The signs as The Fairly OddParents characters
Aries: Dad
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Taurus: Doug Dimmadome
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Gemini: Cosmo
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Cancer: Timmy Turner
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Leo: Trixie
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Virgo: Mom
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Libra: Chip Skylark 
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Scorpio: Juandissimo
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Sagittarius: Britney Britney
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Capricorn: Wanda
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Aquarius: AJ
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 Pisces: Tootie
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The signs as The Fairly OddParents characters
Aries: Dad
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Taurus: Doug Dimmadome
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Gemini: Cosmo
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Cancer: Timmy Turner
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Leo: Trixie
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Virgo: Mom
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Libra: Chip Skylark 
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Scorpio: Juandissimo
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Sagittarius: Britney Britney
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Capricorn: Wanda
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Aquarius: AJ
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 Pisces: Tootie
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The Zodiac Signs as Fairly OddParents Characters
Aries: Chester
Taurus: AJ
Gemini: Cosmo
Cancer: Timmy
Leo: Trixie
Virgo: Wanda
Libra: Jorgen
Scorpio: Mr. Crocker
Sagittarius: Mr. Turner
Capricorn: Mrs. Turner
Aquarius: Tootie
Pisces: Veronica
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Survivor Winner Zodiac Signs
Richard Hatch - Aries Tina Wesson - Capricorn Ethan Zohn - Scorpio Vecepia Towery - Sagittarius Brian Heidik - Pisces Jenna Morasca - Aquarius Sandra Diaz-Twine - Leo Amber Brkich - Leo Chris Daugherty - Virgo Tom Westman - Capricorn Danni Boatwright - Cancer Aras Baskauskas - Libra Yul Kwon - Aquarius Earl Cole - Aries Todd Herzog - Aquarius Parvati Shallow - Virgo Bob Crowely - Pisces James Thomas - Cancer Natalie White - Taurus Jud Birza - Gemini Rob Mariano - Capricorn Sophie Clarke - Cancer Kim Spradlin - Aquarius Denise Stapley - Capricorn John Cochran - Capricorn Tyson Apostol - Gemini Tony Vlachos - Virgo Natalie Anderson - Aries
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the signs as high school stereotypes
aries: jock
taurus: nerd
gemini: chatterbox
cancer: always has a boyfriend
leo: drama queen
virgo: the gossiper
libra: queen bee
scorpio: the person who is always slut-shamed
sagittarius: class clown
capricorn: teachers pet
aquarius: outsider
pisces: artist
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Magpie And The Moon
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Sly Cooper Zodiac Signs - Part 1
(I am an Aries with Cancer ascendant :D)
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Finding Your Dominant Planets
You’ll often see people refer to themselves as “Libra-dominant”, “Mercury-dominant”, or “[insert any sign or planet here]-dominant,” meaning that their natal chart is colored by this sort of energy. The dominant energy of any birth chart reveals the recurring themes and characteristics that an individual will encounter in their lifetime and is an important distinguishing factor. So here’s a step-by-step guide in order to calculate your dominant planets.
Step 1: Going to Astrodienst Website
The first step would be to go to astro.com, the official website for Astrodienst. If you don’t have an account (and you don’t have to make one), then you’ll find a page that looks like this.
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There’s a lot going on here, but there’s no need to be intimidated. You can find your dominant planets easily.
Step 2: Navigation
Hover your mouse on the “Free Horoscopes” tab near the top of the page, right next to the “Home” button. You will see a drop-down menu that looks like this:
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As shown on the image above, click on “Extended Chart Selection” in the third column, underneath “Drawings & Calculations.” 
If you want to simplify things, you can also access this section with this link.
Step 3: Inputting your Birth Data
Once you go to the Extended Chart Selection page, you’ll be introduced to a page that looks like this.
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There’s no need to create an account if you don’t want to, so just click on the data entry page (linked here). Here, you’ll input your natal chart information. I used Marilyn Monroe as an example.
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If you’re not sure of your birth time, either choose “unknown” or 12 p.m. for the hour, because that is the default information. Once you’re finished, click “continue.
Step 4: Chart Selection
You’ll be re-directed to a page that looks like this:
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Next to “Methods”, click on the “Pullen/Astrolog” tab as noted by the pink arrow. 
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Next to “Please select the type of chart you want:”, there will be a drop down menu. Select, “Simple chart delineation by Walter Pullen,” as highlighted above. Then click on the blue button to find the chart.
Step 5: Finding Your Dominants
The page will appear like the one below:
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Scroll a little below halfway down the page, past the descriptions of your placements and midpoints. Then you will find the calculations for your dominant signs and planets.
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It’s a lot of information to process, so let’s break it down:
First, let’s take a look at the planetary percentages:
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We can see that Ms. Monroe’s dominant planets are Mercury, then the Sun, then Saturn. 
Next, sign percentages:
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Her dominant signs are Gemini, Aquarius, and Scorpio (with Pisces ranking a very close fourth).
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Her dominant element is air, and dominant modality is fixed.
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