steaktalk · 2 years
wrote a book largely about my mother and just our lives and how wild it was. Its a tribute to her, myself, Florida, and just life in general. It covers so many topics and my relationships, and businesses. Touring with bands, a successful fashion career. Navigating fandoms, Motherhood, Cancer, its all in there. If you are interested or know someone who might be please preorder this. Its the biggest things Ive ever done, and I can't imagine anything meaning more to me than this book. Even any future books I write will not feel or be like this.
It’s full of dark comedy and surprises. And also SO MUCH TUMBLR LOVE
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steaktalk · 4 years
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steaktalk · 4 years
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steaktalk · 4 years
True or false: you fell in love with someone else well married and that helped lead to divorce?
How are you going to be a long time reader this blog - long enough to even still be on tumblr and
A: not know I am vehemently against cheating especially within a marriage
B: not know the answer to this question is definitely YES TRUE, MYSELF!!! BITCH LOLOLOL
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steaktalk · 4 years
True or false: you regret your tattoos
False. I don’t regret any of them. I’m also glad I waited until I was older to get anything too large though aside from my big snake that I’ve had for awhile.
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steaktalk · 4 years
True or false you have been a single mama to your daughter since birth
I mean, there is a valid and possible way to be a single mom while in a relationship / marriage and I don’t want to dismiss that feeling and the people who may be currently thru that but I became a physically single mom when my daughter was 1.5 years old. If you want the juice on how long ago that was and what life was like scroll back on my Instagram and find the bat portrait series I was posting from my first week on my own.
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steaktalk · 4 years
Tru or false ur adopted
False, I aged out. My mom and dad that I talk about on social media are my birth parents and I love them very much despite their shortcomings and they have given me the greatest perspective on parenting , acceptance, and forgiveness.
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steaktalk · 4 years
Tru ir false : la is worth moving to still for young ppl
True if there’s not a job market where you live for what you want to pursue
False if you don’t really want to hustle... because its not easy out here
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steaktalk · 4 years
True or false: you ran away to New York and went touring with a band
True , but not like... ran away from home... I just didnt have anywhere else to go so I split Florida. But that band got me a job with a record label and then i kept touring with different bands for 2.5 years without an apartment or other source of income. Then I got a job with a different record who moved me to LA.
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steaktalk · 4 years
Did you not READ the post lol
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steaktalk · 4 years
Did you get a boob job? Your tits are so perky
True, yes I had cancer so I replaced them afterwards although after motherhood they are about triple the size of the implant I used. I replaced them because I completely depleted my fat reserves during treatment.
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steaktalk · 4 years
I remember a post you made. You and your friends woke up drunk and you said to fix hangover keep drinking. How did you get over drinking? I feel like I’m at that Stage where I want to drink everyday.
Not a true or false question, but feels warranted to answer sooooo TRUE I made a post about hair of the dog, which to me is still the best hang over remedy but you aren’t supposed to be abusing it by creating a cycle of getting drunk every day. You should listen to my podcast because almost every guest has been sober and we talk about it a lot for tips and support.. but also, if drinking has become an everyday thing then its time to step away and get some prospective.
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steaktalk · 4 years
true or false: you’re an only child
True and False, I did ancestry to find out if I had any other siblings but no one has popped up but I became a ward of the state of Florida at age 11 and I lived with a lot of different families after that. Those I remained close to I consider siblings, like Lizette. Family is what you make it and who shows up for you.
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steaktalk · 4 years
I got no true or false questions but a lot of regular questions - if you want advice please call the hot line :)
Anyone else needs to true or false me lolol
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steaktalk · 4 years
I heard that you don’t answer questions about boys anymore bc the answers all the same or sumn and I was wondering why
I mean, I’m mostly just doing advice on the podcast now - but also yeah after years of this it’s super easy to see the themes in life and the similarities in struggles that everyone goes thru
Every single thing needs a conversation, but no one wants to have to hard convos because people are afraid to shatter their relationship with one... but news flash the person leaves because of a serious conversation then that’s not the relationship you need/thought it was. There are people wasting YEARS of their precious life in dead end spaces because they are afraid of a conversation.
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steaktalk · 4 years
What’s something you heard about me
Msg me on anon and I’ll tell you if it’s true /false or has a funny story. True and false only questions
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steaktalk · 4 years
call me
hi! call the Steak Talk Bad Advice hot line today because im recording tomorrow. relationship issues, family stuff, business questions, whatever lets talk 855-484-4440!!! its easy to be anon, just call back after and request ur voice changed if needed, also you can change your age but please not more than a year up or down because advice can be different depending on age
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