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stcrlad · 7 years ago
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                        he’s  TECHNICALLY  carrying out orders on behalf of SHIELD to be another pair of eyes on the street. but he’s also  uncharacteristically  distracted. he  worried  for his friends ---uncertain how each of them had fared during the most recent attack on the city. gamora he had known was safe. but then there was kate, billy, teddy, tommy and even --- “ loki. ” shifting his gaze over towards the trickster, noh had become accustomed to the trickster coming and going as he pleased, “ i often wonder, how do you arrange when you are simply to show up each time ? ”
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stcrlad · 7 years ago
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psa by harlock
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stcrlad · 7 years ago
                        the kree shifted his posture, silently agreeing with gamora’s  distaste  of the crowded celebration, his arms folded loosely over his chest as his gaze dropped down to the lights below. UNITY. he scoffed at the thought of it. all he’s known is  conflict , especially conflict between group, and there was never an instance were unity had occurred. nor did he believe this earth and it’s people would ever come close to truly achieving it.
                       “ it’s in their  nature  to be foolish. ” but noh would at least give them this, terrans were  arrogant  and  foolish  because they didn’t know any better, as a whole at least. quite laughable. “ do you know some terrans are under the impression they were the only complex intelligence of their universe? speaks many volumes really. ”
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“This is absurd.” Gamora insists as she stares down at the so-called celebration below. She hadn’t wanted to attend, she hadn’t seen the point. It doesn’t seem like a genuine invitation for unity, it doesn’t feel right - and most importantly, with so many people attending it’s practically a death trap. She much prefers it up here with Noh, where she can keep an eye on things.
“I don’t understand it.” She sighs as she glances over at him. The Kree clearly didn’t feel much like a party, either. If Peter calls for help or insists she needs to be down there, she may reconsider - for now, Gamora prefers to be the eye in the sky, making sure she can swoop in and remove him if trouble does in fact his. “Do they not see how foolish this is?”
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stcrlad · 7 years ago
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                     the kree raised is brows at the sheer  severity  workload teddy admitted to carrying. “ seems you are keen on doing the impossible, teddy altman, as always. ” noh remarked, leaning back in his seat, “ granted i admire it. ”
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“Don’t ask how I’m planning a wedding, working, and going to college all at once.’ Teddy laughs nervously, rubbing the back of his head. “Honestly, I don’t even know.”
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stcrlad · 7 years ago
Loki was beyond bored. –––– and had for the past hour found amusement in bothering a gang of thugs on the street. Being able to shapeshift and make illusions only make things more interesting for him, honestly. However, when he spotted the boy ( weird boy ) at least Loki saw him as weird, he decided to ask. “ Don’t hit me for this, but if you want to be garbage ––– you don’t need to befriend it. You already are” 
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                     being  STARED  at is something noh is used to — but isn’t something he takes very  kindly. “ finally bored enough to study someone? ” he responds in a  clipped  tone. the idea of being  studied , how  benign that may be, grates on him as well. “ —— if you don’t want to get hit, then don’t say something to get hit. ”
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stcrlad · 7 years ago
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“I am concerned, Noh.” Gamora grumbles as she watches him dig around. “And you know I do not get concerned often. What are you doing?”
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                      “ i assure you, i’m alright, if that’s what you were pertaining to. ” noh pauses his task, looking over to acknowledge the other, “ what exactly is concerning you? ”
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stcrlad · 7 years ago
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“Dude…” Alex grumbles as he gets up. Looking at his watch, he stares at the other for a moment. “I know you’re not from Earth, but it’s 3 in the morning and I was dead asleep for once in my life. Please tell me Noh, what was so important you had to go through the trash can in my room? I can promise you it’s nothing but cheeseburger wrappers and maybe part of a coffee from the coffee cart guy.”
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                         “ in my defense, i was being as  silent  as possible. ” rising to his feet he does realize that, sometimes the most reassuring — and face-saving — thing you can do is just tell the truth. afterall, he was  privy  to the knowledge that he in fact wasn’t from the planet.  “ i’m experiencing pains and the organic components of what terrans call garbage are more easily digested by my physiology than your food is. so --- ” he gestures to the trash, a catch of  embarrassment  causing him to pause, “ i’m just trying to remedy that. ”
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stcrlad · 7 years ago
“Find anything interesting in there?”
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                  after a solid minute or so of staring up at the woman that had approached, he remembers that it’s  generally  considered  rude  by human culture to not respond when someone speaks to you. “ hm, not  particularly . ” noh shrugged as he tossed an empty can out of the way, “ but i’ve only  just  started looking. ”
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stcrlad · 7 years ago
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“WHY ARE YOU DIGGING through the garbage to begin with?”
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                  he glances up, only  slightly  embarrassed; his time on earth has done  wonders  for his sense of shame, which has gone from  non-existent  to  barely there  in a matter of years. “ ah —” off to a great start. noh wonders if there’s a non-complicated, less  disgusting  way of telling someone that your body processes  garbage  on earth better than it does terran food, the  cockroach  genes were really to blame. “ — a little R and R . ” that is would that phrase went, wasn’t it?
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stcrlad · 7 years ago
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                pay no mind to the pretty boy rooting through the garbage. he’s just chillin’.
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stcrlad · 7 years ago
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Come with me if you want to be awesome.
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stcrlad · 7 years ago
                   " it’s  natural  to feel as such. ” noh sighed as he looked over at the other, removing his earbuds, “ there’s always going to be a  strong  emotional pull towards parents. ”
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“I know that it probably doesn’t really matter in the long run, but do you think it’s bad that I still sometimes want to just see my parents?”
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stcrlad · 7 years ago
               noh varr remained perched against the work bench, his arms crossed over his chest and a  neutral  expression etched across his features. he  admires  tony for his intellect, its the only reason why he allows himself to be subjected to a barrage of jokes each time he visits the lab, and it’s also the very thing that give him to have  fear  as well. “ and how will be you able to garentee that, mr. stark? ”
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“It’s not what it looks like,” Tony said as he wiped away the hologram of the blueprints he was working on. “Okay, it’s exactly what it looks like but I know I can make it work this time. A stable AI that can help us next time aliens come knocking on our door!” he reasoned. “Ultron was a…. prototype this time it will work!”
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stcrlad · 7 years ago
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“I’m not leaving you, Noh!” He calls out, grabbing a Skrull and easily disposing him by tossing it to the side. “We just have four more. I’m not leaving.” Teddy was always loyal. It was the trait he was known for the most. Loki was mischievous, America was bold, Kate was brave, Noh was logical, Billy was kind and even-tempered, and Tommy was rebellious.  This was Teddy’s trait and he wasn’t going to leave Noh. Especially not now. Especially not when he knew he was willing to put himself on the line for his escape. “Four more.” He grunted when a Skrull shifted into Tommy and ran him into the ground. “Four more.”He struggled with fighting with his brother-in-law but shook his head, grabbing the blonde hair in a fistful to pull the Skrull off him.
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                     " this is not a debate. ” noh grunted in return as he fired a stunning blast into the chest of a skrull just as it rushed him, the weigh of his opponent collapsing on top of him as they collided. he’s always admired the other for his loyalty to others but now isn’t the time to be stubborn. if the skrulls discovered that he has a prince among them they would destroy him for the sake of their queen and if the people of terra discovered his was a skrull he would be attacked by association. shrugging off the limp skrull laying against him, noh eyes the figure masquerading as tommy tangled with teddy. “ no one ever listens. ” noh grumbled to himself before running forwards, dipping his shoulder to knock the false speedster off of teddy. “ help me by hiding yourself. ” noh barked at the other in between the struggled with the skrull over him.  
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stcrlad · 7 years ago
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                    it’s times like this that noh feels a tear between duty and loyalty --- a conflict that he had never had to face before when they were once one in the same. as a registered individual, noh could assume that it was his responsibility to stop any unregistered individuals from being liabilities. yet --- teddy was his friend and even though noh had much to atone for to terra as a whole, he was not quick to forget that. “ that is wasting of your breath. ” his arrival was sudden, but if one looked closely, they could see the signs on some physical excursion. “ because they do want to hurt you. ” they would even more so if they knew that he was the son of an unthinkable union. maybe. back in his reality, where they was a cease fire, where there was far more peace here, teddy would have been a celebrated child. but here? he was a means of leverage. something to be turned against the other. taking a skrull by the throat, the patchwork of muscles in the kree’s arm shift before the skrull is slammed into the ground. “ you should leave this to me and run. it’s for your own good. ”
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More than anything, Teddy wanted to shift. He needed to shift. There were one, two, three four five, SIX. Six Skrulls surrounding him. They still didn’t know who he was. Princess Anelle was his mother but Mar-Vell, a Kree was his father. He was royalty to the Skrulls and if they only listened, Teddy could stop the ongoing war between Skrulls and Kree but they weren’t going to especially if they know he was the one that was left behind on Earth and it was revealed he had fooled them all. “I don’t want to hurt you.” He still had his super strength without having to shift. He could be a mutant or just super-powered. They didn’t have to know who he was. And that’s when they started taunting a few kids and Teddy felt he had no choice but to shift. Just when he was about to, someone appeared before him to help. “There’s two over there! I’ll handle these four!” 
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stcrlad · 8 years ago
“ oh yeah, sure you are” ––––– when the other mentioned Teddy, Loki laughed. He had seen him not too long ago. And the situation amused him slightly because Teddy wasn’t one to run and hide with his head between his legs. However, now the teen Hulk had to go into hiding and try not to pay much attention to himself. Beats him if nobody didn’t notice him for being green in the first place if he did not merge himself. “ for now Teddy is safe ” he informed Noh. The main reason for Loki had been looking for him, and simply to be entertained. Knowing very well that if he said so, the other might not be too amused. “ Would you trust me if I told you I just wanted to see if you weren’t dead?” 
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                       loki was no help unless it benefited him, or there was some sort of amusement to be pulling out of a situation,  it seemed that much had remained a constant in the time they had been apart. “ you were formally in the same position. or did you on behave for that long because america chavez would be quick to put you back in your place? ” the accusation hung in the air for a prolonged moment as the kree inclined in his head at a careful angle. he doesn’t understand the tricksters need or constant discourse happening.  “ are you disappointed that i’m very much alive? ” granted, he lives with a fear. one day, maybe a member of the illuminati is just waiting to destroy in for returning to the earth. or perhaps some lab would decide that the wanted to see just what made a kree tick on the inside. 
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stcrlad · 8 years ago
                  noh refused his gaze to acknowledge the other’s comment at first; knowing full and well that the main motive behind the TRICKSTER’S actions to arise a reaction. “ i was given a mission, i plan to carry it out. ” the kree’s face twists at the notion. HERO. noh had been the hero before. that role is familiar. he had also been the villain, the means to an end, but of every part he has played, it’s hero that unsettles him. not when the team that had made him feel like the hero had been disbanded. “ i also have my concerns about theodore. ” noh replied, his voice maintaining it’s typical kree dullness. “ is there something you require of me? it is highly unlikely that i’ve stumbled across you on mere chance. ” the fuel cell in his gauntlet whirls quietly, reverting back to it’s concealed form as braces.
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* ♢┆ ┈  ▌⇒ NOH VARR
If Loki was going, to be honest, and not only with himself but others too; he would have to say that; Noh was one of the people around here would think would not be all running around fighting people. Sure, Loki could be wrong. It happened sometimes, even if he did not enjoy to admit it. Taking the smoke into his lungs and blowing it slowly out again was what he had found to amuse himself with as he looked for the other male. All he needed to find was a pale looking dude who talked very differant than most others on earth. Loki actually kind of like liked it, not that he would ever tell Noh that either. The dark haired boy was a boy with many secrets and mischiefs. It did not take too long before he spotted the one and only male he was looking for right now. “ tell me you are not all about being a hero?”  
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