stastnesova · 1 hour
I used to do cross country in high school, and there was this guy on the team that was wonderful. Great guy. But his advice to everyone that asked how to get good was to run 20k a day.
If you don't run, I'll just tell you, most people's bodies cannot take that kind of abuse. No matter how much you train, you will not be able to run 20k a day. It's like how you can't train to make your cuts heal faster. You recover as fast as you recover. So while a big part of what made this guy so succesful was the dedication and mental toughness needed to actually run 20k a day, an equally big part was that he healed like fucking Wolverine. And that's fine, but it would've been nice if he knew that and stopped telling new guys to commit suicide by jogging.
Different guy on the team ran like, 5-6k a day, which actually isn't all that much. His problem when he gave advice was that he didn't really get that 5-6k a day doesn't generally produce elite results for most people. He was lucky in the sense that he didn't have to work all that hard to get great results, and unlucky in the sense that if he pushed himself much further than that, he fell apart.
I think about those two whenever I get advice from succesful people. The very things that make them outliers also make their advice useless to most people. Worse, they're often outliers on totally separate ends of the same spectrum, so their advice will be contradictory.
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stastnesova · 3 hours
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stastnesova · 4 hours
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Basically republicans want to make it so your ID has to match your birth certificate which affects everyone from trans people to married women to immigrants.
Meanwhile, in GA, they're going to force all ballots to be hand counted, which could make it difficult to meet the deadline to certify the vote, and thus potentially allow them to give the state to Trump regardless of the outcome.
In many states, such as Ohio, Florida, Texas and North Carolina, they've been purging voters from the rolls by the millions.
If voting didn't matter, why are they trying so damn hard to stop us?
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stastnesova · 4 hours
Fanbinding: Salvage by @muffinlance
typeset by @tankbredgrunt
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Zuko is held for ransom by Chief Hakoda. Ozai's replies to the Water Tribe's demands are A+ Parenting. Hakoda is… deeply concerned, for this son that isn't his, and who might be safer among enemies than with his own father.
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After nearly 2 years, I have finally bound this lovely typeset of Salvage (written by @muffinlance on Ao3) that @tankbredgrunt created for a Renegade Exchange a few years ago.
This bind is absolutely a bit of a series of random choices that I lucked out on the end result coming together cohesively. I printed half the typeset & then had paper issues in Japan; it sat for a year. Once printed, I picked the endpapers bc they felt like ice to me, & then it sat for a few months until I was going to visit @finalfrontierpublishing in Singapore. That was when we marbled the top edge & I still had no idea what colors I wanted so. I just picked some.
Then I came home & eventually sewed some endbamds I felt kinda matched the marbling, but still didn't know what to do for the case. 3 months later I realized: I have this lovely textured koi cloth that matches these endband colors! And finally, the book was finished a few days after the heat n bond arrived in the mail.
I was also really happy with how the drape of the book turned out! It stays open very nicely (peep a gorgeous chapter page by Kameron)
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stastnesova · 4 hours
we at least need to give the developers credit for fixing this shit
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stastnesova · 4 hours
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Share to save someone with nut allergies a hospital trip hoooly shit
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stastnesova · 4 hours
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I know most of y'all don't care about sports, but I just need y'all to know that baseball is on worst all time win/loss record in almost 130 years watch with the Chicago White Sox.
They can't catch the all time loss record at 134, they only have 7 games left to play and if they lose all of them they are at 126. They can, by winning percentage, end up in the top 3.
No team since 1962 has lost more games than them when the 40-120 New York Mets set the modern record for most losses (there have been worse teams pre-1961, but they played fewer games).
They are, potentially by far, the worst team any of us will see in our lifetimes. And to me that's beautiful.
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stastnesova · 4 hours
took me 8 months and very approx 380m of embroidery floss, and I’m now finished. going to have it framed soon :)
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stastnesova · 11 hours
did you know theres a automatic clutch in helicopters that connects the blades driveshaft to the engines driveshaft made of tiny little bones that sit diagonally at rest but when the engine starts spinning it the centrifugal force makes them point toward the blades driveshaft and engage with it allowing the engines rotation to transfer to the blades and when the engine fails or starts spinning slower than the blades are spinning the clutch automatically disengages purely thru the physics of the bones inside of it not having the force needed to bite down meaning the blades will continue spinning without getting slowed down by a malfunctioning engine and theres a way u can land a helicopter whos engines failed by nosediving on purpose so that all the air rushing past makes the blades naturally start spinning and then pulling up at the last moment to get the now sped up blades pointed at the ground again to make a cushion of air to land safely with and did u know each blade on the helicopter rotates freely on its own on a ball joint like they dont all just move around as a single unit theyre literally all doing their own unique pivots and shit to get the helicopter to move in any possible direction
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stastnesova · 11 hours
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Bi visibility day is on the 23rd, so happy bi visibility day!! Have fun today! 💗💜💙
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stastnesova · 12 hours
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experimenting at 1 a.m. : illustrating in chinese painting mediums :D
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difficult, but very satisfying!
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stastnesova · 13 hours
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stastnesova · 13 hours
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Silly little thing, but I made some earrings!
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stastnesova · 14 hours
Lissajous curve table
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stastnesova · 14 hours
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everyone knows oop tim. But who knows eeeeee cassie….
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stastnesova · 14 hours
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applying for internships and i think the job market may be irreparable
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stastnesova · 15 hours
Qué satisfaction!!
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