT the same and I hope he knows that.
Nandor was disgusted with Jordan's disdain and contempt because he never felt those things toward Guillermo. And when Guillermo called him out on his thoughtlessness, Nandor would apologize and/or try to make it right! And Nandor didn't wait so long to turn Guillermo just to keep him strung along. He waited because he was genuinely afraid Guillermo wouldn't thrive as a vampire.
Jordan literally highlights every way in which Nandor has ALWAYS cared for Guillermo far more than Guillermo knew or Nandor wanted to let on. I love these writers so fucking much.
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stedes-tarty-pink-robe · 3 months ago
I just realized…that was proposal #3.
Proposal #1 was the world trip and ended in ruin. Proposal #2 was the Ceremony of Transmogrification and ended in rejection.
But Proposal #3….they’re going to be partners. Warriors side by side.
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stedes-tarty-pink-robe · 3 months ago
so help me god if I see nandermover on my dash I'm taking a shovel to your head. do not do it. this is the best possible thing we could have asked for (knowing that the writers were never gonna go full drama-esque love confession Bridgerton moment). We still have the talking head in the next episode. we got nandermo CLASPING HANDS AS WARRIORS. TOGETHER. AS EQUALS! We got explicit confirmation multiple times that Nandor cares deeply about Guillermo and we got Guillermo realising his self-worth with perfectly reflected call backs between Jordan and Nandor.
Nandor said "I want you by my side even and ESEPCIALLY as a human. I want you as you are. I will alter my ways just to keep you in my life." IF THAT ISN'T LOVE I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS!!!
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stedes-tarty-pink-robe · 4 months ago
Maybe Laszlo has the gray at his temples to keep with his Frankenstein theme this season. After all, the Bride of Frankenstein had those infamous white streaks in her hair.
Weird take maybe but am I the only one who’s curious as to why exactly Laszlo’s hair is so long this season? It would make sense if Matt just wanted his hair that long or was growing it out for a different role but it looks like he chopped it pretty soon after filming. They’ve even alluded to it a handful of times with Nadja commenting on his hair once or twice in the first episode and Nandor trying to shave it off in the recent one. I’m not one of those weirdo’s who thinks it looks bad, I actually think it looks very pretty and elegant on him, but I’m curious as to whether there’s a specific, possibly symbolic reason for it.
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stedes-tarty-pink-robe · 4 months ago
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stedes-tarty-pink-robe · 4 months ago
Nandor is projecting hard, telling Laszlo to let Sean die because no human is special. He's still so hurt over Guillermo.
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stedes-tarty-pink-robe · 4 months ago
It's sweet how quickly Laszlo jumped to Sean's defense when he heard him shouting. Even if it turned out to just be a game on TV.
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stedes-tarty-pink-robe · 4 months ago
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