stealingjune · 11 months
When I sat down to Interview John I was thinking this was going to be fun! A sports play-by-play annoucer what on earth could we talk about? I planed on talking God and sports but, We talked God and marriage! Join us as this conversation took unexpected turns on an emoitional roller-coaster. 
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stealingjune · 11 months
As a young man, he joined the US Army and spent nearly a decade in various roles within the military. During his military career, he served in many fields such as Infantry, Reconnaissance, and Military Intelligence. He actively served on multiple deployments to areas including the Balkans and the Middle East.Outside of the military, he felt the call of an Entrepreneur, becoming experienced as a real-estate investor, online retailer, and network marketer. He has also become an established consultant and instructor in the world of firearms and tactics for the military, law enforcement, security, and private sectors. (-Taking from Chris F Walker.com.) Enjoy my conversation with Chris Walker
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stealingjune · 1 year
With the insperation of Lewis and Tolkien. Zachary put his imagineation to work to write the Eternal Chronicals. A teen fantasy series that draws deep allogories to the Christian faith. Join me as we discuss our passion of Lewis, Tolkien and the fantasy realm. Get the Eternal Chronicles on amazon now. (Book 4 soon to come.)
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stealingjune · 1 year
Monica is the founder of The Still Workout™ Designed to retrain your brain, renew your body, and restore your soul, this practice can fully address all three areas at the same time, Based on Psalm 46:10. We talk about how to handle anxity, why she started this workout program, and why it is important to put faith into your workout. USE CODE: SJ20 at thestilworkout.com for a 20% discount on the 10 day anxity challenge.
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stealingjune · 1 year
Honor. Integrity. Patriotism. - For some people these are words. For bestselling author Joseph M Lenard, these are the core values that he embodies - every day - deeply engrained in every facet of his life and work. It is this set of cherished values he brings to life in his works. (Taken form Joseph's BIo on Amazon) If you enjoy Tom Clancy check out this author. Please enjoy my convesation with Joesph M. Lenard
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stealingjune · 1 year
If you were given a chance to walk across Route 66 from one end to the other, would you take it? Well, that challenge was taken up by Rick Mckinney and his wife (Jane) and the best part is they did Voluntary. In this Episode I talk with Rick about the why they embarked on this incredible journey and how it turned into the book And…So We Walked. (Now Available on Amazon)
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stealingjune · 1 year
Mackenzie had a perky outlook on life until, she woke up one night to a dark shadow lurking over her. She was assluted. The following conversation is about how she climed back through the dark to find meaning in life. (Warning some topics disscuseed in this episode may not be suited for younger audiances.)
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stealingjune · 1 year
Jenny is the author of the Amazon Best Selling book, “The Journey of Faith and an Open Heart." As a public speaker, she has shared her faith and experiences around the country, and on a variety of podcasts, social media platforms, radio and television.​Widowed at 36 and mom to an HLHS daughter who has required 8 major open-heart surgeries - Jenny knows the ache of difficult times. She spends countless hours supporting the heart community through various efforts and works hard to help others stand in perseverance and cling to hope. (Taken from muscatellministries.com) Please enjoy my conversation with Jenny.
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stealingjune · 1 year
These 16 things mission is To prepare kids for a self-sufficient life when they are ready to leave the house and live on their own. To prepare parents to have critical conversations necessary to move kids in the right direction, which includes: knowing truth, taking a stance for Christ, having confidence with humility, and standing against the pull of modern-day culture. (taken from these 16 things website) I hope you enjoy my convesation with the founders of these 16 things Luke and Brian.
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stealingjune · 2 years
Sharing her faith, nature, and love of animals, and as a veteran living with PTSD, Kim is passionate about spreading and sharing nuggets of hope through all of her endeavors. Kim uses her experience of 25+ years in the corporate world as the foundation for building her dream; of writing, podcasting, and hosting a television show, sharing her Story and others. Building platforms that help others to share their Story and to spread hope. The About Face Radio show, Let Fear Bounce, Tossing Nuggets of Hope, is the newest to her platforms. - Excrept from Kim's bio.
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stealingjune · 2 years
Author and speaker Darla Noble loves to tell stories. On here website she recalls "I've had a passion for writing since I met up-and-coming author, Judy Blume, when I was in the sixth grade. Over the years my life has given me more ammunition for storytelling than you can imagine. But I'm not the kind of writer who tells a story just for the sake of telling a story. I want people to learn something from the stories I tell...the true stories I tell." -taking from Darlas website (dnoblewrites.com) Darla also helps write devotionals, kids material and helps pastors turn their sermon series into a study guides.
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stealingjune · 2 years
A PhD., Linda wrote Supernatural Rescue: From Broken to Beautiful, a book about the before, during, and after surrounding the brain surgery she underwent after being diagnosed in 2012 with a brain tumor the size of a tennis ball. (She still has no sense of smell.)Licensed under the National Christian Counselors Association, Linda previously ran the non-profit Hope For the Hurting. Originally from Ohio and now living in the southeast, she is a Clinical Biblical Psychologist and an ordained minister. -Taken from: http://lindasplunkett.com/about-linda
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stealingjune · 2 years
Founder of five small businesses and thought leader of the spiritual consciousness movement; Spiritual Christianity, Branch Isole is the author of twenty-two books, multiple articles, series and essays. Writing and speaking on the power of personal responsibility or its avoidance, as relates to choice and consequence, his self-discovery themes span a wide range of reflective identity situations or scenarios every adult recognizes. His stories explore motives and actions of relationship dynamics across a broad spectrum. Branch shares issues and emotions often experienced, but not always voiced. - Born in Osaka, Japan Branch traveled extensively growing up calling many places home. Finishing high school at Rolling Hills, California, he went on to graduate from Texas State University, did post-graduate work at the University of Houston, and received his Oxford MA Theology degree from Trinity Bible College & Seminary. - TAKEN FROM BRANCHES WEBSITE.
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stealingjune · 2 years
What do I say? with Dave Foucar.
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stealingjune · 2 years
Recovering achiever with Emily Louis
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