steamos-official · 7 hours
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affirmations for when you have to send emails
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steamos-official · 13 hours
The curse is completionism. Not sure if I inherited it from my dad, learned it from my dad, or just put it upon myself.
I'll add you to the secondary list and officially add you in ~V21.
I hate that i have to ask this
it is my duty
it is my curse
it is my self-imposed-requirement
do you want to be on the list (my pinned)?
((please say no)) ((you don't have to, but the list is bad enough already)) ((i will add you if you say yes)) ((i don't want to tho))
arf arf woof arf awwwruffffffff (bark bark bark) arf arf :3 woof
(yes i do. i do not want to b on the bad side of whoever gave you the afformentioned curse (as i do not wish to be cursed myself) but pls add :3 to the description)
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steamos-official · 14 hours
wait, you're telling me that Computers can me Exercised?
Honestly I don't know why people are so hellbent on staying with Windows when Linux has distributions like
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Hannah Montana Linux
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Ubuntu Satanic Edition (comes with free metal music)
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UWUntu (Annoyingly a really good OS and one of the funniest too. The guys who make it recommend you anime movies every time you install a new version)
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steamos-official · 14 hours
Honestly I don't know why people are so hellbent on staying with Windows when Linux has distributions like
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Hannah Montana Linux
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Ubuntu Satanic Edition (comes with free metal music)
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UWUntu (Annoyingly a really good OS and one of the funniest too. The guys who make it recommend you anime movies every time you install a new version)
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steamos-official · 14 hours
I had a SOLID setup going with it, and I could keep it going!
I would also have working drivers and .bat (my fav programming language btw) working again!
I would miss being able to change the DE tho.
I don't trust Microsoft much, but there are ways around their tyranny.
ok- hypothetical here:
in a world where linux distro's, bsd, or any other FOSS system suddenly blink from existance (so basically a nightmare) would you rather use Mac, Windows, Chrome, etc
NO Haiku either since I know that would dominate the polls.
I want to see what would happen if you were forced to sell your data to a company. Who would you trust more, and why? what do you prioritize when it comes down to limited options?
being toxic about it is indeed encouraged
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steamos-official · 14 hours
I'm surprised that this is only the second time that this blog has been called on me.
*grabbing my cis male Linux user friend by the shoulders and shaking him* COME ON TURN INTO A GIRL ALREADY!!
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steamos-official · 14 hours
how do I linux? 👉👈🥺
idk, install it and fuck around and find out??
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steamos-official · 14 hours
Linuk is one of the best ways to
become insufferable
pay less money for your computer
have less reliance on billionaires
learn more about your computer
customize your computer
join a cult
not deal with modern windows nonsense like ads and AI while keeping the windows interface
be sure apple isn't spying on you while keeping the macos interface
Pspspspsps linux users please convince me of the merits of your preferred form of linux
@arch-official @virtualgirladvance and anyone else who knows this stuff
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steamos-official · 18 hours
May i present:
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steamos-official · 22 hours
Windows Breifcase
I have fourish debian computers rn so I'm brainstorming ways to keep them all updated in lock step and share most, but not all of my config files between them. Any ideas?
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steamos-official · 24 hours
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steamos-official · 24 hours
cultivating literacy in alternate alphabets to write tags for the learned, like how in old biology papers they'd switch to latin to talk about sex
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steamos-official · 1 day
That's a cool looking setup
@monaddecepticon can rate the neo-tech while I learn about this distro. (what's a Gallium OS?)
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ok people in the discord servers i'm in know how much of a pain in the ass this was to get functioning, so i'm happy to announce that my dedicated media player -- a shitty samsung chromebook 2 from high school -- is now up and running! i have vlc installed, after much finagling i got hyfetch installed (a necessity in my mind), i got a catgirl for my wallpaper (another necessity), and i'm in the process of setting up ncmpcpp. yes, this has less than 16 gb of storage -- less than many people's RAM -- but a permanent sd card is the solution to that problem :3
but seriously this was such a pain in the ass. it must have taken 5 hours to get this to this state between my inexperience with hardware and firmware (i'm a software girlie), this chromebook's particular tomfuckery, and galliumOS being irritable. please clap.
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steamos-official · 1 day
Further calculations:
A CRT can be found:
Ebay - $50+
Amazon - (not included in calculations)
Ewaste - Rare
Garage sale - $20-$60, unrare
Garage sale - Free, Epic
Let us assume garage sale prices $30 on average where I've seen
10gs/wk (not many) tends to yeild 2-3mon($30)/wk
that's $2880 for 72 monitors, and would take ~29 weeks
or that's $750 for 25 monitors, and would take ~10 weeks
You can set the price point lower (by not grabbing monitors that cost more than a threshold), but that increases time.
You can also go to more garage sales.
These prices are based purely on my observations, and do not include such things as
price of adapters (display port to old TV is nearly impossible to find)
change in market
I can't be the only one who wants to take 25 or so CRT TVs, stack them up, connect them all to one computer, and have a Flint Lockwood style gaming setup.
the best graphics card i've seen for this has 6 or 8 mini-DP outputs
Assuming that it's the lower (6) and that these are DP++, we can connect them to a hub that turns 1 Display Port to 3 Display ports (this cannot be repeated due to bandwidth)
This results in 6*3=18 monitors per card
The best motherboard i've seen for this has 3 or 4 PCIe slots, so let's take the lower (3)
That's 18*3=72 monitors
I'm not sure whether this would actually work, nor whether there's a CPU that can manage that many, but that's some cool stuff!
72 = 2*2*2*3*3 = 8*9
That's right, you can have an 8x9 grid of monitors with this method!
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steamos-official · 1 day
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steamos-official · 1 day
cowsay be like
i'm a cow
meanwhile lolcat:
i'm not a cat, but i'll throw up rainbows all over your area like a cat would!
meanwhile grub:
1 I'm not a grub but 29 but grub does find lines that contain your search 90 , and end the conversation about grub" said the grandma 1000 So as always, grub will always be perfect!
meanwhile fortune:
"you will have a great day today!" - sun tzu (the art of war)
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steamos-official · 2 days
That's nearly half of the blogs on my list ya know
what if instead of calling it linux, they called it freax, and instead of being one of the best os'es ever, we just got freaky
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